Sleepwalking to mindwalking

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another request from FandomTrash257 and I just had a burst of energy to write it

This got to nearly 6000 words so settle in for a nice long angsty read

This is a continuation from who's the dad but you don't need to see that

There will be self-harm but I've labeled that bit so you can skip over and still follow the story if you feel like you need to - remember you are loved also tw for blood

For the sixth night in a row, the Teen Titans woke up to their living room and kitchen in a mess. They'd go to sleep every night and in the morning wake up to their living area looking like a bomb went off in it. It was getting rather annoying resetting everything. The intruder alarm never went off so it had to be one of them but no one was owning up to the stunt. As they argued like they seemed to do every morning, Robin just rolled his eyes and began cleaning up. "Guys you just moved the stuff and forgot about it. Everybody misplaces things after a late-night mission," he suggested. They looked at him with a deadpan expression. 

"That hardly calls for the oven to have a cushion in it," Starfire pointed out. Luckily the thing hadn't been turned on. If it had this would be much worse than just a few misplaced things. "Well, you probably thought it was something else. I do stuff like that half the time," he argued, though his argument was a little weak. A lasagna dish didn't feel like a cushion last time he checked but fatigue made you do weird things. He knew that better than anyone. "That's because you're in a constant state of sleep deprivation," Raven stated. He shrugged, chucking the cushion back onto the couch. 

"You're not wrong," he replied. "But if you guys are so adamant about it just pull up the footage from the cameras. You'll get your answer right away."

"Or we could stay up all night and catch them in action!" Beast Boy proclaimed.

"But you could-"

"That's a great idea," Starfire complimented.

"There are literally cameras-"

"We'll do that then. We'll stay up all night and find out whoever is doing this," Cyborg announced. Robin rolled his eyes and continued to clean up after the mystery person. He was sure they just wanted to waste some time since they weren't getting out that much. Crime was on the low since Slade went underground. He kinda missed him. Not him as a person but the trouble he caused because at least it gave them something to do. Patrol was fun but the boring old muggings were getting monotonous. "You do you. Just don't drink all my coffee trying to pull an all-nighter."

When Robin got back from his midnight patrol, he was met with his team members already asleep on the couch. He smiled to himself and laughed to himself. They'd been determined about staying up but they must've been too bored to continue. He took notice of the room in case they asked him in the morning if he saw anything out of the ordinary. It wasn't messy so whoever was making a pigsty of the place hadn't struck yet. It was probably just one of them in a half-asleep daze looking for something in the middle of the night and not remembering. Though, if the mystery kept his friends busy, he didn't mind it remaining unsolved. He yawned then checked the time. One in the morning. He'd only been out an hour but he'd been feeling especially worn out ever since that whole incident of becoming a child and seeing Bruce again that he was having to come back early. It wasn't that bad to have some time out considering there was nothing going on in Jump. What was kind of odd was that this nonsense started after he'd begun to feel so exhausted. He guessed it was just a coincidence and didn't make any effort to further connect the two events. He retrieved a few blankets from the laundry room since they kept some extras for any guests or cold nights and draped it over his friends. Then he yawned tiredly and trudged back to his bedroom, hoping for a good night's sleep.

Four am rolled around and the team was suddenly woken up by the sound of pans clanging together in the kitchen. They jumped to their feet, ready to catch the culprit, only to find Robin. "Huh, I didn't expect that," Beast Boy stated. He was sure it was going to be Cyborg playing an elaborate prank or maybe even Starfire. This outcome was admittedly more interesting. He never took Robin as a prank person but he was just full of surprises. Perhaps he could get involved in a prank war at some point. The leader was maskless, which certainly wasn't like him, and his eyes were closed as he began searching through the cupboards for something. Underneath his closed lids, his eyes were going crazy and darted around in every direction. "Hey Rob, we caught you!" Beast Boy announced with a triumphant tone. The searching didn't stop. It was like he didn't even hear him. 

"Dude, we got you," Cyborg called only to get the same reaction. Nothing.

"Is something the matter?" Starfire asked worriedly.

