Chapter 13

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We were on our way to Tatooine, the place where I blacked out and attacked Roy. Jet was going to be back home, we were still worrying about Dillon
"Jet, how come you weren't a slave?" Roy asked Jet all of a sudden. Jet was reading a book when he heard Roy's question.
"My parents were slaves but they didn't want me to be one. When Watto came to our house one day, my parents made him a deal. They did more work, and I was set free. My parents then got sick, they died." Jet said with disappointment. My face fell, it just reminded me of my parents. I didn't know a lot of Dillon's  but I knew they were dead. "Jet, I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I said.
"It's fine. I have you guys now, one day. I'll see them again." Jet said smiling. Roy smiled too, I felt happy then again. I looked out the window, seeing the beautiful stars in the galaxy.
"Roy," I begin to ask.
"Yes?" Roy said.
"What do you prefer? Roy or Master?"
"You can call me whatever you want. I just prefer Roy though." He said smiling. I nodded, I kept thinking of Dillion. The poor guy.

"Mike, I have to go. I'm sorry." Dillon said about to get into his ship. Mike grabbed Dillon's arm, Dillon looked down at Mike.
"I understand. Go. With your friends. I'll meet you at the Wookie Plant." Mike said. Dillon nodded, he jumped into his plane and flew to where we were.

Me, Jet and Roy arrived in Tatooine. We arrived in some kind of plaza. I put my hood on over my head, no shock could see me or recognize me. One guy did however. We sat at a table, my red eyes shined. They were really bright.
"Jess? Your eyes, they're so bright." Roy said. I nodded, I knew whatever I wore dark clothing or dark hood, my red eyes would shine. I never knew why.
"Jet? Jet!" One guy said running to Jet. Jet's head jerked up, he saw the guy. He had blue eyes with some rainbow hair. Red with orange and yellow hair.
"Nate!" Jet said getting up, he hugged the guy.
"Oh my gosh! It's been so long! How are you?" The guy said to Jet.
We were staring at Jet like he was talking to some stranger.
"Oh, Roy, Jesse. This is Nathan. We had nicknames for each other." Jet said.
Nate bowed to us in respect. "Please to meet you, Master Jedi's."
Me and Roy nodded in respect. I was looking a little creepy, like a Sith. Roy put his hand on top of my hand. I was suddenly calm by his touch.
"You're.. You're a Jedi. You monster." One of the guys said to me. I turned to one of the guys, I stared at them.
"Yeah, he's a Jedi. Do a favor for me and back off." A voice said. We all turned around, so did the guy. Out came a clone trooper who had a new armor on.
"Dillon." Jet, me and Roy said at the same time. Dillon stared at the guy who gave me a hard time. The guy slowly backed off.
"Thanks," I said looking at Dillon smiling but frightened a little. "Where have you been?"
"I met up with a new friend. He's in our side," Dillon said.
"Are you sure about that?" Roy asked glaring at Dillon. Roy could sense the good and the bad in anyone, I had no clue if he was scared of me when he first met me.
"Yes! He's my friend," Dillon said. "Plus, I saved Jesse's butt. So you gotta pay me."
"We're not paying you anything.." Jet said in a deep voice sucking on his straw. He was drinking a milkshake, with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Jet had always loved cherries.
"Jet, are you okay?" I asked turning to Jet.
"Yeah," Jet begin to say. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"One day. We were all at work and then suddenly, bam! They came in, with loads of weapons and guns. Some pointed at our heads. They wanted money." Nate begin to say as he was drinking his tea.
"What kind of money?" Roy asked. He first glanced at me, thinking that I would know. I looked at Roy with a glance look back, my eyebrows curving in a serious look.
"I don't know. They really didn't say, they just said, "Give me all your money!" We then told them that we had no money, then.." Nate looked at me.
I looked at him confused, "What are you looking at me for?"
"You know the rest of the story."
"I do?"
"Yes. Because you were there."

