JL: The Enemy Below Part 2

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Aquaman discovers that Lord Orm, his own brother, was behind the attack. Orm now seizes control of Atlantis and prepares to wage war against the surface. Will the League be able to stop Orm's plans?

Previously on Justice League...

Female Crew Member: "This is U.S.S. Defiant. We are under attack and have sustained heavy damage. We are going down."

Aquaman: "Let it sink."

Superman: "All this could have been avoided. Come and air your grievances at the world assembly. Negotiate for peace."

Hot Shot: "I just hope that Aquaman takes into consideration negotiating at the world assembly."

Wonder Woman: "Give him time."

Representative: "First you sink a nuclear submarine, And then you threaten us to make peace. Who gave you the right?"

Green Lantern: "I knew we couldn't trust that fishman. The sub's been stripped, and the plutonium is gone." He informed the others as he walked over to them.

Superman: "You tried to kill Aquaman. Why?"

Batman: "Spanish doubloons."

Wonder Woman: "Where would they get coins like this?" She asked.

Martian: "Atlantis." He answered.

Orm: "Now is the time for mighty Atlantis To rise up and strike terror Into the hearts of its enemies."

Aquaman: "Orm! What treason is this?!"

Orm: "I'm only doing What you never had the courage to do. I'm in charge now."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Aquaman stood there as he looked around his soldiers in anger. But he was much angrier towards his brother, Orm.

Orm: "For years, I've stood in your shadow And watched while you led Atlantis to the brink of ruin. I'll stand no more, And neither will your generals." He said.

Brak: He steps forward as he looks down at Aquaman. "This is a battle we should have fought years ago, But you betrayed us by siding with our enemies."

Aquaman growled, as he raises his arms up in the air and punches two soldiers. He then charged at Orm, but he was blasted back with the use of the trident. He struggled to get up, but he couldn't.

Orm: "Take him away." He ordered as two soldiers carried Aquaman away. "General Brak, ready your troops at once."

Brak: "Yes, My Lord." He said as he and the others walked off.

Orm sits down on the throne, and places the trident next to him. Then, Mera entered the throne room.

Mera: "Orm, they said my husband has returned. Is it true?" She asked.

Orm: "I wish it were. But it's only an unfounded rumor."

Mera: "I've tried to be strong, but without him, I..." She almost breaks down.

Orm: "Don't worry, Mera. I'll take care of you. And your son."

Mera: "My son?"

Orm: "I've already taken the precaution of placing him under my protection."

Mera quickly ran and reached her baby's crib. She lifted the blanket and gasped, seeing her son missing. Orm entered the room.

Orm: "These are dangerous times, Mera. We can't be too careful."

Mera: "Where is he?"

Orm: "The prince will come to no harm As long as you cooperate." He tells her.

Mera: "How can you do this?"

Orm: "I assure you, I am only doing what is best for Atlantis." He said as he walked away.

The Javelin flies down underwater, as the Justice League were on their way to find and warn Aquaman.

Wonder Woman: "We're almost there. Atlantis is just beyond that reef."

Green Lantern: "Don't expect them to welcome us with open arms."

Superman: "Set the ship down here. Maybe we can slip under their defenses."

Just then, a huge blast hit their ship.

Martian: "Too late. They've already seen us."

Hot Shot: "Great." He commented.

The Javelin stops, as there were dozens of Atlantean ships right in front of them. The League members then got up from their seats.

Green Lantern: "If it's a fight they want, they've got it." He said as he charged up his ring and was about to storm out.

Hot Shot: "Wait! Remember why we're here in the first place." He said as he stopped Lantern in his tracks.

The back of the Javelin then opened up, as the Justice League flew out and tried to approach the Atlantean soldiers peacefully.

Superman: "Hold your fire. We come with an urgent message for your king." He said.

Soldier: "How should we respond, general?" He asked Brak.

Brak: "Destroy them." He ordered.

Then, the Atlanteans began firing missiles at the heroes.

Green Lantern: "There's your answer."

He flew right in front of the others and used his ring to create a shield, before the missiles could hit anyone. Everyone then separated, as each Atlantean soldier was trying to take each individual member. Two went up against Superman, but the man of steel flew towards them and grabbed them off their vehicles. One tried to get to Martian, but he simply phased through the Atlantean.

Soldier: "What?" He questioned, confused about what just happened.

