Chapter 2: The Director

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NEST Classified Operation - Diego Garcia

It's around 7am and the C-17s have touched down on Diego Garcia after 5 hour long flight from Shanghai. Kara was sleeping in the cabin of Optimus Prime when she felt the wheels hitting the runway before waking up slowly. The C-17s have landed back on base.

"Morning Kara." Optimus said via radio.

"Hey, Optimus." Kara said to him, "Are we here?"

"Yes. And early." Optimus starts his truck and the cargo door opens. He drives out of the plane slowly and the sun shines through the cabin. Kara shields her eyes from the light by putting on some shades. All the soldiers and the Autobots including the Justice League exit the C-17s. Last night's operation was nearly bloody with a lose of several Americans and British soldiers.

As the Twins exit the plane, an officer announces to the Twins that it is time for an upgrade.

"Autobot twins, report to hangar 3"

"Badass ice cream truck coming through. Skids said said. "Excuse me! Excuse me! Hello?"

"Hold up, hold up-" Mudflap said.

In Hangar 3, a pair of new cars was waiting. A brick-red Chevy Trax concept and a green Chevy Beat Concept were their choices.

"Those are nice. Yeah, baby. It's upgrading time."

"Yes, sir. Aw yeah! Look here, it's my booty call right here!"

They transforms to their alt mode and they choose the vehicles.

"Time to get my sexy on the green." Mudflap then beat boxes like a rapper. "Everybody!"

"Green? Eh, no, green is mine! I call green!" Skids punches and throws Mudflap who wanted the green car, "I got the green."

"That hurt, man." Mudflap said.

"It's supposed to hurt. It's an ass-kicking."

Skids transforms into the Chevy Beat and Mudflap transforms into the Chevy Trax. They drove to the main hangar to meet with the others. The heroes are chattering with some of the NEST soldiers. Barry, Oliver, and Kara meet up with Lennox after cleaning themselves up. A color guard flies both the American and British flags. A group of soldiers are carrying some coffins for the soldiers who lost their lives last night.

"Present arm!"

Barry, Oliver, Kara, Lennox and the soldiers salute as the coffins pass them. Just then a group of Black Hawks flew over them which got their attention. They landed outside the fence area. A man in his 30's emerging from the chopper. His name is Theodor Galloway, the new National Security Advisor. He is not impressed about last night's operation.

"I'll tell the others. Escort the Director." Kara said as she walks towards the hangar.

"Got it." Lennox said. He reaches to the toll gate and sees Galloway who shows a security guard documents, "Director Galloway, what an honor. I'd love to show you around, but you gotta be on the classified access list."

Galloway shoves the paper at Lennox as he passes through, "I am now. Presidential order, Major. I got a message for your classified space buddies! You guys made a mess of Shanghai."

Kara now takes off her shades and adjusts her suit. "Everyone, listen up! Bad news: Director Galloway is coming!"

The soldiers, heroes groaned and the Autobots reved there engines. The loudest was Ironhide.

"The director from hell is approaching." Cisco muttered.

"I hate that man." Mick said.

Barry then approaches the squad, "Oliver, Kara, Sara, and I will attend the meeting. You guys wait with the Autobots."

"Yeah, sure." Cisco said.

"We'll be fine." Ray said.

The other heroes headed for the Autobot Hangar and find seats to watch the meeting. The four heroes climbed up to the platform. Lennox and Galloway have entered the hangar. Optimus waited below the platform.

"All right, so this is where we communicate with the JCS." Lennox shows Galloway the area of the base, "This area serves as the Autobots' hangar and the Justice League's training area."

"Secure link to JCS is up, Major!" A soldier shouts.

They prepare the online chat with General Morshower. Lennox climbs up and meets up Barry, Oliver, Kara, and Sara. But little do they know that they're being watched from the atmosphere. A Decepticon satellite, Soundwave, sees the US military satellite and begins attaching to it. With it, Soundwave can see and hear what is going on.

"Secure line to the Pentagon is now open."

The camera opens and General Morshower is on screen. Lennox, Barry, Oliver, and Kara turn towards the camera.

"General?" Lennox said.

"Will, Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, White Canary, I saw the Shanghai Op. We had a rough day out there." Morshower said.

"Ye sir. We have intel that I believe warrants an immediate debrief." Lennox said.

"Now with your permission, we can't let you see him, but I would like you to hear from the leader of the Autobots." Supergirl said.


Optimus begins his transformation into his robotic form. Once he is done, he is a bit taller than the platform. From below Epps and Galloway look up at him.

"You got to wonder, if God made us in his image, who made him." Epps asked in awed.

"I love it when he does that." Flash whispered.

"General," Optimus began, "our alliance has countermanded 6 Decepticon incursions this year, each on a different continent. They're clearly searching around the world for something. But last night's encounter came with a warning. "He plays the recording of Demolisher's final words before his death.

"The Fallen shall rise again."

"The Fallen. Meaning what?" Morshower asked the Autobot leader.

"Origin unknown." Optimus replied. "The only recorded history of our race was contained within the AllSpark and lost with its destruction.

"Excuse me!"

Everyone turned their attention to Galloway, "With the so-called AllSpark now destroyed, why hasn't the enemy left the planet like you thought they would?"

"Director Galloway, our National Security Advisor. The President just appointed him liaison." Lennox said to the general.

"Well, I guess I didn't get that memo." Morshower muttered which made Flash nod in agreement.

