Cheater!Dewa X reader

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Requested by HimxkoToga

"You son of a bitch!" "Y/n come back, I can explain." Dewa says as he catches up with me. "Let me guess, you "accidentally" tripped and fell onto her lips?" I say as try not to make eye contact with him.

      "Y/n, that girl was coming onto me, not the other way around." He states. "And I guess you "accidentally" grabbed her chest too huh?" I say in a nonchalant tone and keep walking.

     I walks walking through the park and I saw my boyfriend, making out with another girl. And I could tell that he was enjoying it, he wasn't fighting back against her or anything, he just let it happen.

I resist the urge to cry but I can't, I won't allow myself to let him see me like that. "Sorry Dewa, but your excuses are getting you nowhere." I say and keep on walking.

"Look I know what I did and I know that just an apology will get me nowhere..." I cut him off. "And it won't! What would make you think that doing that would be ok?! You know what... just go on and make out with that girl again, I don't care anymore." I lash out and storm off

      He then grabs me by the wrist and pins me to the wall. I thrash around in his grip. "Hey! Let me go!" I yell at him. Before I can escape, he crashes his lips onto mine. I'm shocked for a few moment, then tears starts to fall from my eyes.

     I then gain my composure back up and slap him across the face, be backs up and hold his cheek.

    "Don't you touch me again! The next time you lay hands on me, will be that last time you have hands!" I cry out and storm away. This time, he doesn't come after me.

I then walk into my apartment and slam the door behind me. I couldn't believe this whole situation is happening. He'd seem like the kind of guy who I wouldn't do something like that.

Like with our friend Chitose, he would always be the one to tell him to stop some of his flirty behavior. Even before this, he always scolded Chitose or anyone else for flirting with me.

     I just lay down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. "Sorry Dewa... I guess it just wasn't meant to be..."

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