Two stories for the price of one

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Dick walked out of his bedroom, still half asleep, then noticed the floorboards creaking. Since he hadn't moved, he began looking for the disturbance that caused it. He found Bruce and Selina sneaking trying to sneak back into Bruce's bedroom. Selina was wearing a cocktail dress and had her high heels in one hand and her jacket in the other. Bruce was wearing his robe and looked bright right. They made eye contact with the confused thirteen-year-old. "You said he would be asleep," she whisper-yelled to Bruce.

"He normally is on Fridays."

"Today is Saturday," she reminded him.

"Did you guys have a sleepover or something?" Dick asked innocently. The pair glanced at one another. "What's with you guys? Cat got your tongue?"

"Something like that," Selina answered, winking at Bruce. He blushed harshly giving her a light nudge. 

"I haven't given him the talk yet so not a word." She nodded. "We were having a sleepover and now Selina is gonna go home," Bruce said, addressing his bewildered ward. Dick shrugged to himself, dismissing how odd they were acting and descended the steps to head for the kitchen. "That was a close one," Selina sighed. "Good things he's oblivious outside of work."

Like every Saturday, Dick went to meet with Young Justice. He couldn't get the odd occurrence out of his head. Maybe it was just something adults did or something he just didn't understand. "Penny for your thoughts?" Wally asked, noticing Dick's thinking face. It was like a frown but his eyebrows were tightly knitted together. 

"Something that happened this morning. There's something odd about but I can't tell what it was," he replied.

"What happened?" M'gann asked after eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Well, Bats and Catwoman came out of his room this morning and started muttering to each other. I asked if they had a sleepover but they didn't really answer. Then he said something about not having the talk with me yet. I don't really get what happened," he explained. In the kitchen, Artemis spat out her drink and laughed. 

"Dude they had sex!" she shouted. Wally was also laughing whilst M'gann shook her head at both of them. 

"You're so immature." She glanced down to Dick who was now typing a number into his phone. "What're you doing?"

"Getting my therapist back."

Request by Another_chapter Talon!Dick with Reverse Batfam

Today was Dick's first day of school. Ever. He wasn't nervous but he wasn't excited either. Like most of the time, he remained unfeeling to new events. His adoptive family put this down to his talon training forcing him to disassociate from his feelings. Jason went to the same school as him and was tasked with keeping an eye over the new addition to the group. They'd spent all morning trying to cover up the yellow lines that traced his veins and putting in blue contacts to hide his bright yellow eyes. The last thing they needed was someone connecting Dick to what Talons looked like. The Court of Owls was already biting at their ankles to get their fighter back.

As they approached the school, their eldest brother and Bruce waved them off. Tim was busy working a case as always so couldn't join. "Remember, do not talk about your past. If anyone asks anything about it you change the subject," Damian reminded him.

"And always listen to the teachers and do the tasks they give you," Bruce added. "If you find anything difficult you ask the teacher for help, okay?"

"Yes sir," Dick replied. There was a ghost of a smile on his face. They hadn't seen him smile yet but they knew it was somewhere deep down. It would just take some work to see. 

"It's Bruce, remember?" Dick nodded to himself, correcting the title for Bruce in his head.

"Keep an eye on him, Todd."

"Yeah yeah, make sure he doesn't go all Talon on someone. I've got this."

They walked up the steps together, gave one last wave to their family, then entered Gotham Acadamy. Immediately, Dick began staring at every individual he could lay his eyes on. He had a tendency to stare at people for a little too long so Jason had to nudge him to stop staring every so often. "Remember the rule. 10 seconds then switch if you want to watch people," he reminded the younger. He just hoped Dick didn't stare at the wrong person and get in a fight. The other person wouldn't make it out. As they walked to Dick's first class, a random student pushed in between them, almost knocking Jason over. Seeing this, Dick gripped the student's arm and flipped them onto their back. He quickly got on top of them and put a knife to his neck, his expression never changing from eerily calm. "Dick, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Jason exclaimed, panicking over the amount of attention the younger had gained. 

"He pushed you," Dick put simply. Jason pulled him off the student and took the knife from his hand. Dick must've known he did something wrong as he didn't put up a fight against Jason disarming him. The older pulled him through the crowds, making them blend in and leaving a rather bewildered student sitting on the ground. "That's not a reason to threaten someone with a knife. How did you even get a knife?"

"Damian has a small collection. He let me use them once and I didn't give it back," he answered.

"You stole from Damian?" Jason shouted.

"Yes." Jason rolled his eyes with a huff. This was going to be harder than he thought. "Are knives not allowed?"

"No! Neither is picking a fight with someone because they pushed me. This is a school and people do it on accident half the time," Jason explained.

"This information would've been helpful to know before I hurt that student," he answered.

"Do you even know how to interact with people?"

"The Court didn't regard that as necessary." There was a hint of sadness in his voice when he mentioned the Court and the older couldn't blame him. He would forever be changed because the Court of Owls took him. "I didn't mean to bring them up," Jason said. "Just, try to be nice to people okay? If you're nice to people then you'll make friends, you want friends right?" Dick shrugged, making Jason pinch the bridge of his nose. This boy was making things difficult and it wasn't even on purpose. He was just a little shit by nature. "Meet me at break and lunch at the basketball court. You know what basketball is?" Dick nodded. "Great. Have fun in English."

Whilst on his way to meet Jason for lunch, Dick was stopped by a ginger girl. She was a little older but only by a few years. Her uniform was well kept and she wore a plain navy backpack. "I saw you throw that older boy down today," she stated. "How did you do that?"

