Mikoto x Yata's sister

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Request by priyaizumi


       "Y/n stop it!" Yata pouts as I pinch his cheek. "Well you should be a wittle nicer whittle bwother." I tease again.

      The rest of Homra chuckles at what I'm doing to Yata. Well I was sitting down at the bar when Yata came in with Rikio and he punched his head for... I don't know the reason. I then got up and put him in his place.

       "Y/n I'm not four!" He pouts again. "Well I'm four years older than you so therefore I have the final word, now say you're sorry." I let him go and nudge him towards Rikio.

       He just looks down and plays with his sleeves. "Sorry for punching you." He grunts. "It's ok." I then hug Yata from behind and pick him up.

       "See, it wasn't that bad~" "Jesus Y/n! Put me down!" I drop him and he sits down on the couch next to Eric.

       Sees then leans over to him. "Dude, your sister's kind of a bitch." He whispers. "You don't think I know that." He whispers back. "I can hear you boys." "RUN!" The two then run out of the bar.

      I start laughing at there reactions. "You should take it easy on them." I hear the red king say. "We've done this all our lives, I'm just teasing him." I explain.

       "Still, just don't take it too far." He grunts. "Well I don't see you with a little sibling, king." I state as I sit next to him.

        "As long as you two don't blow up the bar, I'm ok with it." Kusanagi says as he cleans his glasses. "Don't worry, I won't go that far so don't worry your little head off." I state.

       I then get a glass of water and sit there for a while. "So, what do you guys wanna do?" I ask to the rest of Homra. The others say that they've got stuff to do until it's just Kusanagi, Mikoto, and I.

       "So, you guys have anything going on?" I ask the two. "Actually, I have something for you to do." Kusanagi says. "Oh really? What is it?" I ask. "Well could you go and get these things for me?" He asks as he writes down some stuff on a napkin. "Here." He hands it to me.

        "Thanks Kus, I'll head out now." I grab my jacket and make my way to the super market. "Ok, now where is... oh, there it is." I go through the aisles and gather all the stuff Kusanagi needs.

I go to the cashier, put the groceries in my bag, and start to head back. Alrighty then, now I just... Oh a kitty! I see a small little black kitten and start to chase it. "Come here little guy!" I stop as I see red and blue flames in the park.

"Oh no." I know what's going on." My feet take me to where the auras are, and I see them. "MISAKI YATA! SARUHIKO FUSHIMI!" I yell towards them.
Yata stops in his tracks and slowly turns his head towards me. "Uh, hey sis. Wait a minute... WE'RE NOT FINISHED YOU MONKEY!" He then goes back to attacking Saruhiko.

Oh screw this! "I go over and smack the two on the heads, but I still get cuts on my arms from going into the fight. "Now stop it both of you!" I scold like a mother with her children.

Saruhiko just tsks. "Whatever, I had to go anyways." He then walks off. I can tell that Yata is pissed. "Why the hell did you break that up?!" His face is burning with anger.

I then give him a stern look. "You can't just attack everybody for doing a small thing to you! You gotta move on from your problems, sure Saru left us, but we have to move on." He just looks at his feet and calms down. "Fine, but I still hate that stupid monkey."he then walks off.

After he leaves, I go back to Homra. I walk through the doors, put the groceries down and face plant into the couch. "Hey Y/n." I here Mikoto call to me. "Hey king." I mumble into the pillow.

I push myself up but then flinch, noticing that the cuts on my arms have gotten worse. "Oh crap." I complain to myself. "What happened to your arms?" Mikoto asks. "I broke up a fight between Saru and Yata."

He gets up and grabs my hand. "Come on." He pulls me up and takes up into the bathroom. I spot the first aid and pull it out of the drawer, I'm about to wrap myself up but Mikoto grabs the wraps and does it for me.

O-ok, why are my cheeks getting warm? I mean, Mikoto and I have never been THIS close before, do I... do I...

"Done." Oh, I didn't realize that he had patched me up. "Thanks Mikoto." I smile at him and ruffle his hair, I then realize what I did and turn as red as his hair.

"S-sorry! I'm just so use to doing that with Yata... but still, it's so spiky but fluffy!" I pat his hair again.

I stop again and walk out of the bathroom. Ok, that was pretty awkward. Why did I do that? It's ok when I do that to Yata but, oh he probably thinks I'm so weird. But why do I care what he thinks? I don't care about anything, why start caring now?

"Y/n." I hear him right behind me. I slowly turn around and look up at him. "Uh, sorry." I mumble. He just smirks, ruffles my hair, messing it up. "Hey!" I stick out my bottom lip.

"How's it feel to be the one teased for once?" OHhhh Nuu you didn't! I just cross my arms and turn my back to him. I'm the one who teases others not the other way around, I just poke fun but I don't wanna be mean.

Mikoto then grabs my chin and turns me around. "Hey! It's my job to tease you guys!" I pout. He just chuckles a bit. You sly son of a... Right before I finish my thoughts, he wraps his arm around my waist and picks me up.

"Hey! King you're being mean! I'm not a duffle bag!" I kick my arms and legs while I complain. He then walks into his room and throws me on the couch.

"You know, I'm really starting to question your way of reacting to things." I say as I give him the b!tch face look.

He moves the hair out of my face and makes me look up at him. "You need to be nicer to Yata." Really?! He's on my ass about that?!

"No can do! He's my little brother and we've always been like this." I pout. He just rolls his eyes and pushes my head down on the pillow. "If anything you should be nicer to m..." he cuts me off by punching me... on the mouth... with his own mouth... very softly...

And that is when my heart gave out. After we pull away, I just sit there not saying anything. "Will that change your mind?" I just slowly nod my head.

~Time skip~

"Huh? Y/n?" "Yeah?" "You've gone five minutes without making fun of me, what's wrong?" Yata asks. I turn my head away. "I'm not gonna tease you today." I say in my most serious voice. He starts laughing like there no tomorrow.

"You? Not being mean?! BAHAHHA! This is too good!" He laughed almost coughing. I really wanna shit his mouth. "You little..." I'm about to teach him a lesson until Mikoto shakes his head in disapproval.

I just sit back down and try to ignore what's happening. "What? The King got you on a leash now?! How's it feel to be the little bitch for once?!" He wipes some tears away from his eyes.

"THAT'S IT!" I grab the knife near by and start to chase him around the bar. "SORRY MIKOTO BUT HE GONNA DIE!" And Yata's just running from me while screaming.

"You just can't control that girl." Kusanagi chuckles. Mikoto then gets up, wraps his arm around my waist and holds me back.

     "LEME AT HIM! LEME AT HIM!" I thrash around, trying to get Yata. "Calm down Y/n." Mikoto says while holding me back like I'm nothing.

"I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!" Everyone except for Yata is laughing right now. I'm still trying to break free until I feel the king turn me around and kiss me right on the lips.

HOLY DAMOCLES!!! The whole bar whistles and claps. After we pull away, I'm about as red as his aura. I turn to Yata. "You're off the hook for now pip squeak." I say through my teeth.

     Mikoto just grabs the back of my shirt to make sure I don't attack Yata. "I'm not a dog you know." "Oh I do know." I hate you Mikoto. (But I love you)

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