Saruhiko Fushimi x Strain Reader

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     Another request by @Keenzieweenzie hope you enjoy 😊

~Flashback, third grade~

     "Freak! Look at her!" All the kids around me start pointing fingers and laugh at me.

"It's not. My fault I was born this way!" I lash back at them.

"How could anyone love a freak like you?" Another teases. One then comes up to me and pulls on my bunny ear.

Before you get confused. I'm a strain that can turn any of my body parts into an animal's, but it has to be a real animal and I have to know what it is. Now back to the flashback.

     Tears well up in my eyes. It was true. My parents had abandoned me when I was little and my foster parents didn't care about me.

     "Aw, are you actually crying?" Soon the sadness had turned into anger. They all just keep laughing. Then my arm had turned into a lion's paw.

     "What the heck! You're a monster!" One lashes out. "If you want a monster, I'll give you a monster.

     "Y/N L/N! GO TO THE OFFICE AT ONCE!" Before I can attack anyone out of rage, the teacher stops me.

My life has been like this for as long as I can remember. Everyone I think I can trust sees what I can do and they leave me. No one loved me. No one cared about me. No one would care if I died.

~Present day~

Throughout the years, I had left my foster parents and set off on my own. I had got a job to keep myself on my feet and a decent apartment. As long as I can hide my powers, I'm fine.

I'm making my way home from work when I feel like I'm gonna sneeze. Oh no, not in public. I try to keep it in but I sneeze and I feel a pair of cat ears on my head.

I quickly pull my hood over my head. Just the little things I do can trigger my powers to unleash.

I start to walk faster when I trip and scrape my knee on the concrete. But I feel my knee turn into a protective shell so I wasn't hurt.

I start to run as fast as I can home but then I bump into someone and fall down.

"Watch where you're going!" They scold. "S-sorry!" When I get up I stumble forward and scratch the person in front of me with my eagle like talons.

"Ahhh! It hurts!" They scream and that draws a ton of attention towards me. With all the panic, I run into an alley.

"What's happening to me? It hasn't gotten this bad before." I say to myself. I start to walk through the alley only to realize that I'm lost.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I tense up and slowly turn around. There is a man in front of me that appears to be wearing a blue uniform. Oh crap, it's an officer! Just stay calm.

"I'm just making my way home." I manage to say in a quiet tone. "I know what you are, and I need you to come with me.

Oh crap oh crap oh 💩! I start to back away until my back hits the wall.

He then starts to walk towards me. Before anything else, I feel something on my back. I look and see that eagle wigs had sprouted out of my back.

Well, now or never. I then fly up into the air. This is amazing! Most people can only dream about flying! Well to be optimistic about this whole "monster" thing. I CAN FRICKEN FLY!

I fly around the city for a while. I got the hang of this. After I'm done with my little joy ride, I land on top of a building. I can see my apartment from here.

Before I can fly again, I feel someone grab my wrist. I turn around and see the man from before. "I'm not going with you!" I shout as I rip away from his grip only to fall down.

I try to get up but the man pins me down. I start to kick my legs and trash around but it's no use, he's much stronger than I am.

His cold expression turns into a sadistic one. He just smirks as he sees me try to escape.

"Oh come on, you're stronger than I am, you think this is easy for me?!" I scold him.

He just grabs both my wrists with one hand and pulls me up. "Now be a good little girl and come with me." He starts to pull me with him.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask. He looks at me for a few seconds then answers. "Saruhiko Fushimi."

"Y/n L/n." I reply. He just drags me with him. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Scepter 4." "What, so you're just gonna lock me up like the animal I am?"

"Actually, my boss has a proposition for you. You have a choice, join us, or be thrown in a cell."

"Well I don't really want to go to jail, so, I don't care what the job is, as long as I'm by called a monster for it." I reply.

Fuahimi just smirks. "Good." He then drags me with him.

I don't know why, but I feel like I'll be useful for once. I won't be alone anymore.

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