Chapter 3

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School had just ended and I was walking back home. I noticed Matrix walking with Xiao, Emo, and some other boys. I wanted to go say hi but decided not to because they were in the middle of a conversation. Though I did follow them. Not a stalker though. Just curious.

I followed them to a small house where the group went into the garage. They left the door open so I watched from a good vantage point. I then noticed that Matrix, Xiao, and the other boys were holding instruments while Emo was sketching something. Xiao was holding a guitar while Matrix had a bass. A boy with long blonde hair in a braid was on drums and clicked the stick saying "1, 2, 3, 4". The group started playing while Matrix and a boy with braids fading into a green color started singing while Matrix played the bass. I could tell Matrix was just backup but I could hear him with perfect clarity and he sounded amazing which made me blush. Emo then looked at the garage door and jumped quickly getting it closed. I sighed and went home.

I had just finished when I remembered Matrix promised Emo they would get smoothies after school. I remembered passing the smoothie shop on my trip around the town the other day. I decided to see if I could catch them.

I got to the smoothie shop and saw the two drinking their smoothies at a table. "Hey there guys," I said walking over to their table. The two looked at me. "Oh hey Cyno," Matrix said. "Wassup," Emo said. Matrix patted the spot next to him and I sat there. "So. What flavor smoothies are those?" I said trying to make conversation. "Ultra-sweet Sunsettia. Invented by an employee here-who's my older brother's girlfriend-Sucrose," Matrix said. "Fiery Passion Lavender Melon," Emo said. I nodded. "Watch this. Emo what flavor is he?" Matrix said whispering the first part. Emo looked at me intently. "He has the blood of a witch. He'll guess what flavor of smoothie you'll love automatically," Matrix said. "Sorry but I don't believe that. Magic doesn't exist," I said. Emo grabbed my face and pulled me closer. "Try Shocking Scarab. It's just an VERY enhanced grape flavor," Emo said letting go of my face. I went over and ordered it. I sat back down at the table and sipped it. And I knew that Shocking Scarab would be the smoothie I would have for the rest of my life. "Believe me now?" Matrix asked. Emo hissed while making a very dramatic motion with his hand. "Lucky guess," I said. "Party pooper. You see this is why I was skeptical of being your friend at first Matrix. You used to be just like this before I fixed you," Emo said. Matrix laughed out. "Just because you made me a normal teen doesn't mean you made me you," Matrix said. "But I helped you find out your Bi," Emo said. "True," Matrix said. I was surprised by that. "You're Bi?" I asked. "Yep. Emo helped me realize I wasn't just attracted to girls but also guys. Though I haven't told my family. Except my mom. She keeps my imperfections a secret from the rest of my family," Matrix said. "Yep! That's me. Emo Wangzi. Professional awakener of the LGBTQ+ community members in Dornman Port," Emo said. I chuckled. A random guy walked past the table with an open bottle of water and threw it on Matrix. "1, 2, 3, 4" Matrix counted running off. Emo and I followed. Matrix went into the bathroom and Emo followed him in. I tried to enter but Emo stopped me. "Sorry Cy but this is a private matter between friends. Could you go tell that jerk to fuck off for me 'kay thanks byeeeeee," Emo said before closing the door. I was confused. It was just water. I went back to the table to find the guy had left. I sighed and sat down taking another sip of my Shocking Scarab smoothie.

A minute later Emo and Matrix came back to the table. Matrix being completely dry. "So how did that jerk take it?" Emo asked. "He left before I could see him again," I said. Matrix had his arms crossed. "We're just gonna take our smoothies and go. Nice seeing you Cyno," Matrix said picking up his smoothie. Emo did the same and the two left.

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