Chapter 13

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Iss Pyaar Mai Sahi Aur Ghalat Ka Koi Matlab Nahi Hai...


Next morning after many days Nani was having the breakfast at the dining table with everyone.

Akash and Payal greeted her and sat expressing their relief over her positive recovery and so did Manorama and Manohar.

When the breakfast was served and she saw from the head of the table that they started to eat without waiting for the three important members of their family she didn't like it at all.

"Where is Chote, Khushi and Anjali bitiya?" She asked and their hands stopped.

"Oh Dadi, Di and Khushi ji's ID cards needed to be renewed along with their passports so Bhai left with them early this morning." Akash handled the situation well making his mother, father and wife look at him in gratitude.

"Oh I see. When would they be back?"

He was thankful that his grandmother didn't dwell much on his half baked lie and he was more relieved that she didn't ask an obvious question that from when did it become a problem for ASR to himself go to someone to get his work done? Can't ASR get the necessary personnels available right at home for his wife and sister?

"Probably by noon." Akash said another lie because honestly he didn't had any freaking idea when would they be back or would they be back at all. Ever today or tomorrow or the day after?

Akash's bespectacled eyes met Payal's and a silent conversation went between them to which she nodded reassuringly giving him the much needed strength to keep his calm before the family.

Akash has received a text message from Anjali right when he woke up and later they had a video call of an hour whilst Anjali explained Akash everything. Worried sick, he couldn't hide it from Payal who in return panicked but when he reassured her telling her that Di has handled everything well last night and has ASR in her control only then did she breath but after taking a promise from him that he would take her to meet Khushi right after breakfast. Not having any choice he relented knowing that nothing else would comfort her.

"How is the situation between Chote and Khushi bitiya now? Did he get some sense? I was told that he is back from his business trip he went for two weeks. How did the separation affect his relationship with Khushi?" She asked as she gestured them to start eating while her appointed nurse served her dietary food.

"Maa, why don't you eat calmly and stop worrying for once over everything?" Manohar spoke quite sternly this time making Devyani frown.

"Who would worry for my family if I won't?" She didn't like her son dictating her what to do.

"I didn't mean that you shouldn't think about the well being of our family. I am just saying that give yourself a break. Please?" Manohar mellowed his tone down.

"I have been reduced to bed long enough don't you think Manohar? Now, I am healthy enough or say much stronger than before to handle the life as it is. So don't consider me as a fragile old woman and dare you hide anything from me!" She was more stern than ever silencing her son and also everyone around the table.

"Khushi is pregnant." Manorama blurted out seeing that her mother-in-law was exerting too much and a bit reprieve was much needed to stop her from fretting.

Three heads turned to her shocked and in disbelief while Devyani felt her eyes widening.

Akash and Payal dropped their heads in their hands while Manohar glared at his wife. Now, his mother won't relax until she would meet Khushi and Arnav both in person. He knew her that much.

"What did you say Manorama?" Devyani exclaimed pushing away her plate as the excitement in her tone could easily be felt.

"Answer me!" She asked out loud when no one spoke.

"Maa is right." Akash spoke this time knowing that it was useless staying silent when the cat was already out of the bag.

With a smile forming on her lips Devyani closed her eyes and folded her hands in prayer. Each pair of eyes teared up in the dining table when she said.

"Let this be the light in my Chote and Khushi bitiya's life. Let this baby bind them together in a way that neither of them could part from each other."

Payal sniffled as tears burned her eyes. She couldn't say 'Amen' to the prayer at all because it would be the injustice to her sister. She would never pray her hell. No way.

If only Devyani Singh Raizada knew what her grandson did to Khushi when she was recovering from her heart attack!

If only she knew that there was no relation left in between them to be mended at all!

If only she knew they both were long past the stage to depend on anything for their relation!

Devyani didn't knew, child or no child nor any light could surpass the darkness that has enveloped them both and is continuously swallowing them piece by piece every passing moment!

Only a miracle could bring them back together and sadly, Payal Singh Raizada has stopped believing in them long ago!

"Give me some time to understand."

"About what?" He acted innocent even though he knew what she was talking about.

"To make up my mind to live with you without marriage." She stated blankly.

His eyes took a calculative look.

"Are you serious?" He asked seriously.

She just nodded.

"How much time do you want?"

"At least-" She swallowed. "A week."

"Done." He agreed right away. His Di has asked him to make a decision in a week. There he have to make a decision and here she would make it at the same time. In the same interval on which both of their future would depend.

His steps faltered reaching the top of the stairs. In a dilemma he spent half a minute whether to barge in the room she was in or uphold his words to stay out of it. Her life. His own said words made the decision for him.

"You won't meet or talk to me during--"

"No." He shrieked. "I had had enough of separation from you in the last two weeks. Not anymore. You need time, right? You will have it. But I am not letting you out of my sight."

Now there was a possibility that she wasn't in her best of her health he just couldn't stay away nor that he has any plan of staying afar either. Because at the end she has to give the decision in his favor.

She has to choose him this time. She has to. Otherwise he would make sure to find Guptas and show both her and his Di who was in control in real.

With that thought he reached to the master bedroom and felt extremely pissed when he found the door locked from inside and he has to knock to meet his Khushi.

When has it ever happened that he had to take permission to meet her? Never as far as he could recall.

He would just barge in wherever she would be and demand his rights on her even when he didn't had any. Whether he has to lash out at her, accuse her, call her names in the past he would do it simply by yanking her in his arms, encaging her in or for that matter if he had to pin her to the fudging walls or the doors or the pillars, he would do it without hesitation.

After their marriage it has become officially his right to be with her wherever or whenever damn well he wanted. He never asked permission, never from anyone including her.

Until now!

And he hated it. Fucking hated it all!

Seeing that all changing brought back the ache inside of him. The ache he bore while he was away for whole two weeks, freaking forteen days.

He knocked harder this time when the door didn't open. He has already had made his plan set. If his Di tried to stop him to meet Khushi then he would make excuse of the appointment he has made with Dr. Nidhi for which they have to leave right after breakfast.

Now, it was another thing that the appointment was in the afternoon and till then he would have her all for himself. Minus any interruption!

"Di! Khushi!" He shouted now banging the door.

Inside the room, Khushi came out of the bathroom all dressed and showered while Anjali who was lying on the bed jerked up awake at the shout.

Her eyes met Khushi's who shook her head and went back inside the bathroom making Anjali sigh and get the hint that she didn't want to see him. She heard the bang of the door again followed by his shout.

"What's your problem Arnav?" She asked sternly opening the door at once.

He didn't bother replying and his eyes scanned the room searching for her. Hindered by his sister he couldn't look at he whole of the room nor could see her, he gave her a gentle push aside making Anjali's jaws drop.

"Where is she?" He asked with a fear lining his features as he found the room deprived of her presence.

"In the bathroom!" Anjali said crossing her arms over the chest.

Narrowing his eyes at his sister, he walked to the washroom door and turned the knob. He heaved a sigh of relief when he found it locked from inside. That means she was there. She didn't leave or run away from him. After all, why would she when he was giving her what she wanted.


Someone laughed and mocked him from inside.

Oh is this what you call giving space by crowding her this early in the morning, shouting for her, checking on her?


You should open your own dictionary with your own meanings of all the words that would suit you!

And then you should hand it over to especially Khushi to learn all the words and their meanings by heart!

Fair enough isn't it?

That way she would know what you mean by any fudging word you use in order to get to her!

He shook his head to ward off all other thoughts except for his intent to see her. Yesterday, he has left clearly upset with her. She has asked him not to curse and in order to get back at her he has done exact opposite. Oh why wouldn't he have? She was telling him not to show his face for the whole damn week. Like hell, he would've agreed to that.

Now, he was here to tell her he wasn't angry anymore if that's what would take for her to show up in front of him and to show his generosity, to show that he meant what he said he would not use any profanity ever if that's what's needed for him be with her.

