Chapter 15C

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A punch landed on his face the moment he finished which caused the other two men to shiver in fear and cower back a step.

"And you're telling this to me now?" He grabbed his collars and shook him.

"Boss, what possibly could we have done in that matter?" He pleaded sweating profusely with his mouth bleeding.

He growled in answer and shoved him off.

"Not only did he get to know about her pregnancy but also married her again. And you stupid incompetent fools couldn't do anything." He bellowed pouncing on him again like a raging animal and delivered punch after punch. None of his other men had the courage to step forward to save him from his wrath.

They sighed in relief when he himself pushed him away and stepped back breathing hard.

"What about the task I gave you?"

"Just a few days more before it could be executed." One of them replied nervously.

"Boss," The other man interrupted to stop him from making their other companion's condition the same like the one lying on the floor writhing.

"You do know how much tight the security is there in RM. There are CCTV cameras everywhere. Very efficient guards are surrounding the mansion. We couldn't possibly do anything in there without getting noticed so we have to do it outside if we don't want to get caught." He explained.

"And what if that damn woman, that Khushi Singh Raizada didn't step out of the house the day we planned it?"

"We have thought about that too. We know how to get her out. Alone!"

At that Ashish's lips quirked up into an evil smirk.

"So the countdown to Arnav Singh Raizada's destruction has begun. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tick tock!" His sneering laughter rung in the air.

Him mentioning about letting her talk to her mother has shut off Khushi's senses of all the thoughts. That's why she didn't protest neither when he carried her in his arms nor when he brought her to his room.

Placing her on the bed he took out his cellphone from his pocket and unlocking the screen extended it to her.

Khushi looked at him shocked.

Was he really going to cut off her prohibitions and give her what she wants?

Was he really serious when he said he was trying to move on?

If yes, then what about yesterday in his office?

He practically blackmailed her again to do as he says and now he was a changed person all over again?

What should she believe and what she shouldn't?

She didn't know anymore!

She looked in between him and his phone shocked.

"They are in Lucknow. In Sheesh Mahal. Remember the place where we first met?" He informed softly.

She lowered her eyes without taking the phone.

How could she forget that place or that night when he entered like a hurricane in her life and ruined her perfectly built peaceful life?

She could never!

"How do you know?" She spat abruptly standing up and giving him a push back. "You said you won't search for them!" She hissed.

"I didn't. I kept my words. It's just that I call Sheesh Mahal once every month to ask about the palace of whether they are taking care of it or not from the head servant there. That's why I called today morning and got to know a family is living there in one of the portions consisting of three people whom Di has sent. I didn't need to ask who they were because you and I both know whom Di has been hiding." He explained in detail but still the distrust in Khushi's eyes stayed intact.

She didn't believe him. He could see that. So he let her be and himself scrolled down his contact list. Upon reaching the number he was about to touch call button when she snatched the phone from him and threw it across the room in vengeance leaving him completely dumbstruck.

"Khushi!" He snapped. He couldn't help it. "You wanted to talk to your mother didn't you? Now when I am giving you that you have a problem with that too?"

She breathed harshly before looking up at him fiercely. Certain memories flashes in her eyes.

"Does your so-called Amma know what are you going through?"

He has then dialed Garima's number despite her protests. And has very mercilessly told her everything she went through. She was going through with him. And when her Amma asked about her she does remember what exactly did he say.

"Actually she can't talk because she don't want to. How can she when she is sobbing right?" He stated making Khushi dumbfounded.

"What?" Hearing her Amma's torn voice made her inside churn.

"Yeah." Arnav said casually."Do you know we are all alone in a big mansion and your daughter is being watched by me 24/7? She needs my permission to do everything. Even if its sleeping , eating or breathing even!"

"Y our daughter is living in a hell as she liked to call it. Do you know she just begged me to let her go because she can't bear it anymore?"

"Please let her go. I will do anything. You want to punish me right? Do whatever you want to but just don't do this to her."

Knives twisted in Khushi's guts hearing her mother plead like that. She reached for the phone again. He extended his arm away from her and with the other kept holding her to his side.

"She is mine do you get that Garima Gupta?! And you ... you are going to live with this guilt of being responsible for the ruined happiness of your daughter every minute , every second of your life."

"Please bitwa?" Garima sobbed and Khushi couldn't handle it anymore.

She wriggled extending her arm to thrash the phone or better break it to stop him but he folded her arm painfully behind her back even before she could hit the cell.

She couldn't help but cry out in helplessness as she heard the heart wrenching sobs of her mother tearing her apart.

"I am surprised Garima Gupta. I have just started and you are breaking already. What would become of you when I will be fully done with you?"

Khushi heard her mother gasp.

"What is it you want to do? Please do it all at once but just spare my Khushi."

"Spare your Khushi? How can I when it is only because of her I can't hurt you directly? Be thankful that you are her mother figure otherwise I don't show mercy to my enemies. Not even a bit."

His tone not only chilled Garima but also Khushi.

"From now on. You will be filled with every single detail of what your daughter is suffering. I mean what's the fun in just keeping her away from you? I want more than that. I want you to die and live every moment of your life like my mother did because of you until she couldn't bear it anymore and ended her life!"

Khushi heard the guilt ridden pleads of her mother ripping her apart.

"Why not start from right this moment?Your Khushi is all alone with me right now in this mansion and do you know what I have in store for her tonight?" He stopped looking in her eyes." Actually I don't think I have to spell it out to you now do I? You know its a couple thing huh!"

On the other side of the phone Garima's face whitened.

"Don't be harsh on her please!"

"Amma- umm" Khushi started only to be cut by his lips on hers.

Garima's eyes widened.

"Good bye mother-in-law." He cut the call and threw his cell on the couch before turning to his wife who was shooting daggers at him.Her eyes full of hurt and tears. Some spilled on her cheeks.

He saw it all how she zoned out in the painful past memories of her time in that mansion he kept her like a hostage. She scoffed as if to mock him. His heart clawed.

"Khushi," He tried to cup her cheeks. She moved back. He let his hands fall to his sides in defeat.

"I know this is another one of your games where you'd make me call and insult my mother." She pointed to herself spitting fire at him. "You did it in the office that day. Also I very well remember how you terrified her the last time you called her in front of me. You made sure she knew of every torture I was going through with you before mercilessly cutting the call in midst her sobbing for mercy. For me!" She hissed out while he swallowed hard but didn't defend himself.

"Because of you I insulted my mother so much. I wouldn't even have known about Amma's ill health if Bua ji hadn't come in that mansion to get me. Still, I couldn't even call to ask about her condition. Of whether she is alright now or not. All because of you!" She shook with tremors. Snapping her eyes up vengefully she spitted fire at him.

"Let me tell you very clearly this time. I'd not fall into any of your web of deceit ever again. Get that?" She finished with fresh tears rolling down her cheeks before falling back on the bed again with her chest heaving up and down as she tried to gather her bearings. His own condition wasn't any better seeing her all shattered and broken.

"I get it." He very difficulty let the words out with his eyes prickling. "I know I have broken your trust many a times and it will take time to build it bac-"

"It will never be build back again!" She said jerking her head up to his. He balled his hands into fists feeling the fire rising up in him as the fear caught up with him again. The fear of loosing her and their baby. Both.

"And why did you bring me here? In your room?" Saying this she got up angrily and walked away only for him to step in between her and the door.

"Because you belong here. With me." The softness which she witnessed in him just a moment ago wasn't there anymore. In its place THE ASR stood before her looking defiantly at her.

