Chapter 14

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Jab jo bura kaha uska koi matlab nahi hai

Jab jo bura kiya uska koi matlab nahi hai


"Any new leads?"

"No boss. Still the same. Last time we spotted him in his mansion two streets away from RM. Akash and Payal Singh Raizada along with Anjali Jha visited too. By the look on their faces they were very tensed. Seems like things are still going as bad as expected."

"If things are going bad then that means they are going in our favor. I wouldn't want any respite for that Arnav Singh Raizada either."

"But the news I have gotten for you could burst your bubble, boss!" One of his men said with a mysterious smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"Khushi Singh Raizada is pregnant." His smirk vanished as he got punched in the face the next moment. He held his jaw grimacing in pain.

"WHAT THE HELL! That Khushi is pregnant? NO! I want you to do anything. Anything! Remove this hurdle in our path of success. This child could make Arnav move on. He can't move on. I won't let him. GO YOU MORONS! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? START YOUR WORK! HURRY UP!"

"What do you want us to do, boss?" One of them asked hesitantly.

"Kill that bloody child, you stupid. If you can't kill it individually then kill the mother too. Kill them both but I want that piece of Arnav Singh Raizada dead. I want everything dead who could bring him happiness. NOW OFF WITH YOUR WORK. OUT!"

"For how long we have to hide like this?" Garima spoke at the dining table playing with the food in her plate.

Shashi and Madhumati looked at each other worried for her. It wasn't long since she recovered from the angina attack. Stress could relapse the symptoms doctors has said.

"We aren't hiding. We have just changed our address till the situation calms down Garima." Shashi spoke softly.

Arnav Singh Raizada couldn't decipher but the woman whom he thinks his biggest enemy was there in his very ancestral home in Lucknow. In Sheesh Mahal. Where he wouldn't think of ever looking. Nor would he know. Anjali knew her brother well so she has made perfect arrangement.

But Anjali could only hide the person not the past haunting their very senses.

Coming to this palace Garima visited only once in her life before years agoand that too when Arvind and Ratna died wasn't easy for her at all. The walls, the rooms, everything haunted her day and night yet she was forced to bear it all to live here for her daughter's sake.

Because she knew if Arnav succeeded in his revenge then Khushi would never give him another chance ever. Khushi would never forgive Arnav if he punished her mother for the mistakes she never committed. It would not only ruin Khushi's life but her grandson/granddaughter's future as well which she couldn't afford at any cost. She would never wish Khushi to have the same fate like Preetika. Never.

"Yes. You yourself agreed to everything what Anjali bitiya said and move in here for at least half a month till she handle her brother. Now, you have to trust her because no one knows Arnav bitwa more than her." Madhumati said reassuringly.

"Jiji, do you really think when the last 15 years couldn't douse the fire of revenge in Arnav Singh Raizada, the next fifteen days would?" Garima said biting back the sobs.

"In the last 15 years, he didn't had a wife and a child to look upon. If he wants to live a happy life with Khushi and his baby then he has to let go. He has to forgive you." Shashi said.

"But for that he has to know about the baby. He has to know about Khushi's pregnancy because apparently the love he has for Khushi isn't enough for him to stop himself from hurting her because of my mistakes." Garima exclaimed aghast. "Maybe the child mellow him down." She murmured to herself.

"You didn't do any mistakes. You were married to him." Madhumati snapped. "So don't you dare say it is your fault. If anyone is at fault then it's Arvind Malik. He ruined yours, his first wife's, Payal's and his own family's especially his younger son's life that even after years Arnav couldn't come out of his betrayal."

Shashi placed a hand on his sister's to calm her down before he nodded at her to let him talk to her as Garima burst into sobs.

"Garima, we are doing this for our Khushi bitiya and if you want to secure her life, her future then you have to keep your thoughts positive. Didn't Anjali bitiya say that she would find a way to disclose Khushi's pregnancy so that he could look into the future not the past. Just.. just wait till that before jumping to painful conclusions."

"I am not worried for myself Shashi ji but our Khushi bitiya. Now that he must have found me missing he would've gone berserk. What must he have done to our daughter?" She cried out with her eyes widening enveloping Shashi and Madhumati in worry too.

"For that whole Raizada family is there. They know about the baby too. They would take care of her. Yes, they would. Remember, we have to stay optimistic." Shashi spoke calmly despite the fear nagging within him but nothing he said could ward off the restlessness within Garima nor in Madhumati.

Neither of them could predict what must he have done finding them missing nor they know what catastrophe would follow once Arnav got to know about the baby and that everyone had been hiding such a big matter from him.

He was worried--hell worried for her.

The way she cried out in pain clutching her stomach made his breath hitch in his throat and his heart to stop beating. His senses numbed. It was as if his whole body went paralyzed.

He couldn't even react for he don't know how many seconds or minutes.

When her cries grew more it was then did he force himself to move, react and ask.

"Hey Khushi. W-What happened?" His face lost all colors.

"My stomach!" She let out another cry causing him to rush into action.

Quickly running to the bed, he placed her in the middle and cupping her cheeks he rasped out leaning on her.

"Khushi. Khushi. Hold on. Hold on sweetheart. It will be all right. Nothing will happen to you. Please don't cry. Please."

