tfw you blame someone for their best friend's death

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FandomTrash257 requested this and I did get teary-eyed near the end so good luck 


Tim rubbed his finger with his thumb as he nervously tried to buck up some courage to knock on the door. He was never good at admitting when he was wrong. Blame it on his youth or his ego but that didn't make it any easier. At least it wasn't just him. Beside him stood Bart and Garfield. Gar for short. Cassie and Jaime had tagged along too. La'gann wasn't able to make it since he was a stand in on a last-minute mission at the time but sent his apologies. The door in front of them wasn't anything to look at which just made it weird for a bunch of teenagers to be looking at it like it could kill them. He let out a shaky breath and bit his lip, his knuckled finally colliding with the wood as he did. Why were they standing at the door? Well that was a long story.

It was on one of their missions where they realized what they'd believed was wrong. Ever since Wally died, they'd all been in agreement that Nightwing was to blame. After all, it was his stupid plan. He came up with the idea, made his former teammates play along whilst excluding others and he didn't drop it when things went wrong. Fair to say, he wasn't allowed back in the Mountain. In fact, none of them had seen him since they set up the monument to their fallen friend. They made their feelings pretty clear then that they didn't want to see him again. So he didn't come to see them and they didn't care. Their mission was to destroy a load of technology from this firm that outsources to the most dangerous villains known to the League. It would save them future trouble when the machines eventually got used in some diabolical plan or something. They got to the room where all the information and machinery was stored and took one look at one another. Immediately they knew they weren't going to bother with meticulously going through files upon files of information only to deconstruct the machines carefully. No. They were teenagers. With teenage angst. They were going to smash everything up. However, in the blinding catharsis of smashing all of this machinery up, they kind of forgot that this could end badly. The fateful smash that caused their predicament came from Wonder Girl slamming her fists down on a keyboard, hitting the button that set off the time machine in the process which promptly let out a spark of white light, sucking them all into a past that was held in the one place they all had an emotional connection to.

The Mountain. Five years ago.

They blinked their eyes a few times to get rid of those weird colored orbs you get when someone shines a bright light right into your eyes or when you look at the sun. Once they'd done that enough times, they were able to see that they were indeed in the Mountain. "Huh, I guess it was a transporter?" Impulse stated.

"Urgh, we've got to treck all the way back?" Beast Boy complained. Impulse was about to suggest they blag it when he saw M'gann float into the room with...Artemis? What was she doing here? In hero get up nonetheless? In her old suit even more nonetheless? "There is no way," Artemis stated, a smirk playing on her lips.

"You two have such great chemistry though!" M'gann insisted. She looked weird too. For one, she wasn't bald. For two, she was wearing her civvies. She hardly wore them around the Mountain anymore. She liked to be more professional now since she held a senior position on the team. Artemis waved her hand dismissively, trying to hold back a fake gag. "The day Baywatch and I get together is the day when the world ends." The team froze. Baywatch was Wally. 

"Robin now's the time to use those big brains and explain this mess," Blue Beetle stated.

"I think that wasn't a transporter. It's more likely that it was a time machine," he replied. He was just as shell shocked. 

"Dude this is way too freaky. Not crash at all," Impulse commented. He received a few nods in agreement. 

"I don't think they can hear us either," Wonder Girl said, thumbing to the pair of heroes going about their conversation like there wasn't a team of accidental time travelers standing just a few feet away. "Perhaps we're traveling at a different frequency to them. That would explain why we didn't regress with the time change. The Mountain is also a place we all know very well so our memory of it would be strong enough to maintain residual energies from before we were even here," Robin proposed.

"Yeah yeah but how do we get back?" Lagoon Boy asked.

"No idea."