"I'd not bother you until the matter is of our baby. Does that ring a bell, Mr. Raizada?" She gave him a push as a result of which his back hit the door behind.

"Exactly. I am talking about our child here only who is still inside you. So technically its the matter of our baby for which I am bothering you. Until he isn't born you'd have to stay with me. Right here. In this room. Because he/she belongs here. With me." Just like you do. He added in his mind.

It ended up in a round of slaps and punches from her sides on his chest which he bore without complaining.

"YOU'D NEVER CHANGE!" She growled with her face turning red not only with frustration but from crying as well. There, he couldn't stay silent anymore so he grabbed her hands on his chest and stopped her madness at once.

"Don't make my baby angry."

"I AM NOT YOUR BABY!" She twisted her hands in his hold.

"I am not talking about you," He gripped her hands with his right one and with the other reached down and placed it on her abdomen. Her heart clenched in her chest. She stilled.

"I am talking about her!"

She gasped. For a moment she couldn't help but stare at him gobsmacked.

"It's a boy!" She cried out before starting protesting again.

His lips quirked up into a small smile whilst he left her hands only for his arms to go around her and lock at her waist. Her eyes widened. Her head shot up to him so close to him and it formed knots in her stomach. Her eyes brimmed all over again.

"You want a baby boy?" His eyes twinkled as he asked caressing the side of her face in a daze.

"Hamare chahne ya na chahne se kya hota hai?(It doesn't matter what I want or don't) I know it's a boy from day 1." She replied as if it was any other normal day between them.

"How?" He whispered touching his lips in between her brows. She drew in a harsh breath.

"I-I just do." She sobbed out much to his surprise.

"Why are you crying now?" He cupped her cheeks firmly and wiped her tears from the pad of his thumbs but more would roll down.

"I wanted it to be a girl, too." She whined rubbing her nose. He swallowed hard.

"But that doesn't mean I don't love him. I love him so much. Believe me!" She cried all over him while he panicked seeing her losing it.

"Okay. Okay. I believe you." He cajoled her dropping a peck one on her head and other on her cheek.

"He does, too." He said placing his palm flat on her midriff which pulled her out of the emotional turmoil and she looked up at him with her wet lashes.

"He does?" She asked him with hope. He nodded feeling his heart cutting.

He knew why she was so insecure about it. Just because when she got to know about her pregnancy she for a few moments thought for abortion to keep the child from living a difficult life. Now those same vulnerable moments were catching up on her. Making her so guilty and why won't they?

It was Khushi he was talking about here. She can't harm anyone unintentionally let alone deliberately. But then, because of him she was willing to sacrifice her own blood. It was bound to mess her up. It did.

And he was right. She confirmed it.

"I was scared." She whispered with her hands clutching his wrists while his hands were still cupping her cheeks.

"And vulnerable. And torn." She whimpered dropping her head. He blinked back the tears and cupping the back of her head tugged her closer and hid her in his arms.

"I know." He kissed the top of her head. "Don't blame yourself. Even if you want to then blame me. Rebuke me. Punish me. Because it is me who is responsible for everything. Every wrong in our lives."

"Yes," She nodded shoving him off coming back to her senses. "YES!" She growled. "You are responsible for it. For every wrong that happened to me, to my family and if Akash jiju hasn't stopped me then you'd have made me commit the crime of murdering my own baby as well. SCREW YOU!" She gave him push after push in vengeance.

Forcibly he grabbed her wrists and softly pulled her closer and hugged her protesting form in his arms. She continued twisting and turning but he pressed his one hand at the back of her head and the other around her waist to keep her restraint.

"You only told me not to curse before our baby and what you did just now?" He tried to get through her.

"SCREW YOU. SCREW YOU. SCREW YOU!" She managed to raise her head and shouted on his face twisting and banging her fists sandwiched in between them.

"I have a better collection for profanities if we are having this competition. So," He unlocked his arms from around her waist and cupped the sides of her neck. She tried to slap it off but to no avail.

"Shall we start? Here is my first often used word. Fu-" He started and she quickly placed her hand over his mouth horrified.

"NO! Don't curse!" She breathed in and out to gather herself. "I don't know what came over me that I," She said frantically while her hands trembled. "I am not like this. I never, never used such.. such," She looked ready to go into another zone. From angry to now helpless and guilty. So he had to do something. Fast. Or she would lose it. Again.

"I knew it." She grabbed her head in between her palms shrugging him off.

"I knew it I won't be good mother." She stepped back when he tried to come closer.

"Khushi," His tone held a warning.

"No. Don't come closer. I must be the most undeserving mother on this earth." She cried out looking up at him. His eyes brimmed. His heart jumped up to his throat seeing her this broken.

"I was going to sacrifice him because I wanted to be free of everything. Of you!" She pointed her trembling hands gesturing to the whole of him.

"Khushi, please. Don't do this to yourself."

"That's the problem!" She hollered. "Not to myself I choose to do it to my baby!" She pointed to herself with her lips trembling and body shaking terribly.

Arnav stepped to her but she glared up at him to stay where he was. He raised his hands in surrender.

"I deserve whatever you did to me." She choked rubbing the back of her hand on her lips. His jaws clenched in anger because he could tolerate any of the accusation for himself but not when she was blaming herself.

"Shut up, Khushi!" He gritted.

"NO!" She cried. "I kept calling you a monster when in reality it's me who is the beast here who wanted to harm his own child." She walked around in circles in clear agitation while his patience was wearing thin seeing her losing it.

"You know what," She said instead of protesting when he gathered her in his arms. "Punish me more. Hurt me more." She croaked tilting his face pressing her three fingers under his chin. He averted his eyes in anguish.

She turned his head to her.

"Please. I won't say anything. Say accusing words. Keep me at bay. Badmouth about my Amma. Do it all. Because it all would hurt me and then I might make myself worthy of this baby." She sobbed out shaking him curling his lapels into fists. A strangled cry left him whilst he cupped her cheeks firmly and leaned her on him.

"I am sorry, baby." He whispered entangling his fingers in her hairs. "I did this to you. I am so sorry." He rasped. But she seemed in her own world. She kept accusing herself.

"Can you imagine I cursed before him even stopping you from doing so?" She choked out guiltily.

"Shh. Shh!" He murmured pressing her form into his' hoping his embrace at least comfort her but nothing soothed her. He rubbed his hand up and down her back but the shaking in her body won't stop nor did the words she hurled at herself. Taking all the blame over herself cutting him from within.

"I said shut up, Mrs. Raizada!" He said on the very edge of his patience. Her sobs were playing with his sanity. If that wasn't enough she started wriggling in his arms.

"Leave me. Leave me. LET GO." She bellowed into his chest while he held her tightly with his chin over her head.

"Why don't you leave me?" She twisted and turned in his hold frustrated. He only added up to it by strengthening his hold around her. In all these months of angst one thing has always remained the same, intact that only he knew how to handle her in these kind of situations. And he did so this time very efficiently by bringing her out of self-rebuke to hurl accusations back at him. And he succeeded because when she couldn't free herself from him even after many attempts she growled.

"You married me again to torture me? Like this?" She swatted his arms managing to raise her head just enough to look in his eyes. He held her firmly with his one hand around her waist and he raised the other to cup the side of her cheek and caressed it. She whimpered closing her eyes. He swallowed looking at her disheveled state.

