JL: The Enemy Below Part 1

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Aquaman leads an Atlantean armada in attacking a nuclear submarine, the USS Defiant, for trespassing in Atlantean territory. The Justice League arrive to save the submarine's crew but comes into a standoff with Aquaman's forces.

It was late at night, as the clouds covered the sky and thunder was rumbling. Flashes of light appear in the clouds. Underneath the ocean, a submarine, the USS Defiant, goes by. Then, a beeping noise was heard, as one of the crew members found something on the scanner.

Crew Member #1: "Sir, unidentified craft approaching. Bearing 010." He informs the captain.

Captain: "At this depth? Establish radio contact." He ordered.

Female Crew Member: "I've tried all frequencies. No response." She informs him as she couldn't get into contact.

Crew Member: "Whatever it is, it's big and closing fast."

Captain: "Evasive maneuvers. Planes down 20 degrees."

The rest of the crew did what they were told, as they drove the submarine lower. Behind the sub, there was the unidentified craft. As they continued going lower, a crew member checked to see that it was still following them.

Crew Member: "Still closing, sir. It's going to..."

He was cut off as the submarine was then hit by the craft. Sparks of electricity appeared from the damage and everything in the room turned red.

Captain: "Damage report."

Female Crew Member: "Starboard rudder's out."

Crew Member: "Captain, the hostile craft is turning! It's making another run!" He tells the Captain.

Captain: "Prepare torpedo tubes!"

Crew Member: "There's no time!"

The hostile craft then bashed itself against the submarine again, doing damage to the hull. The rest of the crew members began to run, as water began to breach.

Female Crew Member: "This is U.S.S. Defiant. We are under attack and have sustained heavy damage. We are going down. Repeat, we are going down." She sends out a distress call.

The submarine begins to slowly go down, while the craft simply stops. Inside the craft, one of the passengers observes the sub sinking. It was revealed that the craft was actually an Atlantean craft and one of the passengers was General Brak.

General Brak: "The surface dwellers' ship has been disabled."

"Good. Let it sink."

The General looked back, as he saw Aquaman leaning forward from his seat, revealing he was the one responsible for the attack on the USS Defiant.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Back up, over the ocean, the Javelin comes down from the stormy cloud and dives down. Inside the Javelin, Green Lantern, Hot Shot, Superman, and Wonder Woman were on the job.

Hot Shot: "USS Defiant, this is the Justice League responding. Help is on the way." He responded.

The Javelin dove down to the water, as Wonder Woman had a lock on their signal.

Wonder Woman: "I've locked onto their distress beacon. We're getting close." She informs the others.

Superman: "We're not the only ones. We've got company."

He pointed over to a giant craft hovering nearby the submarine. Then, cannons appeared on top of the vessel and began opening fire.

Hot Shot: "Oh, that's not good."

Green Lantern: "Hang on."

He quickly turned the Javelin to avoid getting hit by the torpedoes. They both miss and the Javelin flies away. The giant craft gives chase and continues firing upon the heroes. John flies toward a small ravine, and luckily the giant sub was too big to fit through and continue forward as it got stuck.

Green Lantern: "Lost 'em."

But then, two more submarines suddenly appeared right in front of them.

Hot Shot: "You spoke too soon, GL." He commented.

Lantern quickly maneuvered his way out, as Superman stood up and took out a breather from the compartment.

Superman: "Those sailors won't have a prayer If we keep playing cat and mouse. Come on." He tells the group.

The three got out of their seats and followed Superman. A torpedo hits the Javelin, as it damages the ship. The heroes emerged from the smoke, as Lantern shielded them. The other subs began opening fire, as both Superman and Lantern charged and destroyed their weapons.

Wonder Woman and Superman went to different sides and collided with them both. Lantern and Hot Shot cut through their ships, having them both crash down and the Atlantean soldiers swam out of there. The heroes were about to head over to the submarine, until they were cut off.


Aquaman arrived in front of them, riding an Atlantean craft and holding his trident. He then aimed his trident towards the Justice League.

Aquaman: "You've violated the sovereign borders of Atlantis. Leave at once, or you will be destroyed." He demanded.

Superman: "We apologize for the intrusion. We were responding to a call for help." He said, raising his arms up, indicating he means no harm.

Aquaman: "They should have stayed on the surface where they belong."

Wonder Woman: "Please. The men on board-- they'll drown." She pleaded.

Aquaman: He raised his eyebrow and thought about it for a moment. "Take the crew. But the vessel stays."

Green Lantern: "No way. That's a nuclear sub. If you think we're just going to walk away and leave it–."

