They can't see the gay

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BlossomWorm asked for this and I hope i delivered 

For people that the world depended on for its survival, the members of the Justice League could be the most oblivious people you could ever meet. Give them the tiniest clue as to who committed a murder and they'd give you a prime suspect with a list of potential aliases in half an hour. But put in front of them two people who are very obviously in love with each other they would just see two very close friends who were affectionate with one another. They weren't going to assume that their constant hugs and hand-holding were just them fighting the nature of toxic masculinity. They were affectionate guys in general. So their compliments sometimes got really super gay but if that was how the two hyped each other up, they wouldn't comment on it.

One sign that the League had before the pair even started dating was on one particular occasion. Batman had his sign and Flash had the other. Both their boys asked how do you ask someone out. Both of them used gender-neutral terms and outright refused to even say their crushes names. Before this event, neither had spoken of a crush nor did they mention who the person was after they got the advice. "I tell you what Wally is growing up so fast since he joined that team," Flash had said passingly. He and Batman were in the refectory of the Watchtower getting some coffee when he felt the need to say it. Batman, remembering the little pep talk Robin gave him to engage in more conversations, decided to humor the hero. "Indeed," he stated.

"How about Dick? Has he changed ever since he joined?" Flash asked.

"I suppose he has changed. Just the other day he asked me about asking someone out. Probably some girl caught his attention or something," he answered. He almost sounded sad about the subject. Well, he kinda was. Once a boy started liking girls like that their childhood was pretty much over and now it was the beginning of the teen angst phase where if they're not smoking or drinking alcohol by sixteen you've done an above-average job. He wasn't ready to deal with that. He was quite the terror during his own teenage years and could only hope that his ward didn't follow suit. "That's what Wally asked me. He wouldn't tell me if it was a boy or a girl though." Batman hummed.

"Dick was like that too."

"Teenagers eh? They're a strange breed indeed," Flash replied with a chuckle. He lightly jabbed Batman's arm with his elbow in a joking manner. 

"Don't touch me."

They never heard a follow up to the dating situation. It was Green Arrow and Black Canary who got further clues that they promptly scrunched up and threw out a window onto a busy street. They were in the Mountain at the same time as the not-so-secret secret couple completely by accident. They were doing some updates which were originally just going to be a one-person job but Green Arrow decided he wanted to join. Just in case they had another weird situation with M'gann shapeshifting. As Black Canary worked and he just kind of stood there, they heard Dick and Wally walk down the hall to the Zetatubes. "How am I supposed to cover these up?" Dick asked in an exasperated tone. "Who says you should? I think they look cute," the ginger answered through a snigger. He was obviously taunting the younger and since he had nothing better to do, Green Arrow decided to find what it was over. He walked into the hallway nonchalantly and immediately chuckled. Dick had dark red blotches along his neck. They were in an awkward spot too where you couldn't hide them without wrapping a scarf around your neck. Considering it was the summer, a scarf would be very suspicious. The teenagers looked at him, one giggled harder and the other gave him an unamused look. "This isn't funny. B is gonna kill me!"

"You're right there, you can see them from a mile off," Green Arrow taunted. "So, who gave them to you? Last I heard, your dating scene was deserted."

"I got them from a ginger idiot," Dick snapped, his eyes darting to his friend and giving him a glare. Wally shrugged it off as he always did. He knew what was a "you annoy me" glare and what was "fucking vibrate and get stuck in a wall" glare. This was like the small glare you get from your cat when you're five seconds late to feeding them. "C'mon they're not that bad," he responded. "Just get some concealer on them before he finds out. That's what I did with mine."

"You got them by accident, don't brag about that," the smaller huffed.

"Pfft surreee." Dick rolled his eyes and continued his storm to the Zetatubes.

"Just come help me sort out this mess." Green Arrow chuckled, watching the pair bicker, before returning to Black Canary.

"I tell you what, those two argue like an old married couple sometimes," he joked, thumbing to the hallway. 

Superman was checking in on his clone, trying his best to follow the parental plan set up by his fellow parent heroes, when he stumbled across our favorite pair. They were watching a movie together - well it was more so Wally watching the movie. He had his arm slung over Dick's shoulder, beckoning the other to lean against him. He did and was slowly drifting off. There'd been a recent spike in his work hours since he was fifteen now. It was his own fault since Bruce didn't force the hours on him. He just wanted to feel more like a grown-up. Superman had heard that Bruce was waiting for him to burn out before cutting the hours back down. Something about a learning curve. He didn't really listen. The Dark Knight's voice was basically a monotone grumble to him. "You tired?" Wally asked softly. 


