Chapter 12: Fight is Coming in!

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The soldiers and Justice League have landed in the desert area. John and Ray have landed with Optimus. The troops quickly surrounded the dead Autobot leader to protect him.

"Go." Lennox said.

"Let's move it." A soldier said.

"Remember, they're friendlies."

The troops reach a small village when they spotted some local villagers.

"Cover Optimus!" Graham said.

The soldiers cover Optimus by using the parachutes and quickly set defenses.

"Secure the village. Get those cases down here. I need snipers and Stingers up high." Lennox instructed. They set up a perimeter in the village and around Optimus.

"So, we just dropped off ten tons of dead robot in the middle of nowhere. I hope this little kid knows what he's doing." Epps said.

"Yeah, me too." Lennox said.

"Got a visual! Yellow team! Four clicks!" A British soldier informed.

"Pop flare!" Lennox shouts.

The soldier shoots a flare in the air.

"John, launch a flare so Kara and the others could see." Laurel said to him. He fires a green flare into the air as well.

From a distance, Sam sees the flares fired.

"That's them, right there. See the flares?"

"Right over there! You see it?" Simmons said.

From the skies, Starscream spots Bumblebee with with Sam inside and Kara flying alongside them, "Found the Boy and the Kryptonian," He fires a few missiles before breaking hard left.

"Whoa!" Simmons shouts in fear.

The missiles exploded near them. Sam dodges to avoid them.

"Starscream!" Cisco shouts.

The Decepticon continues to fire missiles at them.

"Sam!" Mikaela shouts.

"Oh! Whoa!" Sam shouts as he as he turns left and right.

As they dodge the attack, Leo begins to freak out.

"Oh God. Please God! Please." He said.

"Leo, stop freaking out. Stop freaking out." Mikaela said to him.

"Please God please-"

"Shut this guy up, huh?"

"Please let me live, just let me live!" Leo said.

"Shut up and let him drive!" Mikaela shouts.

"Just stop screaming!" Sam said.

"Leo, shut up!" Cisco shouts.

"All right, that's it!" Simmons grabs the taser and zaps Leo in the neck.

"Please... ow ow ow ow!" He is knocked out from the tase.

Simmons then sits back down and sighs, "I can't stand that guy anymore."

Oliver shoots an smokescreen arrow near a construction site.

"Hide in the dark! Use the dust!" Simmons shouts.

Sam drives into the dust and they got out. Starscream then heads off into the pyramids.

"I'll deal with Starscream, you guys get going." Kara said.

"We've got to split up. Sam said, Bumblebee, you're the decoy. You lead the Decepticons away, all right? I'm gonna get Optimus."

"I'll help draw their fire with Huey and Dewey there." Simmons said, "You get to those soldiers. I hope that dust works, kid."

"Thank you." Sam said.

"Good luck Agent Simmons." Kara said.

"Tell your friends I said "hi."

Kara nodded and Sam runs off with Mikaela and the other heroes.

Sgt. Epps looks through his binoculars and sees Starscream.

"That thing got alien tattoos all over it. That ain't Air Force." He said.

"It's Starscream. He must have followed us here." John said.

Starscream then unleashes an EMP shockwave over and turns left. All communications are down except John's power ring.

"What the hell was that?" Lennox said.

"Anyone copy?" Epps asked.

"Anyone there? Who's up?"


They got no response from anyone.

"Radio's down."

"It's dead. Comms are down."

"Lennox, what happened?" Nate asked.

"We're cut off. Comm links are down." Lennox said.

"Dammit!" Those Cons are playing dirty when it comes to tactics." Laurel snarled.

"He's so dead!" John punches his hand with his fist.

"EMP burst. I see how this day is going in this godforsaken desert." Epps said.

"The Decepticons are trying to prevent us from calling in reinforcements." Ray said.

"Assholes." Mick said.

"I'll try to get ahold of Morshower." John said to Lennox who nods.

At the Pentagon, Morshower answers a phone call. It was Galloway who is now in the middle of nowhere.

"Yes, sir?" Morshower answered.

"Major Lennox told me to pull the cord." Galloway said.

"I know, sir."

"Well, what country am I in right now?"

"United States." A villager said in the background.

"No! Not the United States. I'm from the United States!"


"I'm in the middle of nowhere surrounded by donkeys!"

Morshower hangs up the phone with a smile on his face, "Well, that was our good friend, Galloway. He's less than pleased. How is it that we can't reach our men, but he can reach me from some... random Egyptian desert."

"Nothing." Epps said.

"Right, go burn an SOS. Let the eye in the sky know we need help." Lennox said.

"Yes, sir. Okay, boys, old school time!"

They carve an SOS in the sand and lights it up.

"Pop some more flares so the kid could find us." Lennox then turns to John, "Green Lantern, try to contact Green Arrow and the others."

"Oliver, come in." John said to his ring, trying to contact Oliver.

Sam, Oliver, Mikaela, Barry, Cisco, Sara, and Kara are running through the sand trying to make their way to the extraction point.

