Is that an alternative version of that crossover?

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Another_chapter gave me this idea too

In the words of David Tennant "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff" so that's how this happened.

Also, it's probably not incredibly accurate but fuck it, it's fanfic, a fictional character who was bitten by a radioactive spider and now has powers just travelled to a different dimension in order to meet an acrobat who turned into a crime-fighter at the age of nine so don't complain about it being inaccurate

Did I make angst? Yes. Did I ruin this prompt that was supposed to be fun? Yes. Do I like it anyway? Oh hell yeah

Peter closed his eyes as he began to travel through dimensions. When he opened his eyes, he was in Mount Justice. He smiled to himself and started looking around. He immediately bumped into a man dressed in a dark cowl and cloak. His chest had a bat symbol on. It almost looked familiar. He thought back to when Dick first went through the portal to go home. Bat. The person wearing it was presumably a man. Bat. Man. "Oh, you're Batman!" Peter exclaimed, figuring it out. Batman gave him an odd look. He supposed his name was well known in this dimension so guessing it right away wasn't that impressive. "Who are you?" Batman demanded. His hand moved to his yellow belt, unbuttoning one of his pockets. Whatever was in it wasn't exactly good news. "Uh, sorry. Bad start," he said before sticking out his hand for the other to shake. "Hi, I'm Peter. Dick and I are friends. I thought I'd visit him. Is he here?" He didn't understand why Batman looked so confused by his statement. Maybe Dick didn't tell him about what happened when he traveled to a different dimension. "You're friends? With Dick? As in Dick aka Robin?"

"Yeah!" Batman looked him up and down then shrugged to himself. He mumbled something about new heroes popping up every five minutes. Peter didn't ask what that meant. In all honesty, Batman was quite intimidating. At least his hand had moved from the ominous pocket. "Dick! One of your friends is here!" Batman bellowed down the hall. "He'll be here in a minute. The mentors are leaving for a mission, but I suppose you can stay behind with him," he added, walking off somewhere.

A few minutes later, a small boy trotted into the room. He was wearing a bright green and red suit. A domino mask covered his eyes and his hair was a fluffy mess. Peter wondered who the boy could be. Dick was young when they met but it seemed in this dimension they made a habit out of recruiting children. People in his own dimension should've gone a little easier on Tony if they could get away with recruiting people even younger than Peter in this place. "Who are you?" the boy inquired. Funny, he sort of sounded like Dick. Just younger. The longer Peter looked, the more he looked like his friend. 

"I'm Peter. Is Dick coming?" The boy cackled lightly and gave him an odd look. 

"Well, I'm here." Oh, there were probably two Dicks in this dimension.

"I mean Robin," he clarified. The look got even odder.

"I am Robin."

Time stood still. No. This kid couldn't be Robin. He couldn't be Dick. Dick was thirteen. He was small, yes, but not that small. Yet the longer he looked at the boy in front of him, the more he realized that this indeed was his friend. Or will be his friend. "How old are you?" he asked, trying to figure out what went wrong.

"I'm ten," Dick replied. How was he ten? Peter pulled out the device he used to travel and checked over what he did. The coordinates were right. Dimension was right. He looked at the date. It was only two months after Dick... oh. He'd put the wrong number in the year. He'd come to the right place, he was just too early. "Oh crap," he muttered. "Sorry, you haven't met me yet. Let me just fix this and I'll be on my way-"

"Don't leave," Dick insisted. Peter paused. Why would he stay? They didn't even know each other yet. "The others already left for a mission and they'll be gone for at least two hours. I don't want to be alone till then, I'll be bored." The brunette sighed. He supposed staying here with a ten-year-old version of his friend wasn't too bad. It could be good practice for dealing with younger children. Plus, he wasn't doing anything else in his dimension. If he went back he'd only be bored. Even if he did go back out to Dick's dimension at the right time, he might not even be there. That would be boring too. "Alright, I'll stay. I guess it would be fun to know mini you," he said with a smile. 

"It's regular me right now but I'm guessing I'm taller in the future?" Dick replied, a hopeful look on his face. Peter chuckled. 

"You grow a few inches."

"How old was I when we met?" he asked.


"Thirteen and I only grew a few inches? Dammit!" Peter laughed to himself, already enjoying being with the younger version of his friend. "Still no growth spurt."