His worst fears were turning true. There was definitely something seriously wrong with her. It wasn't just stomach ache it was something more bad.

What could it be?


His heart galloped rapidly in fear as he recalled.

What was the thing the doctor said killed one of his employee about a month ago?

Sanjay had some minute infection in the blood which then traveled to his heart and he died of infective endocarditis!

Shut up!


It couldn't be that bad.

He shook his head but no, thoughts just keep flooding.

Or worse,




Was she dy-


Many negative thoughts swarmed in his mind in milliseconds bursting his nerves which try as might he couldn't ward off. Knots formed in his stomach due to intense terror building up inside of him.

He turned his head towards the door and called out to his Di at the top of his voice.

"DI! DI! DI!"

Nothing was wrong with her. He consoled himself. Nothing would happen to her. He won't let it.

Everything faded out in background.

His anger, his revenge, his resolve to make her choose him and his determination to hurt her if he had to till she won't.


Except for her and her health!

Anjali was there in seconds.

"Di. Sit with her while I- Uh-" His voice shook so did his body. "She is in pain Di. Di. I-" He was on the verge of having a panic attack when Anjali placed a comforting hand on his shoulder nodding at him.

Blinking back the moisture he rushed out of the room and furiously dialed his family doctor's number with his hands shaking. The line was busy.

Muttering profanity under his breath he continuously dialed her number again and again until she picked up.

Instructing her the address he cut the call hurriedly and rushed back to the room but what he heard when he was just about to enter rendered him speechless. Dumbstruck.

"Him, Di. I am scared of him."

"He has hurt me a lot. I tolerated all that because I still cared for him despite of everything he did. But now the matter isn't just of me. There is my baby in here."

"I can't let him hurt my child."

He vaguely heard his Di gasp.

But his mind was stuck on one word. 'BABY'


A-- A child?

Gobsmacked he stepped back with an inaudible grimace as he felt like something was slashing inside of him. Cutting him deeply.

Was it a sharp knife plunging through his heart again and again? If not, then why was his heart hurting so much?

"My b-baby?" He whispered pointing to himself. "M-Mine? K-Khushi's?" Tears blurred his vision.

It seemed like he will breakdown then and there, fall there on the ground and would never be able to get up ever.. ever again. If that wasn't enough he heard his Di say.

"You think Chote will hurt his own baby? How can you? I know he is cruel but not that much to harm an innocent child who has nothing to do with anything at all. Who is his own baby!"

Moisture seeped into his eyes when he heard Khushi choke out the words that cut his soul.

"Even I didn't do anything. Even I am innocent. Did that stop him from ruining me, destroying me? No, right. Even I was his. Even I wanted to be his then why do you think he would care about a baby who is his? My baby is a part of me. A woman whom he has been keeping with himself to take revenge from his mother's culprits."

He bit back a sob when she said 'Even I was his. Even I wanted to be his.' but when she spoke more it only added to his misery.

He wanted to scream and shake her to tell her that this baby was a part of him too. How could she think that he would harm a part of him? The symbol of their love. Of the only night when he was able to show her how much he love her? How could he take that away from either of them?

Won't it kill him too if he did?

"He can do anything. If he can punish me for no mistake of mine even when he claims to love me then I have no doubt that he can hurt my baby too to get his way, his revenge."

She sobbed out and killed him with both, her words and her cries. She doesn't trust him anymore. Neither with herself nor with their baby.

He couldn't even stand properly. He staggered back until he hit his back against the pillar more like fell on it and held it for support. He closed his eyes before yet again uttering.

"My b-baby." He still couldn't believe it. Never in his wildest dream he could think of this possibility. That's why he missed all the signs. All the hints. Every single clue!

He even felt it move inside her not so long ago yet like a fool he had been he bought her stupid excuse and thought she was just hungry!

She kept wounding her arms around her midriff and he thought she was just having a stomach ache!


How stupid he had been!

Even if she has puked in front of him he would have thought she was having food poisoning.

And he says she doesn't possess a brain!

Damn him!

Shutting his eyes more tight he leaned his head back with his whole being burning with fire brewing inside him to absorb the reality that .. that-

He was going to be a father and his wife- Ex-wife, his Khushi was scared to even break this news to him. That word 'Ex' just added to his crimes. No wonder she was frightened. And for that no one but he himself was to be blamed for it. He accept he was at fault but .. but dammit--

He is the father of the life growing inside her. He had the freaking right to know about it despite of everything!

Knives twisted in his gut. He was standing like a statue but his feet hurt as if he was walking on eggshells that he had to strain his ears to hear what was she saying otherwise all of his senses seemed to be buzzing with just one realization that Khushi was carrying their baby and he had no fucking clue about it.

"I heard everything when he cried on your lap confessing his feelings for me. I became vulnerable seeing him that way. All broken-"

She chuckled but for him it felt like a yelp of pain.

She was there?

She heard him break down?

"How ironic Di isn't it? When I cry, he give a damn but when he does I do anything to bring him out of the agony."

He swallowed past a lump. The pain in her voice was so tangible that he could feel it brimming in his own eyes, cutting through him like sharp blades.

"He divorced me brutally and I-I couldn't have it in me to leave him right away. If it weren't for my child then you know what would I have done Di? I would've agreed to live with him without marriage and the realization itself is enough to suck off my breaths. I hate myself Di. He made me hate myself."

