Yandere! Fushimi x Prisoner! Reader

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So cold... it's so cold down here. Where is the sun? Hell is it even day time or night time? I don't even know how long I've been down here... in this cell...

I rest my head on my pillow and curl up into a ball. A few moments later, I can here the door open, my eyes widen as they avert to who is standing there. "S-Saru?" I stutter. He then walks over and sits next to me.

He chuckles, "aww, I guess you lost that fire on you huh?" He reaches over and strokes my cheek. I draw back a little and tear up.

       "Yup, you're not as fiery as you were before, but I guess that's ok. You're mine now." He says as he lifts up my shorts a little bit and unwraps the wraps around my thigh.

       I had tried to escape not long ago, but Saru caught me and stabbed me in the thigh to make sure I couldn't try to escape again.

       He looks at the wound and starts to clean it. "See Y/n, this is what happens wen you run away from me, if you run again, I'll have to stab your other thigh." He then traces his hand over my thighs.

      That clearly makes me uncomfortable, so I flinch and accidentally knee him in the chin. He draws back a bit and hold his chin.

      He shakes his head. "What do I have to do to make you learn?" Just then, he sticks a finger into my stab would. I cry out in pain and try to push him away.

       He is much stronger than me though. He pins my arms down with one hand and hurts my stab wound with the other. "Now say that you won't be bad again, understand?"

    I start to cry even more. "I-I won't do it again! Please just stop it!" After I say that, he take his finger out of my stab wound. I pant and try to turn away.

      He laughs and straddles my waist. "Don't worry, if you're bad I'll punish you, but if you're good, I'll reward you." He then pins my hands down and kisses me right on the lips.

      At this point I realize that fighting back is useless, so I kiss him, it disturbs me and makes me want to puke, but I do it.

      Saru pulls away and smirks at me. "Very good Y/n." He then pulls the collar of my shirt down a little and starts to kiss my neck, leaving makes. I whimper and just wish that it would be over soon.

       But I know deep down inside, that I will never be able to escape him...

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