Mike then was on his way to Tatooine, he suddenly got a call. He looked at it, he then was scared to death. He didn't know if he should answer or not.
"Hello?" He said though his microphone
"Hello, Micheal. I may have an important job for you." Darth Vader said.
Mike's eyes were wide.

"How was I there? What are you talking about?" I said staring into Nate's eyes.
"You were playing with Jet, your parents were here so I amused that you would know." Nate said.
"What are pod-races?" Dillon said changing the subject.
Nate then switched the subject, "Pod-Racing is an important part of this planet. The people love it, Anakin Skywalker was in it. Before he got freed."
"Freed?" I asked.
"He was claimed to be the Chosen One. Something about the force, the two Jedi's made a deal with Watto. If Anakin won, he would be set free. If he lost, the Jedi's had to give up their ship."
Roy was thinking hard on this. "If he was set free, then why would he turn to the dark side?"
"He met this girl, Queen of the Capsule. Pretty as a cupcake, her name was Padmé." Nate said taking a drink. We all nodded our heads. Dillon still had his clone trooper helmet on. He was all shinny, I liked it.
"Alright guys, we have to get going. I'm meeting Mike at Wookie Plant. Maybe we can get some answers there." Dillon said. He gave Nate a hug. "That's for your help man."
"It's not problem. I'll see you around, Jet." Nate said winking at Jet. Jet let out a laugh and he put his goggles on. "Wait, Jesse. Stay for a moment."
I stayed around, wondering what I could've done wrong. I looked around, there was a lot of people. More then people, more like animal-creatures. On the Dark Side, we had five people. Emperor, Sith Jedi's, Guards, Stormtroopers, Evil Flyers.
"I know you're up to something. I see it in your red eyes. Listen, I am watching you, with every move, every step." Nate said in a creepy voice.
I nodded my head in a okay motion and slowly begin to walk off. I didn't want to cause in harms-way. I then walked off, worrying and frightened.
"You okay, Jess?" Jet asked me.
"Yeah. It's just that your friend is kind of.." I begin to say.
"Creepy? I know, Nate is like that. He's a loyal friend though." Jet said getting into the ship. I went along and Roy did too.
"I'll see you guys there. Right?" Dillon said.
"Yeah." Roy said. He begin to fly and went up in the air. Dillon followed us. Jet took a quick nap, he was tired from all the information.

We arrived on the Wookie Plant. It was dark out but we needed answers, they had answers for all our questions. Me and Roy stayed with the wookies, Jet and Dillon went somewhere else.

"So, why are you so mean?" Jet asked Dillon. Dillon didn't respond, he just looked down, the vines were wet and soaked.
"I'm not mean," He huffed. He looked at Jet, Jet still had his goggles on. Dillon wanted to ask another question but was too afraid.
"We're your friends. Why are you sad and mad all the time?" Jet took his hand and touched my hand. I suddenly felt calm, I was able to speak.
"It's about my life. My terrible, miserable, horrible life." Dillon said hiding back tears. He wasn't as tough anymore, Jet had dug into his soft side. Dillon couldn't take any pain, he was just wanted to disappear in that moment.
"Tell me, I want to hear it. Jet said looking out into the night sky, the sky was a dark blue with a hint of purple. The clouds were slowly faded away.
"Alright. Get comfortable, you're about to take a trip to my life." Dillon said. "Get ready for a horrible, terrible, missable life."

Back on Tatooine, everyone was asleep. Somebody with a black coat with a hood to see barley on his face. He saw the cabin, filled with Anakin Skywalker pictures when he was young.
The figured took out matches, he held them in front of him. He then looked over at the cottage, making sure there was nobody.
"Kaden died a long time ago. They have no idea how much they hurt me." The somebody said. He took a match and lit a fire. He threw the match that had the fire into the cottage. The pictures and all the information was burned. There was one picture that survived. Anakin Skywalker and his mom.
The figure took the picture that survived and put it in his sack. He then walked off, with the cottage burning to sheds. Every inch was covered in flames. The figure watched for a second, a smile came onto his face.

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