"He's sleepwalking," Raven stated. Robin continued searching the cupboard until he brought out a pan. His head then snapped towards them and he threw the pan at his friends. Luckily Cyborg caught it before it could smash into something valuable but the velocity of it knocked him back a few steps. "We should wake him up before he breaks something," Starfire suggested. Another pan came their way which she quickly vaporized. "Or someone." As Robin began throwing anything he could get his hands on, Beast Boy changed into a fly whilst his teammates took cover behind the couch and flew towards his leader. Once safely out of the flight path of the pans, the good pans mind you, he changed back into his human form. He shook Robin back and forth in hopes of waking him but he soon wished he hadn't. The older screamed and pushed him away, tripping over his own feet and curling up in the corner of the kitchen. He began to mumble something unintelligible yet Beast Boy just knew it wasn't something good. How could it be something good after that? "Uh guys, I think we should just let him do his thing on this one," he said, backing away from him.

"Retreat back to your rooms," Cyborg ordered. They quickly escaped from the room and hoped that he'd make his own way back eventually. At least they had their culprit. The only problem was it caused more questions than it did answers.

The morning after, Robin walked into the room looking like the cat just dragged him in. He rubbed at his eyes and looked around at the room. Messy. He tutted at the state and started cleaning up as his teammates woke up. "Find who did it then?" he asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes again. Maybe he should pick up some sleeping pills. 

"Yep," Beast Boy replied. Robin paused and looked at them. He hadn't actually expected them to catch whoever did it considering last time he saw them they were completely out for the count. He was kind of hoping it would keep them occupied for longer. "Oh, who was it?"

"You," the younger answered. He laughed, rolling his eyes.

"I can't have done it. I've been asleep since half one," he said dismissively.

"You were sleepwalking when you did it," Raven explained. His expression fell and he quickly busied himself with picking up the pans he'd pelted during the night. 

"Oh, my bad guys," he apologized. He bundled the pans up and put them back in the cupboard. "I'll keep my door locked so it won't happen again."

"You never used to sleepwalk, why are you doing it now?" He kept himself busy with meaningless tasks such as wiping the nonexistent dust off the counter as he tried to think of a way to put his answer. "I think it's just one of those intermediate things," he replied. They knew he was brushing off the topic so they didn't let him succeed. Sure sleepwalking was mostly harmless but they still needed to know what was going. Especially if this was something new. Something might've set it off and it might help to talk about it. "Robin," Raven said sternly. He maintained his cleaning of the imaginary dirt until he made a beeping sound with his mouth. "Oh looks like that's my alarm. I've gotta go train. Love to chat but I can't," he stated quickly. Before they knew it, a smoke bomb had hit the floor and the leader had disappeared. "Well then," Beast Boy stated.

"I don't know what we expected. Robin and feeling are like dogs and cats," Cyborg stated. "I just wish we could just look into his mind." If those fictional idea light bulbs were real, one of them would've popped up over the teen's head. He glanced over to Raven with a look she instantly knew the meaning of. "That would be an abuse of my powers and an invasion of his privacy," she replied sternly. Her abilities weren't just some party trick for them to ask for willy nilly. It took energy and time to get things perfect. If they weren't she could seriously hurt someone. "What would? What're you talking about?" Beast Boy asked, not understanding their conversation. 

"He wants me to go into Robin's mind. That way we'd figure out what is going on."

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea. Then Robin needn't talk about what's bothering him," Starfire said. 

"Robin and I are friends, I would be risking his trust in me by going into his mind without consent. Not to mention that it's much harder to go into a resistant mind without being found out," Raven ranted. She couldn't believe this was even an option. It was an abuse of his trust in his teammates. 

"Treat it like if he was hurt. Sometimes we have to force him to accept our help. This is just the same thing and the way we need to help him is to go in his head." She frowned but the idea was starting to make sense. Robin wouldn't let them help in any other way and the cause for the sudden sleepwalking would likely be psychological. "He's not been right since he turned back from being a child. The trigger is most likely in his childhood but none of us know exactly what happened back then," Raven explained.

"It's a risk we're willing to take," Cyborg said on behalf of his friends. She sighed. Sleepwalking did mean emotional distress and one bad night's sleep could mean trouble for people in their profession. "Fine. I'll need to meditate until tonight to have the strength to bring all of us in a locked mind. No one bother me." They nodded. Finally, they were going to find out what was going inside Robin's head.