She would've chosen him? Him?

If it weren't for the baby?

He seriously didn't know whether he should be happy that she at last would've given him what he wanted for like ages or to be angry on his own blood because he/she stopped her from giving him what he desired passionately?

But no way in hell he could think of harming the life who was a part of him. Never.

Not only was she unveiling her soul but also crying with each word she uttered.

Her whimpers cut through him. His whole body screamed at him to move, to stop her from saying anything anymore which were turning out nothing but a death sentence for him but his feet were just glued to the floor not cooperating with any of his commands.

Just a silent cry left him. Silent but heartwrenching for his being.

Something tore within him. Something which was left behind. Something which was left of his heart. Pieces of his broken heart were now choking his breaths not letting him swallow or gulp down the massive ball of pain that formed in his throat.

Her voice broke his despondent state.

"I tried to tell him about our baby that night again. I thought I should hoping against hope that might change something, anything but he ruined it all."

His eyes welled up some more and so did his heart.

She-- she came to tell him?


That night when he came back.. when he handed her the divorce paper, when he told her he would keep her with him even without marriage. When- when she almost killed herself. He clenched his jaws. But still.. still she came to him to tell him about their baby and what did he do?

Threatened her to leave him alone otherwise he would force himself on her.

Guilt gnawed him and he felt disgusted of himself like never befre.

There on the terrace he was thinking of ways to stop the war between his mind and heart and when the solution itself came to him, he pushed it away.

He took a deep breath.

She was scared, that's why she didn't tell.


When did Khushi Singh Raizada become scared of ASR?

Even in the toughest situation she has fought him head-on then why?

Soon the realisation dawned on him.

When it did he felt more ashamed of himself than ever before.

She wasn't scared of him.

She was scared for their' baby's safety. She ran away from him to keep the growing life inside her safe.

To keep the last ray of hope alive for their happy life and she did right.

As always Khushi Singh Raizada proved herself right.

He would see to it that he protect his baby from now on.

This little one could lead them to a better, probably happy future.

Better late than never.

Enough of hurting her for her mother's mistakes and sins. Now, it would be between him and Garima. Khushi won't be involved in any of it. None of it at all.

"I thought even if we can't be together our child might have both of us but I was wrong. He/she doesn't deserve living under so much negativity and darkness. My baby deserves better and I'd give him/her that better by giving up on the only man I ever loved."

But wait- wait. She was saying something more.

What did she mean by 'giving up?'



Not letting it touch her baby?

Hers? It was his too dammit!

What the hell did she mean by all of that?

If it mean she wants to give up on them, on him then that's so not happening.

He mused determined but her next words inflamed a fire inside him.

"That was the night I changed my mind Di. I won't tell him this ever."

"He would never meet his baby. Mauqa milte hi hum apne bacche k saath kahin door chale jayen gay. Aur unhen..unhen khabar bhi nahi hone denge! (Whenever I got a chance I'll go away, far away with my baby and won't let him get even a hint of it)"

With those words of her leaving him and going far away, his anger fueled to a dangerous level. Everything took a back seat yet again.

Her reasons, her fears, his own guilt of pushing her away.

Just one thought resurfaced.

She was planning to leave him.

This was the whole secret. Her plan to leave him taking away his whole world with her. Her and his baby!

As if he will let her. As if he would make it that easy for her.

He would see to it how she will do that. He clenched his hands pushing himself off the the pillar.

Unbridled rage took over his senses as he took determined steps ahead until he was standing in the middle of the door eyeing his wife and sister who were so engrossed in their talks that they didn't notice him neither his sharp intake of breaths until the harsh words lined with a warning were out of his mouth.

"Aur tumhe lagta hai mai tumhe aur apne bacche ko aise hi jaane dunga huh Mrs.Raizada?(And you think I will let YOU and MY baby leave me just like that huh Mrs. Raizada?)"

He saw the two heads shot up to him and he could tell they both were scared and shocked to bits.

Scared? They should be. Because he was up to his neck with rage and helplessness with so much realizations in just a few freaking moments that he didn't know what he would say or how would he react.

He stood at the door with his bloodshot eyes and clenched hands with his eyes spitting lava at the two women, especially Khushi as he balled his hands into fists.

Giving a piercing glance to his Di his eyes travelled to hers who was looking terrified.

He knew she didn't expect him to find out this. Ever. But he was glad he did otherwise she would have left him without a word without him having any idea of the life they created together.

He gritted his teeth when he saw her cradling her stomach.

She was trying to hide his baby from him because she thinks he will hurt their child.

All this while, whenever.. whenever she did it, this new habit she had this thought in her pretty little head that he was a threat to his own blood!

His blood boiled. Now as the shock subsided, Arnav took a backseat and ASR resurfaced.

"Di, leave us alone. Mujhe Khushi se baat karni hai! (I need to have a word with Khushi!)"

"She doesn't have any trust left in you to even confide in you with everything. Bravo Bhai!"

Akash's words came out of nowhere and pricked him in his heart. How right he was.

"Chote-"Anjali interjected cautiously.

