Chapter 5: Training

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The Hall of Justice near Central City

They then arrived at the Hall of Justice to train Rayburn Jr. to control his power. Winnie and Rayburn were awestruck by being in the Hall of Justice. It was so amazing to them. At the center of the room was a large table with chairs with the heroes's symbols. It was truly an amazing sight. They  also called the other members of the League to come to help Rayburn Jr. control his powers in here.

"Wow! This place is truly amazing!" Rayburn said as he looks around the Hall of Justice seeing all the tech and equipment here.

"You guys sure do have a lot of tech here." Winnie said.

"Thanks, so this and outside are where you're going to train." Flash said.

"And since you're going to train with us, it's best if we reveal our identities to you two. That is if you can keep it a secret." Oliver said.

"Sure, absolutely. I mean we know who you are. You're Oliver Queen." Rayburn said. Oliver then unmasked himself revealing his face to the two.

The rest of the League reveal their faces and telling them their real names. Barry Allen, Kara Danvers, Sara Lance, John Diggle, Ray Palmer, Ralph Dibny, Nate Heywood, Frost, Behrad and Zari Tarazi, John Constantine, Cisco Ramon, Mick Rory, J'onn Jonzz, Flasheart Lupin, Hotspur Lupin, Freddy Lupin, Jefferson Pierce, Ryan Wilder, Clark Kent, Al Rothstein, and Aki Light. The two were happy to meet the heroes.

"So.... How is this going to work?" Rayburn asked.

"Those of us with powers like yours are going to teach how to control your powers while those who are skilled in hand-to-hand combat like wrestling are going to train you." Barry said.

"Oh, boy." Rayburn groaned.

"Hey, pal. Don't worry, we're going to help you. I figure we combine dancing with your training a bit." Cisco said. Winnie smiled at him for going with that idea.

"It's not going to be easy, but we're going to help you get through this." Kara said. Rayburn smiles a bit.

"I'm willing to help, I am his coach after all." Winnie said.

"Of course, the more the merrier." Flasheart said.

"If we're going to train you, we need training music." Cisco said as he plays music on his iPhone.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And so they begin the training with Rayburn Jr's powers. They then decided to have those with elemental powers could help Rayburn Jr. more than the others train him in hand-to-hand combat skills.

Behrad and Zari (Wind), Hotspur (Fire), Garth (Water), Frost (Ice), Jefferson (Lightning), Freddy (Energy), and Nate (Steel). And now they have a Earth Elemental, Rayburn Jr. They began with exercises to help control his powers. They were now in the JL nature center where there was a lake, rocks, boulders, a fire pit, ice glaciers, thunder storms, and windy fields. The perfect place to connect with their powers. Perfect for Rayburn Jr.

"So how are we doing this?" Rayburn Jr. asked.

"Powers like yours are controlled through emotions. If you're feeling nervous or scared, your powers will act out of control. Control and focus your feelings and your power will obey you." Garth explained as he demonstrates.

He then breathes in and out, then he forces a giant glob of water to come to him from the lake. He moves it to face Rayburn and he let go as it splashed down on the ground. Frost fires ice, creating a ice sculpture of Rayburn. Jefferson creates a lightning whip and strikes a boulder. Freddy creates a energy ball and fires at the lake. Hotspur creates a fire ball and aims at a rock, which melted it. Zari and Behrad created a mini tornado that picked up a large rock.

"Now try to lift all the giant rocks and boulders around the area." Freddy said pointing to the rocks and boulders.

"You must only remember who you are and believe in yourself." Nate said.

Rayburn then closes his eyes and tries to lift the rocks and boulders with his powers. They begin to levitate in the air glowing in orange. Rayburn opens his eyes, showing that their orange as well. His fists glow orange as well. The rocks and boulders start to shake a bit as Rayburn was struggling to control them.

"Concentrate Rayburn, focus on your power. Connect with the Earth, let it's power flow through you." Frost said as Rayburn starts to lose control.

"I—I—I can't control it. It's... becoming difficult... t-t-to control!" Rayburn said as he struggles.

