Tatara Totsuka x reader

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Request by Arimau

"Hey, Y/n, wake up." Who dare awaken me from my slumber? I look up and see Totsuka smiling down at me. "What is it Totsuka?" I ask him.

       "I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with me." He states. "Eh, ok, I'll go with you." I get off of the couch and put my shoes on. "Yay, once you're ready, let's go." He smiles and walks to the door.

      I put on my jacket and fix up my hair a bit, I feel like I've been asleep for ages.... but it was just 30 minutes or so... "ok, let's go." I pat Totsuka's shoulder and walk out.

He follows behind me as we walk. Totsuka, Izumo, and Mikoto have been my friends since forever ago. In school I always saw Totsuka being made fun of and I stuck up for him. Even when he was sent to the hospital that one time, I stayed by his side. I don't know why... I just did.

       "Hm, you're always so quite." I hear Totsuka mumble, "huh? What was that?" I question. "Well, you're just like Mikoto in a way, you're so quite and calm but if you need to, you can punch the lights out if someone." He replies.

A small blush appears in my face, then I start to laugh. "Huh? Why are you laughing?" He asks. "Aww, you're too nice." I chuckle and ruffle his hair. "Hey!" He giggles and fixes his hair. His adorable little giggle...

Before we can do anything else, someone in the distance yells at us. "Hey! There's the bitch who attacked Jay!" Sh!t... I quickly grab Totsuka and jump into a dumpster.

I put my finger up to my lips, signaling Totsuka to be quiet. He nods and obeys. We wait until we hear footsteps walk past the dumpster.

     Until I know for sure that they're gone, I open the lid of the dumpster. "Well that was close." I sigh. Totsuka jumps out. I start to get out and just as I'm about to jump out, the lid falls and pins my ankle, I trip up and fall forward but before I can hit the ground, Totsuka catches me.

      "Are you ok?!" He asks panicked. "Don't worry, I'm fine." I then pull my leg out of the dumpster. "Damn, that kid is heavy!" I complain.

      "Here, let me help you back to the bar!" He wraps his arm around my waist and he grabs my arm and starts to walk back to the bar.

      "Don't worry, I'm ok, just hurts a little." I explain. "No, I will help you and I won't let you say no." He tried to say that in a serious tone but it just made him sound even more adorable. I chuckle a little. "Whatever you say."

We make it back to the bar and he sits me down on the couch. "You feel ok?" He asks. "Don't worry, I'll be ok. Thanks for worrying though" I smile then kiss his cheek. His face turn as red as Mikoto's hair.

       "W-what was that for?" He stutters. I laugh. "You're too cute." I smile at him. He then pets my hair. "You're cute too." Huh? Me? Cute? "Huh?" He then brings me closer to him and he kisses me ON THE FRICKEN LIPS!

He pulls away and blushed more. "S-sorry!" He apologizes. "Don't." I then grab the collar of his shirt and kiss him again. He kisses back and plays with my hair.

"Holy sh!t! Totsuka? And Y/n?" We look towards the door and see Yata there. Totsuka blushes in embarrassment and hides his face.

     I smirk at Yata. "What? Jealous?" Yata then blushes in embarrassment as well. "N-no!" I chuckle and ruffle Totsuka's hair. "I love ya you little bean."

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