Wait, who's Robin?

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Request by Supergirl406

They gave me permission for birdflash so if you don't like I'm sorry 

Aqualad's heart jumped to his throat when he saw Robin strawn out limply on the floor. His eyes were closed and blood was collecting in a puddle around his head. For a moment, he was frozen in time. He was the one to send Robin ahead to get the information and that's where he ended up as a result. The shock wore off and he dashed to the boy, putting two fingers to his neck. Still alive at least. "Robin's down!" he yelled to the others who were fighting off the rest of the guards. Kid Flash was the first to be at his side, worry for Robin clear in his emerald eyes. 

"He's not?" he asked.


"Who did this?" he asked.

"Someone must've hit him and ran. Take him to the bioship with Miss Martian. We can be picked up later, he's your priority." Kid Flash nodded and gently picked up the teen, taking him to the bioship with Miss Martian in tow.

Miss Martian came back half an hour later to pick up the rest of the team who were eager to see what happened to Robin. "Was he awake when you left?" Artemis inquired. The martian shook her head. 

"I haven't got word from Wally either so he must still be out," she responded with a frown. She was clearly worried as were the rest of them. There was something even scarier about head injuries. They were something that could cause massive damage and keep someone out of commission for a long time, sometimes forever. Robin not waking up didn't ease their fears. What would they do if he was in a coma? They all had some knowledge of hacking but Robin was the one they could depend on to get through and find the data they needed. It wasn't just work either. He brought a light atmosphere when they didn't do too well and he was always ready to defend them, even against his own mentor. Then there was just how close he was to the team. He was like their little brother despite their lack of actual family ties. None of them wanted to lose that. "I'm sure he'll be okay," Miss Martian stated, trying to bring up both her hopes and the hopes of her teammates. 

"Yeah, he comes back from anything. A nuclear bomb couldn't keep him down," Artemis added.

"I got to him fairly quickly so he'll have luck on his side," Aqualad commented. Superboy gave a nod of confirmation. Words weren't really his thing but the sentiment was there.

When they got back, they all made a b line to the medical bay in the Mountain. They found Robin laying in a cot with a series of wires connected to different machines. A heart monitor beeped steadily, giving them some sort of comfort that he was indeed still alive even if his eyes were closed. White bandages were wrapped around his head, making him look like he was in the middle of getting dressed up like a mummy. If he was awake, he would've made a joke about it. They wished he was awake. Black Canary was absent from the room but Wally was sitting beside him, holding his hand. He was waiting for a light squeeze or a tug. Something to tell him his boyfriend was still in there somewhere. "How is he?" Kaldur asked. 

"Still unconscious but we managed to stop the bleeding. Seems like a head trauma but there's nothing obvious to worry over," Wally answered, keeping his eyes trained on Robin's features. A twitch would do. He'd take anything. 

"Where's Canary?" Artemis asked.

"Telling his family," he responded.

"That'll be a barrel of laughs," she muttered. They were overprotective at the best of times, they'd be lucky to get out of this one without being ripped to shreds. 

"You're telling me," Wally muttered. M'gann took a seat on the other side of Robin, brushing his raven locks out of his eyes. 

"Do we know how long he'll be asleep for?" she asked. She preferred the word asleep rather than unconscious. There was something so intimidating about unconscious whereas asleep meant he'd be awake at some point and be his normal sarcastic self. She was already missing that cackle he did before he disappeared into the shadows. It used to scare her but she now found it adorable. "Canary said he could be awake today but that's just a theory."

They sat in silence, all on pins. They didn't want to talk in fear of missing a sign from the teen in the bed. Canary came in soon after they all began their apprehensive watch. "His family is on a mission. They'll be here in an hour," she announced. She received a silent nod from the group. They weren't going to jump up and down about the news. If anything, they were dreading the arrival of his family. They'd but their way and soon whisk him away to the Batcave, refusing to let any of them see Robin. It wasn't fair how they treated the team but they didn't have enough authority to question it. Robin was just as much as their brother as he was theirs. He saw both groups as equal but his brothers disagreed. They wouldn't even let him tell the team his secret ID. All but Wally knew and he only knew due to his extensive history with the kid hero. Plus it would be rather awkward dating someone without knowing their real name. "He'll be okay," Black Canary added. She took a seat in the room, joining them in their watch. She hoped she was right. They couldn't lose another hero from the Batfamily, even if the other did come back eventually.

