Chapter 13: The Battle of Giza

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The fight continues on as a few soldiers are killed in the battle. Citizen Steel grabs the injured away from the battle. Frost fires her ice blasts at the Cons. Heatwave keeps firing huge fire balls at the Decepticons while covering the troops. Black Canary emitted her Canary Cry pushing the Decepticons back.

"Move up to cover!" A soldier shouts.

As the fight rages on, a couple of Jordanian Black Hawks are approaching.

"We got Jordanians!" Epps shouts.

"We got help!" Lennox shouted.

A Decepticon named Long Haul sees them and fires a missile at one of them.

"Move, move!" A soldier shouts.

"Son of bitches!" Heatwave shouts in anger.

The second one heads for the pyramid, but Megatron shoots it down.

"Somebody take that son of a bitch down!" Mick shouts.

John looks at Megatron with a determine look on his face. He then goes into a fighting pose before he claps his hands and strikes into the ground. Emerging from the ground was a large dragon that caught everyone's attention.

"What the hell?"

"Looks like a giant ass dragon."

"The Cons are so screwed now."

The dragon looks at Megatron and roars. Megatron sees it and growls in anger, "You think you can stop me Justice League?! You think you can stop Megatron?! Do your worse!"

The Dragon then breathes fire at him who shoots before being engulfed but he takes a lot of punishment from the flames.

At the Pentagon...

"ETA to station, two minutes." The controller said.

"Put it on the main screen." Morshower said.

"Sir. Yes, sir. Predator zero one."

The Predator drone reaches to the area. The camera zooms in and sees the battlefield. Also the Justice League members are fighting as well.

"Oh shit, it's a trick. Commence Operation Firestorm. Send everyone. Get the Marines on the ground." Morshower ordered.

"This is the Pentagon, roll in strike packages-"

"Task Force Ripper, execute Lightning."

Out at sea, an aircraft carrier response the operation.

It launches F-18 Super Hornets in the air. Not far from the coast, two LCACs are heading for the shoreline to deploy the US Marines. In the skies not far from the battlefield, a flight of F-16s are on route to Giza to support the troops on the battlefield.

Sam, Mikaela, Oliver, Barry, Kara, Sara, and Cisco are near a building. Ironhide, Arcee, Chromia, Flare-Up, and Martian Manhunter are searching for them.

"Spotted Sam." Arcee said.

"Hey, Sam!" Ironhide said.

"Sam, Oliver!" J'onn shouts.

"Ironhide!" Sam shouts.

"Guys, over here!" Kara shouts.

Atom and Arcee walked to Sam.

"Follow us to the pillars. We'll take you to Optimus." Arcee said.

"Hurry, the Decepticons are pinning us down." J'onn said.

Sam sees a few Decepticons behind the Autobots, "Look out!"

J'onn sees the enemy firing at Arcee and flies towards her, "Arcee!"

A missile flies towards Arcee, but J'onn jumps in front of her and the missile hits him. He falls to the ground and is unconscious. As this happens, Chromia and Flare-Up are killed.

"J'onn!" Kara shouts. She fires on the Decepticons killing the green Decepticon.

"Get out, Sam! Get to the pillars!" Ironhide shouts.

Arcee helps J'onn as he recovers.

"Go! We'll hold them off!" J'onn shouts.

"Let's go." Sam said.

The group head off to the pillars.

Meanwhile Simmons rushes to the corner of the pyramid. A large Decepticon named Devastator struggles to climb up the pyramid.

"Oh God. This is it. The pyramid's built right over the machine. If they turn that machine on... no more sun. Not on my watch." Simmons said before he gets determined to stop the event from happening, "Not... on my... watch."

Out at sea, the USS Stennis receives a radio transmission.

"USS Stennis. Identify." A captain said.

"Where the hell are you? Watching the Weather Channel? Sports Center? I Dream of Jeannie or something? We got 300 satellites up there. Where the hell are all of our men?" Simmons asked.

"Identity yourself."

"What is your name, sailor?"

"Wilder, Captain of the USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier."

"Okay. Captain Wilder. This is Agent Seymour Simmons of Sector 7. There is the mother of all non-biologicals getting ready to blow up our sun. Do you want to have a throwdown about my lack of clearance or do you want to help save- a gazillion lives?"

