Chapter 4: Ultra Rogues

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"That was awsome!" Chester said as they headed outside and sees Rayburn Jr. giving autographs and taking pictures with the fans. Cisco, Chester, and Lita got in line to be with Rayburn Jr. for a bit. As for the others, they were getting ready to head back to their cities.

"So what do you guys want to do now?" Sara asked.

"Why don't we all eat at that restaurant near here?" Ray Palmer said.

"That sounds like a great idea. I'm hungry." Frost said. Finally Cisco, Chester, and Lita, made it to see Rayburn Jr. to take a picture with him and get a autograph.

"Hey there, so who are you guys?" Rayburn asked.

"I'm Cisco Ramon. That's Chester P. Runk, and that's Lita Rory. I'm a huge fan of yours. I just love your style of fighting." Cisco said.

"Aww, thanks." Rayburn Jr. said. They then stood in front of the camera with the three on his hand. Then he signed off a hat and picture of himself to the three.

"Enjoy your stay!" He said.

"Thanks and bye, Rayburn!" Cisco said as the group heads off.

"He's so cool." Lita said as she joins her father. Mick hugs his daughter as they head to that restaurant. As they walk, Barry's AI went off in his suit.

"Warning! Meta-human detected! Ultra Rogues, Sergeant Night, and Brainwave detected in area!" Gideon said in his ear.

"Guys! Gideon detected the Ultra Rogues here. Along with Sergeant Night and Brainwave." Barry said to the group.

"What?!" They said in unison.

"Oh, great, just what we needed." Cisco said in complaining.

"Justice League... suit up." Oliver said as they go into a alleyway and change into their suits. Oliver then called Aki from Silicon City.


"Oh, hi Oliver, how's it going?" Aki asked.

"I need you and some of your brothers to help us in Stoker City now. Sergeant Night is here with the Ultra Rogues." Oliver said.

"What?! He is?! Hang tight! Mega man and the Robot Masters are coming!" Aki said before hanging up.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The heroes rush out into the public to look for them. People from the city were amazed to members of the Justice League here in their city. Flash then runs around the city to do a quick sweep for them.

"Flash are you getting anything?" Supergirl asked.

"Nothing so far. Where the hell are they?" Flash said.

As he runs around, he suddenly gets knocked away into the League. They get up to see Anti-Matter floating with the Ultra Rogues, Sergeant Night, and Brainwave. Tremor was holding some high tech parts.

"Ugh, the JL. You guys are like annoying flys preying on food." Tox said.

"Awww, I feel offended. Now why do you tell what you're planning to do with those parts?" Barry said.

"None of you business, that is." Electrolyzer said with a snarl.

"We'll make it our business." Oliver said as readies his arrow.

"So I guess we'll take care of it now." Infearno said as his fist burst in flames. The Rogues got ready to fight.

"Tremor and Spyclops, get those parts to our base." Anti-Matter said. The two teleported away. Sergeant Night activates a bunch of robots by his side as he puts in his suit. Just as they get ready to fight a blue beam shot down in front of them. It was Mega Man.

"Mega man is here to help. And I brought some backup." Mega man said. Suddenly more colored beam came down revealing the Robot Masters.

Fire Man

Wave Man

Drill Man

Ice Man

Elec Man

Guts Man

Air Man

Cut Man

Wood Man

"Looks like we're just in time to party." Fire said.

"Guts Man is ready to rumble!" Guts said. As they got ready, Rayburn and Winnie came over to watch the fight.

"No way! It's the Justice League. Here, in our city." Winnie said. Rayburn saw them and decided maybe to ask them for help after their help.

"Yeah, best if we stay back here out of their way." Rayburn Jr. said lifting her on his shoulder.

Mega Man 11 Boss Theme Background Music
(Play it while reading this part)

The heroes get into position as they get ready to fight. Then they charged at each other engaged for battle. Rayburn and Winnie watched the heroes fight against the villains in public. Lightning, arrows, blasts, shot everywhere as the heroes and villains fight. The Robot Masters fight off against Night's robots while Aki fights Night. The others fight against the Ultra Rogue sand Brainwave.

"What are you up to Night?" Mega Man asked.

"You'll soon find out child! Soon we'll have a giant army!" Night said as they blast each other.

As they did, Rayburn Jr. watched the heroes and studied their fighting styles. Winnie decided to write down some of their moves in the playbook. She goes to get a quick drink, leaving Rayburn alone. As the fight goes on, the heroes seem to be winning. Fire Man, Mega Man, Heatwave, and Hotspur fire strong fireballs at the villains. The quadruplet blast knocked the villains away into a building's wall.