Aquaman: "What makes you think you have a choice?" He said, almost daring Green Lantern to challenge the king.

Then, Lantern's eyes glowed bright green in anger and were about to confront him, until Hot Shot goes in front of him and pulls him back.

Hot Shot: "Hold it, Lantern. He's right. Time is running out and those people are all that matters. We'll sort things out later." He said as then John's eyes stopped glowing.

Moments later, Hot Shot, Superman, and Wonder Woman helped carry the crew members on to the giant bubble Green Lantern has created. Aquaman and the other Atlanteans kept their eye on them to make sure they didn't do something funny.

Superman: "That's the last one." He informs Lantern.

He then carried the crew members up, as Aquaman then turned to his soldiers.

Aquaman: "Escort them to the surface." He ordered.

The General bowed as he and his men followed them. Lantern emerged from the ocean, with the crew, and Wonder Woman was back on the Javelin and flew off. Then, Hot Shot and Superman then rose, as both looked down to see Aquaman and his soldiers. They floated down towards the king's level.

Superman: "You know, all this could have been avoided."

Aquaman: "How?" He asked.

Superman: "Come and air your grievances at the world assembly. Negotiate for peace." He answered.

Aquaman: "You'd have me crawl to them like some beggar?" He growled towards Superman.

Hot Shot: "No, your highness. Stand before them like a king." He said.

Both Hot Shot and Superman flew off, following their teammates, leaving Aquaman to think about the Man of Steel's suggestion.

A Few Hours Later...

The Justice League returned to the Watchtower after they dropped off the USS Defiance crew back to their base. Right now, Superman was on the phone, talking to the Admiral about the mission.

Superman: "I understand your concerns, admiral, But lives were at stake. There was nothing else we could do."

Meanwhile, Hot Shot was by the viewing area with Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter. Then, Lantern speaks up.

Green Lantern: "The admiral's right. We never should have left the sub down there. Now it's in the hands of that madman." He says to the group.

Wonder Woman: "Aquaman's no madman. He's a king. He only wants to preserve and protect his own kind." She tries explaining.

Green Lantern: "So, who's going to protect us from him?"

He then walks off, as the others simply watch him leave. Blake simply sighed, as he turned back and looked at Earth.

Martian: "Is there something that troubles you, Hot Shot?" He asked him.

Hot Shot: "I just hope that Aquaman takes into consideration negotiating at the world assembly, as Superman suggested to him."

Wonder Woman: "Give him time. I do also hope that he will go with that option."

Green Lantern went back to the ocean, to investigate what the Atlanteans were doing with the submarine, as he really didn't trust them with it. He hid underneath a rock, as a giant Atlantean sub moved above him. Lantern immediately flew towards it, and held on to move past the guards. As he gets close to the USS Defiant, he lets go of the sub and goes into the hole. He lit his ring and used it like a flashlight to look around. Lantern searched around the submarine, until he found something missing. A safe was opened with the plutonium gone. Lantern narrowed his eyes, as he knew the Atlanteans were planning something and he needed answers.

Meanwhile, on the surface at a beach, a couple of people were on surfboards, relaxing. Then, one of them spots something rising from the water. It was Aquaman.

Surfer: "Whoa. Hey, where'd that dude come from?" He questioned.

Many people at the beach stared at Aquaman as he simply walked up from the ocean and headed into the city. He continued walking through the city, bumping into a couple of civilians, not giving a damn.

He then crossed through the street, even when the street light was green. Few cars quickly stopped, until one of them rolled down his window and yelled at the king.

Driver: "Out of the way, meathead!" He yelled.

Aquaman stopped for a moment, as he then smashed the hood of that guy's car and continued walking. Then, a police vehicle arrived as the officer got out of his car and ran after him.

Officer: "Not so fast, buddy. Where do you think you're going?" He questioned as he stopped him.

Aquaman then grabbed him, and picked him up in the air.

Aquaman: "Where is the world assembly?" He demanded to know.

Back at the Watchtower...

Green Lantern: "I knew we couldn't trust that fishman. The sub's been stripped, and the plutonium is gone." He informed the others as he walked over to them.

Wonder Woman: "And you think Aquaman's responsible?" She asked him.

Green Lantern: "Who else, princess? We've got to go back to Atlantis and get some straight answers."

Superman: "If it's Aquaman you want, He's not in Atlantis." He said.

Superman was looking at the news on the monitor. The other heroes walked up next to him.

Snapper: "According to eyewitness accounts, Aquaman then forced his way past the guards And into a closed session of the world assembly. But as to why he's here or what he wants, We'll have to wait for further developments." 

