this was supposed to be happy and I really said no

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I mean it gets fluffy at the end but I vibed out

As to make sure that he wasn't in any danger, Dick had to be with someone for most of his day. It was also so he didn't get lonely. He had a lot of questions though which made looking after him quite taxing. He was just curious. Most of his memories had been wiped so he couldn't remember a lot of things he was probably exposed to as a child. The Batcave normally kept him pretty occupied. Alfred, although he simply adored the boy, was getting rather sick of his questions so he dropped him off on someone else. That someone else probably wasn't his best idea but when you had a small child run up to you with different items he'd just taken and asking about them every six seconds you'd do just about anything for a moment of peace. He knocked on Damian's bedroom door with Dick by his side and waited for a response. "Come in," Damian called. He walked in with a kind yet desperate smile. 

"Damian, could you look after Dick for a moment? I'm working with bleach upstairs and that's not the time for him to get curious," Alfred explained.

"I know what bleach is," Dick stated.

"I can deal with him," Damian replied. The butler mouthed a thank you and patted Dick on the back, telling him to stay with his older brother. He nodded and went inside, sitting on the bed. They sat in comfortable silence as Damian scrolled through his newsfeed for a moment before Dick tilted his head as he looked at a shirt on the floor. "What?" Damian asked.

"What's a Gucci?" he replied.

"It's a brand of clothing." He hummed.

"Clothes have brands? Why?" Damian huffed, knowing that this was only the root of the question tree.


"Are some brands better than others?"

"Yes." He rubbed his temples taxingly.

"Is Gucci a good brand?"

"Depends. People think it's good because it's expensive."

"Are expensive things always good?"



"Grayson," he stated, dramatically slamming his phone against the bed.


"Just shut up." So Dick did. He just shut up. "Thank you."

A few minutes passed before Damian got suspicious of the silence. It was too silent. He couldn't even hear the other breathe. He glanced up from his phone over to Dick. At first, there was nothing out of the ordinary. He went to look back at his phone but on as his eyes passed over the younger's chest, he realized that it wasn't moving. The reason why he couldn't hear the other breathing was because he wasn't. "Grayson?" he asked. He sat up and studied his face. Dick's lips were turning blue in the center and his fingers were gripping the sheets tightly. "Grayson! Breathe!" he shouted. Dick let go of the breath he was holding and took a deep breath, his eyes dilated as he did. His fingers let go of the sheets as he blinked rapidly. "What the hell was that?" Damian exclaimed. How could he just sit there and hold his breath with no sign of stopping? He could've passed out! 

"You ordered me to just shut up," Dick responded, perfectly unaware of what he'd done wrong. The older gave him a dumbfounded look.

"I didn't tell you to stop breathing..." his sentence trailed off as he thought about it. He did say it in a demanding fashion. Surely Dick should be mad at him given the situation. He stopped breathing because he ordered him to shut up. He could've really hurt himself. Yet Dick soon became intrigued by the other's phone. Of course, he knew what a phone was. On one of his jobs, a person had reached for their phone to call for help. They never got to it in time. But that did give him an idea of their purpose. "Are you calling someone?" he asked.

"Grayson, aren't you upset?" the older inquired, caught off guard by the sudden change in atmosphere.

"No. Are you calling someone?" he repeated.

"But I ordered you to do something. Don't you hate that?" Hate wasn't a strong enough word for the feeling. Despise? Disgust? Maybe it deserved its own word. Dick shrugged, his attention clearly focused on the glowing screen of the phone. There were texts coming through from Jon. One was a small red heart with sparkles. Hearts didn't look like that but Dick liked it. He found them cute. "I trust you. If you order me to do something, I'll do it because I know you care about me," he explained. "And if you didn't mean for me to stop breathing, I trust that you did it by accident."

"You trust me that much?" Dick looked at him rather seriously.

"You saved me, Damian. All of you did so my loyalty is now with you. I'm made to find loyalties and be devoted to them. That means I trust them with my life," he answered. "I don't really have a choice in the matter," he added, shrugging to himself. Damian pursed his lips. It didn't feel right to end the conversation there but he didn't really know what to say. The younger seemed to get uncomfortable, his shoulders tensing up. "Are you alright?" the older asked hesitantly.

