Bonus chapter: New Beginning Of Something Good

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In Moon child Cafe

Author's POV

Time is a thing that knows how to play a game and destiny that is always waited for the right time to do the right thing...... But sometimes, destiny do the wrong thing that wasn't right at that time.....

The  situation right now in front of Namjoon and Y/n is kinda similar..... Namjoon thinks it's the right time to do the things that needed to be done and he believes his destiny isn't going to be that cruel to him..... On the opposite side, Y/n her thoughts are kinda messy.... Seeing namjoon in front of her, looking at her with so much love and devotion is too surreal for her..... She clearly thinks it's very wrong time for Namjoon to come again into her life......

Both of them is sitting in the cafe that's name is itself has a memory even though things are so different in here ...... Beautiful yet painful bittersweet memories flashed in front of Namjoon's eyes which hold immpacable pain which is fortunately noticed by Y/n......

From where these two adults are sitting, the twins are sitting two rows far away from them as both of them are licking their favorite ice cream, Yun-chul's favorite Mint choco and Ji ah favorite Vanilla with strawberry extract who is making a disgusting face looking at her brother..... Yun-chul looked at his little sister who is making a gross face looking at him like he was from different world asked," What are you looking at????"

Ji ah: I don't understand why you have to buy this with so much money when you can basically put toothpaste and Choco chip and make it ice cream... I bet it will taste same....

Yun-chul gritted his teeth hearing the insult as he was about to throw his hands on her sister but before he could, Ji ah looked at the direction where their mother is sitting with a unknown person......  Yun-chul looked at the direction as they both can see their mother is in little argument with the man....... Obviously, they're not that loud..... But from their way of talking, it's kinda understand that it's not a good way of talking....

Y/n: Why are you here now???!! Playing with me isn't enough.... What has left now???? If you are here to take my children away from me, Then f**k off......

She said as she stand up to get out of here as Namjoon immediately hold her hand making her look at him as he said," Listen to me, Y/n..... Just listen to me for once...... I have so many things to say.... I want you to listen.... Just 5 minutes......"

Y/n looked at Namjoon for a brief moment and sighed heavily and sit down as she looked at her children who are looking at them with curious eyes...... Namjoon coughed a little bit trying to gain her attention which worked as her eyes diverted on him.....

Namjoon: I know what I did is unforgivable.... And I know you won't forgive me or you have any sort of intention like that .... Your hatred and anger towards me are justified...... I know you won't be with me even if I want..... So, my reason of being here today is I want to  you let me meet my children.... I want to spend some time with them and wants to fulfill the responsibility of their father.....

Hearing that y/n scoffed in disbelief..... She don't believe in him a bit..... This man in front of her used her, manipulate her in her most vulnerable times when she lost her memories......He is epitome of evilness..... She doesn't want her children to drag into that Mafia mess as they're barely able to get of political influences.....

Namjoon can feel the tension as she is going to say no.... But before she could speak  Namjoon said," I don't do Mafia business anymore.... Obviously, I can't completely get out of there but I don't do illegal things anymore..... Prostitution businesses, Drug and human trafficking, I stopped those ...... I know you won't believe it but please let me see my children... At least tell them, I am their father.... You didn't tell them anything about me...."

Namjoon's accusations of Y/n is kinda justified.... She never told them who their father is and where he is..... Yun-chul asked once about that as one of the kid on kindergarten builled him for not having father.... But she wasn't able to tell them anything and that time, Yoongi handled the situation......

Y/n: even if you did, but I still don't want them to know about you....I don't care about you and I don't want your shadow on my children.... So, stay away from us..... That's my last warning, Mr. Kim Namjoon......

She warned him but but Namjoon hold her hand making her looked at him with bewilderment as she tries to get away from his touch, but Namjoon tightens the pressure more......

Namjoon: You can't do that..... I will file Case against you in the court to have their guardianship..... If I file the case, They will live on government shelter which we both don't want..... So, just let me see them.....

Namjoon threatened Y/n using the excuse of filing case against her ...... Y/n glared at him as she bite her lower lip thinking about what she should do..... Having no other option, she sighed in defeat and went towards her children who are looking at her mother with a confused gaze......

Y/n bended on her knees as she put both hands on Yun-chul and Ji ah cheeks caressing it as she said," I.... I want you.... someone....."