The neatly pinned veil on her head was now hanging on her shoulder while many tendrils of her hairs were falling on either sides of her face. Maang tika has dropped from her head and was now stuck to her veil only. Tears stains on her cheeks and red rimmed eyes told the story of her shattered self perfectly.

Arnav breathed hard to keep himself from breaking down along with her. Heaving a long sigh he moistened his dry lips before leaning to press his lips in between her brows.

"Have you ever wondered the business tycoon THE ASR who ran away from even the idea of marriage since childhood why did he marry you not once but thrice?" He whispered tucking her hairs behind her ear.

"I don't want to know!" She growled.

"Kyun k maine kabhi kisi se itna pyaar nahi kiya jitna tumse karta tha. Karta hun! (Because I have never loved anyone the way I loved you. I still do)" He confessed more like pleaded hoping it might melt her down a bit.

"Aur humne bhi kabhi kisi se itni nafrat nahi ki jitni aap se karte the. Karte hain! (Neither did I ever hated anyone the way I hated you. I still do)" She gritted out.

He swallowed.

"Don't say that." He removed his hand from her waist and brought both his hands up to her face. Palming her cheeks he rubbed her skin with his thumbs passionately.

"Don't talk to me!" She hissed trying to ward his hands off. He didn't budge.

"How'd I go on if I didn't?" Blood rushed to his eyes.

"You can't back off from your end of the deal now that you got what you wanted." She said shakily seeing him reverting back to his old ways. He huffed and turned around agitated releasing her. Khushi breathed hard stepping back.

"Fine." He ran his fingers in his hairs before gripping them in sheer restlessness. "Fine. I am sorry I lost control. If you will help me I'd-" He turned back to face her and found the place empty where she was standing just a minute ago.

His heart dropped.

"K-Khushi?" He whirled around the room and ran to the poolside to check when his eyes caught something shining besides the cupboard. He closed his eyes in relief before tracing his steps back in the room and came to stand in front of her who was hiding in between the cupboard and the wall in a very small space.

"What are you trying to do?" He pulled her out and made her face him.

"Getting away from you to save my baby. You are toxic. Your love is toxic. You destroyed me. I won't let you do the same to my child." She snapped shrugging his hands off.

He stared at her stupefied. She moved closer to him blinking back the tears.

"You have made me your wife again. You did it to give a name to this child. Because you're afraid people would call him names if you didn't. It's done. You even have proofs now to prove the legality of our marriage to show the media, the world. That's what you wanted right. You got it. But please," She folded her hands before him. His hands shook whilst his eyes trailed to her folded hands.

"Please listen to me. Let us both go now." She said to which his eyes shoot up to her. His jaws clenched while his hands balled into fists.

"I beg of you. Please, Arnav ji. I will give birth to him. I will bring him up. I promise I'd take a very good care of him. Just.. I .. just want.. to keep him away from... darkness. From-"

"Me?" He scoffed. Though his tone and angry glares sent chills down her spine but she stood her ground. It was now or never.

"I understand," She placed her hands on his front to which his eyes darted to them on his chest before raising back to her face. "I understand you'd want to see your child grow up too. I won't stop you. You can come meet him occasionally. In that way he won't have to be around you all the time nor would he be subjected to the issues you have with your past. You getting what I mean?"

"Is it possible?" He asked placing his hands over hers on his chest. His face has turned emotionless in a moment and so did his stance.

She nodded seeing him thinking it calmly without getting angry.

"I have a better solution." He brought her hands up to his face and kissed her fingers. A shiver ran down her spine.

"W-What?" She gulped because she was too accustomed to this man. Right now, suddenly he was giving her dangerous vibes.

"I will let you go and I won't come to meet my son, either." He declared. Khushi's breaths left her. Would he, really?

"But on one condition." He added softly pulling her closer and caressed her face with his knuckles.

"What is the condition?" She croaked.

"You'd have full seven years to live with our son. After that I'd be filing for a custody case and would get my son back in his home permanently."

Khushi paled.

"But there is a catch in here." He twitched his mouth playing with a fringe of her hair. "After I'd get him back with me you won't be allowed to see him ever again. What say? Your way or my way? Decide!"

She gripped his lapels and pulled him closer.

"YOU," The words got stuck in her throat as he let his mask slip and a lava emanated from him. His eyes spitted fire at her while the nerves at his temples and neck stood out causing her heart to gallop in fear.

"Keep one thing very distinct in your mind, Khushi." He tilted her face up cupping the sides of her neck firmly.

"If I let you go I'd suffer. And if you think that I'd let you get away with that then you are surely mistaken. The more you'd stay away from me the more the pain would double over in me and so would my urge to make you pay for every second of the torture I'd go through."

She gaped at him whilst a whimper left her.

"I know the court won't give the custody of a newborn baby to his father right away because he needs his mother more in the initial phase of his life so let me be clear Khushi. If I stayed away from my son for years then I'd make you go through the same pain until we both won't be even. So decide what would that be?" He finished and Khushi started struggling with as much force as she could muster.

"You really don't deserve to be with either me or my son. I was right. I am right. You," She cried out.

She had to stop abruptly because he cupped her through her nape, bent and covered his lips with hers stilling not only her but also her frantic movements right there and then.

When he pulled back he gripped her arms as she tried to pounce on him and cupping her chin firmly made her look in his eyes which has turned a darker shade of red. Resilience was clear in those dark honey colored eyes.

"If I loose you then I will make sure you loose your son, too." He said in a low menacing voice before pulling the rug off her feet by adding. "Choose Khushi. Either your son or me?"

Dumbstruck Khushi stared at him brokenly as certain memories flooded back in her mind sucking off her breaths.

"Choose Khushi. Either your mother or me?"

Did he just brought them back to the point from where it all started?

She couldn't believe it.

"Why do I always have to choose between either of my precious relations or you?" She stuttered with her shoulders slumped.

"Kyun k maira dimagh kharab ho jata hai jab bhi tum mujhe chod k jaane ki baat karti ho. Toh aaj aik baat sun lo. (Because it blows my mind every time you talk about leaving me. So today get this very clear)" He leaned closer till he could see his own reflection in her frightened eyes. She grimaced as his hold on her chin strengthened.

"Choose me. I repeat, choose me." He emphasized grimly.

"Or what?" She gritted ignoring the pain in her jaws due to his rough hold. More so her heart was clenching and unclenching in her chest.

"See if you choose me you'd get me obviously along with our child. We three, as a family. But if you choose our son then you might get a few years with him without me but then I'd make sure you loose him forever once he'd grow up. And I swear on you and our unborn child I mean it!" He left her chin with a jerk before storming to the bathroom shutting the door behind with a bang.

A completely dumbfounded Khushi fell to the ground in his wake.

Payal was continuously pacing in the room while Akash was sitting watching his wife's predicament. Only he knew how he made his Di, Maa and Dad to go to their room and rest. Their inhibitions were valid about leaving Khushi alone with Arnav but then there was little they could do now.

Payal huffed and puffed walking to and fro causing Akash's head to spin more than it already was.

"Come on dear, sit down already. You are going to give me a headache now."

"How can I sit down when it's been an hour and still I don't know how my sister is coping up with your brother?"

"Yeah, your brother too actually." Akash said with extreme calmness and saw how it affected his wife who glared at him fiercely.

"Don't ever call him my brother at all." Turning fully to him she pointed a finger at him.

"Okay if not brother he IS your half-brother." Akash said.

"Are you trying to rub it in, Akash?" She gritted.

