Epilogue: Can't You See Me???

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7 Years Later

Author's POV

The sound of clanking heels are heard on the craved stone made stairs that lead into a marvelous house far from the locality as the sun sets down slowly turning the day into a night...... The woman has came back from her office as the work of her as a model of a very reputed Jewelry franchise and several runaways made her exhausted to the core .......

She pushed the Main door as she entered into the house filled with silence which is little uncommon on her household....... She put her purse on the sofa as she looked at upstairs..... She slowly moved her feets on there as she walked on the hall as she turned on the left side to the Theater Room...... She stand in front of the door and can hear the sounds of the Bickering  between two movies, Aladdin and The Car...... She sighed thinking about how to handle this as she slowly opened the door and found two kids of her, One boy and One girl is glaring at each other as the remote control is  on their hand.....

She coughed out loud trying to get their attention which is kinda successful as both of the kids looked at source of the coughing and found their mother looking at them with a defeated face.....

" OMMA!!! She Started it first!!!!!"

" MOMMY!!!! He started it first!!!!"

Both of the kids pointed their fingers at each other as they said the same thing making them widened their eyes for a moment and then the glaring competition begin.....

" How about you two go to your respective rooms and start studying??? I bet you two have homeworks pending.... I got a call from the teacher that you two didn't complete your homeworks and openly threatened her if I get to know about this you will burn her hair.....", She said those words in a very cold intimidating tone as she looked at them..... The kids gulped in fear hearing that as the truth came out like this..... The Twins looked at each other and immediately run out of the room and went to their room to study as they don't want to anger their Aphrodite like Mother who can turned into Lilith like Devil Queen when she gets angry.....

She sighed frustratedly as she plopped down into the sofa feeling so tired as she closed her eyes only for a moment but opened immediately hearing the voice..... And found her bestie, her lovely cousin, Shin Yuna standing there with a cup of two herbal tea on he hands.....

" You know you are ruining your Image in front of your own children behaving like a big bad Mother?? Come on, Y/n they're just kids...... They will do mischief.... That's their work.... Let them enjoy their time like how they're now...... ", Yuna said as she handed over the cup to Y/n who took it and take a sip of it......

Y/n: It's not like I really want to behave like that but the things and mischieves they do, do you really think I can stay calm???

She exclaimed those words and sighed heavily as her mind on that day, seven years ago when she found out that she is pregnant with His child..... Yes, His child..... She remembered everything.... All the things in the past how he kidnapped her, married her forcefully and then the accident, losing her memories and the aftermath of that......This two children.... Kim Ji-ha and Kim Yun-chul, Twins by five minutes...... But she can never hate them for the deeds happened... They're not at fault and another reason, she doesn't want to be like her mother.... The Great Min Yami..... About her, She committed suicide after one year staying in the dark prison couldn't handle the defeat of her legacy..... She sometimes pitied her mother.... Did she got respect like other Ex-presidents in our country or she was able to get the ounces of griefs from her own children......

Yuna bitterly smiled as she put hands on Y/n shoulder making Y/n looked at her as she said," At least you're able to see your children in front of your eyes, touch them, give them love and attention.... Unlucky of me, I wasn't able to give any of it to my child....."

Sadness filled on Yuna's heart thinking about that time after she delivered the baby on the hospital and the next morning only get to know Seokjin took her baby boy with him and left the country..... She wasn't able to get to hold her baby on her arms.... The rights of her as a mother was snatched away from her..... She feared it beforehand when she got to know , She is pregnant with Seokjin's child and that's the reason, she decided not to tell him anything about it but fates has played a different game on her...... Yuna tried her very best to find them..... Only thing she was able to know is Seokjin is in Italy with the baby.... She wanted to go but she is afraid if Seokjin got to know about this, he might take her baby boy far from there..... So, she was able to make a peace in her mind just knowing that......

Y/n couldn't say anything to counter Yuna's words.... how can she do that?? Sometimes, she feels extremely glad and thankful to God that he didn't took them away like his Elder brother did..... Obviously, she couldn't be able to handle it..... She would be heartbroken and maybe would have gone Mad woman.... The reason, Yuna stays with them and take care of her children like her own ... Maybe trying to lessen the pain of her heart......

" Enough of this sad talk, Now put on a happy smile and wipe those tears Yuna....one day things will be fine..... I, Min Yoongi is promising this.... One day, we all will be happy and will have no worries......", Yoongi said as he sit on the sofa as he arrived at Y/n mansion as the blue house now days feels so empty to Yoongi now..... He is still the president of Korea but this is the very last time since, he wants to get retired of this hectic work of this political games..... And another grave reason, He doesn't want his future children to go through the political mind games like what happened with them.....

Yuna wipped off her tears as she excused herself as she needed to calm her mind leaving Y/n and Yoongi alone in the room.....

Yoongi: I think, you should look into your kids, Dongseng..... Things aren't going well around the house..... Ji-ha stabbed a male servant's hand with a fork who looked at you with inappropriate way...... Yun-chul almost drowned your co-worker in the pool who you invited for a dinner thinking you're going to be on a date with him..... The Rage and jealousy in their eyes on them is something that we really need to work on.....Later in life, this is going to be a great problem..... Getting protective over your own mother is okay, but getting overly obsessive isn't something that you can let go.....