"I was taught it," he responded. She seemed curious by him but he couldn't think why. He didn't see anything odd with what he did. 

"I'm Barbara by the way. What's your name?"

"Richard but I've been told to go by Dick," he answered. Barbara laughed at how robotic he sounded, even when saying his nickname. 

"You're a funny kid. You wanna join me for lunch? I could use the company," she offered.

"I am supposed to meet Jason at the basketball court." She looked over and hummed at the sight of the boy. He was known around the school so she could point him out of the crowd of boys. She glanced down at Dick, noting him as a little small to be playing with the big kids. Then again, he could throw someone over his shoulder. But, it did beg the question as to why they were hanging out together. "Is he your brother or something?"

"Not biologically. We are both members of the Wayne family through other means," he explained.

"Ah, that makes sense. Well, I talked to Jason before and he said you could sit with me if you wanted to," she lied. Dick cocked his head at her. He knew she was lying but she did pique his interest. He wondered why she lied to him. 

"I want to join you."


After sitting with Barbara, Dick found that he liked her. He didn't think he would since he didn't like new people but she was different for some reason. She seemed interested in him but not in the same way the Court was interested in him; like she wanted to get to know him without treating him as a means to an end. "You don't talk much huh?" Barbara asked after realizing she'd been waffling on. "I like that. It's good to have someone that listens."

"I was taught to be silent unless spoken to Ms," he informed her. His title for her made her laugh again but he didn't see what was funny about it. 

"First off, never call me Ms. It's Babs to you. Secondly, did Bruce teach you that?" He shook his head. "Who did?"

"I was told not to talk about my past." She raised her eyebrow at that and was about to make a comment on it before a boy sauntered up to the table. 

"Hey, sweet cheeks. You, me, cinema tonight." She scoffed at him.

"In your dreams Lance." Her dismissal of his offer didn't make the boy go away, however.

"Oh come on, you know you want a piece of this."

"Is he upsetting you, Babs?" Dick asked.

"Quiet down pipsqueak." Barbara smirked to herself, realizing that Lance hadn't seen what the kid had done that morning. 

"You know what Dick, he kinda is."

Without hesitation, Dick jumped over the table and forced Lance to the ground. He gave him a swift punch to the jaw, pulling at his arms when Lance tried to defend himself. Jason had seen the scuffle from across the courtyard and immediately knew that his younger brother was to blame for it. He dashed across to the fight and pushed past the small circle that had appeared around Dick and the boy he was fighting. "Dick, what did I say this morning?" he yelled. 

"He was bothering Babs," Dick stated. He got off the boy and some teachers came along to break up the crowd. 

"Who's Babs?" Dick pointed to the ginger girl who stared at him with shock. Before he could say anymore, a teacher yelled his name and directed him to the principal's office. Remembering what Bruce said, he complied with the order and followed them to the office. Jason turned to the ginger angrily. "Did you make him do this?"

"I mean, sorta," she replied.

"He's not a normal kid, he doesn't know when and when not to do what he's told! Just stay away from him!" he shouted. He chased after the teachers in hopes of saving his brother from his punishment.

The school bell rang and Jason and Dick met in the corridor. Hopefully, they could leave without any further fights. They managed that but Jason had to keep Dick close to him, repeatedly telling him not to do anything when a random student pushed by to get out sooner. Bruce stood by the stairwell, looking for his boys to see how well they got on. He just hoped Dick hadn't caused too much trouble. His social skills were still rocky at best. He eventually spotted the boys and called them over, noting the tight grip Jason had on the younger's wrist. "How was school?"

"Dick got expelled. They only let him finish the day because Damian picked up instead of you and forced them to keep him in," Jason explained. Bruce stared at Dick in shock. The anger would come later but it was a genuine shock he felt in the beginning. That had to be the fastest expulsion he'd ever seen. "What did you do?" he exclaimed.

"I fought two students. The principal said he wouldn't tolerate knife crime nor the beating of students over flirtatious comments."

"You pulled a knife on someone?" Bruce shouted. Dick squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to maintain his calm demeanor. It wasn't as easy as it used to be. He blamed the therapist Bruce had given him. They were so insistent on embracing emotions but he didn't want to embrace this emotion; guilt. "What am I supposed to do with you?"

"You still have the option of sending me back to the Court. Though I'd rather never go back there, it is a viable option." Bruce shook his head and was just about to assure the boy that would never happen until a familiar ginger girl called Dick's name. He turned around and there was some trace of a smile on his face. "Hello Babs," he greeted. She panted and huffed from her run over to him so Jason saw his moment to intervene. 

"You're not allowed to talk to him. It's your fault that he's expelled," he scolded.

"I know, I know. I'm really sorry Dick," she said, addressing the younger and waving Jason aside. "Look, you're really awesome and kind of weird and I'm really awesome and kind of weird so I thought we could hang out sometime. I totally get it if you don't since I got you expelled on your first day."

"I forgive you. Fighting is my second nature, I should've controlled myself better," Dick answered. She grinned at him and passed him a small piece of paper with her number scrawled on it. "Text me when you can then we can meet up. Sound good?" He nodded, pocketing the piece of paper before either family member could snatch it from him. "Oh and," she paused and gave him a tight hug, "that's for defending me against Lance." Then she ran off, leaving Dick bewildered and blushing. 

"At least you made a friend," Bruce sighed, taking his hand and leading him to the car. 

"Yes, I think I like friends."

"Let's hope you like homeschooling because that's the only way you're going to get an education," Jason stated. "Damian's going to kill me."

If y'all want more Talon!Dick I will happily deliver 

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