||#10: The Hollows Of Hiraeth

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Reviewer: @loveeboat

Genre: Mystery/ Thriller

Summary/ Excerpt: People go missing everyday. Sometimes they're missing. But sometimes they are being protected from a more sinister reality in secret academies around the world. Sky is one of those people that need to be protected, and she is ripped from her home life to be thrown into the twists and turns of academy life.

Cover: First and foremost, thank you for waiting for this review. This is the longest anyone has waited for one out of all the ones I've done so kudos to you for having much more patience than I've ever had.  Anyways, your cover is beautiful. I don't really have a bad thing to say about it which is great because I usually have at least one tiny thing to critique. The color scheme is amazing, the choice of font for your title is perfect, and the addition of your name to the very top adds a wonderful touch. It's all very aesthetically pleasing.  Now readers will know the person that wrote this wonderful book as soon as they click onto it!  10/10

Description: Suspense, suspense, suspense, the greatest creation in the world. That is all I got from your excerpt, and I loved reading it. It isn't too long and it isn't too vague. Just enough for my eyes to widen as I past over each word in awe. The description on your page is  great too. The detail and the inclusion of a trailer/playlist is a perfect add on. 9/10 

Content: As soon as I clicked onto your story and read your prologue, I was intrigued. This whole concept of this "world" that you made yourself with your own imagination is wonderful. I, myself, as a beginner in writing aspire to come up with ideas as you have simply with your creativity. It is hard for many people to write an in depth story as you have with the multiple pages. I only read up to chapter 5 since that is my limit, but I would definitely recommend this book to someone else. The format of your chapters were nicely put together too, with the quotes and the title of your story to somewhat "decorate" the page. Your character, Sky, is relatable.  I know you said that you have a lot of chapters and you feel as if your readers won't understand the direction of your book. Now, I know this is a bit cliche, but I'm going to say, "Write for yourself and what makes you happy." Although readers are important for any books success, continuing to doubt what you put out there for everyone else isn't going to benefit you in any way. If a reader doesn't appreciate the effort you put into each part and the research you do for for them to understand your book in detail, they don't deserve to read it. I learned this the hard way. *mic drop* 9/10

Next Steps: I didn't see much grammatical errors but I'd still recommend to go back and look through a bit. If you still feel as if you have too many parts, condense the information or combine things with a few chapters.

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