Chapter 3: The Shard Stolen

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In the orbit, the Decepticon communication officer is in position. He fires a robot asteroid into the Earth. In his room, Barry was sleeping with Iris when his A.I Gideon alerts him.

"Alert. Decepticon has launched an unknown object." She said to him

Barry gets up slowly to check his alarm, it was around 3:30 in the morning. He groans before falling asleep again with Iris.

The object splashes down on the shoreline. A panthers type Decepticon named Ravage emerges and walks on the shores. He has one glowing red eye, two pointy ears on the back of his head, a razor sharp mane, and a claw on the tip of his tail. His physiology is vaguely feline. He sprints as fast as a cheetah over the fence into the field.

In the bunker of the NEST has spotted Ravage.

"Black Lion X-Ray, this is Black Lion Tango. We have activation of motion sensors on the western perimeter fence."

Ravage searches around the pipe that leads to the vault. He reaches the pipe, pops it open like a can, and bites on it. It releases tiny marbles down the pipe into the vault. Back in Barry's room, Gideon alerts him once again.

" Security breach in the western perimeter."

Barry wakes up and runs to Kara's room which is across the hall. Barry opens the door.

"Kara, wake up!" He shouts to her.

Kara groans and wakes up slowly, "What is it?"

"They're breaking into the vault." Barry said.


Barry and Kara transform into their super suits. Barry pulls out his ring and his suit come out for him. Kara quickly puts on her suit. They head out to the vault. In the vault, the marbles move around to the center and transform into microcons. They then begin climbing on each other like ants until they combine together into a small but extremely thin Decepticon named Reedman. He may be hidden but his body is razor sharp perfect to cut flesh and bone. He sees the shard and begins tapping it which triggers the alarm.

"Breach at B-14." A soldier said.

A group of NEST vehicles are deployed and moved towards the front door. Barry and Kara arrive just in time. A soldier sees them.

"What's happening?" Kara asked.

"They're breaking into the vault."

"Barry, do not let the shard leave the island." Kara said to Barry.

"Got it!" Barry replied.

Barry runs to the top of the bunker waiting for the intruders. Kara gets ready before the doors open and they move in.

"Go, go, go, go, go!"

Reedman hides from the soldiers and Kara. Kara sees the shard has been stolen.

"The shard's gone." A soldier said to Kara.

"We cannot let it leave." Kara said.

Reed carefully moves in to pass Kara until a soldier spots him.


Reed kills the soldier and makes a run for it. Kara shoots her heat vision at Reedman as it tries to escape. Outside, Ravage fires a pair missiles at the base. Barry sees Ravage and shoots him with his lightning. Reedman reaches for Ravage, but the lightning manages to kill the thin machine. Then Ravage picks up the shard and makes a getaway taking a few bullets and lasers. Ravage dives back into the ocean with the last fragment of the AllSpark. Barry reaches Kara.

"What happened?" Kara asked.

"That panther Decepticon was waiting. They outsmarted us." Barry said.

"Where's the shard?"

"He got away with it."

Kara slams her fists on the hood of a NEST vehicle in anger, "Dammit! Those sneaks must have tracked us by satellite!"

"There is still time. As long as the Decepticons don't reach Megatron."

"What about Sam?"

Barry has just forgotten about Sam. It's been two years since he graduated to college, "I go see if he's okay. Kara contact Optimus Prime and Oliver. Tell them meet me in Princeton. And when you're done, send Dig and J'onn to the Atlantic to aid the security."

"You got it." Kara said.

Barry takes off to find Sam while Kara heads back to base. He also had forgotten about Bumblebee. He need to Bumblebee before he goes after Sam.

"Gideon, give me the location of Bumblebee." Barry said to her.

"Tracking Bumblebee... Bumblebee located. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." The A.I said.

Barry runs as fast as he can to catch up with Bumblebee. It was the evening when Barry spotted him not far from the university. Bumblebee stops for him.

"Bumblebee, the Decepticons have stolen the shard. They're planning to bring Megatron back to life. Barry told him.

Bumblebee then opens his door for Barry to get in. He gets in and they head out to find Sam. They reach to Princeton University to find out that there is a party going on. They stop at the curve.

"Time to get his attention."

Bumblebee triggers his alarm and drives on the lawn. Sam is enjoying the party when he hears the alarm. A senior student sees the car and shouts.

"Hey! Who drove the freaking yellow Camaro? Huh? There is a car on the lawn!"

Barry got out of the car and leans on it. Sam arrives outside and sees Barry.

"Flash?" Sam said.

"Yep." Barry replied.

"What are you doing here?"

"There's no time to explain. We've got a big problem."

"Big? What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"I'll tell you on the way." Barry said.


They turn to see two senior students but the difference is the second one is short than the tall one.

"Yeah?" Sam asked.