Nothing much happened until forty minutes had passed. Robin's left hand twitched. M'gann, who was sitting on his left side, gently took his hand then instructed him to squeeze it. He did so and soon the team became excited that he was still in there trying to contact them. Slowly, he opened his eyes. His vision was blurry at first but after a couple of blinks, he could clearly see M'gann. Suddenly, he jumped back in surprise. "Oh my God I've been abducted!" he shouted in surprise. The mood was swiftly brought down when they realised he wasn't joking. M'gann didn't see any recognition of herself in his eyes and almost cried upon discovering that. "Robin, it's me. M'gann. You know, hello M'gann?" His surprise turned to confusion. 

"Wait, who's Robin?" he asked.

"This isn't funny Rob," Wally stated.

"Good thing I'm not trying to be then," Robin replied. His boyfriend gulped nervously.

"Do you know who I am?" He dreaded the answer to his question, almost regretting asking the question in the first place. Robin shook his head. 

"I have no idea who any of you are," he stated. 

"Do you remember your name?" Black Canary asked. She hoped he hadn't lost years of memory but if he didn't remember her then he wouldn't remember the rest of the League. Upon hearing the question, Robin thought hard about his answer. Then he came to a terrifying conclusion. "I-I think it started with an R? Maybe a D?" He couldn't remember his own name. "Why don't I remember my name? Did you do something to me?" he shouted, anxious and scared. Not a good combination. His heart monitor beeped faster as his panic worsened. 

"We're your teammates. You got hurt on a mission and I think you're suffering from amnesia," Kaldur told him. He seemed calmed by the older's voice as his heart monitor slowed down. 

"O-Okay but you can fix it right?" he questioned, his voice shaking.

"We'll try." He nodded to himself.

"Do I have a family?" he asked cautiously. They nodded.

"Your Dad will be here soon with your brothers, alright. Everything's going to be okay."

Shortly after Robin woke up, his family came rushing into the room. Some had flecks of blood on their suits which instantly made Robin's heart monitor beep obnoxiously loud. "Robin, are you alright?" Batman asked.

"What the hell is that?" Robin yelled upon seeing Batman.

"That's Batman," Wally pointed out.

"I'm related to a bat hybrid thing?" Had the situation been different, the team would've facepalmed. 

"No, it's a suit. I'm not actually half-bat," Batman told him. He shared a glance with the rest of the Batfamily. They became eager to get Robin out of there just in case he spilt something like his secret ID. "Alright, we need to take him home," Red Hood proclaimed.

"Oh well that's a surprise," Artemis muttered sarcastically. "You always take him at the first sign of trouble. Ever thought that we might be able to help?" The brothers looked at one another, mumbled something then turned back to her. 

"Yes, and you can't. We know things you don't so we're better equipped to take care of him," the eldest replied. "Can he walk?" Black Canary shrugged since Robin had only just woken up and they didn't run those tests yet. "Think you can do it?"

"I can try," Robin replied. He swung his legs over the edge and slid off the bed. He stumbled but soon found his bearings. Batman took out the wires connecting him to the machines. "I'm guessing you're my Dad then?"

"Not in the traditional sense. I'll explain when we get home."

Once home, his family took off their masks. They hoped revealing their features would jog his memory but it didn't. He was still in the dark on all of them. "What's the last thing you remember?" Tim asked. Dick thought for a moment then shrugged. "You don't remember anything?"

"I think my name started with an R or a D," he stated. "There might've been an I too." Tim shot a glance at Bruce. They'd have to start from the ground up and no one wanted the job of explaining how he became a member of the Wayne family. "Your name is Richard John Grayson, you go by Dick for short," Tim explained. Dick giggled at his own name which they wished would ease their concern but it didn't. 

"Sounds fake but okay. How old am I?"

"Thirteen going on fourteen," Jason answered.

"And I have these muscles? Am I a bodybuilder or something?" he asked.

"No, you're a hero. You help keep people safe," Damian responded. The boy cocked his head to the side. 

"At thirteen?" They nodded. "Huh, you'd think someone would question that."

"Oh, they did," Bruce muttered. "But you're just as capable as us when it comes to our work." Dick was genuinely shocked and they could understand why. It seemed fanciful that a kid could be a hero, saving many lives like it was nothing, but it was their reality. They hoped it would still be their reality. "Do I have a different name? That green girl called me Robin, is that it?" They nodded. "I'm guessing you're heroes too?" Again they nodded.

"It's a family business so to speak," Tim told him. Dick smirked.

"It's an odd family business. So, what're your real names then?"

"I'm Bruce, this is Damian, Jason and Tim," Bruce stated, pointing to each brother.

"Before you said you weren't my Dad in the traditional sense, is that the same case for them being my brothers?" he asked.

"Only Damian and I are related."

After a minute of taking in this new information, Dick wracked his brain for something that connected the dots but some dots were still missing. He couldn't remember anything. It felt awful to not remember anyone. He knew it was upsetting his family since they'd basically lost a family member. "Bruce, am I going to get my memory back?"