"Leave. Us. Alone. Di." He chewed each word and saw Khushi gripping Anjali's hand tightly shaking her head vigorously at her to stay. Grounding his teeth, he closed his eyes once to gather patience to withstand his anger.

Pregnant Arnav. She is pregnant. She is carrying another human being inside her. She is carrying your baby. You need to calm down!

All of his efforts to restrain himself went in vain when he heard her plead to his sister.

"Di, g-get me out of here. I-I don't know where I am. He- He got me kidnapped like-like-" She bit back a sob.

"SHUT UP." He lost it. Both the women looked at him stumped. He looked ready to burst any moment. Anjali noticed it all and so did Khushi.

"Di, don't make me repeat again. Get. Out." He gritted flaring his nostrils.

Khushi's grip tightened on Anjali's hand. Anjali looked helplessly between the duo when she caught Arnav's warning stare.

"I want her to choose me by hook or by crook and this time I am going to get it even if I have to manipulate it out of her then so be it. She will chose me and you will convince her to do so, Di won't you?"

Blinking back the tears Anjali shook her head pleadingly at her brother. When his expressions remained the same she turned defiant as well to which Arnav had had enough.

"AKANSHA! RASHMI!" He called out at the top of his voice. The two of the well built lady bodyguards he has hired came running and waited for his orders. Khushi and Anjali had their breaths stuck up in their throats.

"Escort my sister out of this room Akansha. And Rashmi make arrangements to send her back to RM!" He commanded to which Anjali stood up in rage.

"Now you will have me thrown out of your secret hiding place, Arnav?" Anjali hissed glaring at the women who stepped to her, stopping them in their tracks. They looked at Arnav for their next set of action.

"Do as you are told!" He said firmly and despite Anjali's protests they took her out.

Khushi who watched everything with her heart in her mouth sat up to find a way to slip out of the room along with her but one sharp look from him and she laid back down on the bed swallowing past a lump of not only fear but emotions as well.

Once they were alone he strode to the door and banged it shut before locking it from inside. Khushi's heart stopped beating altogether and her breaths were already shallow.

Then he turned. To her. With his eyes glazing fire.

She gulped wounding her arms around her belly burning him some more. He took a step towards the bed and she shut her eyes tight with her lips trembling stopping him dead on his track. Pursing his lips he turned and paced right, left, center, in every inch of the room while Khushi has burst into helpless silent sobs by now testing his patience to the limits.

If that wasn't enough he heard his Di banging the door from outside.

"Chote please don't do anything harsh in anger. She is weak. Stress isn't good for her in this condition. Please don't scare her more which she already is. Think of your baby at least." She heard the two ladies standing by her gasping but she damn cared. "Doctor said any kind of stress could be fatal to her or the baby's health. Chote. Chote. Say something."

Khushi tried to get up again seeing his attention diverted to the door but it was short lived.

"Don't you dare move!" His warning made her breathing stop as she laid back again.

Her heart galloped in fear.

"Arnavji-" Khushi trailed off not knowing what to say. Her mind was completely blank while,

His heart tore at her murmur. He wanted to shout at her. He so wanted to shake her until she swear she will never leave him but he couldn't. He didn't as his Di's pleads mingled with Khushi's cries along with the buzzing in his head and messed up everything inside of him.

He closed his eyes to gather himself. He tried to control his anger which was coursing through his veins.

But he failed. Miserably.

He swiped a hand across the dressing table and all the things on it were in the different corners of the room in the next second. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he heard her muffled fearful hiccups. Anjali who heard the noise of smashing things from inside banged harder now crying herself.


Closing his eyes in pain he breathed hard.

"Akansha! Rashmi! I told you to get her out of here!" He bellowed. "I don't want her anywhere near or outside this room!"

He heard them dragging his sister away despite her shouts. He knew his Di would not forgive him for that but he also knew she was his Di, his sister. She will come around. She will understand sooner or later that he really needed to have a one-on-one talk to Khushi about the big misunderstanding she has developed regarding him. He has to clear it out by any means possible. Even if he had to lock her in a room with him for her to listen, he so would.

His sharp eyes met her teary ones and his heart squeezed painfully in his chest.

"M-Mai apne hi bachche ko?(I- to my own child?)" He choked looking at her with so much hurt that Khushi closed her eyes with tears slipping from the corner of her lids.

"Arnav ji?" She called out hoarsely and everything broke inside him. He turned his sharp gaze to her. She bit back a sob.


"Don't even say a word." He snapped at her in low hoarse voice.

Her sobs grew more.

"Aur.. Aur ye rona band karo! (And.. And stop these cries!)"

But she didn't and that had him lose control.

He walked to the bed angrily. She closed her eyes tightly again in fear hoping against hope he would take the hint and spare her. But has he ever? No. Never.

She felt the bed dip besides her and on reflex she tried to scoot away but soon his arm was placed on the other side hindering her movement and pinning her in her place.

"I said don't move." He ordered again before whispering. "And breathe!" when he saw her holding her breaths. She didn't listen so in order to make her, he leaned on her closing his eyes.

She gasped shortly.

With his lips on her cheek he breathed harshly to calm himself down.

His hand on its own accord slipped in her shirt jolting her from head to toe.

"What are you doing?" She rasped shooting open her eyes when she felt him trailing his palm all over her abdomen as if trying to feel his child.