As he was distracted, he looked in front of him and gasped as he was then hit by a rock. Another soldier was going after Wonder Woman and opening fire upon her. She blocked a few blasts and knocked the soldier out of his vehicle.

Hot Shot: "Behind you!" He called out.

Wonder Woman heard him, as she turned around to see three more Atlanteans approaching her. Hot Shot quickly flew in, charged with electricity, and destroyed their vehicles. The soldiers were then simply knocked out by the Fox, and he flew towards Diana.

Wonder Woman: "Thanks." She said, smiling towards him.

Then, a missile hits them from behind, knocking them back. The two League members look to see a giant craft there, opening fire. Superman spots them in trouble, as he quickly flies down and uses his strength to lift a giant rock to then damage the underside of their craft. It did enough damage to have it tumble down. The others watched it go down, as Superman quickly went to the others.

Superman: "This way."

He leads the others away, as Green Lantern spots the city of Atlantis.

Green Lantern: "There it is." He tells the others.

The Justice League flies towards Atlantis, as it was seen protected by a huge dome. But what they didn't see were secret defenses being set off, and depth charges were being fired.

Green Lantern: "Not even close."

The charges began to explode, knocking Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Hot Shot out.

Martian: "Depth charges." He called out.

But as the last depth charge exploded, it knocked out the remaining two League members.

Electronic beeping was heard, as Hot Shot groaned and slowly looked up, as shadow loomed over him. He got a good look to see Orm standing in front of him.

Orm: "Worthless surface scum."

Hot Shot glanced to his left to see his teammates still knocked out, but they seemed to be wearing a device on their heads, and so did he. They were all on their knees, and handcuffed behind their backs. He then looked around the room to see what appeared to be a throne room. Hot Shot tries to break out, but nothing. It seems that his powers weren't working. 

Hot Shot: "Where's Aquaman?"

Orm: "I thought your kind already took care of him."

Wonder Woman: "No. He came back here."

Superman: "We came to warn him about a plot against his life-- An Atlantean plot."

As soon as Superman mentioned that, Mera overheard it when she entered the room, without letting anyone know.

Orm: "Lies and deceptions!" He responded as he used the trident on Superman, knocking him out. "I consider this latest incursion Nothing less than an act of war. You will be executed as enemies of the crown. Then I will wipe out the surface world forever."

The Justice League glared at Orm as he walked away. The team were placed in a chamber, as the Atlanteans placed metal cuffs on their wrists. One guard leaves as he signals the other to pull a lever, causing a glass door to come down. Then, the chamber began filling up with water.

Hot Shot: "Oh, crud!" He said as he was struggling to break free."

Wonder Woman: "Oh. J'onn, can you phase free?"

Martian: "No. Can't focus."

Green Lantern: "Me neither. Some kind of synaptic discharge."

Wonder Woman: "Then we'll drown."

Hot Shot: (Thoughts) "If only there was some way to get these devices out of our heads."

General Brak was overseeing everything being loaded onto their ship, till Orm arrives. Brak and two others kneeled.

Brak: "Your troops are almost ready to depart, my lord." He said

Orm: "Proceed, General. I will join you after I attend to Some unfinished business."

Orm then rides off, but unaware to them, Mera was hiding. Seeing that Orm was gone, she then had a chance and left.

Back at the chamber, the Justice League were still struggling to break free while the whole thing was entirely filled up with water. The two guards were simply watching, enjoying every minute of it.

Guard #1: "Which one will go first?" He asks.

Guard #2: "My money's on the girl." He responded.

Guard #1: "You think?"

Suddenly, one of the guards was knocked out. The other guard looked to see that it was Mera responsible. Before he could do anything, Mera quickly knocked him out. She dropped her weapon and quickly went to the lever to free the Justice League. The water was drained, as everyone coughed and gasped for air. Mera takes a key from one of the guards, and goes in to release them from the metal cuffs. Everyone then takes off the devices on their heads.

Hot Shot: "Thank you. But why..."

Mera: "You believe someone in Atlantis has betrayed my husband. I also fear for his life, But I need your help."

Green Lantern: "You've got it."

Elsewhere on the ocean floor, Aquaman is chained to the side of a rock outcropping, above a lava fissure. He struggles to break free until he hears a familiar voice, It was Orm's.

Orm: "Enjoying the view?" He asked as he lowered his vehicle to Aquaman's level.

Aquaman: "Getting rid of me won't make the people of Atlantis serve you." He said.