"I'll take that as a yes. Let's get you to a bed then before you mess up your back," Wally told him. He mumbled incoherently and hugged the speedster's side, burying his face into his chest. "You're that tired?" He nodded. "Alright, I'll carry you but only 'coz I looovee youuu." Dick cackled quietly and pulled away, making grabby hands. Wally tutted at the display and picked him up. He casually walked past Superman and to his bedroom. The hero watched them go in and had a thought. Were they? No, they were just friends. He shouldn't assume such a thing. He needed to find Connor anyway.

Almost one thousand signs later, the League got the message. Dick was now Nightwing and Wally had dropped out of the hero gig for the most part aside from helping out when needed. They had their own apartment together which wasn't odd for two best friends. Wally was out on a mission when his intermittent hero-ing showed how easy it was to get rusty. He swung when he should've dodged and hey presto he was in a hospital bed suffering from five stab wounds and a crick in the neck that he just couldn't get rid of. Maybe he hit it on his way down when he passed out from blood loss but an explanation didn't fix the fact it was there. Luckily, there were a few heroes with him when it happened and they were with him whilst Dick made his way over from Bludhaven to Central City. They were chattering amongst themselves until they heard shouting from down the hall. Wonder Woman poked her head out, knowing it was just their luck if someone was planning to blow this place up whilst they waiting, only to see it was Dick shouting. "But I have to see him!" he exclaimed.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't see him. He's a hero and in quite a vulnerable state. You might be a villain or something for all I know," the nurse told him.

"I know he's vulnerable that's why I'm here!" Before he decked this 5ft 3 nurse, Wonder Woman ran over and put her hand on the woman's shoulder. 

"He's with us, ma'am. Excuse his behaviour, he's very close to Kid Flash." She sighed and relented, letting Dick pass. 

"Thank you thank you thank you," he said. "I'll make sure you get a huge bonus this year, cross my heart." 

"I'll hold you to that sir." Dick took a mental note of her name then followed Wonder Woman to the hospital room. He tried to hide the gasp that fell from his mouth when he saw Wally laying in the bed. He was pale, near fresh out of surgery, and looked more tired than he ever thought a person could look. He went round to the side of the bed and held his hand. "For God's sake, what did I tell you about your suit?"

"To make it stab-proof I know but it slows me down-"

"Knives will slow you down!" He sighed out the rest of his stress. It wasn't the time to yell, this was the time to be thankful he didn't die. "I'm sorry, you just- you really scared me."

"I'm not going anywhere soon I promise," Wally assured him. "Can I get those get well kisses?" 

Dick tutted playfully and leaned down, giving him a loving kiss. He kept it PG since they were surrounded by his family. His family that looked completely shocked that he kissed the guy he'd been dating since he was thirteen. "Thanks babe, I reckon I need a steady supply of those to get me over this," the ginger stated with a cheeky grin.

"How steady are you thinking?"

"Whenever I need a top-up," he replied. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt this really cute scene - honestly I'm getting a cavity with how sweet this is - BUT SINCE WHEN WAS THIS A THING?" Barry exclaimed. The pair stared at him blankly, then glanced to one another, then gave him another blank stare. Their eyebrows scrunched up and they blinked a few times. It was like they were rebooting. "Did you not know we were dating?" Wally asked. 

"No!" Barry, Diana, and Ollie exclaimed in unison. The couple continued to look confused.

"We've been dating for five years how did you not know?"

"You never told us you two were a thing!" Ollie exclaimed.

"You saw me with HICKIES one time who else would be dumb enough to give me those?" Dick shouted back. How was this not obvious? These people were trusted with government secrets and they couldn't even tell this was going on right under their noses? The world was so screwed. "I didn't even know you two were gay!"

"Well we're both pan actually but HOW COULD YOU NOT SEE THIS?"

"We just assumed you two were friends with no boundaries!" Diana defended. 

"Oh my God, I let you two sleep in the same bed during sleepovers! I'm a bad parent! That's the biggest no!"

"Bruce did it too, it's fine-"


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