Hot Shot: "Oh boy..."

At the world assembly, the King of Atlantis was standing in front of the world leaders, who were outraged at his demands and yelled over each other.

Man: "Order! Order, please!"

Representative: "First you sink a nuclear submarine, And then you threaten us to make peace. Who gave you the right?"

Aquaman: "I am the born ruler of Atlantis." He responded with his arms crossed.

Representative: "A country we do not even recognize."

Aquaman: "These are my final terms. Refuse them at your own risk." He warned the representatives.

Man: "But your demands are outrageous. They would compromise our entire world defense and economy."

Aquaman: "Your problem, not mine." He simply responded, not caring what happens to the surface world.

Everyone then began to stand up from their seats and yelled at the King, having him growl at them. Suddenly, Superman called out to him.

Superman: "Aquaman!"

He and the rest of the Justice League arrived at the World Assembly and landed on the stage.

Aquaman: "I offered them a chance for peace, And this is their answer." He tells Superman as he gestured over the Representatives.

Superman: "Please, these things take time." He tries to diffuse the situation.

Aquaman: "I've wasted too much time already." He said as he began to storm off the stage.

Wonder Woman: "Wait!" She stands in front of him.

The king of Atlantis simply shoves her out of the way, as Hot Shot catches her.

Green Lantern: "A real prince charming." He said, sarcastically while glaring at him.

Aquaman walked out of the World Assembly, where there were a bunch of reporters waiting, wanting to know what happened inside.

Reporters: "Here he comes. Aquaman-- what happened in there? Where's the submarine? Will there be further..."

Aquaman: "Move aside." He said as he walked past them.

On a nearby rooftop, a figure wearing a green jacket, gray pants, and a red hat pulled out a rocket launcher and aimed it towards Aquaman. He pulled the trigger and shot the rocket. It exploded near him, as it sent him flying.

Everyone: "Oh, no! Watch out! Watch out!" Everyone yelled at once as they ran away.

The Justice League rushed out of the building, as they heard the explosion.

Superman: "No."

Superman runs over to Aquaman, who was trying to get back up, but he was badly injured and fell back to the ground.


Snapper: "And following the explosion, Members of the Justice League rushed Aquaman To Metropolis medical center. There are still no official reports on his condition, But his injuries appear to be critical, Possibly fatal." He said as footage was shown of the attack and the JL taking him to the hospital, with Hot Shot missing.

General Brak and other Atlantean soldiers were watching the news, as Lord Orm entered.

Orm: "We cannot allow this treacherous attack To go unpunished."

Brak: "With all due respect, Lord Orm, You're in no position to give that order. The king-." He said as he walked up to him.

Orm: "The king may be dead, And the prince is still an infant."

Brak: "But even so, the law of succession must be respected."

Orm: "The prince will take control When he comes of age, But in the meantime, This outrage must be avenged." He declared.

"Orm, did you hear?"

A female voice was heard, as Orm and Brak looked to see Mera standing by the door. Orm then walked over to her.

Orm: "Oh, my poor Mera, All of Atlantis mourns your loss." He said as he hugged her.

Mera: "You speak as if he'll never come back."

Orm: "I pray he will. But who knows what the surface dwellers may do to him?" He said as it worried Mera.

Metropolis Medical Center

Aquaman was laying on a hospital bed, hooked up to different machines, while the doctors were checking his vitals.

Doctor: "Have we got a line in yet? I need it stat." He asked.

Nurse: "Negative. His skin's tougher than a rhino's." She replied as she showed the needle bent.

Doctor: "His vitals are falling. This is hopeless." He said as he looked over the heart monitor.

Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter were waiting patiently to hear what news the doctor would bring. The League were also wondering where Hot Shot has gone, ever since Aquaman was taken in here. J'onn, however, knows what Blake was going to do.

The doctor walked out of the room and entered the waiting room, where the Justice League was present.

Wonder Woman: "How bad is it?" She asked.

Doctor: "Hard to tell." He replied as he lowered his face mask. "His physiology is not like ours. It's unlike anything I've ever seen."

Superman: "But can you help him?"

Doctor: "I don't know."

"Then maybe I can."

A voice called out as everyone turned to see Batman, stepping out of the shadows. Immediately, Superman opened the doors to another room where doctors rushed in with Aquaman. Hot Shot was there, standing next to a tank filled with water.

Hot Shot: "Quickly, put him inside!"

Superman then gently picked up Aquaman, as the doctor hooked him up to monitor. Then, Superman flies on top of the tank and gently puts him inside. The doctor then goes over to the monitor to see his vitals now stabilizing.

