Chapter 41: Played A Bloody Dirty Game

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In Somewhere

Y/n Pov

My head is throbbing in pain as I started to feel severe pain on my neck..... I slowly tried to open my eyes as the red light went straight on my eyes making me shut my eyes in irritation....... After few minutes, I slowly opened my eyes as everything looks so hazy and spinning around me..... I shake my head few times trying to make myself conscious as everything got cleared as I found myself in a dark red room ......I tried to move my hands only to realise that my hands are tied up behind my back as I am laying down on the bed..... I don't know Where am I... Last thing I remember that someone hold my mouth and said something as I feel a stinging pain on my neck and now here am I in the unknown room God knows Where......

I was in my own thoughts as I heard the door opening sound as I looked at the door and found a old man nearly in his late forties came inside the room and closed the door..... I don't know but why am I feeling so creepy about this...... His eyes are staring at me like I am a prey for him to feast.....

Y/n: who ....who are you???? And what am I doing here!!!!!!!???

I asked him as he started to came closer to me making me afraid of him as I crawled backwards..... But he didn't stopped..... He climb on the bed as I steps backwards only to find a headboard preventing me to move anymore...... I look into his eyes.... His gaze are lustful...... He is licking his lower lip as his eyes went to my face to my whole body checking out as his eyes landed on my feet....... His one hand went on my thigh rubbing it making me feel disgusted by his touch.... I tried to move my leg but he hold it tightly making me whimper in pain......

Hyunsik: You look more ravishing in person, Y/n...... You look exactly like your mother.... The younger version of her.... But more submissive..... Which Yami was never..... *Chuckle*  Maybe because you lost your memories that's why...... Which is really good for me.... I like submissive girl..... You will really look good around me......

Hearing those words y/n looked horrified..... Also a thought came into her mind..... People around her are so happy or glad that she lost her memories......why??? Why??? What is it in her memories that people around her doesn't want to know......

Y/n: Listen, Whoever you are, I am not eager to be with you... Why did you kidnapped me???? And I am someone's wife...... You can't just kidnap me and claim you as yours......

She said those words trying her best not to fear him..... She wants to show him, she isn't afraid of him....... Hearing her words, a dark chuckle left from Hyunsik's mouth as he moved more closer to her...... He went to her ear and slowly whispered those words that made her froze......

Hyunsik: You won't be Kim Namjoon's wife for so long, Princess......I will kill him with my own hands and the entire family of his.... And then you will be left only with me.... Mine to cherish And Mine to Ruin......

And with that he came closer to her face as he put both of his hand on the headboard trapping Y/n as he tried to kiss her but before he could do that Y/n headbutted him making him fall in the bed screaming in pain as taking the advantage of it, Y/n kicked him into his ball making him fall down on the floor moaning in pain .......

"Bloody Bastard!!!!", Y/n cursed as she tried to move as she fall down on the floor on the other side...... She tried to crawl as before she could do anything, Hyunsik got up in anger as he hold a fistful of her hair and banged her head on the floor three times making her head bleed badly as she became unconscious......

Hyunsik: F**king bitch!!!!!! Just wait till I kill Namjoon then I will teach you a f**king lesson.....

He is breathing heavily while he said those words as his hands on his forehead trying to soothe his pain......

Hyunsik heard the knock as he went towards the door and opened it and found his right hand man is here......

" Boss, Mr. Kim Namjoon has arrived on his mansion and Mr. Min Yoongi is coming tonight to meet you , his Assistant informed us.....", Hyunsik right hand man said as he smirked thinking about killing two birds with one stone......

Namjoon and Yoongi right now are the biggest rivals ...... And it will be fun to play a deadly game with them where Hyunsik, he, himself will be the ringmaster...... Now, he just need to provoke Namjoon a little bit.....


In Kim Mansion

Namjoon's Pov

I step into the Kim mansion as only thing I found is aristocracy around me...... Everything is destroyed in here...... The people who used to live here, working with us, the guards, servants, maids and security incharges all are dead...... The blood is spattered all over the white marble floor to the wall......  It was supposed to be a good day, a beautiful and peaceful day for me with Y/n..... But, it isn't in my fate......