"Shut up!" He growled against her cheek stilling her.

With each stroke of his hand on her midriff he felt his heart thumping in his chest louder and louder until he felt it buzzing in his ears. He could easily feel the difference. He wasn't wrong before. Her belly was actually protruding.

"A-Arnav ji?" She whispered when she felt wetness on her cheek.

"It is my baby too. Mine. Just like you are. And I'd be damned if I let you both slip away from my life. Keep it in your mind." He gritted raising his face up a bit to look into her eyes defiantly. She whimpered helplessly. He swallowed past a lump.

"Khushi rona band karo! (Khushi. Stop crying!)" He demanded. When she didn't listen he mellowed down a bit.

"Please. Stop crying." This time he asked softly. She sniffled. Leaning back he slipped his hand out of her shirt. For the next several moments he just sat there besides her with his gaze fixed on the bedside lamp until she saw his lower lip trembling and eyes brimming with thick rim of tears. When he looked at her early traces of anger were long gone replaced by sheer hurt and pain.

"Tumhe sach mai lagta hai mai apne hi bachche ko-(Do you really think I could-)" he swallowed "--Apne hi bachche ko hurt kar sakta hun?(Do you really think I am a threat to my own child?)"

She averted her eyes with her heart slashing. Now she knows, he wasn't. But he never gave her a reason not to doubt him. Again, it was his own fault.

"Tum aik bar keh k toh dekhti. (You could have said it to me -- just once at least.)"

She said nothing but a tear slipping from the corner of her eye said too much itself.

"Jaanta hun bohat tang kiya maine tumhe shadi k baad se. Koi waada nahi nihbhaya. Tumhe use kiya apni Maa ki Qatil se badla laine k liye. Tumhe kabhi apni biwi ka darja nahi diya. Bohat rulaya. Bohat sataya. Mujhe haq nahi tumse iss tarah se sawal karne ka. Par phir bhi mai poch raha hun Khushi- Kyun?(I know I have troubled you so much ever since we married again. Neither did I fulfill any promise. Instead I used you to take revenge from my mother's murderer. I never fully gave you the place of being my wife. I made you cry so much. I put you in so much distress and I know.. I know I have long ago lost the rights to question you but still, I can't help but ask this- Why?)" He hovered over her.

She shut her eyes tightly whilst his breath fanned on her face. Seeing her shutting him out made him clench his jaws but he curbed his anger because he needed answers. Badly.

"Kyun Khushi? Tum kab se mujh se darne lagi? Tumne toh hamesha mairi har baat ka bina dare jawab diya hai. Mairi di hui har takleef ka datt kar muqabla kiya hai chahe mai kitna bhi bura behave karun tumhare saath tumne hamesha, hamesha mujhe aik na aik din mairi galti ka ehsas dilaya hai. Toh phir ab kyun? Kyun Khushi? Kyun tumne mujhse ye nahi kaha k mai tumhare saath hi nahi apne hone wale bachche k saath bhi galat kar raha hun? Kyun?(Why Khushi? From when did you start fearing me? You have always showed me my place whenever I hurt you no matter how hard and how bad I was with you, you always made me realize my mistakes one way or the other. Then why now? Why Khushi?)"

She opened her eyes slowly and stared at him hopelessly.

"Kyun k hum thak gaye hai ab. (Because now, I am tired)" She burst out. "Sach mai thak gaye hain. (Really, very tired)" She cried out and he touched his forehead with hers when she whispered.

"Har cheez ki aik hadd hoti hai. Aur hamari- hamari khatam ho gayi hai. Sab samajhte hai hum bohat mazboot hain par hum nahi rahe ab. Kisi ko ye ehsas nahi hai ke- ke Khushi ko bhi dard hota hai. Hum bhi insan hain. Mairi himmat aur sehen ki shakti ki bhi aik hadd hai. Ab bas kar dijiye please. Please. (Everything has a limit. And I-I have reached to the brim of mine. Everyone think that I am too strong but now I am not. Nobody cares that—that Khushi too can feel pain. She is a human too. My patience and endurance has a limit as well. Put an end to all this already please. Please?)" She broke down and her every cry fell like an acid onto his heart.

Swallowing he placed his lips on her head blinking back the tears.

"I am not sure if I can but for you I can try."

Her teary eyes shoot up to his.

"For you and our baby!"

With disbelief her mouth dropped open in shock before she realized his words were just that. Words. He never fulfilled his promise nor would she let him play with her like this anymore. Not for her but for her child.

"I will believe you the day you'd let me go. When you won't cage me anymore. When you would let me go wherever I want without any questions. When you would let me meet my family. Not just the Raizadas but Guptas as well!"

He pulled back and clenched his jaws to reign in his anger. He didn't want to shout. So he took a deep breath and gritted.

"I said I'd try. Didn't you hear me? Let's take one step at a time because I can't just let go of my hatred of years in seconds. If I said to you I had then I'd be lying. You don't want me to lie to you anymore now do you?"

"Don't bother. I don't believe a word you say anyway." She has composed herself and has gathered herself very strongly. For her child. No way would she ever trust any word this man says. Never. She has had lesson of a lifetime to be fooled by him ever again.

She sat up and leaned against the headboard. As she wiped her face off the tears she saw him struggle through his emotions.