"It's not that you know it." Akash's calmness didn't waver. It is the sensible quality in Arnav's younger brother which distinguished him from the ASR.

"Then what is it you are trying to do? Taunting?" She hissed.

"Neither of it." He kept his gaze on her while her cheeks has turned red with both anger and helplessness of the moment.

Ever since she came to know the truth about her father she has been on the edge of her sanity. He knew it wasn't easy for her to swallow this bitter pill down her throat but she was forced to do so anyway and like a drug changes the functions in your body it was doing the exact same. It was changing her. And he couldn't do anything about it but helplessly watch how his innocent and naive Payal was getting lost in the bitterness and darkness.

Upon that worry for Khushi and not being able to see her family was taking more toll on her. In all this it was the least he could do and make her face her past. The truth. Maybe that might bring some peace in her.

She has resumed pacing ignoring him afraid they would get into a fight on this. She has had plenty on her plate right now. She didn't want to add more. Also he was her only support now a days and she didn't want to lose it, him. At all.

"Will you come here, Payal?" He called her from the bed but got no response from her.

"Payal," He called firmly this time. She stopped walking and turned her head to him. Seeing the tears in her eyes made him sigh.

"Should I make a call to your parents? You wanna talk, too?" He asked and pulled out his phone simultaneously.

"How does he know they are in Lucknow?" Payal whimpered. "What if he has already done something to them and we don't even know about it?"

Before she could lose it he himself got up and carried her up in his arms thereby stopping her from making scary speculations as she wrapped her arms around his neck placing her head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about that. Di have it covered. While you were measuring the length of our room I'd received Di's message that she has talked to Shashi Uncle without him getting any hint of the happenings here and they are safe and sound." He whispered while lowering her on the bed.

She sat leaning against the headboard while he sat facing her taking her hands in both of his. A sigh of pure relief left Payal as she rubbed her chest. It was suffocating. The blinding fear. Of loosing your precious relations.

"They are safe I get it. But about Khushi?" Payal scooted closer to him and gripped his hands tightly. "Please lets go and have a look at her." She pleaded with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Payal," He cupped her cheeks before she could go hysteric. "Listen to me. Here look at me," He said softly. "You need to relax. Take a deep breath or you'll get yourself sick." He pulled her closer and kissed her temple. She gripped his arm sniffling. She did as he asked. She breathed in and out.

"I am calm now." She said pulling back. "Now let us go see Khushi." She was adamant.

"What if she is talking to your family?" He tried to distract her.

"It's been more than an hour, Akash." Payal growled swatting his arm. Akash closed his eyes to gather strength to handle his frantic wife. He embraced her and tightened his hold around her. She burst out sobbing.

"Payal, Bhai said sorry to you. Didn't he make a promise to us all as well?" Akash whispered to make her understand the delicacy of the situation.

"As far as Khushi's marriage with me is concerned I have promised her that apart from the matter related to our baby, I'd not bother her at all." Arnav has said.

Now that Bhai has been ready to forget his past and move on at least for the baby he didn't want anyone to instigate him to do otherwise. It could complicate things more. Not only for Khushi but also for Gupta family. He doesn't want that.

"I don't have even an iota of trust on your brother." Payal said sternly.

"You think I have faith in him? Not at all. He has broken all of our trust. But right now you have to understand that we don't have any other choice but to give him a benefit of doubt or else we won't be able to see either Khushi or her baby ever again."

Payal jerked back with her eyes widened.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Payal was shaking with fear. Akash gulped taking off his specs. He has to tell her. There was no other choice.

"Bhai has taken a promise from Di that she has to convince Khushi ji to choose him this time or else he would leave not only this city but also the country along with Khushi where no one would be able to find them. And we all know he could do it cent percent."

Payal gasped with her hand on her mouth.

"And you are saying he married her for the baby?" She shrieked.

"Payal," He started.

"Why didn't you tell me this when he announced his decision to marry Khushi again?" Payal hollered gripping his collars.

"What would you have done if you had known?" Akash couldn't keep his voice low.

"I'd have stopped the marriage!" She shouted.

"As if you could!" He scoffed. "Bhai has already threatened and made Khushi agree to marry him. Even if you, me or anyone of the family has even begged Khushi not to do it she would have done it anyway because you very well know she would do anything for her family. Your refusal would've only added up to the tension. It definitely would have made it worse." He burst out.

Payal dropped her head in between her hands and cried profusely. Akash pinched the bridge of his nose in agitation.

"Listen," He breathed out the word placing his hand on the side of her head.

"Do me a favor." Payal's tone turned cold. Akash clenched his jaws.

"Either ask Di or call Sheesh Mahal yourself. I want to know whether your brother really let my Khushi talk to Amma or he has played a game again."

Seeing her adamant Akash dialed Sheesh Mahal's number himself. Guptas family were refrained from using their cellphones ever since they were sent there so that Arnav couldn't track them. As if that was helpful at all. He did find them anyway.

A servant attended the call who on Akash's order took the phone to the guests living in the secluded portion of the palace. As Akash talked to them without letting them know the actual purpose of his phone Payal anxiously looked at him noticing every expression passing across his face until his eyes shot up to hers whilst talking as she heard the one-sided conversation before she understood everything when he said,

"Sure, I'll make some way so that you could talk to Khushi." Akash wiped the sweat beads from his forehead.

Fire rose up in Payal's eyes. Akash himself has paled and quickly cut the call telling Garima that Payal was sleeping that's why couldn't talk. He knew if Payal did then she would blurt out everything because she was neck deep in rage right now.

"I knew it. I TOLD YOU." She jumped out of the bed locking her feet in her chappals and made a run to the door with Akash following behind. This time he didn't stop her because he himself was now worried sick.

They all fell to ASR's trap all over again like fools!

"Dammit. Dammit. Dammit!" He banged his fists on the wall several times until his knuckles were swollen and red that waves and waves of pain shoot through his body but nothing mattered to him. Placing an arm on the wall he leaned his head on it and breathed harshly whilst her broken self swam before his eyes and so did her pleads to let her go.

Why she has to bring that sensitive topic between them when she knows it flares his anger?

Why she has to talk about leaving him?

Why dammit?

He cursed himself remembering her shattered demeanor the way he threatened her to choose him or not only would she lose him but also their child.

He let out explicit after explicit walking around in circles in the washroom before turning to the basin. Gripping its edges he leaned forward with his head dropped before he raised it to the wall length mirror which showed him the picture of his own miserable condition.

Why every time they marry the wedding night has to end up like this?

Where not only he break her but himself too?


Why can't for once they have anything, anything normal between them?

"Why dammit?"

Because of you!

A voice sneered inside him.

Shut up!

He growled inwardly.

Shut up? Really?

Didn't you promise not to hurt her again if she married you and how bravely you ended up doing the exact opposite!

That too when she is pregnant!

At that he dropped his head whilst a cry left him. His eyes burned with unshed tears. To add to that he could hear her muffled sobs as well. Swallowing thickly he opened the tap with trembling hands before splashing cold water on his face over and over again to calm himself down before facing her.

She has to understand that he could tolerate anything, anything she would throw his way but he would never, never be able to even listen her talk about going let alone him agreeing to it, ever.

With water dripping from his face he raised his head to the mirror and stared at his reflection with bloodshot eyes. Clenching his jaws he ran his fingers in his already messed up hairs wetting them as well. Rubbing his hands on his face he took deep breaths before turning to the door. Twisting the knob he pushed it open and entered in the dimly lit room.