I went towards my room as I opened the door and found no one....... The whole room is empty...... Y/n isn't here...... Jihoon came running as he stood behind me and said," The CCTV footage are all destroyed...... We are trying to figure out how this happened, Boss give us some Tim-

Before Jihoon could finish his sentences, he was pinned by the nearby wall by namjoon as he lifted him up in the air chocking him as Namjoon is holding his throat....... Namjoon's predatory dragon eyes glared at Jihoon as the poor Jihoon is struggling to get out of Namjoon's hold......

Namjoon: I Don't Care How All of This Happened , but I want my wife safe and sound next to me.... SEARCH FOR HER !!!!! I WANT HER!!!!!!

And with that, he left jihoon's throat as Jihoon fall down on the floor coughing out loud as he is breathing heavily not getting much oxygen supply..... Seokjin immediately came inside Namjoon's room as he is looking so worried.....

Seokjin: Yuna isn't here either.... Whoever that is  took her too......

Seokjin frustratedly sighed and hit the wall using his leg..... Yuna is pregnant with his child..... How can this happened to them?!!

Just then Namjoon's phone started to ringing as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and saw a unknown number  as he pressed the button and put it on his ear......


Namjoon: hello......

???: I bet you're really really frustrated over where's your beautiful wife????

Namjoon: who the hell are you????

???: Really, Namjoon you didn't recognize your uncle's voice.... It's me, Kim Hyunsik.... And right now, Y/n is unconscious right next to my bed....

Namjoon: f**ker!!!!!! TRY TO LAY YOUR HANDS ON HER, I WILL KILL YOU!!!!

Hyunsik: Come on, Namjoon.... This kind of  threatening became too old now.... Try something new.....I am liking how your wife is pouting on her sleep..... She is so beautiful, cute and maybe more pleasurable in bed, right????

Namjoon: Pray to God, if I get you in my hands, I will finish you off by myself.... I will make sure, you, Kim Hyunsik never existed on earth......

Hyunsik:*laugh* Try to find me before I get the same pleasure you get by her..... Time is running.... Tick....Tok....Tick....Tok......

Otp ends

And with that Hyunsik hung up the call as Namjoon threw the phone in anger as he looked at Seokjin who understood who is behind all this...... Seokjin knows very well how vile Kim Hyunsik is.......

Seokjin: Hyunsik is a witty man with a dangerous Brain, Namjoon...... We can't use Forces or our strength to defeat him..... He is almost same level as us..... He have to make a proper plan to defeat Hyunsik...... He is good at Mind games and manipulation and deceiving works ....... He killed people in his early age for fun and Yami was a partner in crime of his works...... Call Everyone, Namjoon.... We need our whole team......

Seokjin's words has a grave meaning as the situation around them is like a thin ice...... Namjoon looked at his remaining men as he shouted,"  WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY FACE?!!!!!!FIND OUT THE LOCATION OF KIM HYUNSIK!!!! I WANT HIS LOCATION IN 30 MINUTES!!!!"

As everyone shiverd hearing Namjoon's demanding command, everyone went to do their works as just then Taehyung came into the mansion running as he stand in front of his elder brothers exhausted and few cuts and bruises on her face ........

Taehyung: I got attacked while returning to the house...... I don't know whoever that is trying to mess with us..... I somehow managed to get out of it....... And seeing the situation, it's kinda expected now..... Everything is a plan.... Someone betrayed in the Gang, hyung.... The security system is too advanced for the attackers to come......

He said as he is trying to make him look like he was in attack when everything is a act to make his brothers believe in his lie...... Taehyung is really good at acting....... the bruises and cuts are made by himself...... Seokjin looked at Taehyung for sometime as he feels a little weird as he looked at Taehyung's bruise properly which looks like made by himself but he shurrged it off .......