"You may leave now. And please, send Di in here." She said solemnly. Her calmness was short lived because the question he next asked sent her emotions haywire.

"Did you know about the baby when I- almost-" He trailed off.

"Your selfishness is far more greater than your guilt of forcing yourself on me Arnav ji!"

"You mean when you forced yourself on me. Yeah." She scoffed.

"Then you should have told me. You should have told me the moment you found out. When did you?" He wasn't done with his queries yet.

"When you .. locked me in that dark room and I fainted and Akash jiju took me to hospital to Dr. Niti. The day Nani ji had a heart attack." She revealed in one breath slashing him as he realized it was- it was-

"That was a month ago dammit. You hid such a big thing from me for whole freaking 30 days? How could you?" The more he was getting to know about it the more he was pushing away all off the logic in his mind which he thought were valid for what she did.

"I didn't want to give you all the more reasons to manipulate me neither I want you anywhere near my baby." She spoke the truth. Now, there was no going back as everything was already out in open.

"It's OUR baby. And I need not remind you how you conceived at the first place. Do you want every graphic detail to be repeated to you to remind you I was an equal participant in it?" His anger made a sheer comeback. Her cheeks warmed which with great difficulty she cooled down.

"I don't need any reminder because I am already living with it for the last three and a half months literally breathing inside of me!" She hissed with her palm over her abdomen.

"Everyone knew about it for a while didn't they?" He gritted out even though he already knew but hearing the answer from her cut him all the way more.

"Yes!" She glared at him and jumped at her place when he hit his hand on the bedside lamp causing it to crash to the wall and smash into pieces.

Putting his fist into the mouth he stood up and took many steps back from the bed, from her. Despite herself she felt her heart hurting with every step he took away.

"You have thirty seconds to get out of this room. GET OUT BEFORE I LOSE CONTROL OR HURT YOU!" He yelled to which she almost jumped out of the bed and ran to the door while he turned his back to her.

Unlocking the door she pulled open the doors before scurrying off.

As soon as he heard her footsteps hurrying away he walked to the door and locked it back lest he run behind her to let out all of his anger on her. Now, he has to be more careful than ever because not one she was breathing for two lives.

His lives!

"It's has been a whole day but none of our men spotted Khushi and Arnav in either of the mansions, boss."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why weren't they spotted? They stayed in the house all day?"

"They aren't inside nor outside. Nor are they in AR or ASR's farmhouse. Nowhere. They are missing from the scene altogether."

Their boss went into deep thought.

"Did you check his secret hiding place?"

"What hiding place, boss?"

"The place which his mother bought for him and gifted him when he was 12, you dimwit." He growled and was already scribbling the address on a paper.

"Go and look for them. There." He passed them a paper with a victorious smirk.

"Right away boss!"

As one set of men left another one entered with a file one of their hands.

"You would love what's in here, boss!" They smirked evilly passing him the file.

Reading which their boss's lips curved into a malicious smile.

"Is it true?" The boss asked.

"Cent percent, boss!"

She has to strike when the iron is hot. And that is now.

Anjali thought while heading to the room her brother has locked himself.

She has engulfed Khushi in a bear hug when the sobbing and the scared girl has come running down to her room in which she was confided in by those women as per her brother's orders.

Thoroughly checking Khushi whether she was hurt or not she has made her sit, made her drink water before forcing her to eat something. Once she calmed down and stopped crying did Khushi slowly told her everything they talked about.

"Did he really say that he would try?" Anjali has asked.

"I don't believe him." Khushi has croaked.

Requesting her not to fret much as she would handle it Anjali sneaked out of her room and was before the room he was in for hours.

She knocked once, twice, thrice and was about to bang it worriedly when the door burst open and she found her distraught brother standing there in front of her.

"You are ready to forget everything and move on? Really?" She asked with a hope.

"I didn't say I am ready. I said I'd try but she won't trust me. She has to give me a benefit of doubt but she won't. For her, I am just a monster. Always will be!" He banged his fist against the door before storming inside the room. Anjali followed silently.

"Oh that you are. No doubt about that." Anjali was blunt.

"If you are here to scratch my wounds then just get out. I myself am doing the job for you ad her already!" He gritted out sitting at the edge of the bed.

Anjali sat then silently lending him courage. Because support him she could not until he won't choose the right path.

"You called for a doctor didn't you? It has been hours she didn't come." She tried to divert his attention but it only cut through him. The reminder.

He has to apologize to the doctor when she was half on her way here. She went back without any questions but he did receive a text from her a few hours ago which only heightened his worries.

"I need to talk to you about your Khushi and the baby. Meet me in the hospital tomorrow Arnav."

If that wasn't enough his own guilt was eating him up alive.

"You said you will finish whatever reason is forcing me to keep things from you." She snapped.

"I will kill it if it will come in between us." He retorted firmly.

"I told her myself that whatever she is hiding from me I'd kill it for forcing her to keep things from me. I gave her the reasons to be scared of me. I gave them to her." He emphasized pointing towards himself. "But still, it hurts that she- I didn't know Di. I didn't know it was our baby she was talking about." He choked at the end.

With tears brimming in her eyes Anjali cupped his cheek and said softly.

"I wanted to say this to you the minute I found out that Khushi ji is pregnant."

