Kidnapped Kids Pt 1

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CloeTheTealSnake this is why I needed to know the effects of chloroform 

Jason - 11

Dick - 3

Don't question my ages okay 


Jason huffed loudly as he sat on the couch flipping through the channels with Dick's head on his lap. Why did he have to be left with the baby? Just because he didn't want to go to some dumb old stuffy dinner party that would drag on for hours. It wasn't his fault that he hated those things. People gave him dirty looks and he couldn't stand how snobby the other kids were. Plus the food there was in tiny portions so he'd still be hungry even after dinner. Still, he could've gone out on patrol or done something better with his time. They could've brought Dick with them even if he was a little young. He didn't need to watch over his toddler brother. It was like they were punishing him for something. He glanced over to where Dick was having a nap. At least he wasn't crying or screaming. Dick usually only cried when he was waking up so he just hoped he napped longer than usual and slept through the entire night. That was very much wishful thinking but he liked to think about it. He overheard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs during the minute of silence between flicking channels but attributed them to Alfred. The butler was probably just checking in on him and Dick. God knows how much Alfred loved the baby of the family. He spoilt Dick rotten. He always gave him the best food, made sure he got all the attention he needed and then some and made sure he always had a sweet treat even if he didn't eat all his dinner. It was a miracle that Dick wasn't chubby. In fact, he was still on the thin side. They guessed he just had a good metabolism from his parents. He also inherited their flexibility. None of them felt more fear than the moment Dick did the Exorcist walk down the stairs. It was truly terrifying. He promised never to do it again.

The footsteps came closer. There was something Jason didn't like about the footsteps. They were too heavy to be Alfred's and sometimes it sounded like there was more than one set. He furrowed his eyebrows and lightly shook Dick awake. Now that he thought about it, he didn't hear Alfred come back from dropping his family off at the party. He didn't remember ever hearing the door close and he had a great memory. Dick yawned tiredly, rubbing at his eyes, and gave Jason a sleepy glare. It was very cute. He seemed to catch on something was up because Jason wasn't teasing him about snoring too loud. "What's up, Jay?" he asked. He could barely keep his eyes open and that couldn't be blamed. He'd only slept for ten minutes when he normally slept for an hour. 

"I think there's someone else in the house," Jason whispered.

"Alfred?" He shook his head. A look of terror swept across Dick's face. He knew it was only supposed to be him, Jason and Alfred, in the house tonight. Both knew that their family would be out till midnight and it was barely past 5 pm yet. There was no good reason for anyone else other than those previously named to be in the house. The older of the pair got onto his feet and cautiously tiptoed to the doorway. He peeked out from behind the door then scanned the hall. Lower down he could see shadows moving along the wall. He quickly dipped back into the room and planned on what to do next. They weren't close to an entrance to the Batcave so retreating there wasn't an option. They had to hide in the room. But where? There weren't too many places in the room they could hide but they could do it. No doubt the people in their house were looking for something. Maybe they could just hide whilst they took some expensive paintings and china. Jason debated on whether to fight back or not but he had to protect his little brother first plus he didn't know the first thing about who these people were. If he lost the fight, which could be plausible since he didn't have any weapons and he didn't know how many people were there or what level they were trained to in combat, then Dick would be left alone to fend for himself. Dick couldn't fight. He was three. He looked around the room and found a cupboard. It'll do. He grabbed Dick's hand and they crept over to the cupboard, making sure they didn't make too much noise that would draw attention to themselves.

Once they were in the cupboard, they huddled together. Jason could feel Dick begin to shake and he couldn't help but shake too. He didn't know who they were. He didn't know if they were just some robbers who had a lucky break or assassins sent to kill as many of the Wayne family they could. He just didn't know and not knowing was torture. They could only hide. Hide and hope for the best. Neither of them could do much about the situation, they had to ride it out. "Jay, I'm scared," Dick whispered.

"It's okay. We'll be okay," he whispered back. Neither was convinced by the statement.