Orm: "I know. That whole lineage thing could get messy. Fortunately, I have a solution."

Aquaman: "What do you mean?"

Orm then gets off, as he goes over to the front of his craft. He opens the hatch, to then reveal that he has brought Aquaman's son. Orm turns the baby around, to have his brother see him, crying helplessly.

Aquaman: "No!"

Back with the Justice League, the whole team was seen walking through the city with Mera. Hot Shot looks around the city of Atlantis in awe and wonder. He gained an understanding as to why Aquaman is protective of his kingdom.

Wonder Woman: "Your kingdom is truly magnificent. I see why Aquaman protects it so passionately."

Hot Shot smiled underneath the mask. Looks like he and Diana both thought of the same thing.

Mera: "Unfortunately, there are those whose ambitions would destroy it. "

Suddenly, a laser blast almost hit Mera, but Hot Shot stood in front of her and blocked it with his scythe. Atlantean guards began opening fire.

Wonder Woman: "Get down!" She yelled as she blocked their attacks.

Few more guards approached from behind and started blasting. Superman took a few blasts, while Green Lantern used his ring to blast one of their weapons.

Green Lantern: "Stand back!"

He then used his ring to destroy the bridge, having the soldiers fall down to the water. The heroes were seen floating, with Hot Shot carrying Mera in his arms.

Mera: "Thank you."

Martian: "This fight is far from over."

Hot Shot: "He's right. We have to find Aquaman, and fast."

The baby kept crying, as Orm swam close to Aquaman.

Orm: "A pity, the young prince will be yet another innocent victim of the surface dwellers' aggression."

Aquaman glared as he tried to go for Orm and save his son, but he was still chained to the rock.

Orm: "Sadly, that will also make me the rightful heir to the throne."

Orm then goes over to the rock, and takes out his dagger and stabs against it. He then places the baby on it. Orm then goes to his craft and bids a mocking farewell.

Orm: "Well, I'm off to avenge your deaths."

He then uses the trident to blast the outcropping, and leaves them.

Aquaman: "Orm!" He yelled.

The outcropping then began to slide down the cliff and right toward the lava. Aquaman, using all of his strength, manages to break at least one of the chains. Unfortunately, he struggles to break the other and they are both getting closer to the lava floor.

He grabs a sharp metal buckle from his belt to try to break himself free, but it has no effect. As they were drawing nearer to the lava, and his son crying, Aquaman raises the buckle in the air, and brings it down with a roar...

Back at the Royal Palace, Hot Shot and Wonder Woman stayed with Mera, while the others spread throughout the palace to look for Aquaman. The team then returned to the throne room.

Martian: "We've searched the entire palace."

Superman: "But there's still no sign of him." He said as he flew in.

Mera began to sob, worried about her husband and child. Both Hot Shot and Wonder Woman try their best to comfort her.

Then, everyone turned to see Aquaman enter the throne room, holding his son in his arm. Mera looks up, gasps in relief, as she runs towards them and embraces them.

Mera: "My love, you're safe."

Aquaman: "And so is our son." He said as he passed his child to his wife.

Mera: [Gasps] "Your hand..."

Aquaman: "Where is Orm?"

Aquaman was soon taken to a medical wing, where a doctor was mending his wound. The doctor used a small laser to cauterize the wonder, having the king grunt in pain. The heroes stand by and watch.

Superman: "His own hand. I can't believe it."

Green Lantern: "I told you he was a madman." He said as then Hot Shot nudged his shoulder.

Mera: "Is it madness to sacrifice all for someone you love?"

Hot Shot: "Yeah. If you were put in the same position as him, wouldn't you have done the same thing?" He said to Lantern.

Aquaman: "Can't you work any faster?" He asked the doctor.

Doctor: "This is a delicate operation, my lord. It can't be rushed." He responded.

As the doctor continued, a beeping noise was heard. Superman then tapped into his comm link.

Batman: "Superman, a situation has developed at the North Pole. Thermal readings show temperatures increasing rapidly.

Martian: "If that continues, The ecological effects could be catastrophic."

Green Lantern: "Then let's check it out."

Wonder Woman: "But what about the crisis here?" She asked.

Aquaman: "There may be a connection."

Hot Shot: "What do you mean, your Highness?" He asked.

Aquaman: "It's the doomsday thermal reactor. We designed it to create a polar meltdown."

Green Lantern: "What?!" He exclaimed in shock.