Galloway makes his way to Lennox and Morshower, "Forgive the interruption, General. Excuse me. Coming through. Excuse me. Excuse me, soldier. After all the damage in Shanghai, the President is, um, hard-pressed to say the job's getting done."

"With all due respect sir, me, Flash, Green Arrow, and Vibe were allies with the Autobots before the rest of the Justice League were established to join." Supergirl said.

"Well, Supergirl I can see why you and your team of heroes were chosen." Galloway said.

"We are the Justice League who fight for peace and freedom." Green Arrow said.

"Really? The world now rest in the hands of not only the Autobots, but a team of costume meta-humans and vigilantes."

"Our team has protected more than our cities, but the world as well." White Canary said.

"We protected and saved the world and lives more times than can count. Even before the Autobots showed up. So stop judging our actions." Green Arrow challenged.

"The Dominators, Earth-X Nazis, and Crisis on Infinite Earhs, we have been there for this Earth every time it is threatening." Flash said.

Galloway turns his attention to Optimus, "Now, under the classified Alien-Autobot Cooperation Act, you agreed to share your intel with us, but not you're advancements in weaponry."

"We've witnessed your human capacity for war. It would absolutely bring more harm than good." Optimus said.

"But who are you to judge what's best for us?" Galloway asked.

"With all due respect, we've been fighting side by side in the field for 2 years." Lennox said to the director.

"We've shed blood, sweat, light, and even precious metal together." Epps said.

Galloway looks down at Epps with a stern look, "Soldier, you're paid to shoot, not talk."

"Don't tempt me." Epps walks back a bit.

Optimus turns to Epps and said, "Easy."

"And the,ah newest members of your team. I understand that they arrived here after you sent a message into space, an open invitation to come to Earth, vetted by no one at the White House."

"Let me stop you right there, Mr. Galloway," Morshower interrupted, "It was vetted right here. And in my experience, the judgement of Major Lennox, his team, Green Arrow and the Justice League had always been above reproach."

"Well, be that as it may, General, it is the position of the President that when our national security is at stake... No one is above reproach. Now, what do we know so far? We know that the enemy leader classified NBE-One-a.k.a Megatron, is rusting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss, surrounded by SOSUS detection nets and a full-time submarine surveillance. We also know that the only remaining piece of your alien AllSpark is locked in an electromagnetic vault here on one of the most secure naval bases in the world."

In the orbit, Soundwave has heard everything and contacts the other Decepticons, "Decepticons, we have located the shard."

"And since no one can seem to tell me what the enemy is after." Galloway said, "Well, there's only one clear conclusion! You! The Autobots! They're here to hunt you! What's there to hunt for on Rarth besides that? The Fallen shall rise again? It sounds to me like something's coming. So. Let me ask, if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served by denying your further asylum on our planet, will you leave? Peacefully?

"Leaving peacefully?" Supergirl thoughted.

"Freedom is your right." Optimus said, If you make that request, we will honor it. But... before your President decides, please ask him this: What if we leave..." He leans in close, "and you're wrong?" He moves back and turns away from Galloway.

Lennox whispered to Optimus, "That's a good question."

"I agree." Supergirl said.

After the meeting, Director Galloway heads back to his transport helicopter while the soldiers wait for his departure. When he boards his ride, a soldier turns to the Autobots.

"Ok! You're clear!"

The Autobots finally transforms after being in their vehicle forms for a long time.

"Finally!" Ironhide said stretching his legs.

"Thank God it's over." Laurel said.

"I was on the edge of blowing that Director of sky high." Ironhide said.

"I agree." Nate agreed "When I see him again, I want to use him as a punching bag."

"You think I could burn him alive?" Mick asked.

"Maybe you will." Frost answered.

"Easy guys." Acree said, "I know we all hate him, but we can't harm people."

Barry, Oliver, Kara, and Sara arrive to meet up with the others.

"So, guys. how was the meeting?" Cisco asked.

"It was fine until the bastard asks the Autobots to leave for the sake of the National Security." Oliver answered which sends shockwaves of disbelief.

"What?!" Nate asked.

"That's crazy!" Frost challenged "Who does he think he is?"

"He can't do this." Cisco said, "He's gonna have to go through us."

The other heroes agreed with Cisco suggestions.

"Alright guys." Kara said to everyone, "Settle down. Now let's head home."

They change out of their suits and head on to their apartment which is on the other side of the island. Cisco is laying down on his bed thinking about what until Ironhide showed up on his gauntlet in hologram form.

"Cisco, are you alright?" He asked.

"I don't want to lose Ironhide. You're like a brother to me." I already lose one brother, I'm not going to lose another one." Cisco said.

"I know and don't worry. I will always be with you." Ironhide said. Cisco smiled a bit and turned on his bed.

"I'll see in the morning." Cisco said.

"Good night Cisco." Ironhide said before signing off.

Meanwhile in Kara's room. Kara lays on her bed. The government is wanting to end the alliance. Just then Optimus shows up in hologram form. Kara gets up and sees him.

"Kara, are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kara said, "Are you really gonna leave if the President decides?"

"Why would you ask that?" Optimus asked, "Ever since we arrived, we had been thinking this planet as a home."

"I don't want to lose you, Optimus. I care about you." Kara said.

"Kara, I care for you too." He said softly.

Optimus then deactivates the hollow, leaving the Kryptonian alone in her room.

As Kara prepares to sleep, she looks up in the ceiling, "I'm not letting anyone hurt you, Prime. I promise."

She is promising to protect her friends from the Decepticons at all costs. She closes her eyes and finally falls asleep.

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