And with that Namjoon came in front of them with a huge smile on his face as he bend down on his knees and look both of his children with warm eyes...... Ji ah looked very confused but on the other hand, Yun-chul stared at him with narrowed eyes......

Namjoon: Hi, Yun-chul and Ji ah.... My name is Kim Namjoon..... I... your father....

Namjoon was finally able to introduce himself as their father in front of them as he longed for this reunion for a very long time.... He wasn't able to be there with y/n when she give birth to his beautiful children.....Ji ah just stared at Namjoon as she is trying to understand what the person in front of her trying to say......

Ji ah: You are my Papa?!!

She asked as she looked at y/n for a reassurance as Y/n nodded.... Ji ah immediately hugged Namjoon making him startled by her sudden action...... Namjoon wrapped his both hands on her tiny body carefully as he kissed her cheek.....He never felt this much ease in his life.....

On the other side, Yun-chul went towards her mother and hugged her legs saying," I don't need Appa.... I just need my Omma......"

Yun-chul looked terrified and threatened by the person who called himself as their father..... He felt like he is gonna take him away from his mother.... Which is quite natural reaction as suddenly the children got to know about their father, his reaction is his natural instincts..... Namjoon can just looked at his son who wasn't still ready to accept him and he can wait for that to make things better.....


In Italy

Seokjin's POV

Seven years has passed since, I decided to move in Italy with my newborn baby..... My eyes went on almost eigh years old boy playing near the river with his new pet dog, Yeontan... I can't move on from my first Love no matter how much I tried.... She is one of a kind that every men will get attracted with......  And that's the reason, I couldn't have a thought of living with Yuna...... She can be just the Mother of my child, but she was never capable of my wife..... That place in my heart was taken by her.....

" Dad!!!!!", The little boy shouted as Seokjin snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his son, Kim Young-Dae..... Young-Dae came towards him running with a different colors of flowers on his hand.....

Seokjin: You know you can't pluck out those flowers.... The owner of the field might rebuked us for this.....

Young-Dae giggled as he said," I asked the owner before plucking them out.... Don't worry, Dad... Your handsome son's face is enough to melt everyone's heart ....."

Seokjin chuckled in defeat hearing that.... Young-Dae indeed has become the light of his dark Life.... A purpose for him to live.... But still somewhere he feels guilty for not letting him meet his mother who lives in Korea.... Seokjin has told his son about his mother.... Not the entire story but the thing is they're separated... And Young-Dae is mature enough in such a small age to understand that.... Maybe one day, Seokjin will let Young-Dae meet Yuna.....


Few Days Later

After that meeting in the Moon child Cafe, Eventually Namjoon started to come over Y/n house ......At first, Y/n didn't want to get him inside but after she saw Ji ah who is patiently waiting for Namjoon , she couldn't refuse it .....Y/n has told Yoongi about Namjoon's appearance after a very long time... Which pissed him off as he had a deal ..... But he also recalls that day when Namjoon said he can't promise that he can stay away from y/n......

Just like the other day, Namjoon is standing in front of Y/n house to meet his children.... Luckily or unluckily, Yoongi was there with Y/n..... The door opened reavealing Y/n as Ji ah immediately hugged her father's leg.... Y/n doesn't understand how come Namjoon was able to get so closer with Ji ah.... Ji ah isn't someone who lets any stranger near her but still she is pretty comfortable around Namjoon....Then she understood, Blood relation and affection of father that Ji ah has lacked on her life.... No matter how much Y/n tries to give them both mother's and father's love, in the end, it became less..... Yun-chul on the other hand, is still specitcal around Namjoon..... Yun-chul is very possessive when it comes to his mother and his sister Ji ah...... It's like Yun-chul always become the third-wheel between Y/n and Namjoon whenever Namjoon tries to go near her..... And he always stays on Ji ah side not leaving her alone with Namjoon...... Which Y/n bet it's yoongi's teaching......

In the afternoon, after having lunch Ji ah has fallen asleep on Namjoon's shoulder as he went to twins room and put on her bed and wrapped a blanket on her body .......

Namjoon looked around the room as his eyes went on different photo frames attached on the wall near their reading table...... The photos showcase about their entire childhood memories as from new born baby to till now..... This pictures makes him remind of those passed years where he wasn't with them.....