"It'll come back with time. How about we take you to your room? It might jog your memory." Dick took the suggestion and Bruce led him upstairs to his room. The journey up the stairs felt somewhat familiar but it was nothing significant. It was more of a deja vu feeling rather than a real memory. When they got to the mansion sitting on top of the cave, nothing new was brought to his mind but the deja vu feeling lingered. He hoped this was a promising sign that his memory could come back. He glanced up at the chandelier which must've made a memory shake loose. "Did I swing on that?" he questioned, stopping in his tracks and staring at it. 

"Yeah, you did. That's not the original one since you smashed it," Jason told him with a smile. He was the one to dare him to do it and was pleasantly surprised when he actually did it. Well, he was pleasantly surprised until it creaked and was sent crashing to the floor. "Huh, how did I even get up there?"

"You have your ways," Tim responded. They continued up the stairs and went straight to Dick's room.

The door didn't feel all that familiar but that was to be expected since there was nothing special about it. Once opened, Dick stepped inside rather cautiously. It didn't really feel like his room which made him feel awkward upon entering. He felt like he shouldn't really be in there. "Anything?" Tim asked. Dick shook his head before taking a closer look at the photos placed around his room. One of him and the blonde girl who he'd seen at the mountain, another of him holding up a trophy, a few with his brothers. He inspected each but only got a vague feeling that he knew them. That was until he noticed something sticking out under a pillow. He pulled it out and stared at the photo. Suddenly, a wave of upset hit him like a semi-truck. Tears pricked at his eyes as he continued to focus his attention on the faces of the people in the photo. "That's my Dad, right? And my Mum?" he inquired, flashing the boys the photo. They nodded solemnly. "They're not around. Something bad happened to them." He squeezed his eyes shut for a few moments. "They fell from somewhere," he added. Damian put a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "Tony. That's the guy who killed them."

"Do you remember where you were?" Bruce asked. Dick kept his eyes closed, finding that it helped his concentration. A flash of light. He was high up on something. There was a crowd to his left. His parents were swinging. "Haley's circus! I was an acrobat there! We all were!" he exclaimed, the memories of childhood flooding back. "You-you adopted me afterwards." Bruce nodded. A hopeful feeling filled their hearts, even if it was brought about through arguably the most traumatic event in Dick's life. He was getting excited at how fast it was coming back. He remembered their faces now. He remembered their full names and their hero names too. Jason Todd, Damian Wayne and Tim Drake were his brothers. Bruce Wayne was his dad. Alfred Pennyworth was basically his Grandad. "I'm Dick Grayson," he muttered, confirming that was indeed his title. 

"How much do you remember?" Jason asked.

"Enough to go back and see that team. They must be close to me, I just can't figure out who they are."

Determined, he ran out of the room and back down to the Batcave with his family in tow. They tried to convince him to stay a little longer since they hadn't quite got over the shock of almost losing their youngest member. Unfortunately, he must've remembered that ignoring them was his speciality. He continued to run over to the Zetatubes then paused. "I don't remember how to work this thing," he said, slightly embarrassed. His whole grand exit was in tatters. 

"Then just stay here till you remember how. What if remembering it all so fast is harmful?" Tim argued even though he hardly believed that was a possibility. Nobody ever complained about regaining all their memories then getting a headache or something afterwards. Dick saw through his hollow argument along with the rest of the family, making him lower his head. "Yeah that wasn't my best argument," he admitted.

"Will one of you just get this thing working? I wanna know who they are, especially the ginger." He muttered the last part but they still caught it. They groaned inwardly that he still thought Wally was cute even without his memories of the idiot. Relenting to his son's begging gaze, Bruce stepped forward and set up the Zetatube for him. "Thank you so much," Dick said happily, hugging the taller tightly before running up to be transported. 

"We're never going to get rid of that speedster, are we?" Jason grumbled.

"He could be talking about M'gann," Tim suggested.

"We all know he was talking about West. He gets that stupid love-struck look on his face whenever he thinks about him," Damian complained.

"His expression didn't change."

"It obviously did, Drake. You mustn't have noticed it because you don't care for him as much as I do."

"Someone stop me before I kill him."

The team's spirits were low since the Batfamily whisked away Robin but they held out hope that the teen would remember his rebellious nature and come back to them, remembering them or not didn't matter. Their wait was soon over when they heard a female voice call out Robin's name. Wally, of course, was the first to greet Robin but he was closely followed by Artemis and M'gann with Connor and Kaldur appearing not too long after. "First things first, I still don't quite remember you guys but I worked out a way to get them back. I just need trigger objects to get my brain to reboot and remember," Robin explained.