Hearing those words, Y/n felt bad or more like the behavior of them made her remind of Him... Their father.... Same type of aggression and obsession and Possessiveness on another peak..... The kids got their father's traits.....

Y/n: by the way, How far your thing has gone with seolhyun????

She changed the topic as she feels more stress whenever she talked about this thing with yoongi and Yoongi understood it as he answered," It's too deep.... The Scars of her mind that was engraved is too big to fill.... I am trying to break those shields she made around herself to protect her, but it's too though.....I confessed to her several times but she refused it always thinking It's just a fling.... I don't know how to convince her, I love her and I want to spend my rest of my life with her....."

He voiced out his thoughts to Y/n as more she heard she feels bad for her brother..... The situation isn't that great after all..... After Jimin died, all the girls in his playhouse got free from the cage and saw the light of freedom in their life.... But one thing that stayed on their mind is now what will they do??? They don't have a place to Live now..... And that's when Yoongi's non-organizations charity helped them to get into a new life and taught into a new way of living..... Seolhyun got the help too like others as she finished her basic education and working on a cafe as yoongi tried to engage in talk but it really didn't work that much......

Y/n: Give her sometime,oppa..... The Scars needed to be healed..... If it won't heal how will you able to understand her.... Take slow steps... Baby steps.... I bet things will be fine....

She can only hope that..... Only hope..... But sometimes hoping for something isn't enough...... Because the Fate is waiting for the change of the wind..... It's going to change..... Things will be different after seven years......


Photos are scattered around the whole table as he looked at the photos with different types of emotion in his eyes.... Loneliness, Love, Affection, Comfort..... Some emotions are incapable of describe....... The siren ringed as he heard they're going to land of Seoul, south Korea in 10 minutes and told to fasten the seatbelts.....

Time skip

He landed on the airport as he went outside as he saw his men is waiting for him..... Without any Greetings, he went inside the car ...... As he was going to his destination, his mansion, his eyes didn't left on the photos.... The photos of two children in the age of Seven playing, laughing , going out with their mother together.... Such a lovely family.... Only one thing is missing.... Him.... He is missing in there.... Their father......

He looked at the road and saw the children going back to their home with their parents...... The past memories refreshes on his mind as he remembers how he left everything in here and went back to Germany and did most of his business..... He waited for a long time, seven years to make things right so that he can return gracefully.... He once said, he can't promise that he can stay away from them forever...... Actually, he never left from here..... His spies on everywhere around her always keeping an eye on her .... He knows everything but wasn't able to physically present there.... And the photos are the living proof of it.....

" Sir, we reached  the mansion....", One of his man, Choi beomgyu said as he snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at the mansion, Kim mansion in his eyes...... But he don't feel peace seeing this mansion.....

He won't find his peace.... Because his peace lies on his Love, his berry, his Y/n.....


Few Days Later

Y/n and the kids went to the Art museum as Ji-ha loves to explore the museum as she feels great to see this kind of artistic works ....... It's not that much crowded as Ji-ha looked around and saw her mother and her twin brother, Yun-chul who is giving hard time to their Mommy.... She decided to go outside of the museum where the wall art was done..... She sneaked out leaving them alone as she explores those arts not knowing someone was there behind her looking at her with affectionate eyes.......

" Do you like those arts???", He asked making the little girl flinched at his voice as she turned around and saw a tall man who is looking at her with doe eyes almost going to cry.....

" Mommy said not to talk to strangers.....", Ji-ha deadpanned as she turned around and admiring those art work making him chuckle..... The beautiful sweet honey like voice..... The same face....he missed this voice.... Somehow, he controlled his Emotions....

He bent down a little bit and said," my name is Namjoon... And now since you know my name , we are not stranger anymore.... And see your eyes almost same as mine..... So, in that case, we are friends, isn't it????"

He said as he takes off his mask as Ji-ha looked at the man as she examined his feature.... What he said is kinda right..... She did have same kind of dragon eyes like him.....

Just then Ji-ha heard the shouting of her mother making her panicked as she turned around and saw her mother and her brother coming towards her but she seems to stop when her eyes went on the person beside her...... How can she forgot about him???

Namjoon turned around and saw the love of his life,Y/n and beside her, his another child, his son, Kim Yun-chul..... The meetings are unexpected for Y/n but in the same time, it's planned..... By namjoon and by Fate too....









Finally, the book K.N.J is finished!!!! I hope you have enjoyed it!!!!! It's cliffhanger ending and I think it's the best ending.. letting you to imagine the way you want to decide the end!!!!! Gosh!!! I will miss this book!!!!!

And I know some of you will ask, hoseok and jungkook's ending,I bet I have cleared it out they had a happy ending..... And about Seokjin's happy ending, I know I disappointed many but the way Seokjin's character was written, it's expected!!! He is kinda angsty, you know.... Can't blame him though ......






The chapter 1 is getting out in few hours!!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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