As he is admiring those pictures with almost teary gaze, suddenly his eyes went on the reading table where a sketch book was half open.... Namjoon took the sketch book on his hands as he looked at the sketchs made by one of his children one by one..... The more he turned the pages, Namjoon's facial expressions started to turn sour.....

The sketch book is filled with how A little girl killed a cat brutally because the cat is taking away the attention from her mother that she wants...... Namjoon gulped seeing the way of killing the cat, stabbed multiple times on its belly ...... He looked at the table to see whose sketch book it is when he know the answer.... He sadly looked at his sleeping daughter as he sighed in defeat.......

" Minnie was Omma's favorite cat.... Minnie used to play around Omma's legs always wants attention... Which she didn't like..... She hates it when somebody doesn't give her attention like Omma does....", Yun-chul said out of nowhere making Namjoon turned around and looked at his son who is looking so unbothered..... Yun-chul never liked him since the day he arrived... Namjoon tried to be closer to Yun-chul but he never acknowledged it......  Today, all of a sudden, Yun-chul is talking to him.....

Namjoon: does you OMMA know???

Yun-chul shooked his head in denial and said," Aniyo.... Yoon uncle helped .....You know Appa, I tried to drown a man who tried to close to Omma..... Yoon uncle dislike you so if I drown you in the pool, he will help me right???

Yun-chul said those words looking at Namjoon with his most innocent puppy eyes making Namjoon disbelief by his son's bipolar behavior..... Yes, He is happy for that part when his son did that to another one.... But now, he is openly threatening his own blood father..... And with that Namjoon understood, his children has the same charactistc as him.... He would do the same too....


In Indoor Pool

The conversation got interrupted when Y/n called Yun-chul as they're both making Cookies in the kitchen..... As Namjoon decided to meet yoongi as he found him in the indoor pool..... He went towards yoongi as yoongi is busy in smoking but he knew Namjoon is here for talk....

Namjoon: Listen yoongi, I know you don't like me and I am not going to leave Y/n alone as I love her...... And I love my children....So, let's have peace.... I am better for Y/n than anyone else.....

Namjoon talked first as he kinda know what's the min sibling will say.... They're stubborn as hell.....

Yoongi: You can never be  any  better enough for my Dongseng....So, No..... Y/n isn't staying with you and that's final... I know she won't go either.... So, have a peace between the children of yours ... You are meeting them, can take them with you, I don't care.... But not my baby sister.....

And with that Yoongi left from there as Y/n came in the indoor pool with a tray of cookies in her hand as she went towards Namjoon extended her hands as Namjoon took a cookie.....

Y/n: We can't be together, Namjoon..... after what happened in the past, I can't forget that.... But, I am willing to move on... Not because of me but for my children.... Ji ah loves to be around you and Yun-chul even though he behaves like he doesn't care but he does..... So, we can stay in touch because of our children.... Not for us, only for our children... I hope you are willing to do that Mr. Kim....

She said as she said those words not looking at Namjoon as she doesn't have that courage... So, her eyes stayed on the pool water as she said her words.... Namjoon can't be more happy than this.... At least somewhow, it made a little progress......

Y/n was about to leave but Namjoon said something that made her stop.....

Namjoon: Give Yuna this.... She would be happy to see this .....

Namjoon took out a envelope and handed it over to Y/n as she looked at him for a second as a smile crept on Y/n lips .... She know what it is..... So, Namjoon indeed fulfilled his words.....

Namjoon: I can do anything for your smile, Berry.... You are my love not from this universe but in every Universe......

Maybe, this is the new beginning of something very good..... Sometimes, good things happens with the return of good favors......


THE END !!!!!!!





hi!!! So, this is the end end of K.N.J.... I told you it will be open ending!!!!! But it went on a good note... Thank you so much for loving this book!!! I hope you will enjoy it!!!!!

So, with the end of this book, not to make you 😴😴....

Two new fanfiction are coming soon on the doorstep!!!!!!!!



This book is published already so, Add it on your library!!!!!!


Silver Spoon


This is the cover reveal!!! Hope you are excited for it!!!!

By the end of this year, CARA MIA-my beloved Kim Taehyung fanfiction and Queen Kim's Tale will end!!!!!So, be ready for the ride of adventures!!!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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