"That your car in our bushes?" the short one asked.

"No, there's a- there's a friend of mine, he just went to, ah, to get you a tighter shirt." Sam stuttered a bit.

"There isn't a tighter shirt! We checked." The shorter student said. "Now how about I park my foot in your ass?"

"What size shoe do you wear?" Sam asked.

"Oh, you want to go." The short student said ready for a fight.

Flash then runs in front of Sam protecting him.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." Flash said.

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do?" The tall student said taunting him.

Then Flash runs around them pulling their pants down revealing their underwear. All the students seeing this laughs at them, even Sam joins in the laughing. The two quickly pull up their pants embarrassed and run back inside. Barry then walks back to Sam who is in the driver seat. Barry then sits in the back seat behind him. Then a girl named Alice arrives. She has blonde hair and has blue eyes.

"I love Camaros." Alice said.

"Ah, no. I can't do this right now, okay?"

"Don't be a wimp." Alice said as she got in the car.

"Oh god." Sam groaned.

Barry whispered "Who is she?"

Sam drives off from college.

"My first car was my dad's 92 Z28." Alice commented.

"Yeah?" Sam asked.

"Fuel-injected. The roar of the engine, it just tickles me." Alice leans in closer to Sam.

"We shouldn't, uh, stare... I mean, share stories with each other at all."

"Eh, come on, Sam. Just one ride."

Barry sees this. Sam has a girlfriend, and Alice will do anything to get to his pants, "Do something."

Bumblebee turns the knob to play something on the radio.

"You cheatinnnnn' heart..."

"Don't. Don't! Sam freaked out as he changes the radio. Then the radio changes songs, "She's a super freak, super freak, she's super freaky-"

"Is your radio broken? Alice asked.

"No, my concentration is."

"We're not cheating. Not yet. Is something... wrong... here?"

Bumblebee slams Alice on the dashboard controlling her seat.

"Oh, God! You okay?" Sam asked.

"She's a brick... house."

"Ow." Alice places her hand on her forehead.

"She's mighty, mighty-"

"I really don't know what to tell you. This car has a lot of problems. A lot... Oh" Alice rubbed her bruised head.

Barry ducks down as Bumblebee squirts anti-freeze at Alice's face.

"Oh! Oh, God! It's in my mouth! Sam shouts. He then stops his car wiping the liquid off from his face.  He then turns to Alice who was covered in anti-freeze, "Oh are you okay? I got Wetnaps. I got Wetnaps for your face!"

Alice gets out of the car and leaves.

"Hold on! I... I'm sorry! What're you doing?" Sam pleaded but Alice left him.

Barry slowly emerges from his seat with a smile on his face. Sam did not buy that and looks at him with a disappointed look on his face.

"You did something, didn't you?" Sam asked.

"That girl was trying to make a move on you, Sam! What the hell were you thinking? You know Mikaela will be upset if she sees you with her!" Barry said crossing his arms.

"You shouldn't have come here." Sam sighed.

"Optimus is waiting for us."

"Why did you tell him?" Sam asked him.

"You don't know what's going on." Barry said.

As the next day emerges, they head for a cemetery where Optimus, Kara and Oliver are waiting for them. Sam gets out of the car and walks to them. Barry follows Sam to them.

"You wouldn't give me a day, huh? You wouldn't give me one day in college?" Sam asked Optimus Prime.

"I'm sorry, Sam, but the last fragment of the AllSpark was stolen." Optimus said.

"Like what? Like Decepticon stole it."

"Yes. And now they're making plans to revive Megatron. I told the Justice League to be ready if the enemy moves in." Oliver said.

" We placed it under human protection at your government's request, but I'm here for your help, Sam." Optimus said, "Because your leaders believe we have brought vengeance upon your planet. Perhaps they are right. That is why they must be reminded by another human of the trust we share."

"You don't understand. This not my war." Sam said.

"Not yet. But I fear it soon will be." Optimus warned Sam, "Your world must not share the same fate as Cybertron. Whole generations lost."

"I know, and I... I want to help you, I do, but I am not some alien ambassador, you know? I'm a normal kid with normal problems. I am where I'm supposed to be. I'm sorry. I... I really am.

"Sam, fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing." Optimus said, grimly.

"You're Optimus Prime. You don't need me."

"Samuel James Witwicky, how can you say that?" Kara exclaimed to Sam, "He does need you. I need you too. Without us, who is going to protect you?"

Sam just stood there quietly, "I know you guys have been protecting me, but I'm not a child anymore. I have to move on. I'm sorry. With that guilt weighing down on his shoulders, he heads back to Bumblebee and drives back to college.

"We do. More than you know." Optimus said sadly.

"We tried. Let's go home." Kara said to him. Optimus walks to the road and transforms. Barry runs off with Kara flying with him. Oliver climbs in and they head back to base.

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