Aquaman: "I had it built as a weapon of last resort-- To protect Atlantis should the surface world ever attack. But I never armed it."

Green Lantern: "Then Orm must have, Using the plutonium from the submarine."

Hot Shot: "And if the polar cap melts, then the entire world will sink beneath the waves. Everything will be destroyed right there. We can't let that happen!"

Superman: "He's right. Orm must be stopped."

Aquaman: "And he will be. I'll see to it personally." He said as he stood up to reveal his hook.

Aquaman swam towards the Arctic Circle and jumped out of the water. Soon, the others followed after him.

Superman: "Aquaman! Wait!"

Aquaman: "Why do you follow?" He asked, as the Justice League flew above him.

Wonder Woman: "We want to help." She responded.

Aquaman: "This is my battle. No one asked you to fight it."

Then, Hot Shot landed in front of Aquaman, having him stop walking.

Hot Shot: "Aquaman, listen! Like it or not, we have a stake in the outcome. So, we're not leaving." He said as he crossed his arms, glaring underneath his mask.

Aquaman narrowed his eyes at him, though he couldn't help but somewhat admire the young man's boldness.

Aquaman: "Just stay out of my way, young one."

Suddenly, a huge explosion went off in front of them, causing everyone to scatter. Then, huge Atlantean ships rose from the ice and fired their cannons. Hot Shot picked up Aquaman, as he and the others flew off.

Brak: "Soldiers of Atlantis, attack!" He ordered.

Multiple speeders came charging forward. Hot Shot dropped Aquaman, as he dove towards one of the speeders and knocked it down. The soldiers then opened fire, as Lantern shielded their attack.

Green Lantern: "Here we go again."

Batman arrives in the Arctic Circle, as he was flying in the Batwing. As he arrives, he then sees everything melting.

Batman: "Superman, the glaciers are already starting to melt."

Superman: "I know, but we've got our hands full here."

Lantern dove down, dodging every blast, as he then used his ring to create a barrier and ram it into a couple of speeders. Soldiers flew off as their vehicles were destroyed.

Wonder Woman used her lasso to grab hold of one of the soldiers and yanked him off. His speeder was about to crash into another, until Martian swooped in and saved the soldier before it collided. He then proceeded to drop him into the water.

Hot Shot swooped down, evading incoming fire and used his lightning to destroy three speeders. Luckily, the three soldiers jumped out before the lightning destroyed their vehicles. Aquaman snuck his way behind one of the speeders and punched the traitor out.

Superman dodged a laser cannon fire as he flew straight into the cannon. He broke the cannon, as he flew back up, but Brak ordered one of the cannons to open fire and hit Superman. The Man of Steel then crashed into a nearby mountain. He was disoriented for a moment, but he flew back into the fight.

Brak: "For Atlantis!"

Brak jumped onto his speeder, as his soldiers followed behind him and opened fire towards Aquaman. The king continued forward, while unknown to them, he summoned an ally. Then, a huge Orca rose from the water, as Aquaman jumped onto his back. The creature dove head first into the water, knocking every soldier off their speeders.

Hot Shot: "Whoa! Did you see that?" He asked Lantern.

Green Lantern: "I saw it, But I still don't believe it."

Superman: "You two, stay with him. We'll handle things here."

Both Hot Shot and Lantern followed after Aquaman, and dove straight into the water.

Aquaman rose and broke from the ice, as he stared at an ice hill in front of him. He made his way inside, as he saw the ice walls melting and dripping with water. He walked across an ice bridge, and made his way to the reactor. He went to the control panel to try and shut it down, but a beam of energy hit from behind.

Orm: "Apparently, I underestimated you, brother-- A mistake I won't make again."

As Orm struck the trident, Aquaman quickly dodged and kicked his brother off. Orm flew back and charged again.

Outside, Hot Shot, Green Lantern, and Batman flew towards the mountain.

Batman: "There's not much time. If we can't shut that down, The entire world is doomed."

Green Lantern: "I suppose this is a bad time to say I told you so."

Hot Shot: "Yes, it is a very bad time!"

Back with Aquaman, both he and Orm clashed with each other. His hook is interlocked with the trident, until he punches Orm.

Aquaman: "It's over."

Orm: "You're right, and you've lost."

Orm grabbed the trident and blasted the control panel, destroying it. He then fired a beam at Aquaman, sending him flying across.

Orm: "The tide is against you. The reactor can't be shut down."