Namjoon: It's Kim Hyunsik's Doing!!!! That F**ker threatened me...... I am not a ordinary person!!!! I am a mafia Lord.... He thinks he can defeat me!!!!   But I am Kim Namjoon, He can never win against me.... No one can.....

Vicious plans are forming on Namjoon's head .... Hyunsik did a very big mistake by messing with Namjoon...... Because the plans he is thinking, it isn't Namjoon's perspective anymore, It's RM's Perspective..... And when RM enters into the field, It's going to Bloody Dirty game......


In Yoongi's House Office, Blue House

Author Pov

Yoongi is looking at the information of the files that was collected from the NIS..... The lists of those girls details who are in prostitution clubs...... Looking for a certain person..... He sighed not finding the person he was eager to find..... He himself didn't know why he was looking for her.... But it almost felt like a responsibility for him to find that person who once helped His little dongseng from danger..... The NIS had raided on Park Jimin's Prostitution clubs too..... But nothing came out from there.... So, he is disappointed......

Just then one of his man entered into the office room as he bowed respectfully and said," Boss, There's a attack on Kim Namjoon's mansion.... From the spies, we found .... The young Miss.... Is missing....."

Yoongi stopped whatever he was doing as he looked at his men with a deadly gaze as he gestured him to continue.....

" We are trying to find out who did that ... As our spies followed the car from which Young Miss was taken, it went into Kim Hyunsik's Private Residence away from the city......", As the man finished his words, Yoongi get up and let out a dark chuckle understanding the whole situation.... Kim Hyunsik's Private Residence?!! F**k , he should have understand why because he got a invitation from Mr. Kim Hyunsik himself for a important business meeting in the same place...... So, Kim Namjoon's uncle is playing a dirty tricks......

Yoongi: Prepare for a hunting game, Lia..... We are going to hunt both Kim Namjoon and Kim Hyunsik..... Finally, I am going to meet my Dongseng...... She must be waiting for me to save her from those monsters...... Oppa is coming, dongseng..... Just wait a little bit.....

He said those words as eyes are determined to get out his little sister out of a hell as he drinked his juice and looked at glass wall where everyone's photos and plans are attached..... The preparation for the Game.... The Deadly Game To end this Mafia business and the co-called mafia clans......


Seoul International Airport

Jungkook helped His newly weeded wife, Jeon Evelyn Boswell to get inside the private jet provided by Jungkook himself.......

Evelyn: Jungkook-ah!!! Please come with me to France..... We still didn't have honeymoon because I am already pregnant and now you are sending me back ...... what's the reason????

Jungkook pecked his wife's forehead as he said,"Evie, I want to come but I have some important work to do but I don't want you to sit around like boring so go to France and enjoy.... I will come after two days..... "

Basically, Jungkook is sending her away from the choas that is happening...... And moreover, his wife is pregnant with his child..... He can't afford to lose them.....

As the plan flew away, Jungkook get inside his bike as he put the earpiece on his ear and called someone....... The weather has turned gloomy as it started to rain.....

Jungkook: I found the location of Kim Hyunsik..... His private Residence...... Follow my lead of the way ......

And with that he start his bike and went to the location where he needed to go and give directions to everyone...... The thunderstorms are striking in the cloudy sky showing the roar of the consequences that is going to happen...... Things are finally coming to an end..... But Nobody knows it's Happy Ending Or Sad Ending........ Only Time will tell.....







hi!!!! How are you all???? I am back with a new chapter of Kim Namjoon parallel universe fanfiction!!!!! Hope you will enjoy it!!!!

1 chapter and 1 epilogue left!!!!! Before Jimin's Birthday, this Fanfiction will be finished!!!! I am going to miss this!!!!

Please vote and comment a lot and share your thoughts regarding this chapters!!!!!

I was supposed to update yesterday but electricity problems in my area and the WiFi wire got disconnected from the main hub because of the storm.....

BangPD fooled him in a very good way!!! Or I would not have found this beautiful majestic man in my life😄😄😄.....



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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