"Now you are certain she is right here so why don't you just go and get ready for office?"

"Nahi! (No!)" He shook his head. "Usse mile bina nahi jaon ga!(I won't go without meeting her!)"

Khushi breathed on the other side of the door while leaning against the wall.

"You promised to give her time!" Anjali reminded him of the week time Khushi ji has told her he promised to give.

"I didn't promise to not see her for a week at all." He growled. "Khushi, now come out already!" He banged the door. Khushi closed her eyes in pain. The pain she felt in his voice too.

"Khushi, come out or I'll break this damn door too!" He cursed again breaking his own promise to do as she likes.

Khushi's eyes widened while her hand went around her stomach and she shook her head.

"Don't be afraid sweetheart. He is just angry. He meant no harm. I'll not let him hurt you." Khushi whispered reassuringly to her child blinking back the tears.

"Okay. Fine. Don't come out. Just let me hear your voice. Say something!" He gritted himself making the bargain.

A whimper escaped Khushi which was enough for Arnav to know she was in there. Otherwise he was beginning to doubt that maybe his Di has already sent Khushi away the way she did with Guptas.

Here, Anjali saw not ASR but her 14 years old Chote who had held their mother's dead body in his arms and didn't let anyone touch her at all until she shouted that she needed medical care and if he held on she might die. She already had but to bring her brother out of his hysteria she had to do that.

Now, he wanted to hold on to a woman, to a relationship which he himself has tossed in fire in the heat of revenge and has watched it burn every passing second until nothing remained except for a pile of ashes.

Finding what he shared with Khushi long ago from the remains of ashes was clearly impossible the same way it is impossible to bring back his mother, Ratna Malik from death!

Swallowing thickly, she exhaled when he kept shouting for Khushi to come out or at least say something while Khushi stubbornly kept quiet not giving him any salvation to rely upon.

Anjali knew he deserved every bit of it but being his sister it wasn't easy for her to see him like that while she knew this too, on the other side of the door, Khushi wasn't in peace either as she could hear her whimpers as well.

"Freshen up Chote and we will meet you at the breakfast table!" Anjali chose a middle ground.

He turned sharply to her.

"You will. You both will?" His eyes seeked desperately for the answer.

"Yes." Anjali said calmly and heaved a sigh of relief when he left leaving silence in his wake.

As soon as he went Khushi came out of the bathroom with red eyes. Anjali shook her head helping her to sit on the bed while she stood in front of her.

"I told you Khushi ji not to fret much. It's not good for you in this condition."

"What condition?"

Their heads shot to him and both of their faces lost all the colors which didn't go unnoticed by Arnav who was standing there in the middle of half opened door.

He narrowed his eyes opening the doors wide before entering back in the room. If his Di thinks she could control his relationship and meeting with Khushi then she would have another thing coming her away. She might be an ASR too but no, in that department too no one can compete with him. Not even his own sister. That's why he stayed outside the door waiting for Khushi to come out because if he wanted to see her, he would see her. No one could stop him. Not even Khushi herself.

"What condition Di? Answer me!"

"I thought you left." Anjali managed to say while she felt Khushi gripping her hand tightly in fright.

"That's not the answer to my question!" He ground his teeth.

"Oh she has fever. That's what I was talking about. Now, if she would keep crying in this condition it would only increase the temperature, right?" Anjali finally managed to handle the situation and saw with relief that the worry lines on his forehead deepened. Worry for Khushi not because he caught her lie.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He was kneeling before Khushi in a moment that Anjali had to step aside while Khushi still wasn't out of the fear and shock of him finding about her pregnancy.

He checked her forehead and exhaled feeling that the fever wasn't high. Besides she was sweating. Means it was already lowering down.

"Di is right. Don't worry much. Don't cry." He cupped the side of her cheek while Khushi's heart shred into pieces as she saw glimpses of her old Arnav ji for whom her happiness and her wellbring was his first priority. For just a little span of time until he became the same old Arnav Singh Raizada with her.

"Everything will be fine. You will be fine." He raised himself up a bit and enveloped her in a warm hug that not only made Khushi's heart well up but also brought tears to Anjali's eyes.

Yes, she will be fine. He already made an appointment with the doctor which he won't mention before his Di. No. He knew she would then definitely accompany them. He wanted some time alone with her. So he would find a way to send his sister back to RM before afternoon.

As he pulled back he saw Khushi's hand wrapped around her stomach. Again. He frowned.

"Are you sure you don't have any stomach ache?" He asked eyeing her arms around her belly which made Anjali's eyes widen while Khushi quickly unwrapped her arms and gripped the sides of the bed.

"Yes. I am sure!" She said firmly without meeting his eyes.

He let it be. Because a thorough checkup by the doctor would reveal all that he should know about her health. That's why he didn't show his worry which was only deepening inside of him.

"I have ordered breakfast from outside." He said to her before turning to Anjali. "Come downstairs with her after you freshen up Di."

She nodded and he stood up to leave.

Khushi released the breath she has been holding all along.

Reaching the door he stopped and turned. No, he can't leave without letting her know that he knew something was up. He knew that would make her conscious and then she would definitely make a mistake and that would be his cue to find out the truth, the secret.

"I can tell when you are lying Khushi!"

Khushi's eyes shot to him whilst she gulped.

"And right now, all you are doing is covering up your tracks so that I don't reach the truth. But trust me when I say this. Not being privy to all of your secrets is something Arnav Singh Raizada couldn't tolerate at all. He won't now, either."

Khushi swallowed thickly before averting her eyes lest he read the truth in there.

Anjali stood speechless. Oh, he knew Khushi so well. The thought only made her feel choked while she saw her brother leaving with a smug look on his face. He was now playing mind games with Khushi in which he exceled since forever. And she saw he was succeeding in it as she saw Khushi's condition.

As soon as he left, Khushi shuddered and gasped while Anjali rushed to fetch a glass of water before making her drink it.

Rubbing her back, Anjali said.

"Don't worry. Relax. Please Khushi ji."

Khushi grabbed both her hands desperately.

"What if he found out? What if he-"

Anjali placed a palm over her mouth and shook her head vigorously stopping her from blurting out anything and hugged her.

"Stay calm Khushi ji. Who knows he might still be standing outside listening to us." Anjali whispered in her ear which made Khushi stiffen in her embrace and throat clog with fear.

"He said all that because he wanted you to panic and blurt out everything. Don't fall into his trap. Calm down. Please." She caressed her hairs and ran her hand up and down her back.

After a few minutes, Khushi stopped shivering and pulled back now comparatively calm and collective.

"Dammit, Di." Anjali wasn't wrong at all because Arnav was standing outside hoping for Khushi to say everything in her panicked state but all thanks to his Di, she didn't let her.

He stormed off to his room highly pissed and that's when his phone rang showing "Mama ji" as the caller ID talking to whom he knew how to get some reprieve from his sister's meddling.

Subhadra was informed that she has a visitor from one of the worker of the ashram. Placing the book she was reading on the side table she took off her glasses before getting up and followed the attendant to the visiting room.

Seeing him there, she narrowed her eyes but didn't speak until the attendant didn't leave.

"What are you doing here, damad ji?" Subhadra asked briskly sitting on one of the chairs.

Shyam stood up and paced back and forth in the room.

"Would you speak up?"

"Things are getting out of control Dadi ji. Do you have any idea what has happened in our absence in Shantivan?"

"What?" Now she looked curious.

"Khushi ji is pregnant."

For a moment it took Subhadra off guard.

"Who told you that?"

"A few days ago I received many text messages from Rani Sahiba and in one of them she informed that Arnav was missing. When I called she told me that things are getting messy between Saale Sahab and Khushi ji and while elaborating that she blurted out about Khushi ji's pregnancy." Shyam fumed in rage and disgust.

"How did this happen when Arnav is so full on taking revenge?" Subhadra said.