The three heroes arrived outside of the cavern, but everything was starting to melt down.

Green Lantern: "We're too late."

Batman: "Not yet."

Batman ran inside, with Hot Shot and Green Lantern following.

Aquaman continued the fight, blocking his brother's attack and punching him across the jaw. Orm stumbled, and tried firing a beam but Aquaman moved the trident and punched him, sending flying back. But Orm quickly got on his feet and fired a beam to Aquaman. He flew back and almost fell down the pit, if he hadn't used his hook to latch to the wall.

As Orm goes to finish the job, the others arrive at the reactor.

Batman: "No good. I'll have to go inside and manually shut it down." He said.

Green Lantern: "Inside?"

Batman: "Your ring-- can it protect me?" He asked.

Green Lantern: "We'll find out."

He then used his ring to cover Batman in a green aura. The Caped Crusader wasted no time and went inside the reactor.

Aquaman dodged every blast from Orm's trident, as he was climbing and running towards him. Then, Orm turned around to see the heroes trying to stop the reactor.

Orm: "No! Get away from that."

Orm then used the trident to blast an energy beam at Green Lantern, but Hot Shot stepped forth and summoned his scythe to deflect the blast. He then flew and charged towards Orm. He tackled him down to an ice bridge, as Aquaman stopped.

Orm: [Growls] "You dare attack me, boy?! You made a very grave mistake!"

Hot Shot: "Gee, like I haven't heard that before."

Before Orm could even use the trident again, Hot Shot quickly rushed toward him and used his scythe to have Orm let go and drop on the group. Without his trident, Hot Shot then proceeded to punch Orm several times in the face, and punching him in the stomach. He then used a spin kick to send Orm flying back.

Orm growled as he was slowly getting up and Hot Shot was walking towards him. He then grabbed his dagger and tried slicing at him, but the Gotham Fox evaded every attack.

Orm: "I will not lose to someone like you, you pathetic-- Whoa!"

Suddenly, the ice began to crumble as he almost fell, but he clung onto the edge. Hot Shot stood over him, as then Aquaman dropped down next to him.

Orm: "Please! Help me!" He pleaded to Hot Shot, as he reached his hand out.

Hot Shot then reached his hand out, and grabbed hold of his trident and looked down at Orm.

Hot Shot: "I believe this belongs to you." He said as he passed the trident to Aquaman, while still not taking his eyes off Orm.

Aquaman: "Yes, it does."

Orm then loses his grip and falls into the abyss, screaming all the way down. Both Hot Shot and Aquaman made their way towards the others.

Green Lantern: "Hurry, Batman."

Inside, Batman managed to turn the valve as the reactor stopped humming and the heat subsided. The reactor was shut down.

Green Lantern: "It's shutting down. You did it."

Batman: "No... We did."

Aquaman: "Then the threat is over." He then turned to Hot Shot. "You have my thanks, young one. You are a worthy successor to your clan." He said as he put his hand on Hot Shot's shoulder.

Hot Shot: "Thank you."

Back at Atlantis, General Brak and the rest of Orm's followers were rounded up and taken to the throne room. Aquaman sat on his throne as his wife and the Justice League stood by him.

Brak: "And surely you must know, my lord, Our loyalty belongs to you and you alone. We never believed in Orm's plan, but your brother forced us. The truth is we were only following orders."

Aquaman: "Get them out of my sight." He ordered.

General Brak and his men were then taken away to be locked up for their crimes.

Aquaman: "[Sighs] I can only blame myself. My fear of the surface dwellers blinded me To those I should have feared most, And it cost me dearly." He said as he looked down at his hook.

Green Lantern: "Don't be too hard on yourself. Maybe we've all misjudged."

Aquaman: "Perhaps. All I want... All I've ever wanted... Is peace and security for Atlantis."

Superman: "After what's happened, it won't be easy."

Aquaman: "I know, but some sacrifices are worth it."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter for Justice League! For the next chapter, I'll probably do a chapter with both Hot Shot and Wonder Woman.

Also guys, comment down which episodes do you think I should do for this story. I probably might not do a lot, but we'll see!

One last thing, here's a little digital art I made of Hot Shot of the DC Universe! Hope y'all like it!

Edit: Wanted to add one more thing! If you guys want to see more of this Hot Shot and Justice League, check out my story Reacting To: Dare To Face The Unknown, where four different set of characters come together and explore the Multiverse!

That's all. 'Kay, bye!!!

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