Fifth day of Christmas

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Artemis waved off the rest of her fellow archers as she headed to her locker. She was still getting used to the Gotham elite and whilst some of them were cool, some were just working her last nerve. Of course, she was thankful for the opportunity. It was nice to go to a school where there wasn't a fight every five minutes, the food was edible and there was actual heating in the winter. Still, she missed the charm of her old stomping grounds. People were too fake here. It was like being stuck in a room of car dealership apprentices, all of them were trying to get you to buy something and not enough were experienced in hiding their true intentions. She'd only made an effort to befriend one person, Barbara Gordon since she was actually nice to be around and their conversations never went to what country they were spending their summer in. Unfortunately, Barbara spent most of her time hanging out with a kid a grade below them that seemed to make them both mysteriously disappear mere moments after seeing one another. 

Upon opening her locker, Artemis let out a scream at finding a bundled-up Dick Grayson stuffed inside. His body was contorted in a way that surely should've killed him. His face was flushed red and his eyes were half-lidded as he breathed heavily which she didn't doubt was likely due to his chest being pressed so tightly against the metal that it was hard to breathe. 

"Hey Artemis," he greeted. His voice was tight and raw. Maybe he'd been yelling for someone to help him but no one had come. There was a dark angry bruise on his cheekbone and his lip had been split but was now scabbed over. "Lil help?" She froze. How the fuck was she supposed to pull him out without hurting him? "Maybe start with my shoulders?" She narrowed her eyes. Robin did that all the time, reading her mind, and it annoyed her to no end. Still, there was a teenager stuck in a locker that was folded like origami so she didn't find it in herself to chastise him. The archer grabbed onto his shoulders, leaning him back slightly then pulling him out completely. She dragged him out until his feet tip-toed on the floor then let go. He fell to the floor in a heap.


"S'alright. They're just dead," he replied rather lightheartedly considering his position. Her eyes lingered on him for a few moments before glancing back to her locker. Somehow he'd fit in there with her clothes and boots. The kid was clearly some sort of medical marvel. She collected her things from the locker and stuffed them into her book bag. 

"Can't Daddy's money save you getting stuffed in unlocked lockers?" Artemis asked, watching him stretch out. She felt sorry for him, how could she not, but they didn't exactly know each other well enough for her to feel comfortable asking if he was okay. He'd only talked to her a few times and the most they'd spoken was when he was handing out flyers for various clubs, one including archery that she'd joined soon after. Other than that, their conversations remained in the realm of her asking directions and him answering. 

"You new here?" he replied. "I'm a charity case, not a long lost love-child. The best he can do is pawn me off to some heiress with low standards. Bruce's popularity doesn't do shit for mine." He bent backwards until his hands hit the floor and there was a loud pop from his back. She cringed at the sound but he straightened up like it never happened. For a moment Artemis wondered why he wasn't in some sort of gymnastics club but then she remembered he was the math genius of the school and it probably clashed. Maybe Daddy Dearest didn't let him join clubs that weren't academic. She reminded herself that she couldn't care less about the little twerp and shut her locker door. 

"How long were you in there?"

"What time is it?" She looked at her watch. 


"About an hour then. Good thing you had archery, huh?"

"You were locked in there since the end of the school day? Isn't Bruce worried about where you are?" He tilted his head with a confused look. 

"No? He's got a multi-billion business to run, he couldn't care less where I'm hanging out."

"So no one is worried about where you are?"

"Nah it's Thursday. Nobody picks me up. Hence why I got put in the locker. Bullies are surprisingly good at memorising your timetable. Not so good at remembering to study for their tests though," he answered whilst working the rest of his joints back into gear before turning on his heel. "Well, nice talking to you but now I've gotta find where they put my backpack. I'll see you around Arty." Such a weirdo and yet-

"I'll help. If you want?" She didn't know why she offered. Right after archery, she had to head over to the Mountain for a training session and she couldn't be late again. The last time she was late, Black Canary made her do five laps of the beach and she was already sweaty. Dick looked to be just as confused as her when she offered it.

"I think you have somewhere to be," he replied. 

"You think or you know?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him. 

"I think. You're always running off after archery."

"Are you spying on me?" 

"I spy on everyone, it's kinda my gig since Babs is on the school paper. I'm an observer. See all, hear all, know all."

"I can see how you got yourself stuffed in a locker," she grumbled. He smiled softly like she'd said something endearing instead of a sharp insult. God, this kid was so odd but her job involved a lot of odd things. She couldn't help but find him interesting like a little puzzle meant to annoy the hell out of you before you put in the right answer. He reminded her a lot of Robin. How he'd talk cryptically and be completely unphased by serious things. Maybe they knew each other given how often he and Bruce were always getting saved by either of the pair. They probably got on well. "Still, even though you're a little creep, I'd feel bad if they put your backpack on too high of a shelf."

"I'll survive. You should get going. Don't wanna get you in trouble." 

"Your loss kid."

"Rob, I know you've got a secret ID to keep but this is getting out of hand." 

Artemis hadn't meant to overhear. She'd just been walking down the hall and overheard Wally's voice. His voice was pretty loud in itself so truly it wasn't her fault. Maybe it was slightly her fault when she paused and waited to hear more. Nobody had been able to get Robin to drop his gimmick no matter how long they'd been working together. Only Wally and a handful of league members knew the person behind the mask so if she could get her hands on some information he wasn't going to pass it up. Would she feel guilty later? Probably but it'd be worth it. 

"She got me out after a few hours," Robin replied in an attempt to pacify him.

"Half of you was dislocated!"

"It's fine, I'm prone to that anyway."

"That-" Wally took a deep breath. "That's not the point. Couldn't you at least tell her who you are? She could protect you at school, I'm sure she would."

"Babs and I have it handled." Babs?

"She's hardly there! I know Arty likes to be a loner but she wouldn't want to know later on if it was you getting hurt." They were talking about her? Did she go to school with Robin? It made sense that he went to school in Gotham and she supposed he was smart enough to go to Gotham Academy. "Nobody else will know. It'll stay between the three of us."

"She doesn't like me."

"She does! If she didn't like you then she wouldn't have offered to find your backpack." What? 

"No fucking way," she whispered before covering her mouth, remembering that she was supposed to be listening discreetly.

"Did you hear something?" Robin asked.

"Don't change the subject."

She didn't say anything to anyone about knowing Robin was Dick Grayson but now she couldn't stand the thought of him letting himself get beat up to not reveal something so she made more of an effort to find him at school usually with an excuse for homework help. Something like paying back the favour he owed her. Somehow, she knew Dick realised he'd been caught but he never said he was Robin and she never accused him of being the hero. They just said Artemis and Dick.

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