His Adam's apple bobbed when he raised his bloodshot eyes to hers.

"Congratulations. You are going to be a father." She croaked caressing his cheek and he threw his arms around her.

"I am so sorry Di. I am so very sorry."

'You are apologizing to the wrong person.' Anjali wanted to say but she let him let it all out before she start discussing for what she was here for. He needed to mend so much. He has to start from somewhere.

Shyam entered to an empty living room in RM. Heaving a sigh of relief he was about to head to Anjali's room when he received a reply from her. An hour ago he has texted Anjali that he was coming back to her in an hour or so. Reading her text he gritted his teeth.

Shyam ji I am not at home and I might not be there for a few days. I am sorry. Things are getting complicated here. I'd tell you once I am back in RM. Till then you could wrap up your work because when I'd be back I'd really need your support ~ Your Rani Sahiba.

He couldn't decipher what the hell was going on in RM. Pissed off he was about to leave when he heard voices coming from a room downstairs.

Was it the same room Rani Sahiba told him Nani was staying now a days?

He caught her talking about how happy she was about Khushi's pregnancy and also for Arnav to forget everything and send Khushi home to meet her family. He peaked into the room to see Mami ji sitting besides her.

He stepped back abruptly.

His worst fears came true. Arnav already sent Khushi to Gupta House. Means he has forgiven Garima?

How could he?

No. No way. He won't let that happen. If it did then soon Arnav and Khushi could reconcile too which would be his doom. So he came running back to his car and headed to GH to mess things up and probably teach Khushi a lesson for choosing Arnav over him. Like always!

But coming to Laxmi Nagar another shock was awaiting him. Gupta house was locked and upon asking neighbors he found out that Guptas has left unannounced days ago.

Then where was Khushi? Did they take her with them? No. Not possible because if it had happened then Arnav Singh Raizada would've gone ballistic and Rani Sahiba would've told him right away considering the stress it would have caused her. That means Khushi is somewhere else, must be with Arnav of course and Nani has been lied to considering her health.

Maybe that was why Anjali was also out there somewhere to search for Arnav and Khushi.

He smirked. Now, here is his chance and he would take full advantage of it. He would use his weakness. His family. Especially his Khushi and-

He would destroy that Arnav Singh Raizada once and for all.

After that Khushi would be finally his!

"Do you remember what you called Payal when you found out she is our sister?" She asked when he pulled back from the hug.

"She is not our sister!" He growled. His anger getting the better of him.

"If you will behave like this then how could you expect Khushi ji to trust you?" Anjali exclaimed.

He pursed his lips.

"Without showing your anger tell me what did you say to Payal? What did you consider her?"

"You know what I found out days back?"

"That my father not only had an illegitimate affair but also a child out of it."

"Do you know who that child now a group up person is?"


"Will you still side with them? With your so called illegitimate sister?" He has asked Khushi.

"You can live with your wife happily Akash even knowing everything but I-" He raised his lashes to Khushi who had her breath stuck up in some region of her throat.

"I-I can't." He whispered. "I-can't." He shook his head.

He closed his eyes remembering the day not so long ago when he handed her the divorce papers.

When Anjali saw the memories shining in his eyes but still he didn't utter a word she herself started.

"You called Payal an illegitimate child. You said there are no proofs of Garima Sharma ever marrying Arvind Malik but then neither are there any proofs of you ever marrying Khushi at all. How would you prove that your child is legit?"

"DI!" He bellowed standing up and his eyes glazed fire at his sister. But Anjali wasn't done yet.

"Your child will come into this world where people will call him or her names like you called Payal. Even if you screamed to the world that you're once married to Khushi ji no one would believe like you never believed Garima Aunty because no one but us were present there. There wasn't any other witnesses. And who would believe us all anyway? No one because they would think we are trying to make up stories to save the child's reputation. Now, you have made it more real by divorcing her once and for all. Karma is a bitch isn't it, Arnav. Your child would have the same fate like Garima Gupta's child had."

"NO WAY. SHUT UP DI. JUST SHUT UP." He bellowed. "Don't compare my baby with that women's. Don't."

"Why can't I? There are two many similarities with Payal ji and your baby. Her mother couldn't prove she was married to our father neither could you prove you were married to Khushi. Can you?" She challenged.

"I have divorce papers. The divorce itself is a proof that I was married to Khushi." He gritted.

"The divorce which you got by buying the judge. You never made any media statement about Khushi being your wife either. Do you know when a matter go into the press then they dig too deeper and it won't take long for them to find out the truth that you manipulated the law to get what you want. Also, Khushi ji conceived three months and 15 days ago. It clearly indicates she got pregnant even before your marriage. Now, if you want to say that you were married way before than that then where are the proofs? Do you have any? No. Because the first time you married her neither of us was present there. There, even we won't be able to help you. Now tell me what would you call your child-"

"ENOUGH! ENOUGH DI. ENOUGH!" He went berserk letting out his anger on the chairs, glass tables and furniture.

Anjali continued as if he didn't say anything.

"You very well know Chote that media only knows this much that you never turned up for your marriage. That you abandoned your fiance. A few months later when your child would be born don't you think it would catch eyeballs and then raise disturbing questions too? Not only for you but Khushi ji as well. A few years later when your baby would be intelligent enough to understand everything how do you think those questions would affect him or her?"

