A Night in Gotham

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Just an average day for Hot Shot, prowling the streets of Gotham and stopping any crime that presents itself. Follow him on his daily routine in the city and, a visitor comes into town.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gotham City

Commissioner Gordon, along with Detectives Bullock and Montoya, were waiting on the rooftop, with Bat-signal lit up in the sky. Bullock was leaning back, with his arms crossed and grumbling, while the other two were patiently waiting.

"Good evening, Commissioner." A voiced called out.

They all turned around to find Hot Shot, the Gotham Fox, standing there.

Gordon: "Ah, you're here. We were hoping that you would come."

Montoya: "We thought that you would've been away from Gotham and out saving the world with the Justice League."

Bullock: "Would've been better if he stayed out of town for good." He mumbled.

Hot Shot: "Well, there isn't really much world ending disaster going on at the moment, so me and Batman always continue to do our job in Gotham. So, what seems to be the problem?" He asked, ignoring Bullock's comment.

Gordon: "Few villains has escaped Arkham, four to be exact and you were the one that helped put them there in the first place."

Hot Shot: "Who are they?"

Montoya: "Garfield Lynns, otherwise known as Firefly, Rag Doll, Alexis Kaye aka Punchline, and Roxanne Sutton, aka Roxy Rocket." She listed the villains.

Hot Shot: "Any leads?"

Montoya: "Firefly's and Punchline's whereabouts are unknown, but there had been reported sightings of Rag Doll and Roxy in different locations."

Gordon: "We believe that these two are up to their old tricks again."

Hot Shot: "I'll get right on it." He said as he then flew up in the air.

Hot Shot standing on a rooftop, scoping around the city for anything. He already informed Batman to what Gordon wanted to talk about, so he mentioned that he'll be sending Robin and Batgirl to help with these investigations, so in the meantime, he is waiting for them.

"Hey, sorry we're late."

He turned around to see both Robin and Batgirl standing behind him, ready to go.

Hot Shot: "Ah, you're both finally here. If I may ask, what took you two so long?" He asked.

Robin: "You can ask Batgirl that question. She hasn't stopped spying on Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy ever since they turned a new leaf."

Hot Shot: "Babs..."

Batgirl: "What, they can't be trusted! I was just making sure they aren't up to their old tricks."

Hot Shot: "They aren't Batgirl, they are trying to start fresh. Well, anyway we'll talk about that later. Right now, we've got more pressing matters at hand."

Batgirl: "Right, so what's the situation. Who are we going up against?"

Hot Shot: "Commissioner Gordon and Detective Montoya informed about escapees from Arkham. Firefly, Punchline, Ragdoll, and Roxy Rocket."

Robin: "Oh, man. Not those four again." He complained. "Well, any leads on their whereabouts?" He asked.

Hot Shot: "Both Firefly and Punchline are unknown at the moment, but there have been sightings of both Ragdoll and Rocket. I figured that we can catch Ragdoll first, since I get the feeling that he will strike nearby here."

Robin: "And where is here, exactly?"

Hot Shot: "The museum. Just learned that added an animation cel, which is supposed to be the only one in existence, to the collection, which is worth over millions of dollars. And I have a feeling that Ragdoll won't be the only person gunning for that animation cel." He said.

Batgirl: [Groans] "Don't tell me...her?" She said, knowing full well.

Hot Shot: "Yep. Her."

Inside the museum, the animation cel that was recently put in their collection was from 1923. Then, a woman's voice was heard, as she was inspecting the cel.

"Hello Kitty."

It was none other than Catwoman, the cat burglar and the one who Batman always chases.

Catwoman: "The only known animation cel in existence from 1923's Kitty-Cat Follies. Cute, cuddly and priceless." She said.

She dropped down, releasing her whip from the ceiling. As she was about to grab, a noise was heard in the vents. She leaned closer to then see a face appear. She hissed as she jumped back a few feet. The other thief gets his head out of the vent and stares at Catwoman.

"Did someone say cute and cuddly?"

Catwoman: "Who are you?" She asked.

Ragdoll: "I'm Ragdoll." He said as he got out of the vent. "You, my minx, are a doll."

He got closer to Catwoman, as he then jumped back and looked at the priceless painting.

Ragdoll: "Might we have this little frivolity in common? It's fate. It's destiny." He commented.

Catwoman: "It's feline, so it's mine." She tells him as she then kicks him away, sending him flying across the room. "Now crawl back to
your toy box, floppy."

Ragdoll then gets up on his feet, bending his body upwards and looked towards her, smirking. Selina was a bit surprised of what he can do.

