Chapter 14

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"I was really, really little back then," Dillon began his story. "Me and Jesse were always there for each other. Even when bad things happened with our parents. My parents never cared about me, they only cared about themselves. You think I'm selfish?" Dillon let out a laugh. "Talk to my parents. One day, there was a Jedi attack, my parents saved themselves but not me. Isn't that odd? I then was tortured and I was so weak. Shortly after Jesse's parents death, I changed myself. Everyone is always so rude to me."
Jet then froze. He had no idea what to say or do. Dillon's past was the most saddest thing ever. Dillon had changed himself because he felt like nobody accepted him.
"Dilly, I'm sorry. I had no idea." Jet said while putting his hand on Dillon's back. Dillon wanted to cry but couldn't. He had promised himself that he would change himself.
Jet knew that that's when he accepted Dillon. He accepted him right from the start, when Dillon was even rude to him.

"Do you guys have any idea if Anakin came here?" I asked the Wookie's. The Wookie's had a simple language, I couldn't understand them.
The Wookie's finally shook their head. I sighed, now we had to go back to the Rebel Base. Maybe the hologram had some answers. Me and Roy had to find Jet and Dillon.
I then remembered something. Darth Vader was Anakin but we never figured out the reason why. All we had covered was that Anakin was a slave, won a pod-race under a deal with Watto and got set free by Roy's grandpa. I then thought we could get some answers from Obi Wan, I then remembered that I hated him.
"We can't go to Obi Wan. He knows who I am, he absolutely hates me." I said to Roy underneath a roof from a cottage.
"I know, Jesse. The whole mysteries don't make sense. Anakin being set free and then turning evil?" Roy then pointed out. We were still looking for hints and clues.
"Who was really the stormtrooper that shot me?" I asked.
"I know one person who might know." Roy said.
"Dillon Broxin."

"Jet, I can't do it anymore." Dillon said to Jet. Jet was confused, he lifted up his goggles.
'Can't do what?" Jet asked.
"My secret. It's probably tied with Anakin, or with Jesse's anger."
"What is it?"
Dillon closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "You know the stormtrooper who shot Jesse?"
Tears begin to roll down Dillon's cheeks, "I was the one who shot him."

"Roy! Roy! Come in!" Mike said over Roy's microphone. Dillon gave Mike, Roy's code for his microphone.
"Mike? Are you okay? Where are you? Dillon's been looking for you." Roy told Mike over the microphone.
"The cottage. In Tatooine. It had all the information of young Skywalker. Someone burned it last night."
"Really? Who? Do you know why they did it?"
"I have no idea. Dillon has been acting weird lately."
Roy then stopped, "No, Michael. He would ever burn anything."
"Dillon has been acting weird over the last few months. Ever since his parents death."
"Will you be quiet!?" I suddenly came in. I ended the call, sitting with my arms crossed. I couldn't believe what I just heard, Dilly would never do something stupid.
"Jesse, calm down." Roy said trying to touch my hands to make me calm.
"Its time that Dillon told the truth. So everyone will know." I said looking into Roy's eyes. His eyes showed his emotion. Fear.

"Oh my gosh, dude... Why!?" Jet suddenly said. Dillon started crying, he had been tough though his whole life and he suddenly burst.
"Darth-Darth Vader sent a order. He was so mad that Jesse turned his back on him. He asked me to chase Jesse down. I did and I had a choice. It was ether, I would shoot him and he would be okay,'or he would kill me, Roy, Kenobi and Jesse, maybe even you." Dillon's tears kept right on coming.
"Dude, it doesn't matter. Jesse could handle anything!" Jet said starting to scream. Me and Roy begin to hear them, we followed the noise.
"He can't handle, Vader. Because there's something that he did that we don't know!" Dillon said. "He's dangerous, Jet."
Jet then walked around, pacing and didn't know what to do.
"There is something." Jet said figuring something out.
"Kaden died a long time ago. In a pod crash. So, we can't get answers from him."
"But who was the guy that chased us to get the journal back?" Dillon said interrupting.
"Somebody burned all our information, last night." Roy said stepping into the light. He looked at Dillon with furious eyes, I looked at Dillon with innocence.
"What?" Dillon said.
"Where were you last night?" Roy asked. "You were definitely not here."
"What are they talking about, Dilly?" Jet said. He begin to put his goggles on, tears were starting to come into Jet's eyes.
"Dilly was here last night, Roy. Your getting a little ahead of yourself. He's not the one who burned it, somebody obviously knows who we are and are after us." I explained. I then leaned over to look at the vines. Still wet from last night.
"Darth Vader must've had done it." Some voice said. Out came Mike. Mike was dressed in his stormtrooper outfit. His voice was hard to tell from the helmet sound.
"Mike, loose the stormtrooper outfit." Dillon said. Mike looked at Dilly for a second and then stopped. We then all begin to agree. The person who burned it was Darth Vader.
Expect for me, deep down, I knew somebody was up to all this. We had to go back to Tatooine to investigate, we could save the hologram for later.
"Alright guys. Let's go." Roy said getting up. He walked back to the ship, I did too. "Jesse? Somethings on your mind. I can feel it." Roy said.
I shook my head, ignoring him for the first time. Jet was crying in the ship, trying to cover his eyes to hide his innocence.
Roy then carefully hugged Jet, Jet cried in Roy's arms. I knew that Jet wasn't behind all of it, neither was Roy. It was time to ether head back home, or keep on finding clues.

We were flying until something blared. It was a siren, we were all scared for some reason.
"Dillon, do you see anything?" Roy asked though his microphone.
"Nope, what's wrong?" Dillon said. Suddenly, a ship came in full speed, a gun shot rang, it was coming towards out ship. Jet did his best to hide by the seats.
The blast hit Jet in the chest. The person who did it had a big smile on his face. A evil smile.
"Jet!" I shouted. I ran straight to him, his chest was bleeding so bad. He was loosing blood, we had to get to the infirmary.
"Dillon! Jet's down! We need to get to Dantooine!" Roy said over the microphone.
"Copy that." Dillon said. We were all arriving in the Dantooine.
"Hang on there, Jet. It's gonna be okay, just stay with me." I said as we left the ship. Jet was on a stretcher with a breathing mask, his heart monitor was slowly going down.
"We're loosing him!" One of the medic's said. They tried CPR but he wasn't responding.
"Jet! Don't do this to us! Stay with us! Please!" Dillon was shouting. He was also shouting out a speech to Jet,
"I'm sorry, I was so mean to you! I was just so jealous that you were always happy, your spirit always making people happy. I was always talking about how everything was so horrible for me, I didn't have the chance to look at you. To be there, and hug you, pick you up when you were down. I never got to say that I love you. I love you so much, Jet!" Tears kept on falling down on our faces.
We were trying to cover them up, trying to be strong for Jet. Roy was bursting out crying, I went to hug him. It might've been Jet's last moment with us.
We couldn't bear to loose him, I was beginning to loose him. Like I lost my parents.
"Jesse, Roy, Dillon. You can go see Jet now. You only have a few minutes." The medic said. She said those heartbreaking words. You only have a few minutes.

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