He rasped as his gaze fell on her who was now sitting on the same place he left her standing dumbfounded. Only difference was that she wasn't crying anymore yet the tear stains were clearly visible on her face. She was blinking her eyes rapidly whilst the wet lashes were enough to tell him she was swallowing down all her tears down her throat which possibly were now falling on her heart making her burn from within. He knew how that feels because he was going through same right now.

Swallowing he walked to her before dropping himself on his knees besides her. He felt her stiffen and move away before sniffling turning her head to the other side.

"You should change and rest." He spoke with a lump stuck in his throat.


"I have had your luggage shifted back to our room. I will just go and bring out the change for you." He whispered touching her shoulder. She didn't react even then. He pursed his lips.

"But first let me help you to the bed." He deliberately said that and he got what he wanted. Her reaction. Her head shot to him and she glared at him as to not dare touch her.

"What? I get it our room isn't decorated the way it should have been on our wedding night but then I knew it too how that would have ended so I am sorry if I offended you." He really had the audacity to say that in this situation and regretted it the big time as she said,

"It's all so amusing for you isn't it? Hurting me, seeing me in misery brings you satisfaction doesn't it?" She breathed hard causing the hairs falling on her face to fly in air. He swallowed and despite her trying to slap his hand he removed the hairs from her face and tucked them behind her ears.

"You don't wanna go to the bed? Fine by me. But then we would have to find a comfortable place for you to lay down. My baby needs rest." He said so conveniently that she couldn't help but gape at him.

"Are you," The rest of the words died in her throat feeling his hand going around her waist and before she knew it she was sitting on his lap with his arms tightening around her.

"Here, now you both can rest." He tucked her closer with his one hand around her shoulder causing her head to fall on his shoulder while his other hand around her waist went around her stomach and rested flat on her abdomen whilst he caressed her skin peeking from the lehenga choli sending jolts of current down her spine.

Khushi didn't know what came over her that despite wanting to protest she couldn't. Despite wanting to push him away she couldn't. Despite wanting to curse him she couldn't. Instead she found herself sitting rigid in his embrace while he trailed his hand from her shoulder and placed it on the side of her head before burying the fingers in her hairs caressed her scalp sending soothing waves down her spine that she felt her burning eyes drooping. 

Slowly, slowly he felt her muscles relaxing before she completely slumped on him. Her eyes teared up. Her weakness to his embrace, his touch terrified her as much as it soothed her. So despite wanting to stay there forever she found herself jumping out of his lap and running to the bed clutching her lehenga.

He stood up alarmed afraid that she was going to run out but to his relief she got into the covers and shut her eyes tight. A sigh left him. At least he managed to calm her down a bit. For a few moments he just stood there and gawked at her face until the pressure she was putting on her lids disappeared and so did the frown on her forehead indicating that she slept.

He was about to approach her when he heard frantic knocks on the door. Frowning he gave one last look to Khushi and headed to the door.

"Wha-" He couldn't complete because as soon as he opened the door Akash and Payal pushed him aside barging in the room looking horrified. But then their expressions turned from worry to relief as their gaze fell on Khushi lying on the bed sleeping.

"May I know what is going on here? How dare you both enter in my room like that? That too at this time?" Arnav growled in a low voice. Akash scratched the back of his neck while Payal turned to him fiercely.

"You lied again!" Payal faced him. "Weren't you supposed to let her talk to Amma on phone? Guess what we got to know how big of a manipulator you are. You again double crossed us."

For some reason the contempt and distrust in Payal's eyes unsettled Arnav.

Dammit Arnav she isn't your sister. Stop getting fooled by the sentiments!

Arnav rebuked himself and let out a resigned sigh.

"There!" He pointed to the corner of the room calmly. Akash and Payal turned to find the pieces of a broken phone before looking back at him.

"She broke the phone. She didn't even let me dial the number. She is so angry that she is doubting my intentions,"

"And rightly so!" Payal interjected strongly. Arnav balled his hands into fists but didn't retort.

"Yeah Payal." He gritted. "She doesn't trust me and she won't talk to her mother either just because I said it . So tomorrow you yourself can do the deal. Look she really needed to have a word with her or she will turn more into depression." Arnav explained whilst Payal blinked her eyes at him not knowing what to say.

"Are you-" She cleared her throat. "Are you serious?" She asked in disbelief.

"If you don't-" He shook his head to rephrase his words. "I know you don't trust me but tomorrow you can yourself find out whether I am lying or not. Okay?" He couldn't believe himself that he was talking this calmly to the daughter of the woman whom he detested more than anything. The daughter who might possibly be his half-sister.

Where did his anger for Payal go?

Wasn't she and her true identity the reason he divorced Khushi?

Wasn't it because of her existence only maybe his mother might have had committed suicide?

His jaws clenched. His blood boiled.

But look here he was explaining himself to the same girl!

He was trying to gain trust of the same girl? Unbelievable!

If it continued he might as well give her the same place only his Anjali Di holds in his life.


He shook his head while his expressions hardened which Akash clearly noticed and rushed to intervene lest the fire burn not only Payal but Khushi as well. Just now he seemed to be behaving rationally. He really didn't want him to go back to square one.

"Khushi is sleeping Payal," Akash whispered from behind touching her shoulders before Arnav could say anything. "She is safe. That's all we wanted to know right now. Let's go." After his various assurances Payal agreed to leave while Arnav fell on the bed with his face buried in his palm before he removed his fingers from his eyes and covered his nose.

Closing his eyes he tried to gather his wits but nothing helped. Restlessness only increased inside of him for the importance he just gave Payal. The lava which was dousing in him was burning up and was rising to the fore as vengeful feelings made a blasting comeback.

The urge to go grab the cordless and call Garima Gupta or just call his men in Lucknow to teach Garima Gupta a lesson or just finish her once and for all doubled within him. And it raised so much that he stood up with his eyes spitting fire. Vengefully he turned and stormed to the bedside table when his gaze fell on her and he stilled.

"For a record let me remind you Khushi ji isn't yours anymore. She is your ex-wife now who happens to be carrying your baby. Except for that you have no relation with her whatsoever neither would she let you have any." Anjali has reminded him not-so-subtly.

"I will believe you the day you'd let me go. When you won't cage me anymore. When you would let me go wherever I want without any questions. When you would let me meet my family. Not just the Raizadas but Guptas as well!"

"I don't trust you neither with myself nor with my baby."

"You are toxic. Your love is toxic. You destroyed me. I won't let you do the same to my child."

His hand stopped which he has had extended to fetch the cradle of the cordless as his stomach twisted in knots.

"I said I'd try. Didn't you hear me? Let's take one step at a time because I can't just let go of my hatred of years in seconds. If I said to you I had then I'd be lying. You don't want me to lie to you anymore now do you?"

"Don't bother. I don't believe a word you say anyway." She has said sternly.

If he went back to his old ways he would never be able to gain her trust. Ever.

If he didn't then she would never choose him but his child!

Then she won't even think of anything else and might as well leave him because she already consider him to be a threat to their baby!

What if her doubt turned into a solid belief?

He stepped back alarmed. Cussing under his breath he pinched the bridge of his nose before touching his head to his hand curled into a fist.

"You want to assuage your guilt by getting solace in my love. But you won't offer the same in return if I would be in the dire need of yours."

"Haven't you ever noticed that how much in need of you and your love I always were? I still am." She has choked.

