Chapter 1: Battle for Shanghai

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17,000 BC

Earth. Birthplace of the human race. A species much like our own. Capable of great compassion and great violence.

A group of tribal people who are hunting a binge tiger. They stop and they made a surprising discovery. A giant metal pyramid is shown in the middle of a battlefield. A race of robots are at war. One Decepticon sees the humans and attacks them. His eyes glow like the fires of Hell. He is the first Decepticon who hates humans.

For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns. Our worlds have met before...
Shanghai, China 22:14 hrs -Today

2 years later, Oliver, Barry, Kara and the Justice League are on a mission with the NEST team to hunt down any remaining Decepticons that are still hiding around the world. From the factory in the city, the civilians begin evacuating from the site. Police and military were wearing gas masks to protect themselves from the toxic spill.

"Newsflash from the BBC."

"Breaking news out of Shanghai. There's been a major toxic spill in the Shanghai factory district. The whole city is being..."

"We're staying on top of this developing story for you. We'll bring you any new information as we get it."

Penatagon - NEST Command

At the command center, General Morshower and his officers are monitoring the operation preparing to deploy NEST and the Justice League on the ground.

"NEST Seahawks approaching target." said a female NEST officer.

"3 minutes until evacuation is complete, sir"

"Chinese airspace has been locked and sealed, one-mile radius."

"All right, give NEST team and Justice League the go." Morshower said.

"Black Hawks, you're clear to land." A officer said.

[Shanghai, China]

In the sky above, a group of Black Hawks are touching down and the troops and some heroes depart from the aircraft. An old ice cream truck drives through the street.

It reads "Decepticons suck my popiscle."

"Ding-a-ling! Come out and get yo' ice cream. Any bad robot out there better get ready for an ass-whuppin'."

In the skies above, the Justice League are preparing to aid the NEST team. Green Arrow is in a helicopter with Lennox, Epps and a few members of the NEST. Sara and Laurel  are in motorcycles with the Arcee Sisters ready to be deployed. Vibe is in Ironhide. Frost is riding in Sideswipe. And as for Atom, he's in the skies patrolling the area.

"Guys, everything is clear up here." He said.

"For the last two years, an advance team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command."

"Arcees, Black Canary and White Canary, get ready to launch." Lennox said.

Arcee and her sisters activate their holographic drivers.

"We're locked and loaded." Arcee said.

"We're ready to go." Sara said as she and Laurel readies themselves with the girls.

"Together, we have form an alliance with the humans. A secret, but brave squad of soldiers."

In the helicopter, Lennox explains the plan for the mission. A few British soldiers are also in the operation. One of them is Graham Burns, senior commander of the SASF. It is U.S and British Joint Operation.

"All right, listen up." Lennox said, "China's cover story on this one is a toxic spill. They had to evac the area for search and rescue. This makes 6 enemy contacts in 8 months. We gotta make sure this one does not get out in the public eye, so keep it tight."

"A classified strike team called NEST. We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes, hiding in different countries around the globe. The Justice League now works alongside us. With their powers and abilities, they have been taking down the Decepticons along side us."

"Roll in Alpha through Echo now."

An Apache helicopter patrols with Atom allowing the Black Hawks to send the troops in. A truck launches a few NEST motorcycles.

"Move it! Let's go!"

Flash then arrives from the landing. Vibe and Ironhide meet up with Lennox and Epps. Vibe gets out and joins them. Lennox pats on the hood of Ironhide, "All right, Ironhide. We got echoes. Vamos. Steel stacks at 2 o'clock!"

Ironhide begins his transformation. He readies his cannon and he is complete. He sniffs the air for the Decepticon.

"He's here. I smell him." He said.

"Then let's go get him." Flash said.

The soldiers, Flash, Green Arrow, and Vibe approach a red Terex RH400 mining excavator behind some pipes. Epps uses a scanner to detect any heat signatures from the Decepticon.

"It's close. It's getting closer." Graham said.

"Red light."

"Oh no." Epps said.

"What've you got?"

"Thermal ripple."

"Right, everybody, be steady... We're right on top of it." Lennox whispered to the troops.

Green Arrow readies his bow and arrows, John carefully constructs a G36C assault rifle with an ACOG scope. Then the excavator transforms. Its giant arm slams into the ground  which launches the tubes in the air. They bounce the floor which injures a few soldiers. Lennox takes cover from the pipes.

"Green Arrow, target is awake!"

Green Lantern sees a soldier pinned by a pipe. He creates a hand and lifts the pipe off him. He carried him away from the battlefield.


The soldiers open fire on the giant Decepticon. However, a shockwave sends them back. The Decepticon named Demolisher rolls out of here with its two wheels. Green Arrow sees Demolisher and fires his sabot arrows. Even taking a rocket can't stop it.

"Panther One, requesting fire mission now!" Epps shouts.

"Gunships on station. Rolling hot!"