"My room of souvenirs! There's gotta be something to trigger your memories of us," Wally exclaimed. 

"It's worth a shot." Wally grabbed Robin's hand, making him blush, and dragged him to the souvenir room with his super speed. He theatrically showed off the wall of various objects as Robin laughed at him. "Nice to see I can still make you laugh," Wally chuckled. "And make you blush," he added under his breath. Before Robin could question what he meant by that, the rest of the team showed up. 

"You've got to stop doing that," Artemis complained as she heaved in oxygen. "Not everyone has super speed." He smiled apologetically to the team, knowing they shared her sentiment.

Robin shook his head at the spectacle and turned to face the wall of objects. His eyes were drawn to an eye. "Is that real?" he asked, pointing over to it. Wally shook his head with a laugh and brought it to him, dropping it in his hands. 

"It's fake. Sort of like a robot eye. Think it might trigger something?" Wally asked, receiving a shrug. Robin rolled it around his hands and wracked his brain. It was like a robot eye so it presumably came from a robot. The others must've been there to see it too since they were on the team. He closed his eyes to concentrate better on the image he was trying to create. The guy with gills was there, so was the tall muscled guy, the ginger and the green girl. He could remember bits of the mission and he tried to find the parts where he said their name. First up was the fish guy. K was the first letter he was sure. Kal was close, maybe a nickname but that wasn't his full name. He was suddenly hit with a bunch of memories tied to the fellow hero. "Kaldur! Your name is Kaldur and you're Aqualad. You-you lead this team but nobody listens which is how I got hurt in the first place! I ran ahead when you specifically said not to," he stated. "Oh wow, I'm a dumbass."

"Yeah but you're our dumbass," Artemis assured him.

"Okay, that's one down, four to go." Next up was the guy who looked like he could snap Robin in half like a twig. Intimidating he was but his name wasn't something cool to match. He studied the S on his chest. It didn't look like a brand, the symbol was too prominent. "Superman? No, wait, Superboy! Sorry, you guys just have the same face," Robin said.

"You get a pass on this one," Connor mumbled.

"You're a clone and you're called Connor. I'm pretty sure you broke one of my ribs one time."

"Broke, fracture, same difference," the clone replied, a little embarrassed by the reminder. Robin turned to the green girl and rubbed his chin. He remembered yelling her name one time. It was how the ginger picked up the robot eye. "M'gann, that's your name. You're a martian and you crushed that robot but I thought you just straight up killed a guy." Excited, M'gann snatched him up in a hug and twirled him around. 

"Oh thank goodness, I really thought you wouldn't remember me," she admitted, relieved that it wasn't the reality she was living in. He let her half her moment before pointing out a problem.

"I can't remember anything about you being there. Were you on the mission?" Robin asked, addressing Artemis. 

"I was a latecomer." She strode over to the wall and picked up a mask. It was white with a creepy smile and strips of red. He tilted his head as he took it in his hands. The colours were familiar. They got it on a mission for sure. He then studied the hero. Green. Blonde. Didn't have any sort of weapons on her so maybe she had powers? No, she was like him, he was sure of it. No weapons so maybe her weapon was something she didn't want to keep on her person. It could be something big. Her muscles weren't big enough to have an axe or some sort of sword. So it had to just be something inconvenient to just carry around. Archer! Definitely an archer. "Artemis, now how could I forget someone who was too lazy to think of a hero name?" She gasped fakely and punched him in the arm. 

"I see someone remembered their sarcasm," she teased. 

"Yeah yeah, brother-sister moment. That's sweet and everything but you still haven't remembered me," Wally said, pushing in between the pair impatiently. Yes, it was rude but he couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't be the only person Robin didn't remember. His heart was already pounding with anxiety and he couldn't stand it anymore. He needed some sort of relief. Robin smirked at him and immediately gave it away. "I think I have an idea of who you are, I'll have to follow up on a hunch to know for sure," the smaller said with a hint of flirtatiousness in his voice. He grabbed a part of Wally's suit and pulled him down so their lips could meet. Wally gladly went along with the kiss, picking the shorter up to make it easier. They parted and grinned at one another. "You sneaky little minx," Wally muttered. "You really had me going."

"I thought it was a good enough reveal," Robin joked. "Besides, I've been dying to kiss you even before I remembered you."

"Still got it then."

"Well, we'll leave you two to get re-acquainted. You have ten minutes before the League comes banging on the door so Rob can remember them," Artemis stated with a wink.

"I'll give you twenty bucks if you can hold them off for fifteen minutes," Robin replied.

"Done. Have fun making out!"

This was supposed to be out earlier but things happened, forgive me for it being a bit late in the night 

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