Ragdoll: "Skipped charm school, did we, precious?"

Ragdoll slowly walked towards her, as Catwoman then charged at him. She launched herself in the air, about to kick him, but he quickly dodged and grabbed her leg.

Ragdoll: "Gotcha."

Catwoman: "Whoa!" She exclaimed.

Ragdoll opened up a glass case and places Catwoman in there. He chuckles and waves at her, before leaping away and landing in front of the animation cel.

Ragdoll: "The price tag on this pup
might make a cat person of me yet." He said as he was about to grab it, but a voice called out.

Hot Shot: "After tonight...I guarantee you won't be a fox person."

Ragdoll turned around to where the voice came from, and growled. Hot Shot stepped out of the shadows, with the eyes on his mask glowing blue. Ragdoll clenched his fists, seeing him again.

Catwoman: [Purrs] "My, my, Hot Shot~." She said, as she was still inside the case. "Never thought I'd see you here."

Ragdoll: "You again! I really hoped I'd see Batman instead of you!" He yelled.

Hot Shot: "Well, Batman's not here. Instead, you get me. Now, time for you to go back to Arkham Asylum." He said as he prepares him for a fight.

Ragdoll: "We'll see about that!"

He began to roll over towards him, and kicked him in the face. Shots stumbled back, as Ragdoll got back up on his feet. He then ran towards, trying to throw punches, but he quickly avoids every blow. Hot Shot then launched himself in the air, and kicks him across the area.

Meanwhile, Catwoman uses her claws to escape the case she was put in.

Ragdoll: "That was rather rude!"

Hot Shot: "Surrender yourself, Ragdoll. This would go a lot easier for the both of us, and it would save you from the embarrassment." He said, smirking underneath his mask.

Ragdoll: "That animation cel is worth a lot to me, and I won't let you stop me!"

He then tried launching in the air, and kick him in the face, but unfortunately for him, Hot Shot caught it.

Hot Shot: "Okay, you asked for it."

He then activated lightning abilities, to which it formed around his arm, and then hits him in the chest. Ragdoll then flew towards Robin, to which he jumped up and kicked the villain in the face. Ragdoll fell down to the ground, unconscious to get back up on his feet. For a precaution, Hot Shot then wrapped his arms and legs around, to have trapped in the position.

Hot Shot: "Nice kick, Robin."

Robin: "Thanks."

The two fist-bumped as they looked back to see Catwoman grabbing the animation cel.

Catwoman: "Thank you boys, for taking care of that creep for me. And now, I get to have what is mine."

Batgirl: "Oh no, you don't!"

Batgirl kicked Catwoman, and took that animation cel away from. She gets back up on her feet, to see the three vigilantes in front of her.

Hot Shot: "You're not getting out of this one, Catwoman. Surrender."

Catwoman: "Hm, sorry cutie, but that won't fly with me. I've got other business to attend to. Bye-bye." She said as she quickly dashed.

Robin: "We got a runner!"

The three chased after her, as she went up to the rooftop. They all made it to the rooftop and looked around, to find her gone. She slipped away once again.

Batgirl: "Not again!"

Hot Shot: "Don't worry, we'll get her someday. For now, let's get GCPD over here and take care of Ragdoll for us."

Robin: "Already done it."

The GCPD arrived, as the authorities grabbed Ragdoll and put him in the back of the police vehicle. Hot Shot was talking with Commissioner Gordon, while Batgirl and Robin were standing behind him.

Gordon: "Nice going, Hot Shot. That's one down, and three more to go."

Hot Shot: "Yep. And what about the animation cel?" He asked him.

Gordon: "It'll be moved to a safe and secured location until then. So, was Ragdoll the only here for that cel?"

Hot Shot: "No, we had a run in with Catwoman, but she slipped away."

Gordon: "Don't worry, kid, we'll get her."

Hot Shot: "Anyways, we better get back and track down Roxy. Any leads yet?"

Gordon: "Not yet, unfortunately. No calls coming in about anything regarding her."

Hot Shot: "It's fine, I'll do what I can in my end. Come on, you two, let's go."

Hot Shot then flew up in the air, as Batgirl and Robin grabbled away, flying after him. On a rooftop, Catwoman watched as she sees the heroes leaving.

Catwoman: "Mm, I'll be sure to see you again soon, Hot Shot." She said as she then retreated into the shadows, purring.

The three vigilantes were on a different rooftop, scoping around the city for Roxy Rocket. From Blake's last encounter with her, she always leaves a mess, every time she goes around with that rocket of hers. Then, they hear something.