"She is about 14 weeks along by now." Shyam gritted.

Subhadra calculated in her mind. That means even before their second marriage Khushi has conceived. That shameless girl. She was sure it must have been Khushi who had lured her grandson. It should have been Khushi to stick to the boundaries before the marriage. Arnav, her grandson was a man and it was a responsibility of a woman to keep a man from losing his control. Khushi must have forced him to lose control by bragging about her innocence. She was sure of that. Hatred for that girl only grew in her heart.

"Where did Arnav go? Did he leave because he got to know about the baby and backed off from his revenge? Is he regretting his actions now?" She asked unsure.

"No. He left because Garima Gupta told him that Payal is his half-sister and that Garima was once married to Arvind Malik." Shyam said.

"He believed her?" Subhadra was sure Arnav would never believe her as it is without proofs.

"Anjali has no idea because he left before anyone could talk to him and ever since he is missing."

"Even the baby couldn't change his mind?" Subhadra asked with a frown.

"He doesn't know about the baby yet. Rani Sahiba told me."

"It's all because of that low class girl that my grandson is suffering like this." Subhadra gritted while Shyam has his own set of thought prickling him.

"Why aren't you doing anything? You are sitting here calmly while there Khushi will succeed trapping your grandson all over again." Shyam blasted. "Neither you do anything nor you let me do it."

"Keep your voice down Shyam. And you should be more concerned about getting Raizada family's trust back but all you are doing is staying out of their radar. Leave Khushi's matter to me."

"I am staying away because that Sale Sahab of mine has threatened me to make any excuse but spend less time with his Di and more away. Otherwise he would ruin my career." Shyam couldn't keep his voice low.

"Once you'd be back in RM Anjali will herself take care of your stay there. You just have to have the guts. My grand daughter has suffered enough because of a misunderstanding that middle class characterless girl Khushi has developed in all of their minds."

Shyam averted his eyes with his nerves boiling in rage. He cared less about that crippled woman. Ever since he got to know about Khushi's pregnancy he was teetering on the edge of his sanity. He couldn't believe that how Arnav and Khushi deceived them and despite of his well built plans they have come this far even with all the misunderstanding, heartbreak, love and hate they were still together and now have a baby on the way. It won't take long for Arnav to find out about the child and then what if he decided to forget all about revenge and start afresh with Khushi?

The thought was enough for fraying his nerves. Now as he saw Subhadra's calm demeanor he didn't know what she was waiting for even knowing how much progress there was in Arnav and Khushi's relationship that if they didn't strike now they would lose this battle from their hands.

"We can't sit idle doing nothing." Shyam shrieked surprising Subhadra.

"I am waiting for the right time to strike back Damad ji. You should too. Don't worry our time will come and so would our victory."

But Shyam couldn't wait anymore. He has had enough. He has to do something even if he had to do it alone without this old woman's help and he will.

His phone beeped with a message reading which an evil smirk formed on his lips as he came out of the ashram.

Chote is back Shyam ji and he has--Please come and meet me when you're free. I need you.

Typing a reply he slipped the phone back in his pocket as he was presented an opportunity to enter back in Raizada's life on platter and he wasn't stupid to let it go just like that.

"Mama ji called. He said Nani was asking for you, Di." Arnav said taking a bite of the toast with his gaze fixed on Khushi who was absentmindedly eating less but more playing with the food in the plate. He sure needed to do something about her carelessness to look after herself and he has to do it fast. He will!

"Oh is she fine?" Anjali asked concerned.

"Yes. But she said she needed to talk about something with you." He took the sip of the tea while looking at Khushi over the rim of the cup.

"Why didn't Mama ji call me?"

"He did. You didn't pick up." Arnav said boring holes into someone sitting across him.

"Oh yeah." Anjali shook her head while Khushi shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"I remember now I forgot taking it off the silent mode." Anjali said.

"Alright enough!" Khushi looked up from her plate and spitted fire at him.

"What?" He asked calmly.

"Stop staring at me as if not the food you want to eat me!" Khushi fumed.

He smirked while Anjali looked down at her plate embarrassed.

"Wow. You know me so well." He said smugly.

"Oh I do. I know after divorcing me you want to keep me as your whore!"

Anjali's eyes shot to Khushi dumbfounded.

"SHUT UP DAMMIT!" All the amusement flew out of him as he stood up punching his hands on the table leaning on it breathing hard, his face turning red with restraint. Nerves on his temples and neck stood out as he clenched his teeth in sheer rage.

"Oh why Mr. Raizada? Truth is bitter isn't it?" She leaned back on the seat. He has played with her emotions to make her blurt out her secret and he thought she would let him get away with it that easily? Well, he surely underestimated her.

"The truth is I love you dammit. Don't you get it? If I wanted you in any other way then who do you think could stop me huh? Tell me? Her?" He pointed to Anjali who had her breath stuck up in her throat.

"Do you really think having Di around you could stop me from being with you then you are got to be kidding me, Mrs. Raizada. If I want I can take you with me right now, anywhere, to any damn place then I will. Do you hear me? NO ONE CAN STOP ME FROM GETTING WHAT I WANT. NO ONE." He yelled at the top of his voice causing both the ladies to jump at their seats.

Khushi squealed terrified wrapping her arms around her midsection when he swiped a hand across the table causing every dish to crash on the floor which left even Anjali flabbergasted for many moments.

She has never seen her Chote this mad, this angry. This was whole lot another side of his which she was witnessing right now. When she realized the reason behind it she shouted at the top of her voice.

"Just because you are hurt doesn't mean you got the authority to scare others with your madness!"

Anjali quickly stood up and stepped in between him and Khushi when he dashed across the table to reach for her.

"Ask her to take her words back. ASR HER." He shouted struggling while Anjali held him through his shoulders firmly trying to calm him down.

She peeked a look at Khushi who was sitting stock still in her place with her palm on her midriff, her face morphed in fear and her heart went out to her.

Turning to her brother who seemed to be losing it in emotions, she rubbed his arms.

"Hey Chote. Please calm down. You're frightening her." She cupped his jaws and made him tear his gaze from Khushi and found his eyes red with unshed tears.

"Please tell her to take it back. I won't be able to breath in peace until she won't." He choked this time while Anjali felt torn in between them.

"I take my words back. You don't see me as a wh-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT WORD WITH YOUR MOUTH EVER AGAIN!" He was before her in no moment shrugging his sister out of his way.

"In fact you don't consider me anything at all in front of your elephant size ego. To satisfy which you can go to any length." She was now standing face to face with him as initial terror and shock subsided.

"If having you besides me proves me to be egotistical then so be it."

Before she could retort they heard a doorbell. Anjali quickly took the opportunity and asked Arnav to check who was at the door.

"This discussion isn't over yet, Mrs. Raizada."

"It's Khushi Ku-"

He placed a finger on her lips and shook his head in a warning daring her not to complete it.

Doorbell reverberated again to which Anjali ushered Arnav out. In his wake Anjali heaved a sigh of relief while Khushi fell back on the chair feeling exhausted with all the intense encounter and words exchange.

All of Arnav's plans to send his Di away and have Khushi alone with him went down to drain because he found Akash's car outside the door which he parked in much to Arnav's disbelief before he and his wife came out. Arnav tasted bile in his mouth seeing Payal.

Ignoring him, Akash and Payal barged in the front door when they saw it broken from its hinges. Finding Khushi all fine along with Anjali, Akash and Payal breathed in relief.

"Great you both are here. Di needs a ride back to RM as Nani has called her. Now that you both have seen that my Khushi is fine with me, you can leave and take Di with you." He said hiding his displeasure of seeing them here.

Khushi glared at him. She wouldn't have been all fine if it weren't for Di who handled him when he went out of control just a minute ago.

"Oh really Bhai? What about all the mess here?" Akash pointed to the broken dishes and cutlery on the floor.