Raven left her room at three am to ensure that she was fully charged. Robin's mind had most likely been trained against mental attacks so she needed to be her most powerful. She knocked on everyone's doors, finding that all of them were awake. They were too excited to finally get to know their leader better that they couldn't fall asleep. "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked just to make sure. There was no going back once they entered his mind. What they saw they wouldn't be able to unsee. Raven herself was hesitant to going inside. He grew up in Gotham, there was bound to be some awful memories contributing to the sleepwalking. They nodded with determined looks. She looked at Robin's bedroom door and opened it. He must've forgotten to lock it in his tired state. The door slid open silently and they crept in. Robin was laying on the bed, above the covers and still in his clothes. He must've been really tired since his clothes weren't exactly the most comfortable. Especially his heavy boots. He was curled up in a ball and murmured to himself softly in his sleep. Raven put her hand out for Starfire to take then gestured for them all to hold hands. They followed her instructions then she turned her attention back to Robin. She bit her lip as she reached a hand towards his temple. She really hoped he didn't hate her for this. They were practically family at this point and she didn't want to lose that over a stupid sleepwalking incident. Her hand made contact with his skin and she closed her eyes, focusing on his mind, which the team copied. She imagined a lock in front of her and began the process of finding the right key to fit.

The team opened their eyes again only to find they were no longer in Robin's bedroom. They were standing in a long hallway with many different colored doors. Some of them were glowing in the dim light whilst others had shadow like tenacles trying to escape through the cracks in the door frame. None of the doors had labels, a trick he must've learned from Batman. It would make their job a lot harder. "He's blocking my powers," Raven announced, already feeling the push back. "I can't keep all of us in here for that long."

"Then it's a lucky thing you have me," a young voice announced. They turned around and found a smaller version of Robin. The Robin they met little more than a week ago. "Oh hello little one," Starfire greeted.

"I knew you guys would come. Unfortunately, the big guy is trained to keep people like you from opening the right door," he explained. He strolled over to them and tapped the bottom of his chin. "You want why he's sleepwalking right?" They nodded. "That's not been opened in a good while," he commented. He walked over to a pale white door that had heavy looking chains around it. He summoned a key for the padlock and unlocked it. "And you're sure you want to see what's going on in here? Once you see what's there you won't view Robin in the same way."

"We need to help him no matter what. He'd do the same for us," Cyborg answered. The boy sighed and took off the padlock. The heavy chains poofed into non-existence and he threw the padlock behind his back where it disappeared. "Then you need to know what to do. As his subconscious, I can keep his mind open to take the weight of Raven. You'll go through a system of doors until you reach the end where you'll see the embodiment of Robin's mental state. It's not...the best." His wince when talking about it didn't give them much hope for what they were going to see. "That's why you need to conserve your power, Raven. You're the only one who can break him free."

"Can't you come with us?" Beast Boy asked. He kind of missed the fun-loving version of his leader. The boy shook his head. 

"A subconscious can't enter through the doors. I just know what's inside them. The system is fairly simple so I'm not needed. Any more questions?" They shook their heads. He opened the door and held it open for them. "Then good luck." As they walked through, he paused before he closed the door again. "And I'm sorry." They couldn't ask what he meant by that as the door shut and disappeared into a dark wall.

The walls remained dark for the moment then turned into a brightly colored tent material. It was made of up red and blue and there were lights being shone on them. The group turned towards the source of the lights which guided their attention to the crowds that were suddenly sitting around them. It looked like a circus since children were holding cotton candy and the whole thing was inside a massive tent. "What could be so bad about a circus?" Beast Boy asked.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I bring you the Flying Graysons!" The lights brought their attention to the trapeze above their heads. There was no net insight as the man and woman started their routine. It was pure magic to watch them fly through the air so effortlessly. They looked like regular humans so the feat was ever more spectacular. "And debuting tonight for your viewing pleasure, their son, Richard Grayson!" A boy came into view and they immediately knew who it was. Robin. He waved out to the crowds with a beaming smile. He was just about to join his parents when there was a loud snap. It all happened in slow motion. The man and woman began to fell as their trapeze fell apart. Robin lurched forward to grab his mother's hand in a desperate attempt to save her but he failed. They fell to the ground with a sickening crunch. The Teen Titans managed to drag their eyes away from the mangled mess but they couldn't block out the horrid sound. Distraught children cried and parents screamed in shock. Their eyes returned to Robin. He'd fallen to his knees and stared down at his parents as tears rolled down his face. He looked extremely pale, as though he could throw up at any minute, and his body shook. "Oh Robin," Starfire whispered, tears springing from her eyes. He looked no older than ten. How awful it must've been to see such a thing so young. "Guys look," Beast Boy announced. He pointed to a glowing door in the stands that began to open. "That must be how we travel through the memories," Raven explained. They sighed in relief and speed-walked through it, not wanting to spend another moment there. They'd never see the circus in the same way again.