He gripped both the sides of his head as it buzzed making him deaf to every other sound before he fell on the space besides her on the bed and dropped his head to hers with his cheek pressed to hers nuzzling which he breathed.

"It's so painful. So so painful, Khushi." He whispered aghast. "I don't know till when I could hold back and not do what I wanted to do since the time I found out your Amma killed my Maa." He rasped closing his eyes.

"I don't know what I'd do if you didn't choose me this time either. But one thing I am completely sure of." His tone turned icy.

"I can compromise on anything. Anything. You can treat me like shit. You can kill me with your words but just.. never.. ever say that you want separation. Never again. And I promise to turn everything as per your like." He paused before his stance turned defiant.

"You'd have to choose me not the other way around. Not the child. And if you want our baby to have a peaceful life you'd have to drop the idea of ever leaving me!" He blurted out everything in his heart but then he froze as he heard.

"I choose you."

"What?" His eyes shot open. He pulled back just enough to look at her and saw her eyes open and bleary.

"I choose you over my baby."

His heart grew in size before beating like a drum in his chest that he was afraid it would leap out of his chest.

"Say it again." His eyes glinted.

"I am choosing to never leave you!" She croaked.

"I don't believe you." He threw her words back at her vengefully.

She closed her eyes to reign in her emotions.

"Make me believe," He murmured against her lips. She drew in a harsh breath. "Make me believe that you aren't lying." He added touching his lips just lightly to hers. She gulped.

"What would make you believe me?" She asked hoarsely.

"Your permission." His reply was quick.

"For what?" Her heart dropped.

"To sleep besides you. To hold you in my arms." He knew she wouldn't allow otherwise.

She looked at him blinking her eyes at him once, twice, thrice before averting the hazel pools to give a nod which to her disbelief sucked off all the defiance from his stance that forced her to look back at him.

She saw with amazement how all the anger. Rigidness, darkness and hardness left him in moments whilst a smile broke out on his lips as he pulled her up into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you. Thank you. Oh Khushi. You don't know what you have given me. Now, now whatever you say will happen. You just... just be with me. Hate me all you want okay. Just don't leave me. Ever." He cupped her cheeks kissing on her forehead, her hairs, her temple.

She nodded feeling emptiness settling in her. He released her and got off the bed. She breathed but as he crouched down before her and wrapped his arms around her waist with his ears pressed to her abdomen all the emotions in her made a blasting comeback when she heard him say,

"Did you hear that buddy? We are going be a family. We three are gonna stay together forever. But yeah, let me be straight beforehand. Your mother is more mine than yours okay? No arguments on that." There was a certain joy in his tone that formed a huge lump in her throat. She bit back a sob as she felt her insides melting at his words.

This is why she couldn't hate him fully because of his vulnerability when it comes to her.

Before she know it she felt herself raising her hand and placing it on his head lightly stroking his hairs.

Who would have thought that Khushi Kumari Gupta who once fell in an egoistic man's arms would become the same man's world later on?

Who would had thought that Arnav Singh Raizada who once used to hate even the sight of her would go to any length to keep her with him?

Who would had thought that the man who abhorred the idea of marriage would marry the same girl thrice?

Who would have thought that one day the same man would be sitting on his knees in front of the same woman with his child in her womb with his all guards down?

Never has even in her wildest dreams she imagined him to be her husband let alone her child's father but look here not only he holds all the control in her life but also her heart scarred from his given scars that try as might neither could she fully love nor hate him.

A few minutes later she could feel his soft snores with his breath fanning her skin, his head buried to her neck while he lay behind her as she lay with her head on his one arm which he has snaked around her shoulder pressing her back to him and the other around her waist going around to sprawl on her stomach.

"Today I'd sleep peacefully." He has said just before he slept.

"Yeah after stripping me off the same you definitely would." She murmured to herself whilst her tears soaked the pillow. That is, his shirt clad arm she was lying on.

"Nani ji," Hari Prakash addressed Devyani sitting in the living room along with Subhadra. Devyani looked at him in question. He gestured to someone and he walked in and came to stand besides HP.

"Who's he Hari Prakash?"

"Arnav Baba has sanctioned Raju's leave and in its replacement he sent him. His name is Pavan."

"Raju, our gardener right?" Devyani said thoughtfully. HP nodded.

"Okay. But till Chote himself don't permit I can't approve it." Devyani said sternly. Giving a glance to the man of around 30-35 years of age standing with his head bowed she said,"Do one thing. Keep it on hold right now. Chote already have so much on his plate right now. I'd ask you to call him back when Arnav bitwa would be done with the press conference today."

"Sure Nani ji," HP said and tagging along the man left from there.

"Why so much investigation before hiring a mere gardener?" Subhadra asked frowning. "Why can't you do it yourself?"

Devyani smiled.

"It's his call Sumi. He don't want to compromise on the security of the house and I agree with him on that. Everyone does."

Subhadra nodded and passed her back a smile of understanding. That's when her gaze fell on the stairs and her smile vanished. Her mouth turned bitter Arnav and Khushi were coming down. Together.

Upon that what angered her more was the way he was holding her to his side to lead the way as if he as much as let her go she would fall.

"God bless them both." Devyani's happy voice jerked Subhadra out of her musing and she quickly composed herself whilst Arnav and Khushi reached them. Soon Akash and Payal. Anjali and Manorama and Manohar joined them all before it was the time of the breakfast.

While Subhada was planning a scheme to how bring a distance between Arnav and Khushi and raise the fire of revenge in his eyes everyone else Anjali, Nani and Akash, Manohar and even Mami were praying for their better future. It was only Payal who was cautiously looking at her unusually silent sister. Not that it was a rare sight for the last months but today she could see something had added up to that. The melancholy on her face has turned manifold.

"It's good to see that you have forgotten all about Garima Gupta. I mean it's great. You are great Chote to overlook everything and accept Khushi despite everything. Parenthood really changed you didn't it? I am so happy for you." There. Subhadra threw the first arrow very cleverly silencing even the clatter of the forks and spoons on the dining table.

Khushi gulped down the saliva while peeking a look at Arnav while everyone else had their throats turned dry.

Arnav stilled holding a toast closed to his mouth before his jaws clenched. Akash rubbed his forehead in agitation while Payal was more worried for Khushi than anything else. She passed Subhadra an annoying look. Why does she has to bring it up when things were just going smooth if not better?

For several moments neither of them could even move. Even Devyani sensed the tension in the air so she intervened to dissolve it.

"Chote, Aman informed that you are finally going to officially announce your marriage to the media which was long overdue. Who else apart from you has to be present there? Tell us so that we should be ready." Devyani said and everyone glanced at Arnav for the answer.

Subhadra inwardly patted her back for playing it well because she has seen how he threw the toast back in the plate before looking defiantly at--at not Devyani but her. In the eyes.

"Dadi, it's not the question of either I forgot the past or that woman at all or not. It not about forgiving her or not either. It's all about Khushi and my baby right now. And what did you say that I accepted Khushi despite everything?" He scoffed. "Are you kidding me? One thing everyone should understand. Including you." He breathed harshly.

"Of course it's great." He bobbed his head. "Really amazing. But not me. Her. She is great for accepting me back with all my flaws just because of our baby. So yeah, you are right. Parenthood changes people and their decisions the same way it changed hers. I should be thankful to her not the other way around. Get that?" He finished and went back to eating while thick silence followed his outburst.

