Chapter 4: Megatron Returns

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North Atlantic - 07:13 Hrs

Out in the Atlantic, a cargo ship sails through the seas. Just then a small object slam into the deck, but the crew did not see the impact. Out comes Ravage after he stole the shard from the base last night. Then a group of Construticons appeared on the deck before jumping from the ship and into the sea. Little do they know that they are being tracked.

U.U.S. Topeka, SSN

The submarine is on patrol when the sonar detects the Construticons.

"Conn, Sonar. Gained new contact, bearing 214, and possible hostile, confirmed for project Deep Six Drop Point." A sailor said to his captain.

"What do you got?" the captain asked.

"SU pulled five contracts at 5,000 feet, diving fast."

At Diego Garcia, Cisco and the Justice League are chatting, when the alarms blares. They rushed to the monitors and Cisco approaches an officer.

"What do we got?" Cisco asked him.

"U.S.S Topeka detected 5 contacting diving at 5000 feet." The soldier said to him.

"Something's not right." Laurel said.

"They're probably going to revive Megatron." Cisco said.

"Shit! Diggle, J'onn, head for the Atlantic ASAP. Do not let the revive Megatron!" Sara said.

" We're on it." John said.

Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter transforms into their suits and took off.

Back at the Topeka, the US sub continues to track Construticons.

"Never seen anything dive that deep that fast. Man battle stations. A sailor said.

"Chief of the watch, man battle stations!"

"Man battle stations!" said the Chief of the Watch.

An alarm blares in the sub. They're headed off in pursuit the threat.

"Helm, left full rudder, all ahead two-thirds."

"Left full ruddder, two-thirds."

"Dive, Go deep."

The Topeka begins diving into the ocean. 300 miles from the sub, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter are flying as fast as they can to catch up to the sub.

"Sara, the Topeka is diving in. We have detected Construticons heading towards the Lurithian Abyss." John said.

"You got to stop them!" Sara said.

"Copy that." John said before he and J'onn dive inside.

At the Pentagon, General Morshower rushes to the Command Center as he sees the military at high alert.

"Status report." Morshower said.

"The nets protecting NBE One are screaming, sir." An officer said to the general.

"That is 9,300 fathoms down and no confirmed DSRVs on site?" Morshower asked.

"None, sir." He replied back to him.

"Then people, we've got a problem! Get Justice League online!" Morshower said.

"Yes, sir!" he said.

The Constructicons reaches the ocean floor. They find Megatron all covered up with dirt and a couple of sea animals. Ravage swims to Megatron and out comes a little Decepticon who is a doctor.

"Need parts! Kill the little one!" Doctor said to the Cons.

They turn to the small Decepticon named Scrapmetal they begin tearing him apart while Diggle and J'onn spotted them.

"Let's end this!" John shouts. He contructs a jet submarine with torpedoes and speed off to stop the progress. They fire torpedoes at them. One hits a large Decepticon, which caught their attention.

"Hurry!" The Doctor shouts to the others.

The Decepticons quickly pull the parts onto Megatron. When they are done, Doctor pulls out the Shard of the AllSpark.

"The shard makes Energon! All hail Megatron!" The Doctor said.

"Nooooooo!" J'onn shouts.

The Doctor jams the Shard into the spark of Megatron and he is fully reactivated. The alarms bared at the Pentagon and so did the alarm at Diego Garcia. Cisco was startled and he immediately contacts Kara.

"Kara, where are you?" Cisco asked.

"On route back to base."  Kara replied, What's going on?"

"Megatron has risen from the dead." Cisco said which sends a chill up Kara's spine.


Cisco flinched from Kara's rage. He hasn't hear her this man.

"Dig and J'onn are already in the area where he was placed." Cisco said before turning back to the monitors.

Megatron roars knowing that he has risen from the dead. He and the Decepticons begin flying up to the surface.

"They're getting away!" John said.

"After them!" J'onn shouts.