"Plates are broken, Khushi isn't. See!" He gestured to Khushi who looked at him in disbelief.

She wasn't broken?

He said she wasn't broken, plates were which everyone can see there on the floor.

Something akin to a laughter left her which felt like a cry to everyone else.

She nodded looking at Akash bleary eyed.

"Yes jiju. He is right. I am not broken at all."

"Yeah you are not Khushi. And that's why we are not leaving you alone with him." Akash said suggestively making Arnav grit his teeth in anger.

"By the way Bhai-" Payal chewed on the last word as if to mock him. "As far as I remember, Papa called you to tell that Nani asked for not just Di but you too." Payal was right there when Manohar called Arnav.

Arnav averted his eyes when his Di gave him a reprimanding look.

"So here is the deal. You can give Di a ride back to RM and meet Nani while I and Payal can give Khushi company till then. What say?" Akash said pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Rubbish!" He growled. "Nani asked for Khushi too. She is coming with us if I am going."

"Wrong Bhai. I told Nani that you allowed Khushi to go visit her Amma and she is staying in Gupta house!" Akash revealed oh-so-calmly. "Believe me she is very happy."

"What the fuck!" Arnav barked.

"Now if you don't want me to reveal the truth to her about you forcing yourself on Khushi, your disappearance and you divorcing Khushi and your oh-so-great plans for her and her mother then you'll not fuss much and leave with Di silently."

Arnav lost it and was before Akash in seconds gripping his collars in rage making Anjali and Payal shriek in horror. Anjali rushed over to them and tried to separate them but to no avail. Arnav was neck deep in anger that his grip only tightened around Akash's collar as he shook him hard.

Now a days, every member in his family was ought to threaten him taking advantage of his one or the other weakness. They knew that he won't be able to bear if-

"If you want Nani to break all your ties with you then go ahead. Do as you please. Be my guest." Akash pried his hands off his collars and said calmly looking into his eyes.

Cursing out loud to show his frustration he relented and left with Anjali to RM giving one last glance to Khushi who was looking teary eyed to her sister and brother-in-law. In gratitude.


Of what?

Getting rid of him?

The thought was enough to unarm him and open the floodgates of emotions. Putting his foot firmly on the accelerator he sped up the car causing Anjali to shriek.

"Slow down Chote. You'll get us into an accident."

He didn't hear any of it but the silent cries brewing inside him.

How can she be happy of getting rid of him?

How can she?

How can she when each step he takes away from her he feels his life leaving him?

How can she when the days he spent without her were the hardest days of his life?

That was the time when he didn't live, didn't breath, just survived in order to bring a solution or a middle ground to be with her so that he won't be deceiving his love for his mother nor would he be living without his wife.

He couldn't stay married to her and be truthful to the memory of his mother at all when her mother had an illegitimate child out of a relationship behind his mother's back with his bastard of a father for years.

The child who was now a grown up woman. Not only that he himself has helped to bring the same woman in his brother's life who that Gupta calls his half-sister!

Disgust filled his veins. Has filled his veins. So much bitterness was already seeping in him and this new revelation has only added up to the already pouring out pile and that.. that has forced him to take this one sided decision. Of divorcing her.

Now, there were only two things which needed to be done.

One, to get it done without the consent of his partner. Her. No way in hell he would have gone before Khushi and asked her to sign off the documents because to be honest he knew, she has had without missing a beat. And that, that would've torn him apart. It would've made him too mad and who knows how would he have reacted. So in order to achieve it without having to consult her, he used his connections, power and money and got it done within two weeks otherwise he knew how much exhausting and long procedure it was and what protocols they had to follow to get it done.

Two, to make her agree to live with him without marriage. In that he has made up his mind that he won't ask, he would just demand and he very cruelly did so both of it.

But there was one thing or say loophole he totally forgot or say didn't pay heed to.

How would he make his ideologies understood and agreed to the woman for whom marriage, morals and values means the whole damn world?

How could he overlook that and think that she would live with him forgetting everything he ever did to her. Was still doing to her?

She has taken a week to think about their relationship but he knew in his heart what would be her answer. Again, she was going to chose something else over him. This time it would be her belief over marriage and legality of a relationship.

That means he have to come up with something else to force her to chose him if she won't be relenting herself and not only that he have to retrieve the original document of Gupta house from his Di as well because after that it won't matter whether Di reveal anything to Khushi or not as without proof he knew Khushi wouldn't believe his Di or even if she did she still would have doubts which he knew how to exploit and use to his advantage. Yes, he was mean and selfish and downright cruel when it came to his Khushi.

Now to do all that, he has a week only before Khushi announces her decision or Di asks for his own!

The only thing which tore him was he always has to force her to get her to listen. Oh how he wished he wouldn't have to.

"Chote?" Anjali called out when the car screeched to a halt outside Shantivan as she saw how his expressions changed from torn to determination and then back to broken in the few minutes drive.

"Tell Nani I'd meet her in the evening."

She clearly heard the hoarseness in his tone.

When Anjali didn't budge he punched his hand against the steering wheel.

"For god's sake Di. No. I am not going back there to meet her. I just need some time. Alone. Away from my fucked up life, everyone and .. and .. even.. her!"

"Please, leave." He pulled back when she raised her hand to place it on his shoulder.

Exhaling she opened the door and stepped out. He didn't waste a moment to zoom off leaving a torn Anjali behind who didn't know what to do anymore that both Khushi and Arnav come out of this wretched entangle of misery which didn't seem to be ending anytime soon. In those moments of sheer helplessness she contacted her husband whose disappearance was also one of the reasons of her sadness.

"Di?" Akash knocked on her door. Anjali stood up from the bed and rushed to open the door.

"Khushi ji?" Was the first thing she asked seeing him.

"Payal is with her and don't worry I have got the front door repaired. Payal won't open the door to anyone until one of us aren't there."

Heaving a sigh she stepped aside to let him. That's when she noticed the documents in his hands.

"You found out?" Anjali didn't need to guess what were in those papers. She knew. She has asked him to investigate.

Gesturing Anjali to sit he sat besides her.

"What did you find? Is there any loophole?" Anjali hoped there was.

"Unfortunately, none." He said dejected.

"But how did he get the divorce sanctioned in a few days?"

"In order to ensure that he don't have to do much but just file a petition without fulfilling any of the terms and conditions of the court, he--" Akash trailed off.

"He .. what Akash?" Anjali felt her heart pounding in her ears.

"He bought the judge and the procedure took two weeks to finalize still."

"Khushi ji's consent wasn't required? At all?" She asked frowning feeling her heart cutting for the poor girl.

"It would've have been required if she has been against it. There is an effedevit that states in clear terms that she wanted out of this marriage and you know what.. it was signed by her." He took out the paper and handed it over to her to see.

Anjali groaned in frustration seeing that Akash was right. There were Khushi's signature at the end of it on the bottom right corner.

"How could Khushi ji be so shocked finding about divorce when she herself signed this?" Anjali looked knowingly at Akash who had his jaws clenched. It seems he has already connected the dots.

"That's because she didn't sign. She must have been tricked or forced to do so. But when?" She exclaimed.

Neither Akash nor her had any answer. Only that ASR had. Or Khushi if she remembered signing any document whatsoever.

"Once in a while a man does want to be selfish and how ironic he always had been selfish to the extremes with only one person. Her. Khushi." Akash said sadly.

Anjali felt like pulling her hairs out seeing that to what extent her Chote was damaging everything drowned in revenge and pride of his superiority, his power. Of money and connections!

"He did that-" Anjali murmured but Akash completed it for her.

"Because he always had this fear that she would leave him. This was another security from his end for his own insecurities. He might have had it for his own satisfaction that before she could leave him, he would be a step ahead of her!"

"Which he used in his favor for his revenge." Anjali added quietly to which Akash nodded feeling his head throbbing.

She sat silently absorbing this new information until another revelation came to her mind.