As he tried to think of what they could do, the Zetatubes lit up an announced the arrival of two heroes. Kid Flash and Robin. They cringed at the announcement of the second hero. They simply despised him. He was like that one character in the show you loved that you hated so much you considered not watching the show anymore. He was the character they all wanted to be killed off halfway through the first season. It was quite possible that they hated him more than they hated some of the villains they fought. Riddler wouldn't get his friends killed. Wally ran in with Robin slung over his shoulder, the pair laughing their heads off. There were splotches of pink paint on their clothes and Robin was holding a paintbrush that dripped pink onto the floor. They looked really happy. "Hard to believe he trusted someone who'd get him killed," Impulse said spitefully.

"Wally let me go!" Robin cackled, lightly punching at the other's back.

"No way! Your little legs will slow us down when he catches us," Wally taunted.

"What did you two do now?" Artemis asked, smiling to herself. The team also felt the need to smile even though they didn't want to. The image of their former leader being slung over Wally's shoulder was almost too much. They looked like any other friends they'd seen. "We painted the Batcave pink but just as we finished we heard someone come down the stairs and ditched the place," Wally explained. Robin managed to finally wiggle out of his grip and landed on his feet with a cackle. 

"We're so dead but it was worth it!" The Zetatube behind them lit up and they only had moments. Wally went to pick his friend up again but the younger stopped. "You go hide. I'll take the fall on this one."

"But you'll be grounded for months!"

"And? I have my ways, you don't. So scatter you, idiot." The ginger gave him a salute and left via the second Zetatube just as Batman appeared. 

"Robin! You are in so much trouble. I swear to God if that speedster was involved in this." His sentence trailed off into mumbles no one in the room wanted to hear. Robin visibly tensed up yet held his ground.

"He wasn't! It was just me and it was only a joke I swear. I can clean it up and-"

"I've had enough of this reckless behavior. You're thirteen; start acting like it," he spat. Batman strode forward and grabbed his arm. He winced.

"But Bat-"

"I won't have you teaching M'gann or Connor that this is how heroes act. Until you learn how to behave, you're no longer Robin." They all gasped.

"You promised you wouldn't do that-"

"I promised that when you weren't acting like this. I'm giving you once last chance to fess up doing this with Wally and maybe you'll get to be Robin in the next month." The team held their breaths. He'd obviously rat him out. Robin meant more to him than anything else didn't it. Yet Robin pursed his lips and shook his head. "It was just me. Like I said." Batman rolled his eyes and dragged him back into the Zetatube, his hold still tight on the younger's arm, and they presumably went back to the Batcave.

That just didn't make sense with the theory that the team had. Dick had gotten Wally killed because he had a plan and he stuck to it no matter the consequences but no more than five years ago he risked the title of Robin just to protect his friend. From talking with people who knew Dick during this time, they always said one thing. He hadn't changed a bit apart from growing taller. If he did this as a kid, it made less sense for him to get Wally killed. "Is anybody else feeling a little guilty right now?" Wonder Girl questioned, knowing the awful weight that was now hooked around her heart. They nodded. 

"Now that I think about it, he did look really sad at the funeral. Kinda like he'd been crying beforehand," Impulse admitted.

"Oh God, we blamed a guy for his best friend's death," Blue Beetle stated.

"This is Dick, of course, he didn't mean for this to happen. He's been nothing but nice to us and we repaid him by blaming him for everything," Beast Boy added, running a hand over his face. He felt sick. All the stories they'd heard of the pair were inseparable. Of the pair being like brothers. Even with that in mind, they still found him guilty of basically second-hand murder when in reality he didn't know how it would end. He wasn't a mind reader. He was just a guy. A kid that barely turned eighteen before he was tasked with trying to save the world. Sure he'd been doing the gig since he was nine and had a lot of experience but he was still young. Every other eighteen-year-old was out getting drunk, going to parties and living it up like they were going to die the next day. He had to deal with the weight of the world, manage a team, protect Bludhaven and keep up a job that if he lost would mean he wouldn't be independent. "We really stuffed up, huh?" Robin stated. The worst part was that he knew Dick personally. He saw how he got when he was upset. He saw him on the anniversaries when no one else did. He saw him on the odd breakdown after too many sleepless nights. Yet he still chose to blame him for the death of the speedster. "We-we need to fix this. I can't deal with this sort of stuff. I feel too much!" Wonder Girl exclaimed.