Through the other door, they were brought into a school hallway. Lockers lined the walls, some decorated but most just a regular red color. There was a boy on his own in the hall. They recognized him as Robin. Well, they supposed he was Richard Grayson but that title felt so alien to say that they didn't use it. He was wearing a school uniform and was getting something out of his locker. A clock ticked above their heads, showing it was 4 pm. School must be over. He must've stayed behind later since the halls were clear. "Told you he'd be here," a boy stated from down the hall. He was with two other boys who snickered to themselves. 

"Not in the mood Ben. Just because your dad forgot to pick you up from football doesn't mean you can come to mess with me," Robin replied sassily. He shut his locker and shouldered his backpack. He began to walk towards the exit but Ben grabbed the back of his bag and pulled him back. He knocked him to the floor with a grin. "Aww is charity case sad today? I wonder why," he said.

"I think it's because his parents got the biggest break of their lives on this day two years ago," one of the other boys stated. He wore a devious look which only grew when Robin sent his eyes to the floor. 

"Ah yes. The day they finally escaped their failure of a child," The team gasped at how cruel this child was. Robin didn't say anything to deserve that. No one should ever bring parents into a fight especially when they weren't around anymore. "If anyone's a failure it's you. Everyone knows you're going to be kicked off the team," Robin protested.

"Oh charity case, you just got yourself into a world of hurt. Guess what I got today?" Robin glared at him and tried to get up. Once he was on his feet the two other boys grabbed an arm each and forced him against the locker with a loud thud. Cyborg took a step forward to stop them but then he realized this was just a memory. He couldn't do anything to help his friend. All he could do was witness it. "Another F in math?" Robin asked. His glare faltered when he saw Ben reach into his pocket. He pulled out a small knife that he'd clearly just taken from the food tech classroom. He gulped as his eyes went wide. "You'll get expelled," he stated. 

"Dad can pay me back into school. I'm invincible," Ben argued. He twirled the knife in his hand and brought it up to Robin's neck, pressed the point against it. 

"You'll go to prison."

"Charity case you're not getting the picture. I can do whatever I want," he explained. He dragged the knife down to Robin's side. Robin tried to struggle against the hold he was in but he could fight them both off. "Why isn't he fighting back? He could totally take those guys," Beast Boy asked.

"His secret identity. It would blow his cover," Raven answered. Ben stopped and poked him in the side, getting a squeak of surprise. 

"And I want to do this." The knife was plunged into Robin's side. He yelped in pain and once again tried to get free but he couldn't. Ben stabbed him again and again, his smile growing. "Get away from him!" a booming voice announced. The team tried to see who it was but the scene paused. They were stuck seeing the pained look of their friend. A door opened in the lockers and they wasted no time going through it.


They were in a bathroom now. It was pristine white and almost completely marble, far from the steel sinks that they had. Their bathrooms looked like prison bathrooms next to this one. Robin was older now and he was raiding the cupboards. Tears ran down his face as he went on his search. "Fuckin failure. Can't even find the razor," he muttered spitefully. They suddenly felt intensity like no other. What they were seeing was never meant to be seen by anyone yet here they were watching it. They wanted to look away but they wanted to understand what was going on. He sniffled and opened the final cabinet door, sighing in sick relief. He brought out a box. There was nothing special about it. It looked like a ring box or something. They would think much of it if they saw it out of context. He opened it and rubbed the tears from his face with his forearm. In his hand was a small razor. It looked used but not for it's intended purpose. He sat on the toilet lid and rolled up his shirt sleeve. "You're just a charity case," he mumbled as he began to drag the blade across his skin. Raven could only stare whilst the rest of the team were able to divert their eyes. She couldn't believe it. She knew he did it but actually seeing the event that caused the scars was so terrifying. It was truly something she was never meant to see. "I Bruce would...well...he might be happy." He paused his cutting and sniffled. "I could- I could make him happy." He fumbled with the blade as he thought. "I could be with them." He put the blade against his skin again and pressed down before dragging it towards himself. Blood pooled and escaped through the new slit in his skin, dripping onto the white tiles. His tears came faster. Raven just wanted to run over and knock the blade out of his hand but she couldn't. This had to happen. It's what made up Robin. "He'll be happy." A hollow smirk appeared on his face. "You're solving a problem. Yeah. He'll be happy." He continued to cut deep and towards himself, each cut drawing more color from his face. "Make it stop Raven," Starfire whimpered. She could hear the awful things and didn't need to see it to know what was going on. 

"I can't. We just have to wait." He switched hands and rolled up his other sleeve.