"Look. There it is. We got a couple of miles."

"Incoming message from Green Lantern." Gideon said to Oliver.

"Oliver, come in."

"Oliver here. Go head." Oliver replied.

"We have Optimus's body near the pyramids, but we got a problem. Lennox and his troops can't contact Morshower for reinforcements."

"Megatron. He's here. You make sure the bastards don't reach to Prime. Give them everything you guys got."

"Roger that."

Oliver ends his communication.

"Megatron is maintaining position thinking he's some king." Nate said.

"What is he up to?" Mick asked.

Meanwhile on top of the pyramid, Starscream arrives next to Megatron.

"Master, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the soldiers brought the body of Prime." He said to the leader.

"The boy must have the Matrix." Megatron growled, "We cannot let him reach Optimus. Decepticons, begin our assault!"

Just then a bunch of meteors arrived and slammed into the ground. Coming out of them were Decepticons.

"We got incoming!" A soldier shouts.

"Take your positions!" Steel shouts.

The soldiers and heroes take their positions.

As the bunch advances through the abandoned village, Kara sees the meteors flying over them. 

"Keep moving!" She shouts.

"Oliver, we got a bunch of Decepticons coming from the sky!" John shouts.

"Give them hell! Don't worry about us!" Oliver shouts.

"We got a whole lot of fight coming our way!"

"How many?" Epps asked.

"I count about 13 of them." Lennox replied.

"Get ready guys!" Nate shouts, "Ray, ready your blaster!"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Ray said as he charges his pulse cannons.

"This ain't good. This ain't good. We're about get our asses whupped." Epps said.

"We have courage, Epps! We'll cover you!" Atom said.

"Bravo-Charlie, kneel!"

"Let's go!"

"All right, those Decepticons are searching for Sam." Lennox said, "Whatever he has, he thinks it could bring Optimus back to life. So our mission is to find him and get him to Optimus while the Justice League will give us support. All right, we're gonna draw fire from the left flank. I need a scout team."

"I'm leading." Ironhide said.

"Go!" A soldier shouts.

"Martian Manhunter, go up through the middle with Arcee Ironhide." Lennox said.

"Yes sir!" J'onn replied before flying off to follow Ironhide and Arcee.

"Right, when you see the precious cargo and guardian, I want you to pop green smoke and come through those pillars." Lennox instructed, "We'll have the ambush set. All right. Let's go. Move out!"

"Hoo-ah!" The soldiers shout.

Martian Manhunter moves up with Ironhide and Arcee to scout. The soldiers and the Justice League ready and their positions and their weapons.

Sam, Mikaela, Oliver and the others are running into a village before Mikaela sees a hut.

"Sam, Guys, in here." She said.

They head inside the hut. A few Decepticons are looking for them.

"I don't think they saw us. Get down. Get down." Sam said and the group stays down and quiet, "Okay. Listen. Once it's clear, we run for Optimus as fast as we can, okay?"

"But what if it doesn't work?" Mikaela asked.

"It's gonna work."

"Yeah, but what if it doesn't?"

"It's gonna work. It will work."

"Trust him, Mikaela. Please." Kara said.

They then heard a crash from outside. They keep silent to avoid being spotted.

Sam looks and grabs a sword and pokes a hole in the wall. He looks through it. Outside the house, Starscream and others searched for Sam. They speak Cybertronian to each other. Ravage growls while he searches for the humans. Some of the dust from the roof fell when a Decepticon walks near. Mikaela covers her mouth in fear. Just then, a little Decepticon fly appears in the hole. Sam sees it and picks it. The fly has a satellite dish attached to it. He rips it in half and then there was silence. Then the roof was ripped opened and Starscream emerges.

"I see you!" He said.

"See this, bitch!" Kara shouts as he fires her heat vision at Starscream in the face.

The group quickly heads out. Trying to getaway from the enemies. A Decepticon slams near them with a mace.

"Get ready to jump!" Sam shouts.

They back off and they jump off the edge. Starscream fires a missile near them, but Oliver turns and fires an explosive arrow at him. They then roll off the building and land on the ground.

"We got a half-mile. I don't think the soldiers know we're here." Sam said.

Back on the battlefield, the Allies are beginning to lose ground as the Decepticons advanced forward.

"Fall back!" A NEST soldier shouts to his comrades.

"Fall back! Ironhide, up the middle!" Sideswipe shouts.

"Ironhide, move it! Let's go! Go, go!" Lennox said.

The soldiers fall back allowing Ironhide to move forward.

"Fire emissions: 7-5-7-6-8-0-1!" John said to the ML-20s.

The guns aims and open fire on them.

The shells home in and explode near the Cons before one of them got blown up. The enemy is now under artillery fire. The other heroes helped push the Decepticons back.

"That should slow them down!" Mick shouts shooting his heat gun.

The group continues on running. Sam slides over a roof of a car and keeps moving. In the skies, Starscream sees them running.

"Rampage, spring the trap." He said to his comrade.