Suddenly they heard the door swing open and bang against the wall. Dick managed to stifle his yelp which Jason was thankful for. The younger buried his head in his chest, trying to hide further but to no avail. His shaking became more prevalent. They listened carefully to the footsteps that entered the room. There were three sets, maybe four. They slowly went around the room, remaining silent. The couch was upturned, they heard the loud thud of it hitting the floor and the sound of the vase that was on the table next to it smash. It was probably knocked off in the process. Jason internally panicked. If these people were checking under the couch then they would definitely check in the cupboard they were hiding in. What if they were kidnapped? Dick was only three. How was he going to deal with this? Jason prayed he didn't have to see his terrified expression but he knew it would happen. They were going to be taken to wherever by these guys and they couldn't do anything to stop it. Luckily, they had a family of Bats who wouldn't rest until they found them but that didn't stop whatever would happen to them at that time. "Come out now and we won't hurt you," a gruff male voice announced. Fat chance. They were going to hurt them either way. The pair remained hidden. A pair of footsteps came close to them. They held each other tightly and tried their best to keep their whimpers quiet. The door was torn open and they were ripped apart by two men. Dick screamed the moment he was taken out of brother's grip so when a rag was held against his mouth. His eyes rolled back and his head lolled to the side as his body went limp in the man's arms. Jason kicked violently to get out of the man's grip but a rag was put over his mouth like Dick. He knew the smell immediately. He hated that smell. He attempted to hold his breath but the man was wise to his attempt and whacked him in the side so he gasped, allowing the chemical to do its work.

Jason's head tossed slowly from side to side as he began to come to. He felt sick which confirmed his suspicions that the chemical on the rag was chloroform. He knew it's side effects. The guy who gave it to him had used a little too much but he did better than most amateur kidnappers so this wasn't his first time on the rodeo. Just what he needed. An experienced kidnapper. He slowly became aware of his surroundings. He could now hear two people talking. They could be arguing but it was too muffled to tell what it was about. Someone was crying but it was quiet. Like they were trying to hide it. Jason shifted. He felt like he was lying on the floor. A stone floor to be precise. It was too cold to be wood. His hands were pulled uncomfortably behind his back, fixed with thick rope. Definitely an experienced kidnapper. He cracked open an eye only to quickly close it. The whole room was spinning so he didn't get a good look. He breathed through the sickness caused by the spinning and tried again. Whilst confirming that he was indeed lying on a stone floor, he could also confirm that he was staring at a brick wall. Whatever was happening in the room was happening behind him or it was in the next room and going on very loudly. "The fuck is wrong with you Nick. He's practically a baby," a man ordered. His voice was booming and made Jason wince. It was way too loud for him considering he was still groggy from waking up. He wondered who the man was talking about. "He's more like two and he brought him on himself! Look what he did!" Someone who was two was in the room. Dick was often mistaken for a two-year-old, he was just short. Wait, Dick! He bolted upright but lay right back down when a wave of nausea hit him hard. He winced and rolled over so he could see what was going on behind him. Dick was curled up on the floor, facing away from him, with his hands tied tightly behind his back. He was shivering like mad. The men stood over him, one visibly angry and the other pouting about being yelled at. "It's your own fault for giving him too much! Now come with me." The man followed the second out of the room and Jason heard them lock the heavy door.

"Dick?" he called, trying to get his attention. The boy jumped at the call of his name and quickly turned around. A relieved smile came across his face whilst a look of horror swept over Jason's. Blood trickled down the younger's face from his nose. Yet he smiled anyway. He did his best to scramble over to his older brother, finding himself a little off balance since his hands were behind his back. "Jay!" he exclaimed excitedly. 

"What happened whilst I was out?" Jason inquired, scanning the other's face. Dark circles were growing under his eyes and his nose looked slightly crooked. Who would break a three-year-old's nose? He was going to make sure they paid for this. "I woke up first 'n the bad man was carryin me but I got sick n it went on his shirt so he hit me," Dick explained, fresh tears mixing with the blood running down his face. 

"I'm going to kill those dickheads!" A whimper brought his attention from glaring at the door as though it were the people who did this and to the sobbing child in front of him. What was he thinking? He needed to comfort his little brother first. "Sorry, I shouldn't shout. You've been very brave," Jason told him.

"I have?" Dick asked, cheering up.

"Oh definitely. When we get home, I'll tell Bruce all about how good you were." He started to plan how to get their hands free. Jason doubted they could escape so it was purely for comfort. "Do you think you could bring your hands in front of you?" he asked. Dick thought for a moment. He stood and contorted his legs so he could bring his arms in front of him. He grinned when he completed the task, looking at Jason for praise. "Well done Dickie. Do you remember those rope tying lessons Alfred gave you?" Dick nodded. "I bet that you can untie your hands. How about you give it a go?" Happily accepting the challenge, Dick pulled at the thick ropes with his teeth and loosened the ties. He managed to get the ties off and rubbed at his wrists. They were already red and sore from the bonds. "Great job! Can you do the same for me?" Dick nodded and Jason rolled over so he could get at his hands. After a few minutes, he was free.

