Kosuke x Reader

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Request by shadowgirl2531


       "Ok Y/n, just follow what I do exactly." Kosuke says as summons his aura and shoots a beer can with it. So to clear everything up on one sentence, I'm a new Homra member and I can't really control my powers, so my friend Kosuke is helping me out in trying to control it.

     I try to follow his moves exactly, but when I try to shoot at the cans, my aura comes out very small and weak. "Hey, its somewhat of an improvement. Your aura got father than it ever has." He tries to cheer me on. I smile and keep on trying.

       On my next try, I do shoot the can.... but unfortunately I accidentally blew up the box it was standing on. My attacks are ether too weak or too powerful. "Yeah.... good thing we didn't train in the bar like last time." Oh boy..,.


     Alright, control my aura, keep chin up annnnnnnddd! Bang! My aura was too powerful and accidentally made Mr Kusanagi drop one of his finest glasses. Uh oh. The man looks at the broken glass as if was his child. "AHHHH! IM SO SORRY MR KUSANAGI!" Kosuke then takes my hand and runs out of the bar. "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

~Flashback over~

      "I had to do chores all around the bar to be forgiven!" I complain and Kosuke laughs. "The look on his face though." I will admit, it was kinda hilarious.

I then take a few deep breaths, summon a bit amid an aura, aim it at the can and... it worked! I hit only the can "YES! I DID IT!" I jump up in victory. Kosuke smiles and gives me a round of applause. "Great job Y/n, I'm proud of you."

I smile at him. "Thanks, I couldn't have done it without cha!" I smile and snap my fingers, but once I snap, I accidentally set a small explosion at my feet. "MEP!" The flames startle us both and  I fall on top of Kosuke.

       A hint of red brush over my cheeks. "S-sorry Kosuke... I'll uh..," before I can get off him, he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me deeply. My face turns into Yata's whenever he sees a girl, but I slowly kiss back.

       "Awwwww you little love birds!" I break away and look at Totsuka filming us. "GOSH DARN IT TATARA!" He then jumps and runs away. I look back down at Kosuke and hug him. He hugs back. "I love you, Kosuke." He smiles. "Love you too."

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