"What's the matter? Can't take the heat?" Mick asked.

"From all four of us?" Hotspur asked.

"I... had...ENOUGH!!!!" Anti-Matter said as he slams down his staff, creating a huge shockwave knocking the heroes away. The blast wave was strong, and injured them a bit.

"Guts Man don't feel so good." Guts Man moaned.

"Well, that didn't go well?" Wave Man said.

"You think?!" Mick said.

"It appears our enemy is stronger than we predicted." Wood Man said as he shrugged to get up.

The Rogues come together and readied their powers to finish them off. Focusing all powers into one blast end this.

"Goodbye... heroes." Anti-Matter said sinister. Rayburn saw these and knew he had to do something. With Winnie not looking, he rushed over and stomps his foot, sending a earthquake blast at them, knocking the villains off their feet. Sending the blast hitting a building instead of the heroes.

"What the hell was that?!" Psyclone asked. They turn around to see a giant monster rushing at them, with just one tail whip, he knocked them away from them. They fly away while screaming in a blink of an eye. He turns to see the heroes recovering.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Are you guys okay?" Rayburn asked.

"Yeah, we're okay." Flasheart said.

"Thank you for the help." Vibe said.

"Ah, no problem. Happy to help." Rayburn said.

"Rayburn! There you are!" Winnie shouts she runs to him. She then noticed the Justice League standing in front of her.

"Whoa, you guys are the Justice League. Wow, it's such a honor to stand in front of you guys." Winnie said.

"Thanks, it's no big deal." Atom said.

"What happened? Where are those bad guys?" Winnie asked looking around.

"Your big pal here tail-whipped them away. Nice going." Nate said.

"Thanks, Steel." Rayburn said.

"But what I want to know is where did that earthquake come from?" Mega Man said.

"Impossible, earthquakes don't just happen quickly, if there was one, there would be more damage done." Flash said.

"I think Rayburn can tell us, right?" Oliver said to him as everyone looks at him, making Rayburn sweat a bit.

"Uhh, Ray, what is he talking about? You don't have powers." Winnie said. Rayburn was at a lose for words right now.

"Yeah, I... don't have powers." Rayburn said quickly looking away. Oliver then opens out his watch.

"This watch was created from S.T.A.R. Labs to detect Meta-humans." Oliver said as he holds it at Flash, Black Wolf, and Vibe. It beeps positive crazy.

Rayburn Jr. sweats and scoots back a bit. Oliver then held it near Chester, Mick, Sara, and Caitlin, it beeps negative. Oliver then walks to him.

"Your eyes glowed, your strength was stronger before, your punch was stronger, and your signature move made a stronger shockwave from what I know about you. And this is why." Oliver explained. He hold the watch near Rayburn and it beeps positive.

"He's a Meta-Monster." Oliver said. Rayburn looked like he was going to pass out. His secret has been revealed, by the Green Arrow of all people. The giant cat was out of the monster-size bag.

"Ray? Have you known about this for a while and you never told me?" Winnie asked.

"Yeah, I was planning to, until GA here spoiled that. I was, I just was nervous that's all." Rayburn said.

"How long have you had these powers?" Kara asked.

"Uhh, 3 years now, ever since that satellite fell." Rayburn said.

"Wait. Satellite? That was when the Night of the Enlightenment happened. You were hit with a piece of the satellite?" Iris asked.

"No. Just by a wave of energy." Rayburn said.

"Wait... are you telling me you had these powers before we met? We could have used them for wrestling." Winnie said.

"No, we can't. The thing is.... I can't control my powers. I've been trying to not use them in 3 years now." Rayburn explained.

"3 years?! Wow! That's tough." Sara said.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Winnie asked.

"Because I can't control them well, and I doubt you know anything about Meta-abilities?" Rayburn said.

"Good point." Winnie said in defeat.

"Then we'll train you." Oliver said.

"We will?" The League said in unison.

"Rayburn clearly can't control his powers and since they're Earth-based, it makes him dangerous if he doesn't control them. So I say that he should come with us to train." Oliver explained.

"What do you say, Rayburn Jr., you want to train with the JL?" Flash asked.

"Maybe we might let you join us." Vibe said.

Rayburn thought about this. He's been wanting to ask them for help and now they're offering to help him. Plus, they might make him a member of the Justice League. What honor! He be the first monster of his kind to be on the Justice League. Hopefully they can teach him how to control it.

"Ok, I'm in. So when do we start?" Rayburn Jr. asked. Oliver, Barry, and Kara smiled knowing this would fun.

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