"Oh Dickie, what've you done to yourself, chum?" It was that voice from before. They turned back to see a man in the doorway. Maybe he was the Bruce Robin was talking about. There was a small tinkle as the blade hit the ground. "Dad?" Robin asked. They could hear the fear in his voice. Bruce walked in and allowed the team to see the next door. They rushed towards it, never wanting to see this ever again. Yet they knew they would. It would forever haunt them.


"I can't do it anymore Dick," a voice said. The team was standing on a rooftop. Robin was closer to the age they knew him as and there was a girl they knew to be Batgirl in front of him. Neither looked happy. "But you promised you'd stay with me," he replied. His voice trembled. 

"I can't deal with you! You're so much!" Batgirl exclaimed.

"I-I can change. I promise!" he begged. They hated the desperation in his voice. She must've meant so much to him. 

"You always promise but you never do it. You promise to take better care of yourself but you don't. You promise not to get engrossed in a case but you do. I'm not dating a guy like you," she said rather bitterly. He flinched under her tone and bit his lip as tears trailed down his face. "We're over."

"You never loved me, did you? I was just a fix it up project, wasn't I? Look at the orphan boy and let's see how I can freshen him up. Is that what you thought?" he asked. She rolled her eyes and folded her arms. 

"It's always about you being an orphan or being bullied. News flash, you ever thought that you're the problem not your situation?" she snapped. He took a step back as he viciously wiped at the tears. Their hearts broke watching the scene play out. He clearly cared about her and she was being so harsh towards him. Maybe she wasn't in the best of moods or maybe this was how she expressed her upset but it was coming across really mean. "I gave you everything."

"If that's your everything then I don't want to see what your half-assing is," she replied, almost laughing at his response. 

"Stop it, you know I cared."

"You didn't care enough. Get it through your head, we're done. We're nothing." He stared at the floor and held his arms. Robin was practically begging for someone to comfort him but no one was coming. "I won't let you guilt me into staying with you."

"I'm not trying to do that!" he exclaimed, offended that she'd even suggest it. "You know I wouldn't." She huffed and got out her grappling hook.

"Too bad I don't believe you. Consider this our last meeting pixie boots."

"Babs wait please-" but she was already gone. She disappeared into the night. Robin reached out for her but she wasn't coming back. "Well done Grayson, yet another thing you stuffed up," he whispered. The next-door appeared and the team trudged through. They didn't want to see anymore but they had to for the sake of their teammate. When they got out, they were going to give him the biggest hug. God knows he needed it.

They stepped out onto another rooftop. This time it was Robin and Batman. Again neither looked happy. Batman glared at his protege but his protege glared right back. "Oh this is going to be bad," Cyborg commented. They could all guess what this moment was. Robin talked about this moment broadly but now they were going to see it in full painful detail. "You're fired," Batman stated in a cold tone. "Go home and stay there." Robin shook his head with a solemn laugh. 

"You can't fire me because I quit. I'm done living in your shadow."

"You're only alive because I kept you in my shadow. Do you really think you can handle the world without me?" he responded.

"Yeah, I do. I'm more than your sidekick." Batman's glare intensified. His hands balled up.

"You were more than a sidekick to me but consider yourself nothing more than a failed protege." Robin's eyes widened. He hadn't expected that. His muscles tensed up as he thought through what the other said. 

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said. You're old enough to know not to defy me."

"So you're kicking me out?" Robin asked. The older nodded. He laughed again with the same flat tone. "Oh, I knew it! I was just a charity case. Well guess what Batman, I don't give a shit anymore," he lied. "Consider your foster son dead because I will never be Dick Grayson ever again!" He began to walk away with a fake smile plastered on his face.

"Don't be stupid." He whipped around.

"Fuck you. Fuck you for ever telling me you cared. Fuck you for pretending you gave a shit about me. Fuck you for not letting me die! At least then I'd die thinking there was at least one person who I held dear actually loved me." His hands shook but he kept that worryingly fake smile. Batman winced away, his eyes darting to the floor. He didn't know what to say. The team wondered what happened that made him change his mind when he saw Robin as a kid. Why come after this fight? Did he just want to live out the old days? "Say goodbye for me because I'll never come back! From now on I'll work on my own and you'll never have the displeasure of seeing your failure of a foster son again just like you wanted!" He turned on his heel and ran off. The team hated the weight that befell their hearts. It awful to see Robin so upset. They hardly saw him so emotional. If they just knew what was going on when they first met him, they would've showed him so much more affection. They would've cut him so much slacker when he got frustrated with them. They wouldn't have let him spend so much time on his own. He must think about these memories a lot. Seeing Batman again must've been the trigger that made him think of it all again. He was going to get so much love when they got back. The final door appeared. They walked through.