"Don't force it to obey you. You must let it come to you. Power like yours respond to emotions. Don't care to hard about it." Hotspur said to Rayburn as he continues to struggle as cracks start to show in the rocks and boulders.

"Do not fight it. Embraced the power. You must believe in yourself, Rayburn. Your the one in control, not the other way around." Zari said as Rayburn grinds his teeth as he struggle.

The rocks and boulders then exploded, sending a shockwave, knocking everyone off their feet.

"I can't do it. I can't. It's impossible." Rayburn said as he collapsed on his knees.

"It doesn't come easy to begin with. It will obey you, when your need is greatest, you must only remember who you are." Behrad said.

"What does that even mean?" Rayburn asked.

"It means once you know who are inside, then your power will obey." Behrad explained.

"Yeah, no. I can't do this." Rayburn said as he gets up.

"What?! Ray-Ray, you can't just give up." Winnie said to him trying to catch up to him.

"What's the point? I can't do it." Rayburn said.

"I don't think it's because of that. I think it's because you're scared." Oliver said as he walks up to him.

"What? No! I'm not scared." Rayburn said as if Oliver was crazy.

"Really? Then why are you giving up so easy?" Oliver asked.

"Because I can't do it. Learning how to wrestle to be a champion was hard enough but learning how to control my Meta-abilities is a different story." Rayburn stated.

"I don't believe that. I know when people are afraid." Oliver said. Cecile then sensed fear, doubt, and a bit of anger coming off from him.

"Rayburn, I can sense that Oliver is telling the truth. You're feeling scared a bit. With doubt and a bit of anger." She said.

"How can you know that?" He asked.

"Because I'm a Meta too. I can read and sense feelings in people's minds. Believe it was hard to control but I managed to do it." Cecile said.

"Creepy, but still. I'm not afraid." Rayburn said.

"Why are you afraid?" Winnie asked.

"Nothing." Rayburn stated.

"Yes you are." Winnie said.

"No I'm not." Rayburn said.

"Yes you are." Oliver said.

"Okay! I am afraid! Is that what you want to hear guys?!" Rayburn exclaimed.

"What are you afraid of? Is it the training?" Barry asked.

"No." Rayburn said.

"Are you afraid it won't work?" Kara asked.

"No!" Rayburn said.

"Then what is it?" Oliver asked, pushing further.

"I'M AFRAID OF MYSELF!!!" Rayburn roared as he stamped his foot on which caused a huge earth tremor that shook and sent a huge shockwave across the area. This knocked everyone off their feet.

Rayburn's eyes glowed bright orange, his fists crackled brown-orange, earth pebbles floated around him as if he had his own orbit. He finally calmed down and as he did, his powers calmed down as well. Eyes, and hands faded back to normal as the pebbles settled on the ground. He then saw the damage he had created and sat down in defeat of his own action.

"Why are you afraid of yourself?" Barry asked.

"Because.... (sigh) when the S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator exploded and created Meta-humans, I was but a kid went I saw it happen on the news. I was scared, to know that there were people out there with powers that can hurt or kill. But then... that's when I saw you, Flash, on the news, beating up evil Metas and saving the world. Being a superhero.

Along with that, new heroes rose up after you. Some with powers and others with none, but incredible skills. I'm just scared to see me as a Meta now. This power I never asked for. And I'm scared of what damage I can do if I don't control it. Winnie, her mom, or anyone in my city. What if I become a villain like those other Metas out there in the world?" Rayburn asked as he sits on a giant flat rock.

"Rayburn, some of us understand how you feel. Do you think any of us asked for our powers? No, we didn't. But when we got them, they made us more what we are, heroes. Yes, some chose evil, but most of those guys were criminals and killers before the Particle Accelerator exploded. We always have a choice and you're a good person, Rayburn." Barry said. Rayburn smiled after hearing that from him.

"There is one... thing you might be interested in." Cisco said as he goes into a secret patch and opened it. Inside was a small capsule with a blue glowing liquid. He takes it out and hands it to Rayburn.

"What is it?" Rayburn said as he's holding it.

"It's a Meta-cure. If you take this, it will remove your powers... permanently." Cisco said.