"Who told Nani about Khushi ji's pregnancy?" Is there any shortage of the problems in Shantivan? Definitely not.

"Maa did." Akash said.

Anjali released a breath.

"She thinks things are sorting between Chote and Khushi. And in midst that if all of a sudden I told her that she shouldn't talk about the baby with Arnav, she would get suspicious. On top of it Chote would be here in a bit and I don't have to guess for what Nani would talk to him the minute she saw him."

"She would hug him and congratulate forgetting all of her anger on him." Akash said silently.


Their eyes widened as they heard a familiar screeching of the car that made them both to sprint from their place and head downstairs.

The minute they reached downstairs was the moment Arnav entered the living room and without sparing them a glance headed to his grandmother's room. Anxiously Anjali and Akash followed trying to keep a poker face.

They saw what they expected upon entering the room.

As soon as Nani saw Arnav her eyes twinkled with happiness and she opened her arms much to Arnav's surprise but nonetheless composing himself he went in his grandmother's arms and felt calmness descending on him when she embraced him like his mother used to do.

He didn't know what brought this change in his Nani who were so upset with him till now but whatever the reason he welcomed it as he needed some reprieve badly.

Pulling back she kissed his forehead with a smile causing his eyes to tear up. Akash and Anjali looked at each other scared as they knew what would follow the initial greeting.

"How is Khushi bitiya? She must be so happy meeting with her family after so long." Devyani asked with her eyes shining with tears while Arnav felt a lump forming in his throat.

Happy wasn't the word he would use to describe the condition of his woman!

He just nodded not knowing how else to respond.

"I was--am so relieved to know that you sent her to meet her mother after knowing about-"

"Nani-" Anjali called out loud causing Arnav and Devyani to look at her in confusion. Akash heaved a sigh when his Di interrupted Nani otherwise his brother would've known and no one knew what would he do then?

As her Nani continued to look at her to say something Anjali felt herself shaking from within of how to cover it up. Thankfully Akash came to her rescue.

"Actually Nani, Di wanted to say that she is happy you are giving Bhai another chance and are not angry with him anymore."

Nani smiled. "I will forgive him completely the day Khushi will." She cupped his cheek and warned him through his eyes. Arnav felt his heart dropping. That won't be an easy route. What Devyani asked him next brought a bad taste in his mouth.

"You forgave Garima?" Devyani asked.

"I didn't." He said truthfully. "But I am trying. Give me some time." He mumbled. Nani gestured through her hand weakly to come closer. He did and she engulfed him in a motherly hug again causing him to swallow thickly in emotions. His Nani was very next relation to his mother.. too closer.. too kind and.. too loving. Getting her support back gave him the strength to keep on fighting for what's his right.

"Aapne bohat hi acha faisla kiya Chote. Bohat acha. Hum janat hain k aik na aik din aap sab kuch bhool k aage bhi barhein gay khushi bitiya k saath.(You have made a correct decision Chote. Very good in fact. I know that there will come a day when you'll not only forget the past but also move on with Khushi!)" She was saying and at the name of Khushi his eyes darkened with emotions which unfortunately his grandmother couldn't see.

"Ye baat toh bilkul teh hai Nani k Khushi har jagah, har mod pe maire saath ho gi chahe kuch bhi ho jaye.(There is no second thought about it that Khushi will be with me at every step of my life no matter what!)"

Nani pulled back to look at his face before asking seriously.

"Bohat naraz hongi na wo apse?(She must be really upset with you won't she be?)"

"Haan(Yes)" His Adam's apple bobbed. She cupped his cheeks teary eyed.

"Hona bhi chahiye.(She should be!)" Nani said to which he let out a wounded smile turning his head to kiss her palm affectionately. Nani smiled sadly.

"Unhe manana aasan nahi ho ga chote. Aur ab toh..(It won't be easy for you to make it up to her. and now when--)" Devyani's eyes caught Anjali's standing at the foot of the bed who was nodding her head in a no vigorously with fear in her eyes.

Frowning she stopped what she was saying and Arnav saw her looking at someone behind him. She must have stopped at either his Di or Akash's gesture. But Arnav wasn't a fool not to understand that even Nani has come to know of Khushi's secret.

If Nani knew too that means..

Everyone but him knows!

Clenching his jaws, he didn't prob further knowing that it would only turn out futile. He would have to find it out himself. And he was close. He could feel it. Also because of the emotional upheaval he went through today, he even had to delay Dr. Nidhi's appointment to the night.

"Aap chinta mat karein Nani. Khushi ko apne saath rakhne k liye mujhe jo karna pade karun ga.(Don't you worry Nani. To keep Khushi with me I'd do anything or go to any length!)" His words sent chills down Anjali and Akash's spine as if they sensed he was up to something again.

Once he was out of the room Akash accompanied him outside while Anjali stayed with Nani.

"Do you really think you all can hide something about Khushi from me and I'd sit and just watch?" He gritted turning to him once they were in the living room.

"We don't just think Bhai. We did it." Akash said with a mocking smirk.

Arnav balled his hand into fist.

"Tell me beforehand what is it because if I found it out myself then no one but her would suffer. If it is something big which I can tell it is then what do you think that I'd spare Khushi for hiding it from me?" He said menacingly.

Akash's calm exterior left him when Arnav added.

"Whoever you all are trying to save is my goddamn wife. Ex or whatever but MINE. I can take a step back for what? A day or two or maybe three but you can only imagine what would happen to her when I'll again have her all for myself and you very well know that day can come right next moment or right next day or you never know. Maybe it has come already!"

"What do you mean?" Akash asked with his eyes dilating with fear.

"Figure it out yourself Mr. Real Raizada!" He mocked thumping his back. "After all you are an ASR as well aren't you?" He said with a mysterious smirk which jolted Akash from head to toe. As he left Akash received a frantic call from his wife hearing which he went pale as a ghost.

"Mam! Mam! Calm down! We aren't going to hurt you. Stay still or you'll hurt yourself." Two ladies tried to keep her in the room while the other two kept standing outside the door but even all of them weren't able to stop her from trying to leave.

"LET ME GO. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME." She wriggled in their hold with full force until she was out of breath. When she dropped herself on the bed with her head in her hands she burst out crying knowing there wasn't any escape.

That's when someone entered through the door and with a wave of his hand dismissed the ladies who nodded and walked out.

Hearing the footsteps leaving the room Khushi raised her head and her demeanor changed within seconds seeing the person.

"YOU!" She took long strides to him and attacked him with her hands punching him on his chest, slapping him on his face, pushing him away with all the force she could muster. Her hairs came undone while her nostrils flared with tears brimming in her eyes.

"How could you do this to me? How could you?" She shook him gripping his lapels.

Swallowing he removed the hairs from her face wet with tears before palming her cheeks firmly without uttering a word. Finally he has her where he wanted her. In his full damn control!

"Is this what you call giving space, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada?" She bellowed shrugging his hands.

"I am sorry but I didn't have a choice. You didn't leave me with one neither did Di." He stepped back raising his hands in surrender. She whimpered feeling powerless like never before. Just when she thought she had everything under control this man turns all of her plans upside down and tells her who actually was in control.

"I promised you space and I will give you that. But for that to happen nobody got the rights to dictate anything to me when it comes to you. No one means no one. Not even you!" He declared.

"So what are you gonna do this time? Cage me in your new castle?" She mocked sniffling.

"No. I am not caging you at all. I am just asking you to make a decision for yourself without anyone's influence."

"This is not what you call 'asking' it's called 'ordering'. Incarceration!" She shrieked giving him a rough push and then coughed as her throat ached.

He rushed to the bedside table and from behind Khushi ran taking the opportunity and locked the door from outside before he could reach it.

Quickly descending the stairs she reached the front door and found the front door locked and four ladies who brought her here sitting on the couches in the living room leisurely.

"It ain't gonna open." One of them said.

