Mikoto Suoh x Loli reader

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Request by freelittlegirl


Why? Why do these people want me? I am running away from these people, I just saw a black aura around one of there friends and then they started chasing me.

Most of you must be confused so I'll explain. I have a sort of... power. I think I can tell if someone's going to die or get hurt. If someone has a white aura around them, they're going to be alive and healthy for a long while, if it's a light grey, they're going to get hurt but nothing too bad, if it's a darker grey it means they're gonna get hurt really bad and if someone has a black aura... it means they're going to die.

      I had gone into the bar just for some water and a little bit of food because my parents basically threw me out of the house, I tried to warn my mom that she was going to die soon because she had a black aura and they thought I was possessed or something and they threw me out.


     I had gone in and asked the bartender for a glass of water. He nodded and handed me a glass of water. I thanked him and started to drink it.

     Then a boy came down the stairs and started talking to his friends. He seems... so nice, he was making them laugh and smile and... "black aura..." I mutter. "Hm? What was that?" The bartender asks.

     Just then, a  girl came down the stairs and looked at me in confusion. I was about to cry. Just looking at this boy and how happy and out going he is... these people are going to miss him.

     The girl puts a red marble up to her eye and looks at me through it. She then looks terrified and drops it. "Huh? Anna what's wrong?" The bartender asks.

      The girl, who I know is Anna now, looks me in the eye. "Totsuka's going to die?" The while bar goes silent. The boy with the black aura looks at me in confusion. "Wait? Anna what did you say?!" A boy with a beanie asks the girl.

"Sorry." I say and run out of the bar. I keep running and running but I can tell that the people from the bar are coming after me.

I can't out run them forever, I have to hide. I look around for a place then I run into a nearby alley way. I keep running until I find a large pile of cardboard boxes and crawl in between all of them.

      I cover my mouth as I hide in the boxes, I hear a parade of footsteps running past the boxes. Even when everything is quite, I still wait a few minutes before I get out.

     I look to my left, then to my right. Looks like they all ran past here. I get back on my feet and start to run out of the alley way.

     But right as I turn the corner I run into someone and fall down. "S-sorry!" I blurt out. Wait a second...

     The man grabs my by the arm and helps me up. "Look we just wanna talk." He says. "Another black aura..." I mutter. This guy must be friends with the other guy with the black aura.

     He tightens his grip on my arm. "What do you mean by that? What do you mean Totsuka's gonna die?" He asks. "Ow! You're hurting me." I don't think he cares. "Just tell me-" "Mikoto! Don't hurt the girl." I look to where the voice and see the bar tender from before.

     The man known as Mikoto lets go of me and walks towards him. The bartender walks up to me. "I'm sorry if we scared you, we just wanna ask some questions." I calm down and nod.

     The three of us walk back to the bar and I sit down on the couch. After a while, the rest of the guys come back. "So tell us, how do you know Totsuka's going to die?" Mikoto asks.

     "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I look down at my feet. "Trust me, I think we'll get it." He responds. I then explain to them my power, well on the plus side, they aren't looking at me like I'm crazy.

     Totsuka then looks down. "So... do you know how I'm going to die?" He asks. "No, I'm sorry. I can only tell if you're going to die or not. But I can tell that all of you have a light grey aura around you... but... also..." I look at Mikoto and his black aura.

     "Wait, don't tell me Mikoto's going to die too?" The bartender asks. I simply nod. "God damnit! How do we fix this?" Beanie boy tugs at his hair. "Don't worry, I'll help you."

~Timeskip, one month~

It's been a while since we figured out the colorless king's plan to consume all the kings and we put a stop to it. Over that time, I have grown a strong bond with Homra, they're like my new family now.

It's late at night and Pretty much everyone has gone home and Kusanagi and Anna have gone to sleep, so it's just Mikoto and I up at the moment.

     "Hey, Y/n." Mikoto mutters. "Hm? What is it?" I question. "I never got the chance to tell you this but... thanks, you saved Totsuka and I." He states. "Oh, you're welcome." I smile at him.

      "Well it's getting late, let's go to bed." He then gets off the couch but before I can get up as well, he picks me up. "Huh? What are you doing?" I ask.

       "I'm carrying you, what does it look like?" He then takes me up to my room and lays me down in bed. "Goodnight Mikoto." I snuggle up in my blankets. "Goodnight Y/n." He then moves the hair from my face and kisses my forehead.

       I smile even more. "Hey Mikoto?" "What?" I kiss his cheek. "You have a beautiful white aura now."

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