Bando x Shouhei's sister

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Request by HimxkoToga


"Awwww Y/n you look so adorable today!" My brother, Shouhei, says as he engulfed me into a big hug. "Ah! Brother! Let meh go!" I struggle in his grip.

So today was laundry day and I had nothing else to wear but a cute little dress, and my brother's making a huge deal about it!

"But you look so pretty! You usually never wear dresses." He cheerfully says as he boops my nose. I draw back and cover my nose so he can't boop it anymore. "Oh come on, stop teasing her." I turn around and see one of our friends, Bando, walking into the bar.

I then run and hide behind him. "Help me, my brother keeps harassing me!" I state. "What? No I did not!" He argued. Bando chuckles and looks at my appearance. "Well that's a change for you."

"Oh come on! You too!" I pout and face plant onto the couch. "Well, people notice if you dress nice and they complement you when you try to look nice," Kusanagi says as he cleans a glass.

"Not helping!" I yell into the pillow. Bando sits next to me and pets my hair. "Oh it's not all that bad. Plus, you do look good today." He says. I just mumble into the pillow and contemplate my life. Everyone in the bar chuckles at me.

      "Hey, of you want some pants, I'll get you some." Bando says. I shoot up and look at him. "Really?!" I say like a dog hearing that they're gonna go on a walk.

     Bando chuckles at me. "Sure, just follow me." He gets up and walks upstairs. I soon follow after him and meet up with him.

      "So, where are these pants you mentioned?" I question and look up at him, confused. He chuckles more. "Sorry, I lied." He laughs.

      I pout. "What?! They why did you bring me up here in the first place?!" I scowl at him, he then smiles and cups my cheeks.

      "Cause I wanted to give you something better." Before I can do anything, he crashes his lips onto mine. Whhhhhhhaasassstttttt??????
After a little while, he pulls away and looks down at me.

       I'm a blushing mess right now. He smiles again and pats my head. "So would you rather of had that or some pants?" He asks in a teasing manor. "Um.., pants."

       We both laugh a little bit and then he goes back downstairs. Just you wait Bando, soon I will force you to wear a dress and feel the same pain I feel right now. Just you wait

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