"Don't beat yourself to it, Mrs. Raizada." Another one said.

"I am not his wife anymore!" Khushi gritted turning to them.

"I don't understand why are you running away from that hottie anyway?" The third lady chipped.

Khushi felt like taking every vase in this damn house or mansion or whatever and throw them all on these fat women's faces!

"Oh maybe she got bored of him?" Fourth one raised her eyebrow at Khushi who literally took a vase from the side table and threw it at her.

"SHUT UP." Khushi growled that seriously had no effect on them.

They all laughed.

"Seriously, if I had a multi millionaire interested in me this much then I'd have stayed at home not worked my ass off to get this job!" The brown haired well built lady sighed in wistfulness.

The other three snickered while Khushi felt her eyes tear up.

If only they knew what were they wishing for!

"Gosh. She looks tiny and so thin but she is a tough nut." One of them commented.

"Nut? For what? To eat or to crack?"

"Well, we ladies can only crack it but eat- that's someone else's job!"

"Let's say it's her hottie's!"

They snorted while Khushi had had enough. She barged up to them and taking pillows from the couches threw them all literally on each one of them taking them by surprise because at the end of it she fell on her knees and sobbed harder making them all to sober up.

They were told to keep the atmosphere light for her and they were doing their job but seems like nothing can bring a smile or laughter on Mrs. Raizada's face.

If only they knew they were only adding salt to her wounds not cheering her up at all!

"Mrs. Raizada?" One of them rushed to get a glass of water while another went upstairs to call for Mr. Raizada. The other two sat with her on the floor trying to calm her down.

"I said I am not a Raizada anymore!" Khushi raised her head and shrieked out loud to which they nodded.

"Okay. We got it. Now please stop crying. We were just trying to cheer you up. We didn't mean any harm."

"Who the hell asked you to cheer me up?"

"Umm" They fumbled while Khushi felt her nerves boiling and her stomach tightening as her heart gave her the answer.

She stood up determined and in the middle of the hall the lady with the brown hairs met her half way before handling her the glass of water.

The other one who went upstairs had unlocked the door and told Arnav about Khushi who rushed downstairs and stopped short when he saw Khushi already coming towards him with her soaked cheeks and red eyes. She reached him with her nostrils flared. She stopped reaching an arm length away and then..


All of the ladies jaws dropped to the floor as Khushi splashed the whole glass of water on Mr. Raizada's face before tossing the glass across the hall which landed on a couch safely.

Trailing his palm from his forehead to his chin he wiped his face before looking at the shocked audience he had in there. His one look and they scurried off leaving them alone.

"I don't need cheering up. Do you get it?" She pointed a finger at him.

"Okay. I get it. What else?"

"I need you--" His eyes lit up as he heard her but then it again lost the spark when she added deliberately. "--to stay out of my sight."

"That's impossible. But I can still.. try. But only if you'd be good girl and do as I say."

"What do you want?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

His eyes darkened at her question. Curbing his own desires he exhaled.

"Firstly, you'd eat properly. Not just a bite or a sip of a juice. Secondly, you'd not contact anyone from RM until you won't make your own decision. Thirdly, you'd not avoid me. Fourthly, we would stay in a room--uh-oh, let me complete it--but on separate beds." When she narrowed her eyes he added. "Yeah I mean it. Separate beds!" He finished with a victorious smirk plastered on his face.

Oh how she wish she could scratch that smirk off his face!

"Do I have a choice other than accepting your rules?" She gritted.

"I guess not." He shrugged.

"Fine then." She said facing him head-on much to his surprise.

"Fine means Okay, right?"

She gave him duh expressions.

"I mean you are agreeing to stay here with me willingly and won't contact anyone for a week?" He wanted to be sure.

"Yes. To all." A calm has descended on her after the emotional mess she just went through and she knew why she was feeling this way but he didn't have a damn clue so he stood and stared stumped at her.

"Are you serious?"

"If you want me to change my mind then-"

"No. No. Hell, no." He reached over and passionately cupped her left cheek entangling his fingers in her hairs. Bending her head a little he pressed his lips to her hairs and took a sharp intake of breath feeling his eyes prickle.

Khushi felt her stomach churn feeling anguished like never before.

"No matter what I do. No matter what I say. No matter how I behave. No matter how much I hate you. Nothing would change my real feelings for you. Nothing can!" He whispered closing his eyes putting his chin over her head embracing her in.

Cupping the sides of her neck firmly he felt his heart cutting in his chest when she slumped against him.

"Please don't leave me. Stay with me. I love you. And I am so sorry. I am so sorry for everything I did and anything which I am sure I'd do in future." He don't know what came over him when he said that but all he knew was that there was some nagging feeling at the back of his mind, in his heart that she was drifting apart way too much than he could handle so he pleaded.

"I am a crappy person, a coward man but whatever I am or however I am, I-I am all yours. Just yours. Will always stay so!"

He blinked back the moisture when she pulled away with a jerk.

"I was yours too, once. It was you-" She poked a finger on his chest. "--who gave up all your rights on me. So now, you whining about all of your angst and love doesn't suit you Mr. Raizada!"

Her harsh words brought back the hardness in him. He grasped her elbow when she walked past him and jerked her closer so that the side of her body was pressed to his chest before he bore holes in her eyes with his nostrils flared.

"Not once. You have been born to be mine. There are no second thoughts about it." He yanked her in his arms and steeled his grip on her waist while she tried to wriggle out feeling trapped, suffocated.

"You were mine. You are mine. You will stay mine for your whole damn life!" He pulled her up while Khushi felt her breaths leaving her with every part of her body pressed to his.

She would have resisted more strongly if only pregnancy hormones or for a record, let's say her baby wouldn't have made her feel like he/she wanted his father close and she felt so high on emotions all of a sudden all over again that she left her struggles and relented to her baby's request.

After all, there were only last few days of her child with his/her father before they both have to leave this man, this cruel, taciturn beast surrounded with so much darkness.

"Say that you're mine!" Came his next demand.

Folding her one arm on her back he pulled her up against him causing her to swallow past a lump when he said.

"SAY. THAT. YOU. ARE. MINE." He whispered breathing on her face, chewing on his each word as to make his point clear.

While Khushi, she was transported back to the night many days back when he has demanded her to say 'I Love You' from her and she shuddered visibly remembering how that ended up eventually. She stopped struggling and looked in his chocolate brown orbs with pain while tears glistened her eyes.

"Say it dammit." He shrieked.

"You're going to get it out of me either way aren't you?" She couldn't help but whisper in a choke as she was seeing the same look of rage and determination in his eyes she has seen that night.

He swallowed shaking his head as if pissed and in dire need of hearing her declair to whom exactly does she belong.

"Say. It." He gritted.

She wouldn't have relented if it wasn't for her baby. She couldn't go through that trauma all over again when she saw him hurting himself with glasses with the blood oozing out of his hands while he mercilessly cut himself to get a confession out of her.


She closed her eyes, exhaled before opening them as she felt him tightening his hold on her with his eyes demanding what he wants otherwise she won't like what he would do.. to himself. His eyes warned her. Swallowing past a lump she rasped.

"I-I am y-yours." She croaked with a tear slipping down her eye and felt all of his muscles literally relaxing being pressed to hers. Before she knew it he was calm as ocean.

With a satisfied look on his face he relieved some of his hold on her saying.

"Glad to know that our feelings are mutual." He smiled a smug one causing every drop of blood in her body to boil.

"You are so.. so bitter.. and.. and..manipulative.. and.. and.. dark." She whispered accusingly with her throat clogged as she saw him gazing at her face as if he was memorizing her every feature. Then her eyes widened.

Arnav was halfway leaning towards her lips when he felt it and it froze him.

Was it his illusion or he seriously felt something pushing or m-moving in her abdomen?

He pulled back flabbergasted.

"Was that your stomach?"

Gulping she felt her heart pounding in her ears.