They head up to stop them. In the Topeka, the radar detects 6 enemy contacts.

"Conn, Sonar. Now hold six contacts, and they're coming up fast!" A sailor said.

"Sound collision alarm." Chief of the Watch said."

The collision alarm blares and the sailor scrambled.

"Left hard rudder." The soldier shouted.

The sub tries to turn left, but the contacts are closing in fast.

"500 feet." The tracker said.

In the skies above the surface, a P-3 Orion scans for the contacts.

"Angel Six, we got six hostiles coming up."

"They're heading for the sub." John said.

"Lock on target!" J'onn shouts. The crosshairs aimed and locked on Megatron, "Fire torpedoes!"

They fire two torpedoes at Megatron.

"Torpedoes launched." John shouts.

The missiles scream towards the Decepticons. The missiles also trigger the torpedo alarm.

"Two torpedoes are fired from two small craft! They're heading straight for the contacts!" The sailor said.

Megatron and the Decepticons reach for the sub at 100 feet. The torpedoes are closing on Megatron at 75 feet.

"One hundred feet."

"Brace for impact!"

From the sky, the P-3 passes over when an explosion occurs. Megatron burst from the ocean and into the sky. The torpedoes have missed their target and hit the the submarine. The back of the sub burst from the surface and splashes back down. John immediately called for assistance.

"Danger! Submarine impact! Requesting immediate medical emergency!" J'onn shouts to Sara.

"Copy that!" We're sending a ship to get the crew." Sara replied. "Where's Megatron?"

"He's escaped." John said.

"Shit! How did did this happen?"

John and J'onn think for a second until Jo'nn remembers.

"It's Galloway! He must have given the information to the Decepticons during the meeting!" The Martian said.

"Son of a bitch!" I gonna kill him!" John shouts.

"STUPID BITCH!!" He should have kept his mouth shut!" Sara snarled.

"We'll follow Megatron and see what he's up to." John said. He and J'onn fly up to follow Megatron as he left Earth.

Megatron leaves Earth and flies into deep space. Not far behind, John and J'onn are following him quietly without being spotted. He flies passed Saturn into a cold, icy moon. On the surface lies a Decepticon ship, wrecked on the moon. Diggle and J'onn reach the wreckage and stop to investigate.

" What is this place?" John asked.

"The Decepticon ship: Nemesis." The ring replied.

"Let's go." J'onn said to his friend.

They carefully head inside the ship. They saw Megatron and transforms and meets up with Starscream.

" Starscream, I'm home." Megatron said to his second-in-command.

"Lord Megatron, I was... so relieved to hear of your resurrection." Starscream said.

John constructs a Wolfcom's Orbiter Parabolic Microphone Electronic Listener Device with headphones. J'onn uses goggles see what was happening. Both of them listened to the conversation.

"You left me to die on that pathetic insect planet."Megatron said.

"Only to help spawn our... new army. The Fallen decrees it. After all, in your absence, someone had to take command." Starscream said.

Megatron gets frustrated and grabs Starscream, "So disappointing." He shoves him against an egg of a hatchling.

"Hatchlings! Hatchlings! Careful, fragile!" Starscream exclaimed.

"Even in death, there's no command but mine." Megatron said as he shoves Starscream futher which knocks a hatchling open and its suffering quickly due to the lack of Energon. He then releases Starscream and walks into the chambers of his master; The Fallen. He kneels in respect to the authority. Meanwhile, GL and MM sneak Around and see the leader kneeling down before his master.

"My master, I have failed you on Earth. The AllSpark is destroyed and without it, our race will perish."

The Fallen sits on his throne with wires connected to him. He breathe slowly like if he was a weak, "Oh, you have so much to learn, my disciple. The Cube was merely a vessel. It's power, it's knowledge can never be destroyed. It can only transform."

"How is that possible?" Megatron asked in confusion.

"It has been absorbed by the human child." The key to saving our race now lies within his mind." The Fallen said.