"All right, Agent Simmons. I'm listening."

The landing crafts reached to the shoreline. The marines rushed from the crafts and onto the battle to aid the allies. The firefight continues on for the survival of Earth.

Meanwhile, Devastator reaches to the top of the pyramid and begins digging into the wonder.

"Five clicks- west of the Gulf, we got ourselves an alien remodeling a pyramid." Simmons said, "Our only hope is a prototype weapon called a Railgun, shoots a steel projectile at Mach 7."

"That's classified." Captain Wilder said.

"Don't- talk- to me about classified, all right?! Now, if you've got a battleship in the Gulf, which I know you do, you tell them to ready- that- weapon!"

"Contact destroyer USS KIDD." Captain Wilder said after hanging up the phone.

The marines along with a few fighting vehicles and Abram tanks arrive to join the fight.

"Alpha Team, flank left!"

"This way! Move it!" Lennox shouts.

"Where do you need us, sir?" A soldier asked him.

"Protect those in the line of fire."

"Let's go! Go!"

"Give me your Comms. Come on. Epps! Lennox shouts. He tosses the radio to Epps. A few soldiers are killed in action. Heatwave shoots his heat gun at the Cons. Black Canary sonic screams at the Decepticons, sending them away.

"Right now, we need air support on station, ASAP!" Epps shouts.

An AWAGS roams the skies above observing the battle.

"Have troops in contact." An officer said.

"20 miles northwest."

"Radar contact. Proceed to 88 Alpha Sierra..."

The F-16s drops flares and dives into action.

"B-1, snap zero nine zero. You are approved to drop your two thousand pound J-DAMs."

Not far from the battle, a B-1 Lancer is on route for a bombing run.

Lennox regroups with Graham at a nearby tank.

"Go, go! What do you got?" He asked.

"I couldn't get to them, sir." Graham replied, "They're 600 meters away and they're heading right for the pillars."

"All right. Precious cargo's coming! Move!"

Sam, Mikaela, the the heroes reach the pillars but come under fire from both sides. A Protoform fires before he dodge rolls. He takes cover behind a pillar, until he gets killed, firing his last shots. The group keeps running but Megatron appears and readies his cannon. He wants to kill Sam for the Fallen. Kara turns and sees Megatron.

"It's Megatron! Run!" She shouts.

"Hey!" Sam shouts and waves at the Autobots.

Sideswipe sees Sam, "Sam! Spotted Sam!"

John sees Oliver and the others with Sam.

"Oliver!" He shouts.

The fight is getting intense as more soldiers keep dying from the Decepticons. Citizen Steel is keeping the soldiers safe. Heatwave is firing his heat gun the Cons. Ratchet keeps shooting at the Cons. Lennox sees them running to him. Megatron roars before a few shots near the group.

"League, fire on Megatron!" John shouts.

The League turn their fire on Megatron. He growls in anger.

"How do you like that, Decepticreeps?!" Heatwave shouts to the Decepticons as he continues to fire. Frost fires her ice blasts to slow them down so they can be killed.

"Take that, you bastards!" John shouts in agreement.

"Come on!" Lennox shouts.

"Two-two covering fire. Two civilians, 12 o'clock!" A soldier said to his radio.

On a hill, the Abrams receive the coordinates and opens fire on the Cons.

"Cover for us!" Lennox shouts.

Lennox, Epps, and John rushes to the trio.

Sam waves and shouts, "Heeeeey!"

"Hold the air strike! We're rescuing civilians!" Epps said to the fighters.

A Decepticon sees them, but the Abrams brings him down. Megatron kills another soldier but gets shot back avoiding the fallen pillars. Atom fires on the pillars and they collapse on the Cons crushing at least three of them.

"Come on! Mikaela! Come on! Get in here! Lennox shouts. "John, this way!"

They reach each other and John reunites with his friend and hugs him.

"I knew you show up." Oliver said.

"Oh, look who showed up." Lennox said to Sam, " You better have a good reason for us to be here."

"Where's Optimus." Sam asked.

"He's right over there, across the courtyard." Lennox said showing him the body of Prime.

"I got to get to him right now." Sam said to him.

"Not with an air strike coming."

"I have to get to him right now."

Then growling was heard and Lennox hears it, "Go. Back, back, back, back."