"I am hungry!" She blurted out. "I mean very, very hungry. You see even my stomach is rumbling too because of lack of food." She annoucned successfully covering it as he bought it and she breathed in relief when he called out to one of the ladies he hired to bring something for her to eat.

She let herself fall on the couch when he left to attend a call which she has caught was from Di.

For how long would she be able to hide the obvious symptoms of pregnancy she didn't know. All she knew was that she has to hide it at least for a week more and after that she would be long gone from his life.. with her--their baby.

Blinking back the tears she caressed her midriff and leaned back on the couch as a drop fell on to her cheek and rolled down to fall on her lap.

"If only you knew love isn't about taking revenge or making others pay. It's about moving on, forgiving others even when you can't and the hardest is letting go of your most prized possession even knowing that you won't be able to breath without it at all."

Looking down at her belly, she rubbed her fingers over the slightly protruded abdomen with her heart sinking.

"And I love you baby." She choked pressing her lips to her palm and placing it back to her midriff passing her heartfelt love to her child. "--and for you I am going to take the hardest route.I have to let go of my most prized possession. Your father."

She let a few tears fall as she saw him coming down the stairs with his phone held to his ear but as soon as his eyes met hers he stopped talking on the phone and passed her a hard look to which she should've gotten used to by now but no she didn't. Every time he look at her with contempt something break inside her.

What was left of her to be broken anyways?

She should be immune to everything he sent her way by now but she wasn't because the truth was she could stay aloof to everything or everyone but him. Never him.

When he was just a step away from her he smashed his phone against the wall causing her to jump at her place.

Now what happened?

She wanted to ask but kept it to herself as she was seriously tired now hitting her head with a stone who claims his feelings still fall in the category of love despite of all, despite of everything he did.

For a week all she has to do was follow his rules and then strike when the iron is hot.

Silently she followed him to the dining and ate properly. Just when they finished all of the calmness left the air.. and her too when he announced.

"Get ready. We are going to the hospital."

"I just went to the kitchen to get something for her to eat and when I went back, the room was empty. She was gone." Payal cried hugging Akash who closed his eyes in anger. As soon as he has received Payal's call he has rushed out of RM and was in here in no time.

"I can take a step back for what? A day or two or maybe three but you can only imagine what would happen to her when I'll again have her all for myself and you very well know that day can come right next moment or right next day or you never know. Maybe it has come already!"

His anger soon turned into a fear now. Pulling back from his wife he made her sit on the couch before punching a number on his cell phone.

"Pick up Bhai. Dammit pick up!" He murmured under his breath before clenching his jaws when he heard the line being cut deliberately from the other side. Not wanting to waste any moment he dialed Aman who himself didn't know where ASR was or where he took Khushi.

"Aman I swear to god if you're lying then I'll kill you myself!" Akash roared. Payal's sobs in the background were bringing him more on the edge.

As he heard Aman's confident answer about not knowing anything he ordered him to trace ASR by any means possible and do it quickly.

Cutting the call, he dialed his sister next and asked her to come over. Anjali came over in minutes and Akash ran his fingers in his hairs when she joined Payal in the crying session.

"Di, I asked you to come here to call and talk him out of this madness. Not lose yourself in it too." Akash said exasperated that put a stop to Anjali's cries and sighing Akash handed him her phone which was resting on the table in the middle.

Sniffling she dialed Arnav while Akash dropped himself besides Payal and waited impatiently. They closed their eyes in relief when Arnav didn't cut his sister call at least.

What followed were rounds of threatening from Anjali and ruthless retorts of Arnav which they heard with bated breath as Anjali put on the speaker phone.

"Oh really Di? You'd tell Khushi about Gupta house being bought by me on her name and all the lies I told her, right?" He paused to chuckle.

Anjali frowned. He wasn't afraid of Khushi finding about it anymore? Oh he cleared her confusion next.

"Fine. Do it. Tell her. But Di for that to happen you have to see Khushi. Talk to Khushi. Meet Khushi. Or let me elaborate it. You have to find Khushi. How are you gonna do that? So yeah. Tell her if you could."

Anjali looked at Akash helplessly as she could feel how her brother took control of everything in his hands all over again.

"But don't worry. I'd keep my words. I won't search for Guptas. At least not for a week. After that I'd not waste any moment to dig their place out, find them and sue them especially that Garima Gupta nee Sharma. When that happened I would be finally free of my debt to my mother and you know what would happen next? I'd solve my differences with Khushi. Eventually she has to, has to forgive me. Oh she always had. She will do so again. She have to!" He gritted at last.

While the trio on this side of the phone sat paralyzed hearing about his plans.

At last Anjali found her voice.

"I get it Chote. I get it that you are in control of everything again. Now, tell me where you have taken Khushi and I promise I'd not breath a word to her when I met her. Not anything about your plans for Guptas either."

Akash and Payal's eyes widened at her promise. How could she promise something like that?

"No way Di. She has asked me for a week too to make a decision for our relationship and I definitely don't want her to be surrounded by people who would make her realize every minute of her life that I don't deserve her and she is better off without me. I am no fool Di and you can't make me one either."

"Chote. Please. Please. Let me be with her. I promise I will not say anything. I will give you the papers back too if you want but just tell me where are you?"

"Stop it Di. Stop making me sound like a monster. I love her."

If he had been in front of her she would've slapped him. Only she knew how she curbed her anger.

"Fine. You love her. I know. Now please. I won't tell anyone. Just come and pick me up from home and take me to Khushi ji."

"You won't stop me from being with her?" He asked unsure.


"If you did?"

"Then I am sure you can make her disappear again like you did this time can't you?"

"Oh sure I can. But no Di can't help you here. I am completing my end of bargain by sparing Guptas for a week and you should keep yours and let me stay with my Khushi for a while."

"Okay you don't trust me I get it. Tell me what do you I have to do that you allow me to stay with Khushi ji?" As Anjali heard the silence from the other end she knew the wheels in her brother's sharp mind must be turning and she wasn't wrong.

"You'd do anything?" He asked.

"Anything." Anjali felt her heart sinking not having any good feeling about it.

"First, you won't say a word to her about our conversation at all." Came his order.

"Agreed." She said. Okay that wasn't bad. She was about to sigh in relief when breaths caught up in her throat at his next demand.

"If you want me to let you in her life then you'd have to convince her to make the decision in my favor at the end of this week!"

Payal and Akash shook their heads vigorously.

"You wanted her decision to be uninfluenced." Anjali exclaimed.

"I want her to choose me by hook or by crook and this time I am going to get it even if I have to manipulate it out of her then so be it. She will chose me and you will convince her to do so, Di won't you?"

"What have you become Chote?" Anjali choked feeling too hurt.

"I am what I always were. An ASR." He said calmly. "Now tell me are you in or not?"

Not only Anjali but even Payal and Akash felt this the only opportunity to at least have someone besides Khushi in this condition when Arnav was around. Better than to leave the poor girl alone with a monster.

"I am in." Anjali said.

"Great Di. I'll have you picked up. Soon. And yeah. You won't tell about our whereabouts to anyone at RM once you will reach here. Anyone means anyone. Am I clear?"

"Okay." Anjali gritted in anger.

"By the way Di, tell Akash to stop tracing me through Aman because neither of them is gonna get even a mile close to me!" With that the call was cut leaving the trio in stupor.

"Get ready. We are going to the hospital." He ordered in his own typical way.

A chill ran down her spine as she went all pale.


"You need to get thoroughly scanned. You are not doing well." He added more firmly.

Her heart pounded in her ears.




Her hand immediately went to her stomach which didn't go unnoticed by him.

At all!

"Now I am seriously worried Khushi by this habit you recently developed and I won't be able to breath in peace until doctor won't declare you officially all right!" He exclaimed pointing to her hand on her midriff. She quickly pulled it back self-consciously.

