Yukari Mishakuji x Reader

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Request by shadowfur124


      "But Kuuuuurrooohhhh...." "no." "You never let me have any fun!" I pout at him. Kuroh and I stand out of the ice cream store. We originally where just out walking around and I didn't have my money so I asked Kuroh for some. He rejected

       I've known Kuroh for as long as I can remember, he's like a big brother to me. After Kuroh drags me away from the ice cream shop. "My my, you two have gotten big haven't you?" Huh? That voice, it... it can't be.

Kuroh then throws me behind him and clashes swords with a purple haired man. And that man is Yukari Mishakuji. "Y/n Go!" Kuroh orders me. I do as he says and make a break for it.

I keep running and running until it seems safe enough to stop. My breath quickens and my legs almost give out from running for so long. "Awww, lovely to see you again, little dove." My eyes widened as they avert up to see Yukari.

      Just as I'm about to run away again, he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and pins me to the tree. I try to struggle but I'm too tiered from running to have enough energy to get him off of me.

     He chuckles as he watches me attempt to break free. "Aww, little dove is still as weak and fragile as before." He strokes my cheek.

     I push his hand away from my cheek. "Don't touch me, where is Kuroh?" I demand him to answer me. He just laughs again. "Oh you and Kuroh are inseparable, almost like you're siblings." He states

       I try kicking him in the shins and struggling, doing anything I can to break free. His grip on me just gets tighter. "Oh stop trying, little dove, you and I both know that you were the weakest one of us three." He states.

       I scowl a bit. "If I'm so weak then why did you like me?" I ask and turn my head away. He then places his hands under my chin and makes me look at him.

     "For your lack in beauty in fighting, you make it up with that pretty little face." I'm confused for a moment but then he gently placed his lips onto mine.

      I'm shocked, I can't even move or push him away, is this really happening? Kuroh's gonna be so mad once he finds out.

       Yukari pulls away and smirks down at me. He then strokes my cheek once more and lets me go. "Let's do it again some time." He waves and walks off.

      After a few moments, Kuroh runs up to me. "Y/n, are you ok? What happened?" He asks. "Eventful things, let's just say that."

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