Thats's my girl (Mikoto x reader)

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Request by AnimeLover12378  hope you enjoy


"Damn it! She bit me!" One of the low life thugs yells.

The other two then grab me and push me down. These guys had crowed me in an alley and you can guess what there intentions were.

"You're gonna regret that girl." Before he can do anything, a red sort of flame hits the man and he flies away.

The other two let go of me then get hit with the same flame as the other guy.

I avert my gaze to where the flames came from. I then see a man with wild red hair, amber eyes, and behind him is a little girl dressed in a Lolita outfit.

I'm too paralyzed to move so I just bring my legs up into my chest. The man walks over to me and kneels down. "Are you ok?" He asks.

"I am now. Thank you." I mumble. "Want me to take you home?" He offers me. "Thank you, but I don't have a home anymore."

The little girl then comes over to me and inspects me with a little red marble. "She has nowhere to go." She says.

The man gets up and holds his hand out to me. "If you want, you can come with us." I don't know. Should I trust this man? I mean he did save me but you could never be too sure.

But in my situation, I have nothing. I take his hand and get up. "Thank you." He then walks me back to a bar called Homra.

     When we walk in. I see a blonde man behind the counter and a dirty blonde on the couch.

     "Yo Mikoto! Who's the girl?" The dirty blonde asks.

     "Sorry, forgot to ask your name." The man, who I now know as Mikoto says.

     "My name is Y/n." I speak up. The dirty blonde then comes up to me and shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you! My names Tatara Totsuka. And the guy behind the counter is Izumo Kusanagi." He says energetically.

     The little girl then tugs on my shirt. "I'm Anna." She says in a little voice.

     "Mikoto Suoh." Mikoto says. "Well then, I'm Y/n L/n." I introduce myself. "So, why do you have no other place to go?" Mikoto asks. "Mikoto! You can't just jump to questions like that!" Tatara scolds.

     "It's fine. He saved me so I think it's only fair if I tell you my story." I claim. Tatara brings me over to the couch and sits next to me. Mikoto and Anna sit opposite to us.

     I begin. "So, I grew up with my parents, but they never really cared for me. Always fended for themselves and never paid attention to me. I've gotten in trouble at school a lot, but the only punishment I would ever get was a slap on the wrist. But recently, my dad was great in debt from gambling, so he sold the house to pay the debt, that wasn't enough so he tried to sell me, and that's when I had it, so I ran away."

Anna then looks at me though her marble again. "That's horrible." She says. Mikoto gets up from his spot and walks up to me.

He kneels down to my height and holds his hand out. "If you want a fresh start, join us." He says. "What do you mean by joining you?" I ask.

"Have you heard of kings and strains before?" Kusanagi asks. "No." I reply.

They then explain to me about the kings and slates and everything else. "Wow, that's, a lot to take in."

"If you join us, you don't have to worry about your parents again." I think about it for a second, then I decide on what I want.

I then reach out to Mikoto's hand and before I can shake it, it bursts into flames. I don't feel any pain though. I do feel a little burn on my collarbone.

I look there and see a symbol. "Congratulations! You're an official member of Homra!" Tatara says energetically.

~Time skip, one month~

It's been about a month since I had joined Homra and all of my worries have been carried away. Well, except for one thing.

"You ok Y/n? You look a little down." Kusanagi asks while, you guessed it, cleaning his glasses.

"I'm fine it's just, I can't seem to get my aura to work. I've been practicing but I either get nothing or blow something up." I complain. "It's ok, you'll get it to work, it just takes time." Kusanagi says trying to cheer me up.

"Come here." Mikoto says, awakening for his nap. I go over to the couch across from him and sit down.

He puts his hand out in front of me and it bursts into flames. "Try it. You have to concentrate and focus on what you want your flame to look like or what it will do."

I nod and put both of my hands together and try to summon a flame. It takes a while but I start to see little sparks emit from my hands.

A little while later, a flame is summoned and it forms into the Homra symbol. "I did it!" I cheer.

Mikoto gives me a little smile then gets up. "Hey, where you going?" I ask. "Out, wanna come with?" He offers. I grin widely. "Sure thing!" I jump out of my seat and follow him.

      We walk though the streets and stuffs. "Sooo, run into any blues lately?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Good, you'd probably scare them away if you did see one." I imply.

     After a while, the sun sets and and nobody is on the streets and we're at the park.

     "It's a little creepy, wanna head back?" I ask. Before he can reply, he falls over. "Mikoto! Are you ok?" I kneel by him and try to help his up.

      I feel the back of his head and realized that someone had hit him over the head with something and he's bleeding.

      I then feel someone grab me and pull me away from him. "Hey! Let go!" I start to thrash.

      A few men surround us and I realize who they are. They're the thugs who assaulted me when I met Mikoto.

      "Well well well, look what the cat dragged in." Says the ring leader. He then goes up to Mikoto and kicks him in the face.

     "Hey! Leave him alone!" I lash out. He then averts his gaze to me. "Oh hello there princess. Thought I'd never see you again." He says in a sarcastic cheerful tone.

      He then pulls out a knife. "Now, this is for messing with my gang boy!" He lifts the knife about his head and intents to stab Mikoto.

      Everything becomes dark for me. A slow frame that I can't escape. I've had enough.

      I scream out in anger and my flame aura surrounds me, burning the men holding me back. I then charge at the ring leader and whip him with my flames and the others soon retreat.

      I look over at Mikoto, and call Kusanagi to help us out. After I told Kusanagi what happened, I hung up and ran over to Mikoto.

     "Mikoto, don't you dare die on me!" I scream at him. "Guess you finally learned how to use your powers. You know, it should be me protecting my helpless queen and not the other way around."

      "Huh? What are you..." I'm cut off by him pulling my head down and kissing me. After we pull away, I hug him.

      "Ha, that's my girl."

Happy birthday Tatara! Or Valentine-birthday

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