In the distance, they see something flying through the streets of Gotham. Robin takes out his binoculars, to get a closer look at what's going on. And surprise, it was Roxy Rocket herself, laughing and "having fun". The cars on the street swerve around, trying to avoid the flying rocket, as they each crash.

Robin: "It's her, and boy, that isn't looking too good."

Batgirl: "So, are we going to go after Rocket?"

Hot Shot: "I'll deal with Roxy, while you two help the people down there."

Batgirl: "Are you sure it will be fine, leaving you alone with her?" She questioned, with a raised eyebrow.

Hot Shot: "I'll manage just fine. I will contact you if I get into a jam." He said as he then flew off after Roxy while both Robin and Batgirl grapple away.

Roxy flew all the way towards a secret hideout inside one of the warehouses in Gotham. She jumped out of her rocket in excitement.

Roxy: "Ah, feels so good to be back! Now, time to come up with some plans." She said as she walked over to a table. "Hm, where to go and what to steal!"

"I'm afraid you aren't going to be doing anything."

Roxy gasped as she looked behind to see Hot Shot standing there, crossing his arms. Roxy leaned back on the table and made a seductive smirk.

Roxy: "Well, hot stuff, it has been a while. Did you miss little old me?"

Hot Shot: "Not really, red. And now I hate to cut the reunion a little short, but it's time for you to go back to Arkham with Ragdoll."

Roxy: "Aw, such a shame, thought we could have ourselves a little fun." She said as she turned her back on him.

Hot Shot: "I'm in no mood for games, Roxy. So how about you just surrender quietly and-."

He was cut off as Roxy quickly turned around and threw a smoke bomb in his face. He coughed and waved off the smoke, as he then sees Roxy leaping in and kick him in the face.

Roxy: "Sorry, hot stuff, but if you want me, you're gonna have to catch me." She said as she hopped on her rocket and flies away, laughing.

Hot Shot: "Agh, damn it. Rick was right. I think red heads are my greatest weakness." He said as he stood back up on his and flies after her.

Back with Robin and Batgirl, they were helping civilians as ambulances and police vehicles arrived. Then, both of them received a call.

Robin: "Hot Shot, you got her?"

Hot Shot: "Sort of, I'm chasing through downtown! Is everyone okay where you are?"

Batgirl: "Everyone's fine, now. We are on our way." She said as she and Robin took off.

Roxy flew through buildings, while Hot Shot was flying after him. She looked back and smirked, as she grabbed her weapon and fired on the Gotham Fox. He quickly dodges every bullet, as she then dives down and heads inside a tunnel.

Roxy: "I love that man." She commented.

Then, she was grabbed by a green illuminated hand, as her rocket was about to crash. Luckily, Hot Shot speeds up and catches the rocket before it would hurt someone. He gently places it down as he looks to see Green Lantern in Gotham.

Green Lantern: "Hopefully, you don't mind if I crash the party."

Hot Shot: "Lantern! What a surprise, I wasn't expecting you to show up in Gotham."

Green Lantern: "Thought I'd come by and do some training together, till I saw her." He said as they both looked at Roxy.

Roxy: "Well, shucks." She said as she frowned and looked down.

Hot Shot: "Well, red, game's over."

Robin: "Oh man, did we miss it?" He called out as he landed in front of the two League members. "No way, Green Lantern! Sir, it's pleasure to meet you."

Green Lantern: "Likewise." He said as he shook hands with Robin.

Lantern then places Roxy on the ground, while Batgirl arrives and handcuffs her. Gordon and the other GCPD officers arrived to take her away. Before she sits in the back seat, she calls out to Hot Shot.

Roxy: "Hey, hot stuff! Hope to see you again soon." She said as she blew him a kiss.

Hot Shot: [Sighs] "It's Hot Shot." He said as he shook his head while Lantern chuckled.

Batgirl simply growled and narrowed her eyes towards Roxy.

Robin: "Ooh, is someone jealous right now?" He said, smirking.

Batgirl: "Jealous? Me? Yeah right." She said in denial.

Robin: "Sure, whatever you say."

Then, Lantern's comms go off as he responded to a message. It was short and brief, but he understood it well. He then turns to Hot Shot.

Green Lantern: "Hot Shot, it's time to go. League business, it's urgent."

Hot Shot: "Understood. I got to go, you two take care." He said as he and Lantern flew up to the sky.

Batgirl: "Take care, Hot Shot!" She called out.

Robin: "Go kick some butt!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Chapter completed! Next, we'll move on to the next episode, The Enemy Below parts 1 & 2! See you then!

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