"We'll then, let me strip the very flesh from his body!" Megatron approaches his master.

"And you will, my apprentice, in time." The Fallen said to his apprentice, "For millennia, I have dreamed of my return to that wretched planet where I, too, was once betrayed by the Primes I called my brothers. Only a Prime can defeat me, and now, only one remains."

"Optimus! He protects the boy. Along with his friend who is a Kryptonian and the Justice League." Megatron exclaimed.

"That Kryptonian hero called Kara. Along with her so-called Justice League. The boy will lead us to Prime. Kara must die with Optimus and revenge shall be ours." The Fallen said, clenching his fist.

"Yes." Megatron grins wickedly.

"That boy will not escape us." Starscream said as he approaches them, "We have him in our sights. Without more Energon, the hatchlings will keep dying."

From the hiding spot, J'onn and Diggle had heard everything the enemy said.

"Looks like we're dealing with a bigger threat than we could possibly imagine." John said.

"We got to warn everyone." J'onn said.

The two heroes leave the wrecked ship to return to Earth and warn NEST about the upcoming.

Back at the base on Earth, Kara, Oliver, Barry, and Optimus returned only for Kara to get frustrated about what happened early.

"How did this happened?" Kara asked Cisco.

"During the meaning, Galloway must have gave away both Megatron and the shard's location." Cisco replied.

Kara slams her fist into the desk in rage breaking it in half, "That son of a bitch!" Because of him, Megatron is back! I'm gonna punch him so hard, he'll end up in orbit.

Most of the men backed away from the Kryptonian. Just then John and J'onn had return from their mission. Kara turned to the men after calming down, "Report."

"We've followed Megatron into this ship known as the Nemesis and we made a discovery." J'onn said.

"What did you find?"

"Optimus, when you heard the message, who was the Fallen?" John asked the Autobot leader.

"Origin unknown. Why do you asked, John?" Optimus asked.

"You might wanna take a look at this," John constructs a huge holographic screen for everyone to see. It shows Megatron, Starscream, and The Fallen.

"Who is that?" Kara asked.

"That is the Fallen." John said.

Optimus and the Autobots are in shocked. Even the heroes along the men.

"They're making plans to capture Sam." J'onn informed. "The Fallen said the AllSpark had been absorbed by Sam."

"I've got warn him," Cisco said as he makes a run for outside.

"Warning! Decepticon forces are mobilizing in New York." Gideon alerted.

"They're after Sam!" Barry shouts.

"No. It could be a diversion." Ironhide said.

Ironhide's right. They could lure us away from Sam."Sara said.

"We can't let Megatron get to Sam!" Barry said.

"Autobots, roll out!" Optimus said to the Autobots.

"Heroes, move out!" Oliver said to the Justice League.

The Justice League transforms into their suits along with the Autobots to head for the Eastern Seaboard while Cisco opens a breach to find Sam. They head out to stop the threat before it's too late.

At the Pentagon, a soldier receives an incoming SOS signal.

"Major, incoming SOS from the Autobots!" He said to Morshower, " Multiple Decepticon contacts are in motion. Eastern United States, sir!"

"As in how many?" General Morshower asked.

"Unclear, sir." A Pentagon Officer said.

"Well, get clear."

"The Autobots are on the move, splitting into two teams, sir. They're not answering our calls and they're heading out to New York and Philadelphia."

"Get the Justice League online, ASAP!" The general ordered.

"Yes, sir." the soldier saluted.

Running along the Autobots, John's ring rings with a call. John opens a holographic screen.

"Green Lantern here." He answered.

"Green Lantern,we've detected multiple Decepticons in the Eastern Seabound." Morshower informed.

"It could be a diversion. My friends are with Optimus and Bumblebee. Get NEST in the air as soon as possible." John said.

"Affirmative." Morshower said before the screen dissolves.

The Justice League and soldiers scrambled to stop Megatron and the Decepticons from reaching Sam.

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