Zombie magic

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FandomTrash257 requested this and I thought I'd take a crack at writing Jason again


Things were weird. Nothing felt like how it used to feel. It was like the universe was constantly saying syke! The team didn't really know what to do about it. There was no bigger syke the universe gave them than when they met Red Hood. 

They were all working when it happened. They liked to get work done together. It made it easier to come up without the box theories and made the work a lot less lonely. Dick was in the kitchen, quietly making mugs of coffee for everyone. He did little things like that all the time. Always going a little further to make the coffee exactly how people liked it. Tim said it was because he felt guilty. M'gann said it kept his mind off things. No one really bothered him about it since the result was usually positive. The only sound in the room was the sound of muffled music coming from the teenager's earphones and the gentle tinkle of a metal spoon knocking against a mug as Dick stirred in milk. The quiet was broken by the sound of someone entering. However, they were all in their own little worlds that they hardly recognized what it said. The most the robotic voice got was the raise of Cassie's head. "Did someone say something?" she asked. Jaime shook his head. She shrugged to herself and returned her attention to her work.

"Well fuck me I guess," an unfamiliar voice announced. Their heads snapped up at the sound and all, except Tim, jumped to their feet. There was a symphony of laptops crashing to the ground followed by disappointed sighs but once again attention was turned to the man. Leaning in the doorway was the man known as Red Hood. A deadly anti-hero with a vendetta against Batman and most that associated with him. The man who shot first and asked questions later. They stared at him with morbid fascination and caution. How in the world did he get in? Only heroes could get in. Cassie wondered if the noise she heard previously was the announcement for his arrival but why would that be on the system? He didn't align himself with the league so why would he be allowed in? Did he steal someone's identity? Did he hack the system? "Computer, change the second Robin's ID to Red Hood," Tim announced nonchalantly. Their eyes darted to him with a suspicious look. Was this a take over? 

"What are you doing here?" Bart asked venomously. 

"Cool it, kid, I'm here to see family," Red Hood replied. He gave Tim a fist bump, neither even looking at each other. Wait, the second Robin? 

"You're Jason Todd," M'gann breathed out. He'd grown up so much but how was that possible? He was dead. Killed by the Joker. How could he be standing here? How could he be the anti-hero he was now? "Now you're gettin it. Where's Dickie-bird?" he inquired, brushing off the confused looks he was given. She pointed to the kitchen where Dick was still stirring the same mug he was stirring a few minutes ago. His actions were near robotic. It was just his muscle memory that was keeping him moving.

Jason walked over quietly and wrapped his arms around the other's torso. Dick's eyes flew away from the spot they were focused on and he grabbed Jason's wrist, dragging it off his body and flipping whoever it belonged to over his head and into the counter. "Nice to see you too," Jason wheezed. Suddenly Dick realized what he'd done and let out an awkward chuckle. 

"You're the one who surprised me," he replied, helping him off the counter. Luckily he'd just missed the mugs on the side so they didn't need to treat any third-degree burns. Though he was sure to have a bad back tomorrow. Once he was off the counter, Dick gave him a proper hug with a low chuckle. "Sorry that was just so dumb of me," he explained, shaking off the laughter. Jason took off the helmet that hid his stunned look before and gave him that dastardly smile he was famous for as Robin. "What brings you here Lil Wing?" he asked.

"Just came to see my favorite siblings."

"We're your only siblings," Tim and Dick said in unison.

"Sorry to break this lovely reunion but YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" Bart exclaimed. Jason shrugged and began rooting through the fridge for something to eat. The team just stood and watched as he made himself a sandwich and Dick placed all their coffees down on the living room table.

After scoffing his sandwich and dusting off his hands for crumbs, Jason took advantage of the free coaches and plopped himself down, putting his boots on the table. "Feet off. This isn't a doss house," Dick ordered, tapping his boots with a smirk.

"Alright, mum. Are you guys just gonna stand there and gawk? I know I'm quite a sight to look at but the staring is getting old quick," he commented. He cracked his knuckled then put his arms behind his head, resting on them with a content look. He planned on staying around for a little while so he may as well get comfortable. "You should probably pick up your computers too. I doubt the League would like their tech mistreated," he added.

"You died?" Jaime said in an unsure voice. "How are you alive?"

"Oh that's simple I put my middle finger up to the devil and walked backward out of hell," he responded in a tone so sure they believed it for half a second. He glanced over to them with a low laugh. "I'm kidding. Death is just darkness. Some life-juice got into my grave and boom, I'm alive again," he corrected. M'gann cautiously walked forward and sat beside him, staring into his eyes. Was this really the boy she met what felt like forever ago? Those eyes told it all. The swirling tones and shades. The way they caught the light. They practically told his story without a word. "M'gann? You're staring is getting kinda intense. Not tryna read my mind are you?" Jason asked with a smirk. Silent enough was the smirk yet she knew it too well for it to be a simple imitation. This was Jason Todd. The lost son of the Dark Knight. She grinned pulled him into a hug. She didn't care how implausible this was. He was back. Maybe there was hope for Wally. There wasn't a body when he died so maybe, just maybe, he was somewhere else and one day he'd come back from that place. She couldn't be sure of that and she daren't get her hopes up for it but it was an option. Right now, she was just so happy that a familiar face had returned to her. Even if another face was lost to time. "Holding on a little tight there," Jason complained as he did his best to hug her back. She released him and pulled back with an embarrassed giggle. 