"Wait! Are you saying if he takes this, it will remove his powers?" Winnie asked as Rayburn looks at the cure.

"Yes, it perfectly safe to take." Cisco said.

Rayburn looks at it excited, but when looks at Winnie, he saw disappointment. Sure, taking this cure would remove his powers give him back his normal life, but if he does, he wouldn't be able to join the Justice League, maybe they still let him, but still, he wouldn't feel special. He made his decision.

"No." He said.

"What?" They said in unison.

"I'm not taking the cure." Rayburn said.

"Why? You can be normal again?" Caitlin said.

"You're right, I could be normal again but that would be taking away something that makes me special. I didn't ask for these powers, but it gives me the chance to be more then a wrestler." Rayburn said as he hands back the cure to Cisco.

"This time, I'm ready. For real this time." Rayburn Jr. said with confidence. Winnie and the Justice League smiled after hearing that.

"Great. Then let's get to work." Oliver said.

"We're going to need a change of music." Cisco said excited as he switched a different song on his phone.

Rumble Sofía Reyes Salsa Dance Lyrics Song

They then began to train again, this time with Rayburn actually trying. They began to create balls of their power. Hotspur creates a fireball, Jefferson creates a lightning ball, Frost creates a ice ball, Freddy creates a energy ball, Zari and Behrad create a ball of wind. Now it was Rayburn's turn.

"Focus and think about creating a ball of Earth." Jefferson said.

Rayburn then focused on creating a ball of Earth. Little rocks and dirt start to form into a ball in his palms. He laughs as he's getting the hang out it. Together they fired the elemental balls at the target.

Rayburn punched the ground, making earth rocks float around him as if he had his own orbit. He then fired those rocks straight at the target nailing it. He trained more. Jumping, running, kicking, and punching. His Earth punch knocked a boulder away like a baseball getting hit out of the park. He stamped his foot on the ground, sending a earthquake straight to abandoned building, shattering it to the ground. He then stamped again, this time, creating a stool of earth to lift him higher.

"This.... is.... Awesome!!!" Rayburn said as he flies after shooting himself into the air by a earth boost.

Flash and Rayburn Jr. were now running on treadmills. As they do this, Ray Palmer, Ryan Choi, Cisco Ramon, and Chester P. Runk finished creating a monster-size belt. They then presented it to Rayburn Jr. who looks at it confused.

"Try this on." Ray said to Rayburn who picks up the monster-size belt.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I call it the Advanced Technology Operating Mechanism or the A.T.O.M. Belt. This belt will allow you to shrink down to human size, if you ever need to. Similar to how my A.T.O.M. Suit works." Ray explained.

Rayburn then puts it on and activated it by turning the button right. He then shrunk down to the heroes size, the size of Guts Man to be exactly. Rayburn was surprised by this.

"Whoa, I'm small. Around your size." Rayburn said stunned and amazed by this.

"Wow! You're just around the size when we were little." Winnie said.

"Yeah, okay. So how do I go back to my size?" Rayburn asked.

"Just turn the dial left." Ray said. Rayburn then turned the dial left and grew back to his size.

"Cool." He said.

Rayburn was now holding a pile of rocks behind his back as the heroes and Winnie add more on the pile.

"You don't have any idea on how powerful you are. Your power connects to the Earth. To feel the ground shake, the life force flowing through the planet." Oliver said.

"I get it, I get it, but I how much stronger must I get." Rayburn asked as he struggles to keep it.

"You hardly scratched the surface. You have the potential power to move mountains. Power like that must be mastered." Oliver said as he places another pebble on Rayburn's pile.

"I get that I'm now a Earth Elemental Master, but do I really need all of this type of training?" Rayburn asked.

"Until you can fully understand and master all of your abilities in your power. So we mustn't go back, but forward." Oliver said as Guts Man throws another rock on the which caused the pile to collapse on Rayburn. He was alive, just bury.

"If you can't move mountains, I guess we'll have to go over mountains." Oliver said. Rayburn then burst out from the rubble.

"Yeah, sure." Rayburn said with a smirk.

Rayburn was now trying to do push-ups, emphasis on trying. Managed to do only one.

