Mikoto Suoh x Abused loli! Reader

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Request by Kira_Suoh

B/n means boyfriend's name


       Oh no, I was lost track of time, oh he's gonna be so mad when I get home. I internally scold myself and I rush back home. I was out at my friend, f/n's house hanging out and playing games and I lost track of time and now it's 11:30 at night.

      I walk up the steps and enter my apartment. "Where were you?" I look over to see my boyfriend sitting on the couch. "I'm sorry b/n, I was at my friend's house and I lost track of time." I explain to him.

      "And what exactly where you doing at their house?" He asks and he gets up and walks over to me. I step back and corner myself. "I... I was just talking with them, we just hung out..."

"Enough excuses!" He yells and shoves the desk next to us over. I let out a small yelp and look away. "Are you cheating on me? Is that what's happening?!" He lashes out at me.

"N-no I'm not, b/n I was just..." before I can finish my sentence, he slaps me hard, causing me to fall down. I whimper and hold onto my cheek. "You un-loyal little b!tch!" He yells and grabs me by the hair, lifting me up.

     "Ah! B/n! Stop it! Let me go!" I thrash around, I then grab a vase near us and smash it over his head. This knocks him unconscious and he falls to the ground.

      I stand up and look down at him. I have to leave, before he wakes up. I grab what I need and run out of our apartment. My feet take me into the city, far away from him. But soon, my weak body can't take running anymore so I fall to my knees and start panting.

     My eye avert up and they see a sign that says "Homra". Maybe I could get some help in here. I soon gather enough strength to stand, and then I make my way inside.

As I walk in, I see a familiar face. "H-huh? Mikoto, is that you?" A red headed man on the couch looks up at me. "Y/n?" He then gets up and walks over to me. He stops and sees all the bruises and cuts on my body.

"Oh sh!t... Izumo, get the first aid." He tells the man behind the bar, and e obeys, walking off. Mikoto then wraps an arm around me and leads me to the couch.

I sit down and shiver. This is Mikoto? I haven't seen him in forever... he looks so different now... the other man then comes back in and gives Mikoto the first aid.

      Mikoto wasted no time treating to my wounds. "... so... this is what happened to you when you left..," he says. "It was six years ago... my parents made me move with them... I didn't want to leave... but when I moved back here... I had forgotten... I'm sorry Mikoto..."

      "Don't apologize, but anyways, who did this to you?" He looks up at me, concerned. Mikoto still looks as scary as he did in high school... but he's still kind to me, even after all this time has passed by...

"N-no one..." I try to lie but I'm not very good. "Y/n, you can't lie to me. Tell me who did this." Its like no time passed at all...

"My... my boyfriend..." Mikoto grunts and turns his head. "Son of a
b!tch... where is he now?" He asks. "Mikoto please don't do anything rash..." he cuts me off. "Rash? You call me rash as that guy does this to you?" He says as he points at my body.

       I look down and hug myself. "I'm sorry Mikoto, I didn't want any of this to happen..." I sob. Mikoto sighs and then pats my head. "Hey, if you need a place to stay then you're welcome to stay here." He says.

      I look up at him and smile. "Thank you."

~Timeskip~ one month later~

I sit in the bar, drinking a f/d, and kinda doze off. "Even after all these years... Mikoto had still treated me like he always treated me when I was little... well... littler.

Just then, I here the door to the bar open. I think it's Mikoto at first until I here a familiar voice. "Y/n, is that you?!" Oh no... I turn my head to see B/n. I quickly get up and look at him. "So this is where you've been?! We are goi home right now!" He grabs my wrist tightly and starts to drag me.

       He doesn't get far, because Mikoto quickly runs up to him and punches him square in the face. "GAH! What the?!" B/n let's go of MY and falls to the ground, holding his nose. "You broke my nose!" Mikoto then grabs him by the collar. "Get out, and don't come back." B/n then gets up and runs out of the bar

      Mikoto then looks back at me. "Don't worry, he won't be back." He says. I lightly sob and look up at him. He then pulls me into a hug. "I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." I smile and look up at him.

       "Hey Mikoto?" He looks down at me, just then, I get on my tip toes and kiss him right on the lips. "Thank you." He smiles and hugs me again. "Anything for you."

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