"Dog One, we are engaging."

"Green Lantern, we need air cover, now!" Vibe shouts to Green Lantern.

On it, moving to engage." John replied, joining with Dog One and they open fire.

Demolisher gets hit but keeps moving. He sees a Black Hawk shooting him and slams it tail bringing the copter down.

"Black Hawk 2 is down! Gets those people out of there!" Oliver shouts as he sees the crash site from his position.

Near the docks, an Audi R8 named Sideways wakes up which trigger the detectors.

"We got a second Decepticon."

Sideways drives away from NEST and the Justice League.

"Arcee! Twins! Target coming your way!" Lennox shouts.

"Sara and Laurel, go after the target!" Vibe shouts.

In the warehouse, Arcee, Chromia, Elita One, Sara and Laurel are chasing Sideways. They head outside where Mudflap and Skids see and wait for them. Sideways turns into the alley.

"I got 'im, I got 'im!" Mudflap shouts.

The Arcee Sisters transforms and shoots Sideways. Sara and Laurel both use the Canary Cry (Sara's is the Sonic Collar) at him. Sideways transforms and jumps into the building. Sara and Laurel see a ramp which allows them and the sisters to climb and go after him. Sideways burst out the other side and transforms back into vehicle mode. On the other side, the Twins are having a hard time catching up. They broke apart and slam into the building.

"I screwed that up... I'm okay. I'll all right." Mudflap said.

"This is combat, man!" Skids shouts.

"Total brain freeze, man."

"What's wrong with you?" Skids punches Mudflap in the face.

As Sideways escapes, Lennox has to call in help to take him out.

"Bring in Sideswipe and Killer Frost!" He shouts to a soldier. Sideswipe rolls and transforms to go after him with Frost following.

"Clear a path." He said.

Sideswipe reaches to Sideways. Frost then freezes the road to slow down him. She jumps up allowing Sideswipe to use his swords to leap over him. He shoots Sideways a few times before throwing the sword on the hood. He spins and pulls the weapon through which cuts Sideways in half. Frost was impressed about Sideswipe.

"Damn, I'm good." Sideswipe said  as he withdraws his blade.

Demolisher rolls down the highway crushing everything in his path. He tosses a car off the bridge. Justice League and NEST regroup to follow Demolisher. Flash is running behind him throwing lightning here and there.

"He's going to tear the city apart if we don't stop him." Flash said.

"Air support. We need Big Buddha and Super Krypton to deliver the drop now." Epps said.

In the sky above the city, a C-17 Globemaster prepares to drop "Big Buddha" and "Super Krypton."

"Cyclone 98, final attack hitting in one two zero."

At the cue, Supergirl and Optimus jump out of the plane. Optimus transforms while free falling and deploy his parachute while Supergirl flies down with him. Optimus' parachutes were 3 white ones with the Autobot symbol on it. Supergirl continues to fly down with him.

"Autobots, I'm in pursuit." Optimus said to his team.

"Justice League, I'm pursuing the target." Supergirl said to her team.

Optimus draws his daggers and cuts the ropes to the chutes. He rolls and transforms into his truck form after landing on the ground. Supergirl keeps up at his pace. She follows Optimus. They then see Demolisher and prepares to jump. When a car slams into the bridge, Optimus jumps as Demolisher smashes the whole bridge. He grabs Demolisher in the head and Kara grabs his arms. From behind, Ironhide, Flash, and Vibe follows the leaders passing through the flames and explosions. Demolisher tries to swat Optimus away, but the Autobot gets on top of his head.

"Pull over." Optimus said, drawing his blaster and shoots him in the head.

Kara then fires her heat vision at Demolisher breaking his joints. Demolisher flies off the bridge with both wheels blown. He crashes into the floors and rolls into a factory. The Justice League and Autobots approach the factory. Optimus, Kara, Ironhide, Vibe, Flash, and Green Arrow approach Demolisher who is badly wounded.

"Punk-ass Decepticon!" Ironhide said, snorting from his nose which blows steam out.

"Any last words?" Optimus asked Demolisher.

Demolisher turns his head and with his strength, he speaks his final words, "This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again."

Everyone including the Justice League are shocked to hear the message. It is a warning to know something terrible is coming.

"That doesn't sound good." Epps said.

"Not today." Optimus said. He charges his blaster and executes Demolisher.

An hour later at an airfield, NEST and the Justice League are loading up to head back to Diego Garcia.

Meanwhile, Kara was sitting in the bay, when Optimus arrived.

"Are you alright, Kara?" Optimus asked her.

"Yeah." Kara replied, before taking a breather. "Do you think this Fallen shall rise?"

"I don't think so." Optimus said, "But if he does rise, we shall be ready."

Kara leans her forehead on Optimus'. "

Let's go home." Kara said with a smile on her face.

After the planes are loaded, they head off back to Diego Garcia. Kara climbs into Optimus' cab and falls asleep.

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