Devyani was looking at him proudly while Subhadra was dumbstruck seeing that how her own plan backfired on her.

Anjali thanked heavens because it was the very first time Arnav didn't react violently upon thee mention of Garima Gupta otherwise every time her name was mentioned he would go berserk and the most who got the brunt of it was Khushi. Instead not only did he acted composed but also defended Khushi. That was really a good progress. Akash was thinking on the same line as Anjali while Payal was still not sure of which side of this man to believe and which not to.

It was only Khushi who sat stock still at her place because the terror that has seeped in her the way Subhadra put it all which could have instigated Arnav made her horrified that her hands started shaking. They still were. Which Arnav noticed and placed a hand over hers under the table jerking her back to present. She rasped. He looked around the table and saw that everyone was still sitting gaping at him. He sighed.

"Enough. Come out of it all of you and eat." He ordered cutting their trance to which they all went back to eating while Subhadra gritted her teeth but she has to do the damage control lest they all get to know about her ulterior motive. But before she could say something Arnav did.

"And Nani, I'd handle the press conference alone. No one has to be present there." Arnav said with his whole attention to Khushi who was barely eating. He gritted in frustration.

Devyani nodded before she noticed what Arnav did.

"Khushi bitiya, you aren't eating."

"Maybe she got afraid when I mentioned about," Subhadra stopped when Arnav raised his eyes sharply to her in a warning. "I-I am sorry." She stuttered. "I didn't mean to put you in awkward situation. I was just expressing my happiness that you are moving on. That's all I want. For you to be happy Chote." She added softly. Arnav exhaled closing his eyes.

"I get it, Dadi. I know about your nature as well. You could never stop yourself from expressing your true opinion but sometimes you have to stay quiet even if you can't considering the delicacy of the situation. I am trying to make amends and if you kept doing this it won't be possible." Arnav said looking in her eyes firmly telling her not to mention about that woman before him ever again or he might lose it.

Subhadra smirked inwardly that she still has a chance to throw Khushi out of this mansion. That good for nothing woman has to leave for her grandson to stay on the right path. Of avenging his mother.

Outwardly she nodded with understanding look on her face and even apologized to Khushi somewhat cutting the tension in the air.

Khushi couldn't believe that he would handle this situation so sensibly for the first time without lashing out at anyone.

If only he had done it months ago when they were at that altar and he asked her to choose either her mother or him!

If only!

Upon that how he made her choose himself just last night still sent chills down her spine. He threatened to separate her from her child forever mercilessly if she didn't. He hasn't even left his own blood in manipulating her to stay by his side. How much more cruel he had to be?

A man who is ready to gamble with his own son's future to keep a woman with him could go to any other length to achieve the same. There was no doubt about that anymore. And it tightened like a noose around her throat. So when he himself brought a morsel to her mouth she moved away and abruptly stood up.

"I am not hungry." She gritted out and dragging back the chair marched upstairs leaving a worried family behind except for Subhadra.

Her initial plan didn't go all wasted after all. If not Arnav she would target the one who is more weak and vulnerable among the two. Who could easily be manipulated emotionally. If Arnav won't leave her Khushi herself will.

And she would make sure of that.

It just needed time and some vicious planning!

Opening the door wide he nodded at HP who brought the trolley inside before leaving at Arnav's gesture. Closing the door he dragged the trolley to the side of the bed she was sitting before taking a seat besides her. She was rocking herself gripping the either sides of the mattress. He exhaled leaning his arms on his thighs before intertwining his fingers.

"From the day one since Dadi came I told you Khushi she is like that only. She doesn't care about anything else while expressing her opinion. Once she has made an assumption it becomes impossible to make her see sense even if she is at the wrong side."

"Like you." She scoffed. "You took after your grandmother." She stated.

"Maybe." He murmured swallowing.

"I just wish my son doesn't turn up like either of you." She hissed placing her palm on her midriff. Instead of making him angry it made his lips quirk up in amusement.

"You know that's impossible. He is bound to have half of my traits and half yours. That's the rule of nature." He smiled turning his head to hers before his face hardened seeing her drowning in sadness.

"Besides it already seems he took after me. Remember, he doesn't let you eat spicy food or sweets at all." He smirked devilishly seeing her looking incredulously at him before averting her eyes when he continued to show off his proud that his child was turning out to be like him only.

"I know. I know you are upset about what Dadi said,"

"I am not." She snapped. "It doesn't matter to me anymore whether she approves me or not. I am tolerating everything in this mansion including you because of my baby. I knew it since she came here that she doesn't like me but for you she is trying to adjust but it isn't that easy. Her hatred for me would come out every now and then before it could leave her fully. I have no grudges against her." She finished and he stared at her amazed as he could see she meant every word she said.

"Then why did you leave the breakfast table?" Still he asked.

"Because of you!" She spat looking fiercely at him. "Your Dadi just used words to instigate you but you," She scoffed. "You used your own blood to force me to do your bid. That's what killed the little bit of hunger even if I had had any." She gritted out.

He tightened his jaws curling his hands into fists.

"So you are planning on starving yourself and our baby as to punish me?" He asked angrily.

"I will eat when I'll feel like it. Don't beat yourself up to it." She said in a detached tone looking ahead. He pursed his lips and took deep breaths to calm himself down because she was only fueling his rage but he and would accept defeat that easily? Never.

"However my son turn out to be I'd make sure he doesn't take after you." He stated firmly.

Her head shot to him in shock.


"Maybe you were right. You are really not a good mother. Nor would you ever be." He cut her with words mercilessly and had to look away when her eyes brimmed with moisture and her face contorted in pain.

"Pardon me that I made you believe so high of yourself when in reality you only think about yourself. In your ego you would even starve your own blood. I used my baby to force you to choose me and you're using him to punish me. I wonder how does it make you any different from me?" That did it. One by one tears slipped from her eyes until she was sobbing.

"I never used him did you get it?" She cried out. "I am not like you!" She gripped his shirt before her hands reached to his lapels grabbing which she whirled him around to face her.

"I am not like you!" She repeated to which he leisurely pried her hands from his collars looking in her eyes briskly.

"Saying it again and again won't change the truth. You are no better than me." His gaze pierced holes into hers making her speechless for several moments as she stared at him brokenly while ignoring her he turned to the trolley and taking a plate filled it with every item in the small bowls before bringing a morsel up close to his mouth but when it was just an inch away from his face it was brutally snatched from his hand causing his mouth to gape open for a moment even though he was expecting it only. Not only that, the plate full of food in his hand was taken from him as well quite roughly.

Closing his mouth he turned his head to hers as after eating the morsel she snatched from him she turned her attention to the plate she placed on her thighs. He sighed in relief inwardly. Sometimes she herself force him to be cruel otherwise she is too stubborn to understand a simple thing in a simple straightforward way. If he had asked or ordered her to eat she would have definitely refused it to defy him so he has to use twisted ways to get through her. He did.

"That was really rude you know to snatch someone else's food right from under their nose." He said but it seemed to have no affect on her as she was busy stuffing her mouth with every item on the plate.

His lips quirked up into a half smile whilst his eyes prickled realizing that she was so hungry but due to his given scars she was holding back as to not give him the satisfaction that he was winning. Well, one way or the other he won anyways. But she need not know that or else she would go back to her 'boycott food' mode which can risk her and the baby's health.

Once done she shoved the plate in his hands and looked proudly at him. He almost reached out to kiss her. Almost.