Mixmaster arrives but gets hit. He switches to his cannon and fires at the marines. Just then Jetfire arrives in time to join the fight, "Incoming! Stick the landing! Whoa-ho-ho!" He lands and attacks Mixmaster with his axe. "Now let me show you how we brought pain in my day!" He stops Mixmaster's head off. Just then a scorpion Decepticon emerges from the sand and attacks Jetfire in the gut. Jetfire tosses him and crushes his head, "I'm too old for this crap."

Meanwhile Devastator slams the top of the pyramid. A bunch of blocks come sliding down. Simmons is lucky that he is at the corner avoiding the avalanche. As this happens, Simmons looks up and see Devastator's two metal balls clanging against each other.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I am directly below the enemy's scrotum." Simmons said, "25.7 meters above sea level, 29.32 north."

In the gulf, the USS Kidd prepares the railgun to fire.

"Kill track, 5205..."

"Target acquired."

"Killing track. Two, one. Fire!"

The Railgun turns, aim, charges up, and shoots the projectile. The fire control tracks the movement of the bullet. Devastator slams into the pyramid, but the projectile zeroes in and strikes him. He fall off the pyramid and he is dead with his head ripped off.

"B-1's time on target, thirty seconds. 2,000-pound J-DAMs inbound.

"We're gonna make a break through the B's on my command, okay?" Lennox said to the group, "You guys stick with me, you understand? You stay in my ass."

"1-1 tally orange smoke." An F-16 pilot said.

"I hope these F-16s got good aim." Epps said.

"Yeah? Why is that?" Lennox said.

"I told them to hit the orange smoke."

Orange smoke is seen next to Lennox.

"You mean that orange smoke?"

"It wasn't my best toss, okay?"

"You better practice your throwing when we get back."

"If we can make it back."

"Viper. Thunder."


"Go, go, go!" Kara shouts.

They start running back to the extraction point. Nate sees the group and contacts the League.

"Members, our leaders need cover!" He said.

"Cover fire!" Frost shouts.

The League open fire on the Decepticons.

"Incoming!" Epps shouts.

The F-16s found their target and unleashed their firepower.

"Come on!" Lennox shouts.

The B-1 is spread it's wings preparing to drop its payload. From the smoke, Ironhide, Arcee, and J'onn run are running for cover. Ironhide loses his cannons, but John manages to grab them in time. The B-1 opens it Bombay door and drops the JDAMS on the Decepticons. The explosion send shockwaves all around. The blasts kill the remaining Decepticons. Kara, Oliver, and Mikaela sees Sam separated and go after him.

"Sam!" Mikaela, Oliver, Kara shout.

"Supergirl!" John shouts before he sees Megatron, "Look out!"

Megatron appears from the smoke, "Boy. Kryptonian. Die!" He fires a Kryptonite rocket near Sam and Kara. They flipped over and land on their backs hard but Kara hits her head on a rock. She blacks out from the impact. They lost consciousness before falling into darkness.

"Sam!" Mikaela shouts in horror.

"SUPERGIRL!" Oliver shouts also in horror.

Megatron keeps firing as he gets gunned by the soldiers. John and Barry sees Kara down with Sam and gets angry.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" John and Barry shouts in anger. John constructs an Ohka rocket plane and throws it at Megatron while Barry throws a huge lightning storm bolt at Megatron as well. The flying bomb and lightning bolt hits Megatron and he is knocked several feet. He is forced to retreat after the hit.

"Hold your fire!" Lennox shouts to his troops.

Mikaela rushes to Sam while Oliver rushes to Kara.



Lennox grabs Mikaela from Sam. Cisco breached Alex to Giza and she reaches to Kara with tears in her eyes.

"Stand back! Mikaela, stay back!" Lennox said.

"Do something!" Mikaela said.

"Get a medic!" Alex shouts.

Lennox does CPR on Sam before doing it on Kara. Epps calls in an air ambulance as the tanks fire on the enemy. Ron and Judy are in shocked to see their son dying and they cried.

"Sam! Sam!"

"Sam! Sam! Sam! Sammy! Sam!"

Bumblebee arrives and drops to his knees, No. No. No."

"Let me go!" Judy shouts.

"Come on, you got to move." Lennox shouts to the paramedics, "You got to move! Come on."

