Then love him coward

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Fire is the solution to everything

Artemis pulled Robin into her room and quickly shut the door. The teen stared at her in confusion. "Uh, sorry Arty but you're not really my type," he stated. She tutted at him and sat on her bed, patting the space beside him. Reading the room, he assumed his first guess about what was going on was wrong so he joined her on the bed. "I know you have a crush on Wally," she stated. That one statement knocked all the air out of his lungs whilst simultaneously turning his cheeks bright red. He stammered and stuttered to refuse the truth but she just waved her hand. He couldn't exactly admit that he had a crush on Wally. She was the one trying to date him! She'd surely kill him if he admitted it. She was trying to trick him into admitting it, he was sure of it. He shook his head insistingly to try and prove she was wrong. "Robin, I'm not blind. You really like him and I really like him too. You can see the problem here," Artemis said, gesturing to the both of them. Robin's shoulders slumped. There was no point denying it anymore. Especially when she seemingly wanted to work through the problem. "I really want to date him but I'd feel like a total bitch if I didn't tell you and try to work something out before I asked him out." He sighed. He could see how much she wanted to be with him plus she'd be so great for Wally. She'd be able to publically care for him, love him without fear. He didn't even know if he liked boys. It was pretty unlikely with the number of girls he flirted with. "You didn't need to talk to me before. I'm happy just being his friend. He thinks of me as a brother anyway," he responded, doing his best to not express how he was feeling. Artemis held his hand. 

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. You two will be great for each other," he assured her. She grinned and snatched him up in a hug. 

"Thank you."

After almost a year of dating Wally, Artemis pulled Robin into her bedroom. Since the last time the same sequence of events happened, he went home that night and cried for at least two hours, he wasn't exactly excited for the talk they were going to have. She began pacing her room and he just sat down on the bed, silently preparing himself for the next bombshell she'll drop on him. "I'm breaking up with Wally," she told him. Robin stood up and ceased her pacing. 

"What're you talking about?" he said, making sure he heard her right. 

"I'm breaking up with Wally and you need to date him," she proclaimed. He almost had a heart attack right there and then. The pair hadn't even broken up yet, and even after they were, he couldn't just move in on Wally like that. It wasn't fair on the poor guy. How would it look if his best friend suddenly made the moves on him right after a breakup? Awful was how it would look. Shallow was how it would look. "What? No! I can't do that!" he protested, shooting down her order. 

"But he's free now. Date him. Please."

"No means no! What type of crumby friend would I be to date him right after a breakup?" he responded, folding his arms to show he wasn't moving on his stance. She groaned and fell back on her bed in exasperation. "But you need to!" He glared at her. 

"I see what you're doing. You want him to have a rebound so you two can be all chummy after you do it but I can't be that rebound. I won't do it." Artemis sat up and gave him a frustrated look. 




"Just asterous!" They stared at each other frustratedly for a few minutes before Robin cracked a smile. "What're we doing?" he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Artemis laughed. 

"I think we just had a fight over Wally in the weirdest way possible," she responded. He tutted and joined her on the bed. She took his hand and squeezed it. "You're a great friend, you know? Can't imagine anyone else who'd let their friend date their crush then not snatch the chance to date their crush when they break up," she said.

"I can't imagine it happening very often."

Artemis broke up with Wally but the relationship was pretty much done long before that and the breaking up part was mutual. The reason they broke up when they told everyone else was that they just preferred each other as friends. In private, they'd broken up because Wally he didn't really like her as much as he thought. She asked him a very important question whilst they planned on ending it. "Do you love him?" He stared at her.

"Robin?" She nodded. He stayed silent for a little while and avoided her eyes. Then he answered. "Yes, very much so." She smiled warmly at him.

"I better let him know you're free then" The plan was to get them together but she hadn't intended on Robin having morals to prevent him so she went back to Wally. "Do you love him?" she asked again. She had to make sure he wasn't just saying it to get out of the relationship. "Look me in the eye and say you love him." Wally looked her in the eye. 

"I love him."

"Then love him, coward." He smiled. That meant Robin cared about him in the same way. It was a very clear invitation to pursue him because God knows Robin wouldn't dare make a move so soon after they broke up. Even if he knew they didn't want to be in the relationship months ago and were just keeping it up for the sake of keeping it up, he wouldn't make a move. So Wally had to do it. He was always more confident in that sort of stuff.