"Really? Only one? You've got to be kidding me?" Cisco said.

"Trust me, that's all he can do." Winnie said. Rayburn just smiled nervously.

"Fine. Moving on." Cisco said deadpanned.

The next thing they do is combat fighting. Atom Smasher and Macro Toro volunteer to train with him for this since the others are too small for him. The three begin fighting against each other. Rayburn was getting good fighting with them. He also train small with the League. Learning how to fight in different styles while combining it with dancing was hard, but he managed to do it.

Rayburn jumps up in the air, turns  90° to the right, then whips his tail hitting the boulder straight at the dummy precisely on mark. Rayburn then landed on his feet perfectly.

"That move is called Dragon Whips Tail, a crude, but powerful move." Oliver said.

"Alright, I think I'm getting the hang out this." Rayburn said.

"Great. We're almost there." Flasheart said.

Rayburn continues to follow the steps in new fighting moves.

"Jump! Twist your hips! Recoil! And Extend!" Sara said as the two hit the target.

Rayburn Earth-punched a wall. He shoots Earth rocks at a target. Sends a Earthquake at a building. Earth pillars to give him a boost up. He commanded ricks to form a bridge for his friends to cross. He jumps and flips foward, slamming his body on the ground creating a earth shockwave. He had done it. His training was finally complete.

End of song

After a long day of training, Rayburn was relaxing while drinking a gallon of water for hydration.

"Whoo! That was the hardest I ever trained. So I did good?" Rayburn asked.

"Good? I say you nailed it, Ray. You seem to be able to control your power now. Winnie said.

"Thanks, Winnie." He said as he gulps down more water.

"Come on, let's see what the League is up to." Winnie as she hops on his shoulder. They then see the League standing around the table having a conversation.

"Hey guys. Whatcha doing?" Rayburn asked.

"We've been trying figure out what the Ultra Rogues are planning. The equipment and technology they stole. The satellite codes. We know they're planning something big." Oliver said as they look at pictures of what they stole.

"Judging by the parts they stole, I say they're building some sort of satellite. A synaptic amplifier, meant to transmit..." Cisco said.

"Brainwaves." Cecile finished.

"So that's why they need him? For him to reach somebody's else's mind?" Ralph asked.

"Brainwave has only been able to control one or three minds." Hotspur said.

"The machine must be to amplify his mental abilities a thousand-fold. Instead of just being able to mind control a few people at a time..." Caitlin explained.

"He'll be able to control the whole city." Kara said.

"I don't think they're plan is to control people." Aki said.

"What do you mean?" Fire Man asked.

"When I was fighting Sergeant Night, he said: Soon we'll have a giant army." Aki said.

"Well, yeah. A giant army of people to command." Mick said as he drinks.

"Yeah, but I don't it was people he was talking about." Aki said.

"Then what?" Astra said.

"Monsters." Rayburn spoke.

"I think their plan is to control the monsters in Stoker City." Rayburn said.

"Oh my god, if they manage to control all of those monster wrestlers..." Iris said.

"They can use them to destroy cities, the world even." Laurel said.

"A real life Kaiju battle." Cisco said in fear.

Meanwhile down in a hideout in Stoker City was a giant satellite with in the base of it was Brainwave getting ready to begin with the plan. Anti-Matter with Sergeant Night by his side stood by ready to watch it happen.

"Soon we'll have a giant army to command. No one, not even the Justice League will be able to stop us." Night said.

"Don't get too overconfident. Remember this was my idea and don't forget who's in charge." Anti-Matter said with a glare.

"Of course." Night said.

"Are we ready to begin?" Anti-Matter asked Brainstein.

"Yes, master." He answered as he finished activating.

Lightning bolts begin to hit Brainwave's mind devices as he connects with the satellite to transmit his brainwaves to control the selected monsters they chosen.

"I'm connecting to their minds now." Brainwave said. Anti-Matter just smirks under his mask.

Finally! I finish this chapter. This took me a long time to plan and to write down, but I managed to do it. Up next is when the Justice League versus the monster wrestlers with Rayburn Jr. by their side. Enjoy!

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