Saruhiko and Yata's daughter

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The pictures above for these one shots are what the characters look like

Request by imperialknightEmiley

Yata's POV

"Oh f#ck you monkey! Why are we even living together in the first place?!" I lash out. "Well we were both kicked out of our apartments so for now at least, we have to deal with each other, and could you keep it down? You're probably making the neighbors deaf."

"Oh f#ck your excuses! I..." just then the doorbell rings. "Huh? Who could that be?" Saru asks himself. "I don't know, maybe your boss wanted to give you some paperwork or whatever the hell you do at Scepter 4."

       I then walk over to the door, open it to see a little girl about half my size standing at the door.

      She has longish chestnut hair covered with a black beanie, gray eyes hidden behind black square framed glasses, fair skin and holy crap this kid kinda looks like me and Saru, as if we had a kid or something!!!

       But something like that would never happen. It would never happen r-right? Just wait and see~ author~chan what are you planing?
Stop breaking the fourth wall already!

      But anyways, the girl looks up at me and speaks. "Excuse me, is this the residence of Misaki Yata and Saruhiko Fushimi?" She asks. And she just has to know my first name.

        "Uh yeah, why you ask?" I question her. Saru then looks over my head and eyes the girl. The kid then hands me a note. "They wanted me to give this to you two." She sputters out.

      "Uh, thanks." I say and I open the letter. It reads: "Dear Misaki Yata and Saruhiko Fushimi, the girl in front of you may seem a bit familiar, well that's because she's your child..."

       "WHAT?! HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?! PLUS I WOULD NEVER FU..." Saru then covers my mouth, stopping me from yelling even more.

       He then pushes his glasses up. "You you are our daughter?" He asks. "Well, yes. But read the rest of the letter." She mumbles.

       I keep reading the note. "As her biologic parents you must take care of her, have fun being parents..." "HUH?! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?! AND WHY DO WE HAVE A KID NOW?!" I run out of breath from all this yelling.

        "I'm gonna need to call Munakata about this." Saru then gets on his phone and calls the blue king. "Uh, come in." I hold the door open for the girl and she enters. I mean, she does look so much like Saru and I, could I be possible?


       I enter the house and the man I'm assuming is Misaki, closes the door behind us. "S-so, do you know about what's going on?" He asks me. "Well, I was only told a little bit about this." I mumble, I really need to stop being shy, I mean, these guys are my dads, I think.

        Misaki sits me down on the couch. "Who told you this stuff anyways?" He asks. "Well, I wasn't born, I was made. They had told me that they were experimenting with the boy genetics to see if a child could be made. I guess that they used your DNA. I don't know exactly who did this, they all hide there faces and once I was mature enough as they said, they put me in a van and drove me here." I state.

      He looks at me with wide eyes. "H-how did they get our DNA?!" He flips out, kinda like me at times.

        Saruhiko comes in and hangs up his phone. "Captain said that he doesn't know much about this stuff." He says coldly. "Well what do we do with her? We're 19 man! We're not at the right age to be raising a kid!"

      Saruhiko sighs. "I guess the only thing we can do know is raise her." Really? They would take me in just like that? "T-thank you, I promise not to be a bother!" I sputter out.

       "I mean, I've watched over Anna before, this shouldn't be any different." Yata says. Woah, they really mean it? "Thank you again." I smile at them.

       Misaki smiles as well. "No problem, plus we could use another kid at Homra." He gives me a thumbs up. "Are you sure you didn't mean Scepter 4?" Saru kills his joy. "I'M SURE I MEANT HOMRA! LIKE HELL IM GONNA LET HER GO TO THE BLUES!" He bursts out again.

       I chuckle a little bit. "I don't even know what those things are." Misaki then remembers that he doesn't even know much about me. "Also, what's your name?" Saru asks. "Oh, my name is Y/n Sarumi." I tell them.

       "That's, our names put together." Saru states. "Well yeah but why did they chose us for there experiment?" Misaki bursts AGAIN.

       "I was told that you two were someone's 'OTP' and that they, 'totally ship it'. " whatever that means. Saru then places his hand on his forehead.

~Time skip~

       It's been about a month since I had lived with Yata and Saru. I found out that Yata doesn't like to be called Misaki cause Saru always teases him with his first name. They had enrolled me in a school about two weeks ago as well.

      I'm still a little shy around people and I'd rather keep my nose in a book than socializing. And my face would always turn to the color of Yata's aura when ever a guy my age starts talking to me! Definitely get that from Yata.