Wally and Dick were at the manor. Specifically Dick's bedroom. They were sat on his bed, each doing their homework. After school on a Friday, they'd do their homework at Dick's house then go out on patrol if they could be bothered. Most of the time they couldn't be and they'd just play games till they passed out. Wally couldn't concentrate on his work, however. He had a plan for tonight but, in all honesty, he was really nervous to go through with it. He watched Dick work for a bit, smiling to himself. Dick had his tongue poking out his mouth as he scribbled down a long list of numbers. Other people would need a calculator but not him. He was smart. He'd said once that he could see the numbers floating around in his head and he just found it easy to connect the dots. Wally must've stared for a little too long as Dick turned to him with a smile. "Aren't you supposed to be doing your homework?" he asked.

"I can do it later," Wally answered.

"The whole point of you coming here is to do your homework. Are you stuck on something?" Wally saw a chance and nodded, moving purposefully a bit too close with his book. He smirked at the blush creeping up the other's cheeks. He pointed to a random task on the page and watched as Dick began to explain it. "Got it?" he asked after about five minutes. Wally hadn't listened to a word. He was too busy staring at the other. Why hadn't he thought of making a move sooner? He just hoped Artemis was right when she hinted that his feelings were mutual. Wally nodded and kissed him on the cheek. It was a quick peck but a kiss nonetheless. "Yup, thanks," he responded.

Dick shot upright and held a hand to the spot on his cheek where he'd been kissed. The small blush that had dusted his cheeks previously had now swamped his pale skin, turning it bright red. Wally smiled at the page, waiting to hear the response. "If that's all I had to do to make you blush I would've-"

"Artemis told you didn't she?" Dick interrupted.

"Not really. More so hinted it." He happened to glance up when he saw the adorable shocked expression turn sour. 

"Don't toy with me, Wally. It's not fair," he ordered, glaring daggers at the ginger. Wally sat up in confusion. Was his smirk sinister or something? He didn't think he had a sinister smirk. When he thought about how this plan would go he didn't think he'd be panicking about whether his smirk was sinister or not. "Dude I'm not toying with you," he responded. Dick gave him a skeptical look.

"Sure you're not," he grumbled, folding his arms across his chest. He was still unbelieving that this wasn't some messed up game. 

Wally frowned to himself and tried to figure out what would convince him. Well, he had an idea. He glanced at the door. It was closed. At least he knew Bruce wouldn't see them and beat his ass. He moved forward, closing most of the gap between him and Dick. He put his hands on either side of the acrobat and moved even closer. Dick's back hit the headboard. He bit his lip as Wally brought one hand up and held his chin. The ginger brought Dick's face closer and closed his eyes then made their lips meet. He was about to pull away from the small kiss when Dick passionately kissed him back. He cupped Wally's face in his hands before they pulled apart. Both of them were breathless. "Proof enough?" Wally asked, a grin growing on his face. Dick cackled in the most cutest lovesick way and nodded. "Yeah," he replied, his voice cracking softly. They were both grinning at one another, unable to stop. "So, what are we?" Dick asked.

"Boyfriends would be great." Dick pressed their lips together, this time their kiss was more gentle. 

"Boyfriends it is," he confirmed.

Wally was scrolling through his phone with Dick cuddled up against his chest when he got a call on FaceTime. They'd finished their homework and got bored playing games so they went to bed. (Be like them and do your fucking homework.) Dick heard the call and groaned, cuddling up further to his new boyfriend. "It's Arty," Wally told him. 

"Better answer it," the smaller replied, his voice tired and muffled. He moved so she wouldn't be able to see his face in order to keep his identity a secret. With his go-ahead, he answered the call. The moment she saw that Dick was close to her former boyfriend she smirked triumphantly. "So, I'm guessing it went well," she greeted, her eyes darting to the younger of the pair. 

"Yep, all thanks to you Blondie," he said.

"No problem. I expect the full wingman experience next time though," she bargained.

"You say as though I won't do that anyway."

"When are you telling Bats?" Wally looked down at Dick, who shrugged.

"Probably when he's next in space so I don't mysteriously disappear."

Something fluffy before what happens next

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