Doctor: "His vitals, they're stabilizing." He informed everyone.

Batman then walked over to him, holding a clipboard and handed it over to him.

Batman: "Maintain saline at 3.5%."

Doctor: "But how could you possibly guess that?" He asked the dark knight.

Batman: "He's a fish out of water, doctor. Salt water." He replied.

A few hours have passed, as the Justice League were waiting patiently. Hot Shot explained to the others why he left earlier was to simply contact Batman and inform him about the situation. Dozens of news vans and reporters arrive in front of the hospital, to see if they can get the latest scoop on Aquaman's recovery. Green Lantern simply stood by the window, while Superman called out to everyone.

Superman: "He's coming around."

Green Lantern: He then walks to the tank. "Good. Now maybe we can get some answers." He then pounded on the tank to get Aquaman's attention. "What did you do with the plutonium?" He asked.

Aquaman: He opened his eyes and swam to the top of the tank. "Plutonium?" He questioned as he hopped out of the tank.

Green Lantern: "From the submarine. You stole it." He clarified.

Aquaman: "My orders were to leave that vessel where it lay." He replied.

Green Lantern: "And you expect us to believe that?" He questioned him.

Aquaman: "Believe what you want. Someone tried to kill me, and I need to find out who." He said as he walked away from the group.

Hot Shot: "Wait, I can help. But you're going to have to trust me." He said as Aquaman turned around and looked at the Gotham Fox.

Snapper: "Here at Metropolis Medical Center, We've just gotten word that Aquaman is about to be moved. Hospital sources say he's going to an unnamed Marine research facility for further treatment."

It was late at night, as reporters were waiting by the front entrance. Meanwhile, Hot Shot, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman were on nearby rooftops, keeping an eye out for the assassin to apprehend him.

Wonder Woman: "I hope this plan of yours works, Hot Shot."

Hot Shot: "I hope so too." He replied.

Batman: "It will work, just keep your eyes open." He cuts in.

Superman: "Here he comes." He informs the others.

Then, Aquaman, who was on a stretcher, was rolled out by two doctors and taken to an ambulance, while reporters were trying to get answers. The unknown assailant was hiding behind a mailbox and took out a rocket launcher. Luckily, Wonder Woman and Hot Shot spotted him.

Wonder Woman: "There!" She informed everyone.

Batman: "I see him." He then takes out a batarang and throws it.

The batarang hits the rocket launcher, having him shoot the ground. The assassin quickly ran off, as the heroes gave chase. He runs to an alley and goes down to the sewer, while he pulls a manhole cover over him. Superman lands and tries to pull the manhole cover, but he was then electrocuted.

Batman goes over by the entrance to see Aquaman helping civilians, who could be hurt from the attack.

Batman: "You okay?" He asked.

It was then revealed that all this time, it was the Martian Manhunter who disguised himself as the King of Atlantis so they could lure out the assassin.

Martian: "Perfectly." He tells him.

Back in the sewers, the assassin ran towards his bike and removed his disguise, to reveal himself as Deadshot.

He got on his bike and took off. Up on top, Batman and Martian caught up to see Superman on the ground. Batman checks up on him, while Martian phased down to the sewers to then see Deadshot coming towards him. He quickly phased through him and contacted Wonder Woman and Hot Shot.

Martian: "Blake, Diana, he's heading towards you."

Hot Shot: "Copy that."

Diana ran and jumped off the rooftop, to land on the street and use her super strength to have the road collapse. Deadshot managed to evade the debris and continued on through. Suddenly, Hot Shot dropped in and landed in front of the assassin.

Hot Shot: "End of the road!"

Deadshot: "I'll take a detour." He simply said as he fired a missile above Hot Shot.

The ceiling exploded, as debris fell on top of Hot Shot, burying him under it. Deadshot turned around and drove off to find another way out. Wonder Woman then drops to help Hot Shot out.

Wonder Woman: "Blake, are you okay?" She asked him as she removed the debris.

Hot Shot: "I'm fine, let's go get him." He simply tells her.

Meanwhile back at the Metropolis Medical Center, Aquaman was waiting impatiently, as Green Lantern was standing guard. Then, Aquaman stood up and walked towards John.

Aquaman: "What's taking so long? I must return to Atlantis." He asked.

Green Lantern: "Sit tight, your highness. We'll tell you when it's safe to go." He simply tells him.

Aquaman then turns around, before quickly hitting John in the face, knocking him out.

Aquaman: "You presume too much." He said as he walked off.