The pair hugged each other instantly once they were free. "You did amazing Dickie," Jason told him, wiping away the blood from his nose with his sleeve. Occasionally the younger would yelp at his touch but it had to be done. For Jason's sake. He couldn't stand seeing the blood caking his brother's face any longer. It turned his stomach something rotten. "Thank you," Dick replied. Jason found himself liking the fact his attention was all on Dick. It helped give him something to do whilst they waited for someone to notice their disappearance and find them. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too long until they were out of this place. He had no idea where they were. All he knew was that they were in a stone room with brick walls. Nothing fancy. There were no windows and the only exit was a door that he heard locked. He finished wiping away the blood and began fussing over Dick's hair. "You're really brave cuz I saw you kickin the guys when they put that funny smellin' tissue over our mouths. Made me feel really sick," Dick admitted.

"Didn't you say you threw up?" Dick nodded. Fuck. He wasn't far off getting dehydrated and Jason doubted they'd be given water whilst they stayed there. He guessed he should count himself lucky that he didn't throw up somewhere in the room. The stench would be awful. "Didn't it make you feel like that?" Dick asked, tilting his head to the side questioningly. 

"It makes everyone feel like that. I've just got a stronger stomach than you." They laughed morbidly.

"How long will it take them to find us?" Jason stayed silent. He didn't know. At least it would be a few hours and at most...well, he didn't want to think about the maximum right now. Even if Dick was keeping him off completely panicking, thinking about how long they could potentially be staying there would surely set him off. "I don't know but they'll find us."

After a few hours, they heard the door unlock. They jolted into action and jumped to their feet. Jason made sure Dick was behind him as the four men from the manor walked into the room. One of them was carrying a tripod in one hand and a camera in another. It wasn't a very expensive camera but it would do its job of recording a video to scare someone. "I told you they would get out of those ropes. You wasted twenty minutes on tying them up," a blonde man stated. He looked to be the ringleader of the group as he had come in first. His gruff voice was familiar too. He'd been the one to shout at one of them for hitting Dick. "Well I thought it was a good idea," the brunette responded, seemingly hurt by the attack on his handiwork.

"They can't get out of here anyway," the tallest of the quartet added.

"Whilst I'd love to hear you squabble all night, I've got places to be. Can we hurry this up?" Jason said sarcastically. They all glared at him. The tallest and the brunette marched towards him and Dick, once again pulling them apart. Dick was too tired to make a fuss as he'd done before. He just whined and pulled weakly against the tallest's grip. Jason, however, kicked and yelled at his aggressor. "Stop it or your brother will have more than a broken nose," the brunette muttered in his ear. Jason halted. Fighting back and getting beaten up himself was fine but he couldn't stand if Dick was hurt over him making trouble. He nodded, deciding it wasn't worth it. "Keep them still," the blonde ordered. "I may as well make the most of what Phil did," he added, referring to Dick's broken nose.

The camera was set up and they made sure both children were in the frame. Neither looked at the camera, setting their eyes on the floor. They thought it would play into the kidnapper's fantasy and any small bit of rebellion they could do was rebellion nonetheless. "Mr. Wayne, we have two of your children. We will continue to hold them here until you pay us four million dollars and hand over all your anti-biological weapons documents. If we don't receive either of these within the next twenty-four hours, well, they might be a bit banged up when you see them next," the blonde demanded from behind the camera. "I'm not one to hit kids but Phil over there had a grand old time hurting your youngest." Dick and Jason glanced at each other as their fate was becoming clearer. Dick couldn't help but whimper upon finding out, making the men grin. "It'll be okay Dick," Jason assured him.

"That's if you pay up Mr Wayne. Shame to hurt such young children, no?" He turned off the camera and gave the men the signal to let go of the boys. "Give them water and food in a few hours. I don't want them too weak if he doesn't pay up," he ordered as they all left the room. Dick wasted no time situating himself in Jason's arm as soon as they were let go. "They won't really hurt us, will they Jay?" he asked, beginning to cry. Jason didn't know what to say. If he said they wouldn't then he'd be lying and Dick would only be more upset if they weren't rescued in time. If he didn't lie would that just make him more upset? "I don't know," he replied, finding that to be a safe answer. "I just don't know."

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