The Paramedics arrived just in time while the Justice League covers them.

"We got no pulse. Starting CPR." He said.

"I have to see my kid! I got a son!" Ron shouts to the soldiers.

"Sammy!" Judy shouts while trying not to shed tears.

The medics arrive with a defibrillator. They ripped open Sam's shirt and charge the device.

"Ready to shock." The medic said.


"Ready to shock. One, two, three."

They shocked Sam's chest but nothing.

"Do it again!" Lennox said.

They try again but nothing.

"Supergirl!" Lennox said.

The Paramedics then turn towards Kara and Lennox grabs Alex, "Clear!"

They shock Kara but they got no pulse. Alex sheds some tears from her eyes in sadness.

"Try again!" Lennox said.

They try again, but still nothing. He looks at Lennox before shaking his head no. The girls scream in horror. Alex has lost her sister. The League hang their heads down in silence mourning one of their leader's death.

"Keep fighting!" Frost shouts with determination.

The Justice League keeps fighting on.

"Okay, listen to my voice." Mikaela said to Sam, "I love you and I need you. Please. Please, come back to me. Sam! I love you!"

"Kara, please listen. You are my sister and I love you." Alex said, "Please, Kara! We can't fight without you. I don't want live without you."

In the heavens, Sam and Kara look around to see they are on Earth, but in a desert.

"Are we dead?"

"I don't think so."

Just then a voice speaks to them.

"We have been watching you a long, long time."

Just then the six Primes arrived in front of them.

"You two have fought for Optimus, our last descendant, with courage and with sacrifice, the virtues of a leader, worthy of our secret. The Matrix of Leadership is not found, but earned."

"Return to Optimus. Merge the Matrix with his spark. It is, and always has been, your destiny."

From Sam, he gasps for air as he is fully revived from the light. Mikaela quickly embraces him tightly.

"I love you. I love you." Sam said breathlessly.

Then Kara gasped for air as she comes back. Alex quickly hugs her tightly and happy cries.

"Kara." Alex said as she continues to hug her with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, Alex. I am back and reborn. And this time for good." Kara said.

They hug each other. The Justice League arrives and gather around Kara.

"A miracle." Nate said.

The Matrix then reforms itself back. Kara picks it up and gives it to Sam.

"Go, Sam. Fulfill your destiny." She said to him.

Sam goes to Optimus with the Matrix. He yells and merges it inside his chest. Optimus then opens his eyes. He slowly gets up and looks at Sam.

"Boy, you returned for me." Optimus said.

"A living Prime. Hah hah! I don't believe it!" Jetfire said in awed.


Optimus turned to Kara. She flies and embraces his face.

"Kara, you have came back to me." Optimus said.

"I have returned from the dead, Prime. Reborn." Kara said.

Just then a flash shines and the enemy attacks. He teleports to the field knocking everyone to the ground. He then pins Optimus down and grabs the Matrix with his telekinesis. The Fallen has arrived.

"My Matrix! He said evilly.

"You!" Kara shouts in anger.

"Supergirl! You have failed!" The Fallen said.

Kara aims and shoots, but the Fallen teleports to escape. Everyone begins recovering from the ambush.

"Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!" Sam shouts to Optimus.

"Get up Prime!" Ironhide said.

Jetfire sees the Fallen heading towards the pyramid knowing that he is preparing to activate the machine.

"Oh, no." He said gravely.

"He's turning on the machine!" Sam shouts as Optimus tries to get up, "You got to stop him! Get up! Optimus!"

The Fallen reaches the machine where Megatron awaits.

"Fallen, my master." He said to his master.

"My brothers could not stop me from this." The Fallen said as he places the key inside and the machine begins powering up.

"Yes..." He said wickedly clenching his fist.

"Now I claim your sun." The Fallen declared as he looks up at the sun.

"Move!" Lennox shouts.

Enemy target on top of the pyramid. Engage! Engage! Engage!" Epps said to the tanks.

"All Justice League members, destroy that machine!" John shouts.

The tanks and the MLRSs locked on and opened fire at the machine. The Justice League gets to top, however that did not stop the Fallen.

"In moments, we'll be firing strength. No one can stop us!" Megatron said.