Back in the sewers, Batman hears Deadshot approaching. He took out his grappling gun and fired it up towards the ceiling, as he had placed mines. As Deadshot appeared from the corner, Batman flies up, while the assassin drives through the mines and crashes his motorcycle, causing it to explode. Batman drops down and confronts Deadshot.

Batman: "Don't move."

Deadshot immediately throws a smoke bomb, covering the entire area, giving him the chance to run away. Batman looks around to see him gone. Deadshot gets into a van and drives off to escape the Justice League. But by the train tracks, Superman spots him and flies after him. The assassin sees the man of steel in his rear view mirror and tries to evade him, but Superman uses his heat vision to take out his tires. The van swerved out of control, before it rolled on its side and slid across the road.

Superman landed as the van exploded a bit, thankfully it wasn't a big one to cause a lot of damage. He flies up to the van and takes out the door, to then pull Deadshot out of there.

Deadshot: "Ok, ok, I give up." He raised his arms up, surrendering himself.

Superman: "You tried to kill Aquaman. Why?" He demanded to know.

Deadshot: [sarcastically] "Gee. Why would a hired gun Try to shoot somebody? Could it be that someone paid me to?"

Wonder Woman: "Who?" She asked as she, Batman, and Martian arrived.

Deadshot: "Oh, come on, babe. You know I can't tell you that. Professional ethics. But then again..." He was then checking the Amazon out, liking what he was seeing. "If you make it worth my while."

Hot Shot was standing behind Deadshot, as he was glaring towards the assassin, not liking what he was saying. He then grabbed him by the shoulder and dragged him off.

Hot Shot: "I'll take it from here." He tells the others as he takes Deadshot away from the group.

Deadshot: "You can't scare me, Hot Shot." He tells him.

Hot Shot growled as he grabbed him by the uniform and glared at him.

Hot Shot: "Let me give you one word of advice, Floyd Lawton." He said as he leaned in closer to his face.

Deadshot's eyes widened as he heard the hero mention his name. Hot Shot then began whispering to him, as the others couldn't hear. All except Superman, who had super hearing and couldn't help but feel a bit frightened of what he was saying. He never saw Hot Shot as the scary, intimidating one of the group, he was always a nice and supporting person, but then he remembered, he was trained by Batman...

Deadshot: "Okay. I'll tell, I'll tell!" He exclaimed.

Wonder Woman: "What did he say?" She asked Superman, knowing he has super hearing.

Superman: "You don't want to know. All I can say is, you taught him well, Batman." He replied and looked over to Batman.

Hot Shot brings Deadshot back to the group and shoves him towards them. He brushes off his shoulders before looking at the Justice League.

Hot Shot: "Who hired you?" He asked.

Deadshot: "I don't know. I don't ask questions." He simply replied, as he turned to look at the Gotham Fox.

Hot Shot: "Not good enough. How were you paid?" He walked closer to him.

Deadshot: "In gold. See?" He gestured over to gold that was spilled on the ground.

Batman then walks over to the gold, and picks one up to examine it before turning to the group.

Batman: "Spanish doubloons." He said.

Wonder Woman: "Where would they get coins like this?" She asked.

Martian: "Atlantis." He answered.

Superman: "We've got to warn Aquaman."

Green Lantern: "Too late." He said as landed in front of the team. "That royal pain in the neck's already gone. And I couldn't stop him."

Wonder Woman: "Hera help him."

Hot Shot: [sighs] "This day just keeps getting better and better..." He sarcastically said.

Back in Atlantis, Lord Orm stood in front of his soldiers and used the trident to pound on the ground.

Orm: "My friends, now is the time for action. Now is the time for mighty Atlantis To rise up and strike terror Into the hearts of its enemies. Are you with me?"

All the soldiers cheered, letting him know that they would stand with him. Then, Aquaman opened the doors, angry at what was happening.

Aquaman: "Orm! What treason is this?!" He yelled at his brother, as he walked over to him.

Orm: "No treason, brother. I thought you were–."

Aquaman: "Dead? That's no reason to plunge Atlantis into a foolhardy war. I left specific orders."

Orm: "I'm only doing what you never had the courage to do." He said.

Aquaman: "Enough! I'll hear no more. Arrest the traitor." He ordered.

The soldiers didn't respond, as they just remained there. Orm simply smirked, as now he has full control.

Orm: "You heard him." He said as the soldiers aimed their weapons toward Aquaman.

Aquaman: "What?!"

Orm: "You are the traitor. You abandoned your people, Sold them out to the surface dwellers. Look around you, brother. I'm in charge now."

To be continued...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sorry, it took so long to make this chapter. There's been a lot of things I have been dealing with personally, but I have been working really hard on several chapters in several stories. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will see you all in the next!

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