HOMRA chibi x Reader

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     Ah, just taking a nice nap to relax. I live at Homra and today was kinda stressful. We Tried to take down a strain that was poking fun at us but it got away. The boys got hit by one of its attacks but we're fine now.

     I then feel someone lightly shoving me. "Y/n, are you awake?" I recognize the voice as Anna. "Yeah, I'm awake. What do you need?" I ask as I sit up on my bed.

      "Well, just come downstairs, something happened." She grabs my hand and takes me downstairs. "Now what..." oh... my ... Damocles.

     "Hey you meanie! Give it back!" A little chibi Yata yells at a little chibi Totsuka who has his beanie.

     "I think the strain we fought earlier had the power to turn people into this." Anna implies.

     I screech like a fan girl and pick up the chibi, Yata, Totsuka, Mikoto, and Kusanagi. "I WILL PROTECT YOU LITTLE CINNAMON ROLLS!" I squeal.

"Ah! Get of me you girl! Woman! THING!" Tiny Yata yells. Kusanagi then smacks him on the head. "Be respectful towards a lady!" Tiny Mikoto just sighs and buries his head into my neck, napping.

Too adorable for me!

"What do we do about them?" Anna asks. "Well, we either find the strain who did this and make him turn them back to normal, or, we can wait this out and see if they turn back on there own. Now I don't wanna get my hands dirty and I wanna see there cuteness more so let's wait this out." I say.

Anna nods to my idea. "What do we do now?" She asks. "Hm, it's time for us to switch roles and we take care of them for once." I state.

Little Mikoto goes on the couch and naps, little Yata lays down on his skateboard and scoochs around, little Kusanagi starts to wipe the bar down and little Tatara is skipping around the bar.

Anna sits down on the couch and puts Mikoto in her lap. "Aww, he's so cute when he's not big and menacing." I daw.

I feel a little tug on my shirt. I look down and a small teary eyed Tatara holds out his arms.

"Do you wove me?" He says in a sad tone. "Oh, who wouldn't love you?" I pick him up and hug him tight.

     I then feel someone tap on my leg. I look and see chibi Izumo confidently looking up at me.

     "May a lovely young woman like yourself hug me pws?" He says in a flirty tone.

     "Oh Izumo, even in chibi form, you're still a womanizer." I then pick him up with my other arm and have a little group hug with him and Tatara.

     Another small tug can be felt by my shirt and I see a blushing chibi Yata looking down.

     "Hey, since we're doing the whole "hugging" thing, I thought I would join too." His blushing form says.

     "I'm keeping all of you." I then grab Yata and Mikoto then we all lay down on the soft carpet.

     Tatara starts to stroke my hair. "You're vewy pwetty!" He exclaims. "Aw, thank you."

     We all then fall asleep.


Yata's POV

     Ow, why does my head hurt?" I felt like I slept on a rock... WHY IS Y/N SLEEPING NEXT TO ME?! Wait, why is everyone snuggled up on the floor. Oh boy, what happened?


     I wake up and see that the boys are normal again. "Boys, you're normal again!" I exclaim.

     Kusanagi wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back down. "Five more minutes."

     I look over and see a blushing Yata hiding behind one of the couches and Anna is slightly giggling.

     Mikoto and Tatara sit up and run there heads. "Uh, what happened?" Mikoto asks.

     "It'd be best if you didn't know."


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