The Fallen growls and raises his arms. The force pulls all the machines like a magnet. A missile heads for the Fallen, but it goes off course and destroys a tank. The Justice League were too caught in the telekinesis. The Fallen then drops them to the pyramid. They tumbled down the side in ruins or in flames. The Justice League were tossed aside back to the others but knocked down.

"Guys!" Oliver shouts to his team. He sees them hurt and gets frustrated.

"All my Decepticon life, I never did a thing worth doing until now." Jetfire said, "Optimus, take my parts and you will have the power you've never known. Fulfill... Your destiny..." Jetfire sacrifices his life by pulling out his spark from his chest. He falls to the floor dead.

"Jolt! Electrify! Transplant those afterburners." Ratchet said.

Jolt connects his electric cables to Optimus the remains of Jetfire and begins transplanting Jetfire's parts. Optimus receives Jetfire's boosters for flight and his cannons for firepower. Optimus gets on his feet and readies for battle. He is now known as Jetpowered Optimus Prime.

"Hang on, Optimus. Here's my gift to you." Barry said as he touch's Optimus' leg. As he does this, he temporarily transferred his speed to Optimus. The lightning courses towards Optimus's chest. Blue and red lightning started sparking off him. He is now temporarily a speedster.

"Let's do this, Optimus!" Kara said as she readies herself for battle. Optimus looks down at her and nods.

"Let's roll." He said with determination.

With that Optimus and Kara tools off into the air. Lennox, John, and the other follow them. A group of F-22s flying towards the pyramids. The Fallen begins to shifting rocks around the pyramid.

"This planet will be darkened." The Fallen said.

Supergirl flies towards the Raptors who are heading for the rocks.

"Pilots, break formation! We got this!" She said to them.

The planes break off and Kara fires her heat vision and destroys some rocks, clearing a path for Optimus. They fly towards the machine where the Fallen and Megatron are at. Kara fires her heat vision at Megatron while Optimus Speed Force slams into the Fallen knocking him off the pyramid. He and Kara aimed at the machine. He shot a lightning bullet and she fired her heat vision at the machine. It sparks and then explodes into flames. The Fallen and Optimus fall down one side while Megatron tumbles down another. Optimus and the Fallen slam into the pillars and into the Luxor Temples.

"Die, like your brothers!" The Fallen shouts. Optimus fires on the Fallen. Kara attacks with her powers.

"They were your brothers too." Optimus shouts.

As they fight, Megatron emerges and goes after them. Optimus activates his boosters and they all flown into another set of pillars. Megatron yanks Optimus off the Fallen and attacks. Kara fires her heat vision and shoots Megatron continuously in the chest.

"Hands off Optimus, Decepti-creep!" Kara shouts.

The Fallen strike with his spear, but Kara parries the attack. Megatron strikes Optimus and shoots him. Optimus grabs Megatron's cannon and it blows into Megatron's right face off making him roar in pain. He tries to attack but Optimus cuts his arm off. He charges his boosters and fires a large Speed Force beam at Megatron. He is thrown into the Edfu temple. He is brutally beaten from the fight.

"Starscream!" Megatron shouts to his second-in-command.

The Fallen throws some rocks at Prime, but Kara blocks them. Optimus fires his Speed Force powered gun slashes the Fallen's face with his lightning sword. The Fallen yanks off one of Optimus' boosters and hits him with it. He readies his spear but Prime is fights for it.

"You picked the wrong planet!" Optimus shouts. He grabs the Fallen's spear and stabs him in the back. "Give me your face!"

Kara then punches the Fallen's face off. She grabs his spear and breaks it in half. The Fallen growls in pain. Optimus punches through his chest and yanks his spark out. He falls to the ground. Kara steps on the dying leader with her eyes glowing.

"Death is not the Prime way." The Fallen said his last words.

Kara jumps up and stabs the ancient evil in the chest destroying his spark with her fist. She looks at him and said, "I am no Prime."

"I rise. You fall." Optimus said.

Megatron and Starscream arrive too late to save the Fallen.

"No. No" Megatron said.

"Not to... call you a coward, Master, but sometimes cowards do survive." Starscream said.

"This isn't over." Megatron said. He and Starscream are forced to retreat. The battle is over and the Alkies claim their victory.

3761 words. Longest chapter I wrote. Sorry it took so long. I hope you guys enjoy the stories so far.

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