The room was completely black except from the dull light being emitted from something sitting in the middle. Cyborg used one of his upgrades and lit up the room with his inbuilt flashlight. This revealed a series of heavy chains, similar to those that were on the door, crisscrossing around the room and conjoining at one point. The dull light they saw before was coming from what looked like Robin but without everything that made him human. It had his silhouette and white eyes from the domino mask but everything else was missing, replaced with a dull grey. Raven stepped forward. This was what his subconscious meant for her to do. She needed to free this embodiment of Robin. The thing shivered and trembled as an endless stream of tears went down its cheeks. The chains connected to heavy shackled that were strapped around his neck, wrists, and ankles. It glanced up at Raven with a begging look. "What is that?" Beast Boy asked.

"It's Robin mental state. He must feel weighed down by the memories, constricted by his past," Raven explained. She weaved through the labyrinth of chains and managed to get close enough to put a hand on its temple. A sudden burst of pure sadness swept through the team at the sudden touch. Their connection outside of the mind must mean they're connected inside the mind. Tears welled in their eyes. How could he deal with all this pain? How could he even get out of bed with all this on his mind? "Robin, let me help you," Raven said. Whispers began and a chain was beginning in the corner of the room. 

"Faking it."

"They don't want you."




"Stop it! You're nothing of the sort!" Starfire yelled. She couldn't stand to hear such terrible things about her friend. He didn't deserve this. He devoted his life to helping others but nobody devoted a few minutes of their time to him. A chain broke. "Liar."

"Just saying it."

"They'll get rid of you."

"We won't," Cyborg defended. Another chain broke. It's links disappearing into the dark.

"Keep going. I can only break the chains when you assure him," Raven announced. They weakened his pessimistic nature, causing the mental chains to become brittle. It was like slicing through butter. "You are loved and cared for!" Beast Boy shouted. Two chains broke.


"They don't mean it."

"You are loved and cared for!" Beast Boy repeated. Another two gone.


"You are loved and cared for!" Beast Boy and Starfire shouted. Five chains broken.

"You are loved and cared for!" Now Cyborg joined in. Ten chains gone.

"You are loved and cared for!" Raven joined in the chorus. The final ones were gone. The light glowed brightly. They squeezed their eyes shut at the intensity of the light.

When they opened their eyes, they were back in Robin's bedroom. He was still laying on the bed curled up, lightly murmuring. The team crept back out his room and closed his door. They were too shocked by what they had seen to say a word to each other. Instead, they walked to their rooms and flopped down on their beds. Everyone fell asleep near instantly as they were emotionally exhausted. No wonder Robin was so tired.

Robin walked into the living room, feeling better than he had the last few mornings. He was about to start breakfast when strong arms wrapped around his torso. "Star?" he asked, seeing her red hair out of the corner of his eye. She didn't respond, burying her face into the crook of his neck. "Are you feeling okay?" he inquired.

"Robin, I love you so much." His face went bright red. Was there something he was missing here? 

"Uh I love you too Star. Are you okay though? Did you get hit in the head last night?" Then Beast Boy was suddenly at his side hugging him. "Is there something I'm missing?" he asked, very confused by this sudden display of affection. 

"I care about you," Beast Boy said.

"I care about you too but seriously is something going on? Is someone dying? Am I dying? Oh great I'm dying." Cyborg chuckled as he walked into the room, overhearing the younger's questions.

"No one's dying. We just care about you and feel like you needed to know that squirt," he greeted, messing up his spiked hair. Robin smirked to himself.

"Thanks, I guess." Raven appeared too and gave him a quick hug, unlike her two teammates who were still clinging onto him. "Seriously though what's brought this on? You're kinda freaking me out," Robin asked. Were they conspiring? He didn't mind the affection but he kind of felt weird accepting it when he didn't know what was going on. "Just felt like you needed it. You've been working hard lately and thought you could do with an emotional reboot," she explained. His smirk turned into a full-blown smile. 

"Well, I appreciate it. I did kind of need something like this," he admitted. "But I've got breakfast to make so-"

"I'm doing breakfast. Treat this like a day off." He cackled to himself.

"I should be tired more often then."

it's nearly 4:30 am so imma sleep maybe?

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