"No kidding. I've never felt like such a piece of shit so fast," Impulse responded. "We need to get back!"

As if on cue, and totally not because the author has no knowledge of how time travel actually works, a bright light flashed in front of them again. This time when they blinked away the dots, they were in the room they began in. There was an eerie silence amongst them as they came to grips with the pit in the stomach only the worst of guilt could create. They looked around the room at the job they still needed to finish. By the time they got back, it would be three in the morning. They couldn't show up at Dick's door at three in the morning apologizing for being horrible to him when he really needed them to give him a break. They knew the older members of their team were more forgiving but they had a sneaking suspicion that they weren't there for him as much as they could be. Resentment would be natural for them. It wasn't natural for the younger members. They didn't know Wally as long as they did. They didn't have the right to hold that resentment. "Here's the plan, we finish up here and go home. Tomorrow we meet in Bludhaven and apologize to him. This isn't really a texting thing," Robin announced.

"I wish it was though," Blue Beetle replied. "It would make it so much easier."

"Think about it this way. Wally's been gone for three months and that entire time Dick had felt shitty, I think it's a more than fair trade that we feel shitty for a few days."

"Guess so."

Tim finally knocked on the door. Inside they heard some movement before a serious of locks clicked. The door opened and they felt their guilt worsen. Dick looked terrible. There were dark bags under his eyes, his hair was unwashed and clung to the sweat of his forehead, His eyes were like pissholes in the snow and wore the red that only sleepless nights could do. He had a shake about him. Not one from cold but the one you got when you were running on fumes and coffee. He gave them a half-smile, barely reminiscent of his bright grins they'd seen before. He rested his cheek on the door as though he was depending on it to keep him upright. "Oh hey, Timmy, Timbo, Timmmmbits?"

"Hey Dick, uhm, can we come in?" the younger asked. He nodded and moved to open the door wider. 

"Yep sure. Uh, don't mind the mess. Or the leftovers. Or the uh the bandages. Or the cups of coffee," he said, saving the last three for a well-timed cough to cover them up. The apartment had always been small. He'd liked it because of that since it reminded him of the close quarters of the circus. He'd never liked empty space. However, the place was in disarray. There were sheets of paper all over the place, some were piled as tall as Gar. There were empty cans of energy drinks thrown around, one resting on the coatrack somehow. The coffee table was full of brown case files that had either a ring of coffee from a mug or a substance that they hoped was ketchup. Dick snatched up a cup with trembling hands and took a sip. His face showed a brief look of disgust before he set it back down. "Sooo, what brings you to my humble abode. I haven't seen you guys since..." he didn't finish the sentence. They saw his eyes well up just thinking back to it. He coughed to himself then wiped at his eyes. "You know."

"Yeah, about that. We had a situation yesterday night that made us rethink a few things," Bart replied. Dick raised an eyebrow. 


"We're really sorry," Cassie stated. He furrowed his eyebrows and they didn't blame him for being so confused. They'd been giving him the cold shoulder for months and now they were saying sorry. They were probably sending so many mixed signals. "We know how much Wally meant to you now and we're really sorry we blamed you for him dying. We know you wouldn't have wanted that."

Their apology was met with silence. Dick stared at them blankly for a few moments. He then blinked and looked away with a sad smile. "You don't need to say sorry. It is my fault. I made the plan, I-I got him back into being a hero. He wouldn't have been there and Artemis would still have her boyfriend and they would've had such cute kids and I would've been the fun uncle that taught them stupid circus tricks and gave them sweets even when Arty said they couldn't have anymore and-" he interrupted himself when he felt that familiar sting of tears. He took a deep breath and conducted himself. He was their leader. He wasn't supposed to cry in front of them. "At the end of the day, Wally chose to come back. He didn't have to but he did. He chose to save the world no matter the risk. It was your plan but it was his choice," Tim told him.