She saw her brother struggling with himself right before her eyes. His face has turned red with the restraint while blood rushed to his eyes making him look like a wounded but a caged lion.

"Nothing of that sort would happen. No one would dare throw any cutting questions to my Khushi or my baby. No one. I would kill anyone who even thought of hurting them." He growled in a low menacing voice.

"For a record let me remind you Khushi ji isn't yours anymore. She is your ex-wife now who happens to be carrying your baby. Except for that you have no relation with her whatsoever neither would she let you have any." Anjali reminded him not-so-subtly.

It made his eyes widen and heart burn.

"We would see about that, Di. We would see about that." He said firmly before turning his back to her.

"Answer me you coward. Why are you turning your back to me now that I am the one telling my feelings here? Come back Mr.Raizada and relieve me of my torment at least for once." She yelled after him sobbing nonetheless.

"You want to assuage your guilt by getting solace in my love. But you won't offer the same in return if I would be in the dire need of yours."

"Haven't you ever noticed that how much in need of you and your love I always were? I still am." She choked.

"You have lost me the day you humiliated our beautiful togetherness in front of our elders by calling it a relationship of physical pleasure, a pathetic excuse of sex. You just proved your perceptions right one more time yesterday by forcing yourself on me." She croaked deeply hurt.

Arnav pinched the bridge of his nose until it struck him. His next course of action.

"She doesn't trust me and I have to build her trust on me right?"

Anjali nodded as a matter of fact.

"Let's start with heading back to RM." He announced.

"Really?" Anjali couldn't contain her relief.

"Yes. Go to her and get her ready. We would soon be leaving from here."

"Sure." Anjali heaved a sigh.

She stood up to leave. He called from behind when she reached the door. Turning to him she waited with a frown fearing he might have changed his mind.

"She won't get hurt by me anymore. That I can assure you." He said and Anjali nodded with a weak relieved smile.

"Also, I hope you haven't forgotten your promise yet Di."

Anjali's eyes widened. The relief flew out of the window when he said.

"No matter what you'd convince Khushi to give me a chance. You would won't you?"

He saw the answer in 'no' on her face to which he clenched his jaws.

"You would, Di." He stated casually. "Because if you didn't then only you would be leaving from here while I and Khushi would leave this country forever. Not only that I'd start my search for Guptas again. Now do you want that?"

"No." She choked blinking back the tears knowing that if she refused then he would call the lady bodyguards, her strength was no match to them and no sooner than that he would have her thrown out of here and back to RM.

"Good." He nodded his head and turned.

"You have killed my Chote. I'd never forgive you for that." She exclaimed with a sob.

He swallowed past a lump.

"Not me. Blame that Garima Gupta and that Arvind Malik for killing him from the roots." He whispered loud enough for her to hear without turning.

Wiping her tears vigorously she left but not before saying.

"Neither Garima Aunty nor Dad has done this to you. Whatever you have done or still doing, you are doing it to yourself."

He shuffled through the papers in the black file again. Every time he did it would give him unbound happiness and relief like never before.

"He has divorced her. I can't believe he has divorced the woman whom he loves to bits and can't live without." He said in between his laughter.

His men chuckled evilly.

"Oh he did, boss. He did. And in a few days he would be deprived of his baby too. I wonder what would become of him then? The plan is going to be executed at the end of this weeks. That is the most nearest time we could afford considering how risky it could be. At the end of this we will completely turn ASR's world upside down. His child along with his wife will soon be dead and he will be left with nothing. By the way boss, he is one of the biggest fool on this planet. He is himself making our work easier by believing the lies over the blatant truth in front of him."

Their boss laughed.

"He was like that since childhood. Love and emotions aren't his forte. They always overrule him. You know they say excess of anything is bad. Whether love or hate. Same is the case with him. When he loves, he loves to the fullest. When he hates, he hates to the extremes." He paused to smirk.

"Ratna's love and her death has made him like that. Heartless and arrogant. But I have seen Khushi's love has made him vulnerable. Soft. The kind of man he once was with his mother. It would be so fun to watch what would become of him in Khushi's wake." His smirk widened.

"I will make sure at the time of Khushi and his unborn's death he finds out the whole real truth. With proofs. At that time he will be left with nothing but the guilt and hell lot of grief. Only then I will get peace. I want him on his knees. I want him to cry for his mistakes. To always live with 'what ifs' and 'If only'. That day will be the success of mine and loss of his most precious relations. His Khushi and the baby."

The maniac laughter echoed in the room as the boss turned his chair towards his men. They chuckled along with him.

"Wait Arnav Malik. Avinash Malik is soon going to destroy you just like you ruined me an year ago by snatching Sheesh Mahal from me and my family."


Woah. The last chapter was the highest rated part of KMT till date. It reached 500+ Votes. I mean, Wow. Thank you so so very much for loving it so much. Keep showering your love the same way and I'd keep writing for you guys :)

I won't be asking any questions because I think the Q/A might give away the further story. So I'd wait for you guys to pick the hints ;)

Next chapter will mark the INTERVAL of KMT. Any idea what would happen in it?

Waiting eagerly for your feedback. Kindly do VOTE and COMMENT :)


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