Rampage arrives and shoots out Sam's parents. Ravage growls at them before Rampage begins his transformation. Ron and Judy sees Sam, Mikaela, and the heroes running towards them.

"Sam!" Ron shouts.

"What?!" Judy asked.

"Sam, Sam, Sam!" Ron shouts.

"What are they doing here!" Oliver shouts as he sees them.

Sam sees them and shouts until they heard some banging noises. Rampage arrives and lands around them. Mikaela is pushed to a wall and Rampage fires a warning shot near her before turning to Sam. Oliver, Barry, Cisco, Sara, and Kara take cover behind a building before Kara turns and sees Bumblebee.

Sam raises his hands and holds the sock in the air, "Wait, wait!"

"Please listen to me! I want you to run! Run!" Ron shouts.

"Dad, just stop! They don't want you, they want me-" Sam shouts before Rampage slams his chain on the ground near Ron and Judy. "Wait!"

Rampage stops and growls near him, "Sam Witwicky."

"Don't hurt them. This is what you want." Sam shows him the Matrix in the sock, "You don't want them."


"Go!" Ron shouts.

"Please stop!" Sam shouts.



"Listen to your father!" Judy shouts.

"Just get out of here!"

Just then Sam hears a whistle and he turns to see Bumblebee and the 5 heroes. Flash gives the okay signal to him. They climb up the roof and wait for the right moment to attack. Green Arrow prepares his arrows while the others prepares their powers.

"Just don't hurt them. I know what you want." Sam speaks to Rampage,

"Just go! Just go." Ron shouts to him.

"And I know you need me. Because I know about the Matrix."

"Don't do it, Dam, listen to me-"

"Please, Dad."

"They're going to kill us all anyway!"

"Hey, hey, whoa! Here's what you want, right here." Sam then sees the warriors on top of the building, "Bumblebee! Flash! Green Arrow! Supergirl! White Canary! Vibe!"

They jump down and attack Rampage. Supergirl slams her fist into the Red Con. White Canary throws her shurikens at him while Flash and Vibe fire their powers at Rampage. Rampage tries to kick Bee, but he ducks and punches him in the face. Green Arrow fires him arrow at him. Bumblebee then activates his mask.

"Kill him, Bee. Kill him." Sam said to the Autobot scout.

Rampage jumps but Bee jumps, grabs his arms and knees him in the face. Bee then grabs his arms and twists it hard. Rampage yells in pain and Bee slams his arms to the ground. Supergirl then punches Rampage a few times in the gut. Ravage growls and appears to help Rampage. He fires his machine guns at Green Arrow and White Canary who dodges them. He jumps on Bee and shreds him. Bee groans in pain and yanks him off. Flash then runs around him to trap him. He started throwing lightning at Ravage. Supergirl then fires her heat vision at Ravage.

"This is for stealing the Shard, you scrap heap!" Kara shouts with anger. She slams her fist through Ravage, killing him for good."

Bumblebee jumps over, grabs Rampage and knees him until his arms are torn off. He falls to the ground presumed dead. Bee looks at Sam and takes off his mask after the fight.

"Bee?" Sam said.

"Yeah!" Bumblebee asked with confidence.

They head out as the fight rages out not far from here.

"Get back!" Ron shouts.

"Wait-hey!" Sam shouts.

"I don't know what's going on, but we've got to move!"

Vibe hears a noise before shouting, "Incoming!"

An explosion occurrs near them, but Supergirl shields them from the blast.

"There's got to be a way out of here! Come on! Ron shouts.

"Mom, get back, get back!" Sam shouts.

"Judy, get back, get back, get back!" Ron said to his wife.

There is another explosion near them as they try to escape the battle.

"Keep your heads down!" White Canary shouts.

"Against the wall! Against the wall! Bee! Bumblebee!" Sam exclaims. Bumblebee arrives and sees Sam. "You get them somewhere safe, all right? You got to get in the car. Get to safety."

"No, no, this isn't up for discussion! You're my son!" Ron shouts.

"I know!"

"You're my son!"


"We all go together!"


"We're all going together!"

"Dad, stop, okay? Get in the car. He's gonna get you to safety. You know, you run. You don't stop, you don't hide, you run. You hear what I'm saying. Okay? I'll find you when you're safe!"


"You got to let me go, dad. You got to let me go. You have to."

"Ron. Ron, Ron, let him go." Judy said to her husband.

"You have to, Ron." Flash said.

Ron looks at everyone. He does not want his son to get hurt anymore, but he has no choice.

"You better come back!" Ron said to Sam. "Come on."

"Ron, Mikaela, Mikaela!" Judy shouts.

"Go with my parents." Sam said to Mikaela.

"I'm not gonna go without you." She opposed.

"We're in this together, Sam." Supergirl said.

"Let's go." Sam said to him.

Bumblebee takes Ron and Judy to safety as the group heads off to the battlefield.

"Oliver, where the hell are you? We're taking heavy fire!" Laurel shouts.

"Hang on, Laurel. We're on our way!" Oliver shouts to his friend.

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