"I don't want to go to hospital. I am absolutely fine!" She tried to sound confident and she succeeded somewhat to keep a poker face swallowing all of her anxiety.

"Who asked for your opinion anyways? You are in no state to decide for yourself because you have agreed to do as I say while we are here. So just chuck the argument. Get ready!"

Her poker face was replaced by a fearful one that made him frown.

Her heartbeat paced up when she saw him looking at her every reaction with hawk eyes when she didn't move an inch from her place.

"Do I have to force you for everything now Khushi?" His words itself were the warning.

"I am okay. OKAY?" She said exasperated.

"You are not." He punched his hand on the table. She jerked back on her chair across him.

"You fainted yesterday. In the morning you had fever. You keep rubbing your stomach as if you have some pain in there. And just a few minutes ago I myself felt something pushing off inside you." His eyes widened with fear when he completed. "There is something totally wrong with you!"

"Nothing is wrong with me." This time she punched her palm over the table. "And no, I have no pain in there-" How dare he call her baby, a pain? "i am fine now. I told you I was hungry. I wasn't eating properly but now I am as you can see so just spare me your fake concern!" There is something totally wrong with him not her because a shrewd man like him should've picked up the obvious by now but no, he was a fool. An emotional fool when it came to relations!

Tightening his jaw he was in full mood to make her pay for arguing with him when a lady informed him that his sister has come. As another one escorted Anjali in Khushi's eyes widened in relief and tears of helplessness left her eyes. Her legs on own accords led her to her sister-in-law who has become more than a sister for her and she threw her arms around her upon reaching her bursting out sobbing.

Caressing her back soothingly Anjali's eyes met Arnav's over her shoulder and seeing the way his jaws were clenched and so were his hands she knew she must have interrupted some heated argument between the couple and seeing Khushi's condition she was glad she did.

"Enough now Khushi." He was before them in moments and snatched her from his Di had her hauled up in his arms much to Anjali's shock. "Let me take you back to your room so that you could get ready for your appointment with the doctor."

Khushi who was wriggling in his arms stilled and turned pale all over again while Anjali couldn't breath.

"Appointment with the.. the d-doctor?" Anjali felt like her voice was coming from under the cliff.

Does he already know? Anjali had the same doubt.

"Yes Di. Appointment. Now if you'll excuse us!" He was gone with Khushi before she could stop him.

Once he was in the room with her Khushi punched his shoulders, flailed her legs to get out of his arms or force him to put down but to no avail.

"What's wrong with you Khushi? I am just taking you for a regular checkup for my satisfaction and you are behaving like a 3 years old with me!"

"H-Humein aap k saath kahin nahi jaana! (I-I don't want to go anywhere with you!)" She said with as much confidence as she can.

"Khushi har baath pe argue karna band kro! (Khushi stop arguing on everything!)"

"Aur aap har baath pe order karna band karein. Hum kahin nahin ja rahen aur khas tor pe aap k saath toh bilkul bhi nahin. Sochiye ga bhi mat!(And you stop ordering on everything! I am not going anywhere and with you. Never. Don't even think about it!)"

"Toh tum nahi maano gi? (So you won't listen?)"


"Fine then. You don't need to change. You're coming with me in these clothes only, right now. Right away!" He turned back to the door and Khushi did what she could when she didn't find any way out.

He always exploit her weak points and use them in his favor. Today was her day to use his weakness to save herself and her baby!

By using her, herself!

"Ah!" She screamed out loud in pain clutching her stomach and Arnav looked at her horrified.

"Hey Khushi. W-What happened?" His face lost all colors.

"My stomach!" She let out another cry causing him to rush into action.

Quickly running to the bed, he placed her in the middle and called out to his Di on the top of his voice.

Anjali came almost running listening his panicked striken voice hoping against hope that nothing was wrong with Khushi. She was bound by the promise she made to Arnav that's why she was walking just outside their room otherwise she would've barged in if she wasn't afraid that meddling offend Arnav and he might change his living place along with Khushi with no one having any idea of their whereabouts.

She rushed to Khushi as Arnav instructed her and he himself ran out dialing the doctor number furiously on his cell phone.

Once he was out of the room, Khushi's sobs turned into muffled whimpers as she didn't know when her tears became real and so did her cries. All she knew was that she had to save her baby from his father at any cost.

Anjali was worriedly fussing over her and assured her that she would be fine. She offered her a glass of water when Khushi gripped her hands and looked at her apologetically.

"I am sorry Di. I had to pretend like I had cramps in order to divert his mind. He was hell bent on taking me to the hospital."

Anjali fell on the bed with a thud and let out an exaggerated sigh.

"You scared me Khushi ji." She caressed her head.

Khushi apologized again, leaning against the headboard.

"You said yourself that sooner or later he is going to find out then why don't you let him figure it out already? What is troubling you? What are you actually scared of Khushi ji?"

"Him, Di. I am scared of him." Khushi cried out "He has hurt me a lot. I tolerated all that because I still cared for him despite of everything he did. But now the matter isn't just of me. There is my baby in here." She palmed her midriff. "I can't let him hurt my child."

Anjali gasped.

"You think Chote will hurt his own baby? How can you? I know he is cruel but not that much to harm an innocent child who has nothing to do with anything at all. Who is his own baby!"

"Even I didn't do anything. Even I am innocent. Did that stop him from ruining me, destroying me? No, right. Even I was his. Even I wanted to be his then why do you think he would care about a baby who is his? My baby is a part of me. A woman whom he has been keeping with himself to take revenge from his mother's culprits." She choked making Anjali speechless.

Anjali wanted to say that the baby is a part of Arnav too but she was too tongue tied to mouth a word.

"He can do anything. If he can punish me for no mistake of mine even when he claims to love me then I have no doubt that he can hurt my baby too to get his way, his revenge." Khushi said wiping her cheeks from the back of her hand before whispering silently.

"I heard everything when he cried on your lap confessing his feelings for me. I became vulnerable seeing him that way. All broken.." She chuckled painfully.

"How ironic Di isn't it? When I cry, he give a damn but when he does I do anything to bring him out of the agony. He divorced me brutally and I-I couldn't have it in me to leave him right away. If it weren't for my child then you know what would I have done Di? I might have agreed to live with him without marriage and the realization itself is enough to suck off my breaths. I hate myself Di. He made me hate myself. I-I will never forgive him for this Di. Never." She croaked with a whimper.

Anjali blinked back the tears.

"I tried to tell him about our baby that night again. I thought I should hoping against hope that might change something, anything but he ruined it all. I thought even if we can't be together our child might have both of us but I was wrong. He/she doesn't deserve living under so much negativity and darkness. My baby deserves better and I'd give him/her that better by giving up on the only man I ever loved."

Anjali pressed her hands shaking her head asking her not to cry. Her heart went out to her in anguish.

"That was the night I changed my mind Di. Now, I won't tell him this ever." She felt her heart cutting and throat blocking with tears as she choked.

"He would never meet his baby. Mauqa milte hi hum apne bacche k saath kahin door chale jayen gay. Aur unhen..unhen khabar bhi nahi hone denge! (Whenever I got a chance I'll go away, far away with my baby and won't let him get even a hint of it)"

"Aur tumhe lagta hai mai tumhe aur apne bacche ko aise hi jaane dunga huh Mrs.Raizada?(And you think I will let YOU and MY baby leave me just like that huh Mrs. Raizada?)"

Khushi and Anjali froze. Their eyes shot towards the door in shock. What they saw made their mouths dry and heart drop into the pit of the stomach.

Because there at the door, Arnav Singh Raizada was standing with his bloodshot eyes and clenched hands with his eyes spitting lava which was directed most at Khushi as they saw him balling his hands into fists.

He was burning with rage and the women before him were shivering with terror of what his reaction would be?


Thank you so much for such a great response on the last chapter and also for waiting patiently. Love you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting me throughout.

Waiting for your feedback. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT :)

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