       But anyways, I wake up and start getting ready for school. As I make my way to the kitchen, Yata shoves a piece of toast in my mouth and throws me my backpack. "Have fun at school, and play nice with the others kids, unless one tries to stay a fight, then you gotta kick the other kid's butt."

      I take a bite out of the toast and take it out of my mouth. "But I don't wanna get in a fight." I say with my mouth full. Yata then rolls his eyes then pats me on the head. "Oh well, Just go to school, and today you'll walk to..." he then gags for a moment. "Scepter 4."

I then roll my eyes and put my backpack on. "Bye Yata, I'll go to Saru today." I wave him off and start to walk to school.

~Time skip, in class~

      I guess I got here early, might as well make the most of it. I take my book out of my bag, sit at my desk and read. "Come on Ari! Just get up and slap the bitch already." I scream at my book.

      I continue to read until I hear a few people come into the room. "... I know, he's such an idiot... oh, it's her."

      I lower my book to see about three boy and three girls, I heard that they're the popular bullies that I shouldn't hang around. They stair at me like a lion would look at its meek prey.

      I just keep reading my book and ignore them. "Hey, the hell you doin' in here?" One of the boys lashes out. I just block out the sound and read some more.

"Hey! We're talking to you! Are you deaf or something?" One of the girls lashes at me. "Well I can't hear you just fine. Now if you'll pleas be quiet, I need to figure out why Ari ain't slappin that bitch Mona because she is a hoe."

        Another girl rips the book from my grip and looks at it. "Hey! Give it back." I reach out of it but one of the boys pushes me back in my seat. My face becomes red out of anger and also because there are three guys around me.

      I then take a deep breath and collect myself. "Please give the book back." I ask politely. Then girl then rolls her eyes. "Fine have your stupid book back." She then holds the book out to me.

       I reach out to it but the girl throws the book behind her. Yeah uh, you know that feeling when you want to rip someone to pieces? Yeah that's what I'm feeling right now.

      I slide out of my desk and walk to get my book, but not before someone sticks there foot out and trips me. Now I really wanna rip them to pieces. Just then the bell rings, and all the other students flood the room.

       Throughout the entire day these kids have just been lashing at me like there's no tomorrow. During class they would throw stuff at me, during lunch they would sit at my table and poke fun at me, saying some mean things that I don't wanna repeat. And at the end of the day, they took my backpack and threw it over the fence and it was really hard to get it back.

       I'm now made my way to Scepter 4 and I'm trying to find Saru's office. I've only been here a few times but I still get lost. Then I turn the corner and pump into someone, I look up and instantly recognize them.

       "Oh, hi ms Awashima." I greet her kindly. She smiles down at me. "Afternoon Y/n, you looking for Fushimi?" She asks. I just nod my head. "Well he's in his office down the hall right there." I thank her and knock on Saru's door.

       "Who is it?" I hear him ask from inside. "Y/n." "Ok, you can come in." I open the door slowly and walk in. Saru is just sitting in his chair, typing stuff in the computer. I shut the door behind me and sit down in the chair in the corner. "Hey Y/n." He greets me.

I just open my book and read. After a while Saru finishes typing and gets up. "Come on, I get off work early today, let's go home." I put my book back in my bag and start to walk home with Saru.

       It was a pretty quiet walk, kinda awkward though. Once we get on the front porch, Saru sighs. "Ok, what's wrong?" He asks as he turns his head towards me.

"Huh? Nothing." He just pushes his glasses up as we walk inside. "You're more quiet than usual today, granted you're always a bit quiet but not like this." He catches onto me.

       "I-it's nothing." I mumble as I look at my shoes. He just tsks in response. "Don't lie to me, what happened?" I guess there's no way of getting out of this.

      "Well, I'm being bullied, these kids just won't leave me alone and they just do awful things to me." Tears start to well up in my eyes but I quickly wipe them away.

Saru's POV

Huh? W-why do I feel sorry for her? Wait a minute.

I sit on the floor, wiping the tears for my eyes as my father was staying above me, smirking. "Aw, you just gonna cry about your problems? How pathetic." He teases me.
~Flashback over~

      Her eyes, they're just like mine when I was young. I help her wipe away  her tears and pat her shoulder. "Don't let them get to you, you can't allow them to hurt you like that." She looks up at me, and smiles. "Thank you Saru." She then jumps up and hugs me.

        "Ok, maybe not that close." She just keeps hugging me. Misaki then kicks down the door. "WHAT  DID I HEAR ABOUT YOU GETTING BULLIED?! IM GONNA KICK THERE ASSES!"

       She then giggles at this. "Thanks you two.

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