"See! I am not like you. And I will prove myself to be a good mother as well." She wiped her mouth from her sleeves. He pursed his lips to stop himself from chuckling. Does she really think she outdid him? Innocence at its best. He thought looking fondly at her. His gaze fell on the side of her lips where chunks of food were still stuck despite her typical way to wipe her mouth.

"A mother doesn't need to prove anything you should know that, Khushi. She isn't good or bad. She is just a mother." He whispered leaning in and caressed his thumb at the corner of her lips. Her eyes widened while her breath got stuck in her throat seeing the victorious look on his face.

"You said all that intentionally to make me eat." She stated slapping his hand.

"What do you think?" He had the audacity to wink at her. She shot up to stand and her foot slipped she landed straight in his lap half lying while her legs hanged down as he held her firmly yet carefully.

His mischievous has vanished the moment he has seen her slipping. If he wasn't sitting right next to her she would have fallen face first on the floor. He gritted his teeth glaring down at her.

"Do you always need a reminder that you're pregnant now? Dare I saw you standing up clumsily or doing crazy stuffs that could put both of your lives in danger then I swear Khushi I'd show you no mercy." He pointed a finger at her pulling her up close to his face. She gulped.

"I slipped." She stuttered guiltily. Even she got scared the moment she felt the ground beneath her slip. Not for herself but the baby.

In response he crushed her in his embrace burying his face in her hairs. He himself was shivering. With anger as well as the blinding fear. She sat rigidly in his lap. In his arms.

"Can I go spend some time with Jiji?" She mumbled against his neck hoping he would let her go and so would she get relief from the slashing inside of her. Being close to him only add up to her misery. It only remind her how he destroyed their relationship and made it a business where every day he buys her time with him by threatening her by one thing or the other.

He pulled her back to look her in the eye before smiling.

"Of course. You don't need to ask. She is your sister." He cupped the side of her cheek rubbing his thumb on her skin. She rasped.

"Can I still talk to Amma?" She asked cautiously while shivering. He stiffened but rubbed his hand up and down her back to relieve the tremors shooting through her.

"Sure." He said bending her head to drop a kiss on her forehead surprising her to say the least. "As you broke my phone I can't help you in this matter so go to either Akash or Payal or Di they have Sheesh Mahal's landline number. Get it from either of them and you can call from your own cell. Okay?" Cupping the back of her head he touched his head to hers lightly while she could only blink her eyes at him dumbfounded.

Was he really changing?

Was he really trying to move on?

"Go." He shifted her back to the bed besides him. "And catch up with your family." He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer softly before bending and pecking her lips.

"While I will go and handle the press conference." He murmured huskily against her lips. Khushi felt herself going immobile at the 360 degree turn in his behavior.

What's going on in his mind?

Is this some of his other tricks to avenge his mother or he really meant it?

Cupping the sides of her neck he caressed her cheeks with the pad of his thumbs whilst a twinkle in his eyes made her frown. Was that the shadow of light or darkness? She couldn't decipher and it scared her more than ever.

With one last kiss at the corner of her lips he stood up and turned to leave. Khushi was too preoccupied and somewhat frightened to question him lest he actually go back to his old ways of avenging his mother in order to prove her right even if it wasn't the case. So she would prefer his charade of moving on if that's what it would take for the safety of her family.

"One thing I forgot to say," He said reaching the door. She raised her head to him and his eyes were now deprived of softness. She could barely inhale a breath due to terror seeping in her of what he was about to declare.

"I spared your mother for you. Don't make me regret it." He warned with a dangerous glint in his eyes. Her throat turned dry. She shuddered.

"Because if you tried to double cross me and made any plans with her to betray me then I'd wipe out your entire family from the face of this earth without a second thought." He paused whilst her face turned horror struck.

"Before you start to think I can't do it let me tell you. I lied to you when I said that I got to know about your parents from the servant there in Sheesh Mahal."

Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach whilst she paled.

"I never stopped searching for them. Neither when Di asked for it nor when I told you I would. I will always be one step ahead of either of you. Keep it very clear in your mind!"

A hiccup left her. Then another. Another. He silently walked back to her and passed her a glass of water whilst she looked accusingly at him. Seeing her not budging he himself made her drink water before she hit his hand causing the glass to fall on the ground and break into pieces. He retreated back calmly. She breathed harshly.

"Sorry I had to tell you this because I know that when you'd talk to your mother it would make you emotional and then heartbroken and eventually all that would turn into a new vigor in you in which your doubts you already have on me would strengthen. As a result you'd find yourself juggling between right and wrong. Eventually you'd choose the right path. You always do. That is of going far away even from my shadow."

"You said you'd never hurt me because of my mother ever again!" She shrieked not being able to hold it all up.

"Did I say that I am going to Lucknow to settle scores with your mother? No, right. I am just telling you in detail the picture that would create if you as much as thought of stepping out of my life taking away my baby with you. Just that. Nothing else. I am keeping my end of the deal. Very well." He shrugged eyeing her filled up parting and beaded chain around her neck victoriously. No matter how but he got what he wanted. His rights back on her.

"But that depends on your presence besides me Mrs. Raizada." He added. Her heart pinched.

"So think before you act, Khushi." He said sternly piercing his gaze in her soul. A whimper left her causing his mask to slip before he found himself sitting back besides her.

"Listen," He tried to cup her cheek. She moved back. He curled his hand dropping it back to his side.

"Now that you have chosen me over our baby." He was cut in the middle.

"Not over my mother, still." She paid it all back to him by just a single sentence as compared to his long declaration and she saw she succeeded in it seeing him clenching his jaws whilst nerves at his temple stood out at the prickling reminder. The reality.

He grabbed her elbow in sheer rage causing her to grimace. He was about to yank her in his arms when his mind quickly reminded him of the presence of another being associated with them. In her. And he left her elbow abruptly.

Khushi saw him struggle through his anger as he tried to compose himself.


"Don't curse!" Came a whisper through his ear.

He pursed his lips hard and despite everything Khushi felt her heart going out to him as she literally saw his face turning red yet neither did he scream at her nor did he curse. Giving her a last angry stare he stormed off. And she knew he would release his anger somewhere else. Either on the poor servants or furniture or his Friday man Aman. Or maybe at the media in the press conference.

"Did you see it eh baby? Your father is trying to manage his anger. Yeah at least some times he does. But good for starters if we are stuck with him forever. And do you know who brought this change? You. So thank you for coming in my-our life." She caressed her belly with tears blurring her vision.

"If there is no other way for me to protect you other than living with your father only then I would stand like a wall between you and the darkness that your father has in him. Until I won't turn that darkness into light I won't let him come near you. This is my promise to you. Pakka wala!" She sniffled smiling looking down at her abdomen whilst her heart swelled with love for the life inside of her.

"But for that to happen I have to make him believe in my Amma's innocence. I have to make him see the truth to which he has been acting blind to till now. And I WILL." Because she knew until she won't do it the fear would always lurk in the shadows of him turning back to revenge and destroying the little bit that is left off everything. Everyone!

Her teary smile only widened when she felt little movements inside her as if her child approved of her decision.

"Thank you. For being my strength. For just being there." She choked rubbing her slightly protruded stomach before closing her eyes in pain.

Life has always tested her by sending challenges after challengers one after the other without fail and she has faced them heads on. She will face this trial too as it was the hardest one which she has to win at any cost and she would

For her baby!


Waiting eagerly for your feedback. Please do leave your precious VOTES and COMMENTS :)

Love you all <3


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