"When you told me to just shut up, was it because I was annoying you?"

"Yes," Damian replied bluntly. He cringed when he heard himself say it. In his head, it sounded less harsh. 

"I was annoying Alfred too, wasn't I?" He nodded. "Oh. I'm sorry. I'll be quiet from now on." He got up and walked to the door.

"Grayson it's not that you should be quiet, it's just that you ask a lot of questions and it gets annoying because it's so repetitive."

"So if I just don't ask questions, I won't be annoying," the younger concluded.

"Uhh, yeah. Sounds about right." Dick nodded and continued to walk out. "You should stay here. I'll turn on the TV for you."

Steph knocked lightly on Dick's door. He hadn't come out of his room for two days which was incredibly unlike him. He was always around them, inquisitive of everything bright new thing. He had to be bored in there. Alfred had gone in to give him the regular meals but Dick didn't eat much of any of the meals. He'd asked if the boy felt sick. He'd say no. He'd ask why he didn't come downstairs or go out for patrol. He'd say he didn't feel like it. So Steph decided she'd be the person to push for it. "Dick, can I come in?" she asked. He didn't reply. She tried the handle. It wasn't locked so she took the silence as a yes to come in. She opened the door and frowned. Dick was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Although she couldn't see that well, she was able to pick out his very red cheeks and the water resting on them. His eyes seemed unfocused. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her to give them some privacy. She walked over to the bed and perched on the side. Dick blinked a few times and sat up, only now realizing he wasn't alone. "You've been up here for a long time. Did something happen?" she asked. He shook his head. "Why're you crying?"

"I don't know." Steph hummed. She had an inkling that this would happen. Everyone did.

"Do you feel like shit? Like you just don't even want to get up or move?" she asked. He nodded slowly. "Dick, do you know what feeling sad is?"

"Is that-" he stopped himself and clamped his jaw shut. He stared at Steph worriedly. "I'm sorry." She furrowed her eyebrows. 

"What for?"

"I asked a question. They're annoying."

"No, they're not. Did you stay up here because you felt you couldn't ask?" He nodded. "Come here silly billy."

"My name's Dick."

"It's a phrase," she replied with a chuckle. He smiled shyly and got closer so he could get a hug. The hugs were honestly growing on him. He rested his head on her shoulder and suddenly felt a type of warmth he couldn't describe. It felt nice though. That's why he didn't understand why he was still crying. "It's alright, just get it out of your system. You'll feel better afterward." He tightened his grip on her and cried harder. She shushed him gently and rubbed circles on his back, doing her best to provide him with much-needed comfort.

Eventually, he calmed down and pulled away, rubbing at his eyes with his balled-up fists. He looked like a kid. Steph would've found it cute if the previous situation hadn't occurred. She reached up and took away his hands before he did himself some damage. "Why did you think asking questions was annoying?" she inquired.

"I could tell that they were getting old and Damian confirmed things," Dick answered. She bit her tongue on the subject. He'd only feel like it was his fault if she laid into the older whilst he was awake. She had forms of payback that she could do now. What mattered was making her little brother feel better. "When I'm sad, sometimes it helps to do something with friends. Do you wanna do something with me?" He nodded, sniffling to himself. "I was gonna paint my nails, how about I teach you? I could do yours, you've got the nails for it."

"Okay," he responded.

"And you can ask me questions any time you want."

"Thank you."

"Let's get you out of this room then."

"BROWN WHERE ARE YOU?" Damian shrieked. His whole room was covered with toilet paper and he knew she had something to do with it. Mainly because the Spoiler logo had been scratched into his bedframe. "Right here," she responded, coming down the hall with a smug smirk. "Why did you do this?"

"Because you made Dick feel insecure. He's still getting to grips with not being forced to do things and you're not only helping by telling him his questions are annoying. He needs to ask questions to understand things!" she replied. She gestured to the room with a dark glare towards the older. "This is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't care that you're not socially skilled, it doesn't take a master of conversation to realize you were being a douchebag. If I find out that you've hurt him again, a room of toilet paper isn't all you've got to worry about." She smiled sweetly at him, throwing her dark act out the window. "So be nice to our little brother, okay?" He nodded. He knew better than to piss her off. She could be very scary when she wanted to be and he wasn't going to do anything to make her want that.

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