"Sorry, it's just been so long since I've seen you. You've grown into quite the young man," she commented, putting her hand on his cheek. "You're just as tall as Connor now. You batboys just shoot up when you're older."

"It's getting really annoying," Connor added with mock annoyance. He joined M'gann on the couch, still in some disbelief that this was the successor to Dick. This was one weird year. "Wait if you're alive maybe Wally-"

A loud smash made Bart stop. He glanced over and found Dick holding part of a mug in his hand whilst the rest was on the floor in a puddle of steaming coffee. "I'll uh I'll go grab a mop," Dick said, quickly rushing out the room. Jason watched him with a frown.

"I'm guessing that subject is a bit touchy still," Jason mumbled. He'd heard that the older hadn't got over his best friend's death and he didn't expect him to. It was like losing a brother all over again. Not only that but they didn't end things on the best of terms. It must be hard to have the final words you said to someone not be happy ones. Wally went out not making things up with his friend. He didn't want to imagine the turmoil in Dick's head over it. He feared it almost. "Why are you really here Jay?" Tim asked, finally putting his computer to the side. He knew this wasn't a fun little meet up with the new team. It would've been much grander if it were. He probably would've come in guns blazing. Perhaps he would've talked to either himself or Dick so they could stage a little scare for the team. Something that really would've had them spooked. "Babs asked me to check up on the big guy. Kinda hoped I'd have better news to give her," he answered. He frowned at the door then looked back to the team. "How're you guys holding up?" He didn't need to ask but he thought it right to. That Bart kid was related to Wally - he couldn't recall how - and the rest knew him well enough to be affected by what happened in some way or another. "We miss him. Some days I expect him to come through that door with Artemis," M'gann responded. They hadn't seen much of the archer outside of civilian clothing after what happened. They guessed she wanted to lose touch with the side of her life that took her lover. "Wish I came back to life before he went. Would've been great to see him one last time, you know?"

"We know how you feel. We didn't get much time with him before he passed," Cassie told him, perching herself on the arm of a chair. "But we can get to know you now since you're back to life," she offered. Maybe this was the universe giving them something in return for the life it took. He looked over to the girl with a small smile. "I'm down as long as you don't lecture me about guns. By the way, the safety is on." He patted the gun in his holster. Jason knew if he didn't have it on safety someone would kill him whether it be the overprotective Dick Grayson or the all-knowing Bruce Wayne. "Found a mop!" Dick announced, presenting the mop and the bucket of water that came with it. 

"Oh heavens you're bleeding," M'gann stated. She floated over and took his hand, inspecting the cut that still had bits of ceramics in it. 

"Must've been from the mug. No worries," he added quickly. He took his hand from her grip and began picking up the pieces of the mug that were in the now lukewarm coffee. 

"Go fix that up, I can handle this," she suggested. He shook his head.

"Honestly it's fine. I'm the one who smashed the mug, I should clean it up," he argued. None of them missed what else that could relate to. 

"You'll get the cut infected," Connor stated. 

"I've had bigger cuts in a worse place, I'll be fine. I'm always fine." He put the broken pieces in the bin and went to grab the mop. 

"But are you okay?" Jason asked.

There was a quiet that said all too much. "Yeah 'course I am," Dick lied. Jason vaulted over the side of the couch and took the mop out of his hand. 

"You know I'm the better one at lying right? So I know a lie when I hear one," he responded. "Be a mother hen to yourself and get that fixed up."

"Honestly there's no problem. Look at me I'm alright!" he protested, his voice cracking to give away his lie. He mentally cursed his body for ratting him out. It wasn't like he could blame it though. He was hardly taking care of it. "You've got eye bags the size of Albuquerque and you look like you could drop dead any second. Fix that up then go home." The older opened his mouth to argue further. He'd just give some sort of excuse. He had to do work or he had to stay to make sure M'gann and Connor didn't get overwhelmed by the kids or they might need him and it would just be easier if he stayed. Jason was having none of it. He supposed that why Babara told him to go do the check-up. He wasn't a pushover. Those baby blue eyes did melt his heart but didn't strip him of his rationality. "I'll get Babs in here. She wants you home anyway so I'm sure she won't mind dragging you there yourself." Dick sighed and looked down at the blood running through his fingers onto the floor. He supposed he could do with going home. He hadn't been back to the apartment in a while, preferring to stay places where he could work and have naps somewhere. He hadn't even thought about how lonely she would've been. He almost chuckled at himself. He really was quite selfish. His line of thought was broken when Jason put a hand on his shoulder. "He'd want you to take care of yourself."

"You think so?"

"I know so dude. Get going 'kay?" Dick nodded and gave his brother another hug.

"Thanks, Jay. I'll talk to you when I can," he responded. Jason nodded, knowing he'd get a meme later on. "Stay out of trouble whilst I'm out, okay team?"

"You got it, Dick," Bart said on behalf of the team. They watched him walk out then turned to Jason with a marveled look. He took on Dick's stubborn nature and came out winning. 

"How'd you do that?" M'gann asked.

"Zombie magic," he responded, gesturing a rainbow with jazz hands. 

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