"Thanks Tim," he responded. He swallowed thickly. He'd had his time to cry. God knows he'd used every minute of it. This wasn't the time to cry. 

"If you don't mind me asking when was the last time you slept?" Cassie asked.


"Today is Saturday," she reminded him. He nodded, knowing that already. "You haven't slept for a week?" she exclaimed.

"I've been busy. Work and that. Keeping you guys on missions. Taking on some of Barry's cases. Handling my own city. Taking on some of Tim's cases. Taking on some of Bruce's. Taking on some of Babs. Then you've got the international ones. I could go on," he said, shrugging off their concerns. He chugged the rest of whatever was going on inside that coffee cup. 

"You need to sleep. No offense but you look really bad," Gar commented.

"I'm fine, honest."

"You're overwhelmed with work. You've got at least fifty cases just on your coffee table," Jaime insisted.

"I am very much whelmed. Everything is fine as long as I ignore the sleep-deprived hallucination and the probably infected cut on my back I got from fighting a ninja- Oh did I tell you I fought a ninja. Probably the highlight of my career. Heh, ninjas." He put the coffee mug in the sink, making them suddenly aware of how many mugs were in there. It had only mugs. No cultery or plates. Not even a spoon from stirring coffee. 

Cassie couldn't bear it anymore and ran up to him, giving him a tight hug. "I'm sorry Dick. I'm really sorry. I know he was your best friend and I'm so sorry I made you feel like it was your fault." Tears trickled down her cheeks as she held him tightly. The last time they hugged he wasn't this thin. He'd really just stopped looking after himself and she had the right mind to think it was because he felt like this was all his fault. Why would he care for the person who killed his friend? "Hey, hey, it's alright. Everything's okay."

"No, it's not! You're one of the closest people to Wally and you knew him so well and I pushed you away! You could've told me so much about him and I didn't let you," Bart cried. "Wally saw you as a brother. Barry sees you as a nephew. You're family and I treated you like you were nothing." He sped over and nearly knocked the older over when he held him in a hug.

"And you tried everything you could to help me and I repaid you by blaming you for something you had no control over," Jaime added. He felt like he should join the hug too so he did. 

"You were like a big brother to me," Gar said, joining the hug.

"And you are my big brother. You taught me everything Batman wouldn't. You were always there for me and I wasn't there for you." Dick choked back a sob. He couldn't believe it. He really did have an impact on these kids. He wasn't a total screw up at least. 

"I don't know what to say," he began, dumbfounded.

"You don't need to say anything," Tim told him. He pulled away with a soft smile. "Just accept the apology. If you can."

"You didn't need to apologize to me in the first place."

"Yes we did. You're grieving too, even more so than we are. We lost a member but you lost a brother," Cassie insisted. "Diana used to joke that you two were like soulmates."

"I'm not much of a soulmate. Wally and I didn't end things on the best of terms. I never got the chance to fix it." A few rogue tears traveled down his face as he thought about the fight. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye properly. He had to say goodbye to a grave. It wasn't the first time he'd done that but that didn't mean it hurt any less. He rubbed at his eyes to get rid of evidence but it didn't do much. "Sorry. I'm just tired."

"How about you get some sleep? We could do some of these cases whilst you do," Tim suggested. "We know how to do it."

"I couldn't ask you to do that."

"Good thing you're not asking then," Jaime pointed out.

"You're not going to quit about this are you?"

"Nope," Bart answered. He sighed to himself. He needed a break and this meant work would still get on. 

"C'mon, we owe you for everything we put you through," Gar argued.

"Alright. Don't let me sleep for more than half an hour though, okay?" he said. They nodded and watched him trudge off to bed. 

"First off, we need to clean this place up. I'm pretty sure there's a takeaway menu in this murder case."

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