First on the agenda of hanging out was video games. It took Peter a minute to get over his nostalgia for the old Xbox 360 and the old Minecraft. Of course, it wasn't old for Dick so he kept it hush. There were a few things he wanted to keep a surprise for the future. As they made their first dirt house, Dick began to ask questions about his future self. "So I know I'm not taller, how do I look?" he asked, half paying attention to building.

"You look the same mostly. A bit thinner," Peter responded. He was a little absorbed in the game to really answer. He was stress-building his house whilst the sun went down in the background. Even with his quick reflexes, he didn't see his character surviving the night if he didn't finish it and he didn't want to die on the first night. Dick would no doubt berate him for it if he did. "Awesome," Dick mumbled. There was a pause before Dick spoke again. They finished their houses and got into their beds. As the screen darkened, Dick glanced at Peter. "I can't help but be surprised," he said. His eyes lingered on the older before darting to the screen. Peter laughed.

"Yeah, having a friend in a different dimension would surprise anyone," he replied. When he woke up the day they met, he didn't think that he'd make a friend. He didn't think he'd see a kid backflip off one of the tallest buildings in New York and then continue to run from the Avengers for miles. He didn't think that when Bruce warned them about a visitor from the different dimension he'd see the person he was supposed to be fighting, help someone in need when it would surely get them caught. Peter bet that Dick didn't think any of what happened would've happened. "No, that's not what I meant."

"Oh, what did you mean?" Peter asked, confused as to what he was referring to. His question wasn't answered for a while. Dick was trying to find the right words he guessed. After presumably finding them, Dick replied. "I meant I didn't think I'd make it to thirteen."

A heavy silence filled the room but it only seemed to affect Peter. Dick just continued playing the game by punching some wood blocks. Peter could hardly concentrate on his own game. Had he heard him right? What ten-year-old said things like that? Well, he guessed no other ten-year-old was fighting crime. He supposed what scared him the most about the statement was that he'd thought the same thing about himself. Obviously, he was older than thirteen but he held the same sentiment. There were some days he would come home from a fight and wonder how long he could really do this. Crime-fighting wasn't forever. It could never be a gig that would go on and on. People died. People who were good. People who were bad. People who were in between. If you didn't die, you got too old to do it anymore. "I didn't expect to get an existential crisis today," Peter muttered, picking his controller back up and trying to play so he could shake off the feeling. He came here for a good time not a sad time. Dick overheard him and laughed morbidly. "Sorry. I've just had a few close calls lately. Makes you think about the future, you know?" he replied. He nudged Peter in an attempt to cheer him up. Neither knew why it was supposed to cheer people up when you nudge them in the arm but Dick did it anyway. "Close calls?"

"Too long a torture session if you catch my drift," he clarified.

"But you're so young," Peter argued. His assertion made the younger cackle. Genuinely cackle. The cuteness of it was lessened by what he was cackling at. 

"Are you kidding? Age doesn't matter to them. Especially when I foil their lastest plots and beat them up," he explained. "Are villains different in your universe?" Peter thought back to Vulture. He knew exactly how old Peter was in the final fight yet he still hurt him. There was no hesitation from his end of the fight even when finding out he was hurting a teenager. A teenager that was painfully close to the age of his daughter. Sometimes Peter had to wonder if it had been Liz in that suit, would the Vulture have still fought? "No, I guess not. I just started older," he responded.

"I shouldn't have said anything but I want to say thank you. For showing up. I really needed some security other than Bats and everyone telling me things will be okay," he admitted. Peter smiled at him and gave him a hug. He looked like he needed it. Dick hugged him back with a grin. He needed it.

Years in the future to where Peter was supposed to go

Dick suddenly smiled to himself as he typed up his mission report. "What're you smiling at?" Wally inquired, noticing the smile out of the corner of his eye. A smile had grown on his own face purely because he saw the other smile. He loved Dick's smile but they never appeared whilst he was typing up mission reports. Probably because they were so dull to write. "Just remembered something," Dick responded as he chuckled to himself. He knew Peter had gone to the wrong time but he was thankful for it. The memory of that lonely day where he was left with his own thoughts was now replaced and he couldn't even remember how sad he was then. He just remembered a lovely day playing Minecraft with a teenager named Peter from another dimension. "A good memory I take it?" Wally asked, enjoying seeing the other so happy all of a sudden. 

"A great memory."

I go back to college in a week and you can bet your ass I'm not prepared in the least

well I've done my homework but i don't have any school supplies, a rucksack since my last one broke, folders (that i need to get organised) and i need to revise sociology so if fanfics become scattered it's because of that

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