Chapter 16A

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Thank you everyone for patiently waiting and I am really sorry for the delay (Kindly do read the detailed note on my message board to know the facts)

A long update to compensate for my absence. Hope you all enjoy and don't forget to leave your precious reviews :)

Here we go!

(Not Proofread)


Mil payen kabhi dono kya teri issme hai raza?

Tu hi bta mere maula,

Tu hi bata mere rabba!


Life is all about surprises, shocks, heartbreaks, disappointments mostly and rarely about happiness, fulfillment or peace.

Having been gone through every single former emotions he thought that it wasn't possible for him to feel more wrecked ever again. But, but then he was proved wrong altogether the moment he laid his eyes on her after months. After five and a half months to be exact.

She was sitting on the raised step besides a hand pump from where neighbors were busy getting their utensils filled with water while following a queue while she seemed like she was oblivious for what she was here for. The vessel on her right side laid forgotten, as well.

Neighbors would give her pitying glances every now and then whenever anyone noticed her. Some were whispering to each other looking at her. While the others were being plain ignorant as if she was invisible.

Nevertheless none of them even stepped to her to bring her out of her haze until she was left alone sitting there with everyone now departed back to their homes as they filled their vessels full. That's when her mother came running off to her when she noticed her there. Sighing in relief as well as worry she sat before her and cupped her cheeks who was sitting with her hands around her knees and head resting on her arm.

"Preeto, meri jaan. Tujhe bola tha maine k akele ghar se bahar mat nikalna aur tu, tu sunti kyun nahi hai mairi baat bitiya? Wazan uthana manah hai iss halat mai aur tu paani bharne nikal chali? Pata hai mai kitna dar gayi thi jab tu ghar mai kahin nahi mili mujhe?

(Preeto, sweetheart. I told you never to leave home alone. Why don't you listen to me? You shouldn't lift heavy objects in this condition and here you came to fetch water? Do you have any idea how much terrified was I when I didn't find you at home?)" Sunita whimpered at the end.

"Sorry for worrying you Amma," She raised her head to her and Ankur who was standing hidden from them just a few steps away behind a wall got to finally look at her face clearly which drowned him in the darkest pit of hell. His stomach churned and heart burned.

"I-I," She rubbed her forehead while Sunita removed the hairs from her face to tuck them behind her ears. Preetika still seemed unfocused as she fumbled with her words.

"I completely forgot for what I was here for." She scratched her head frowning sending waves of pain to shoot through him. While Sunita who was sitting before her daughter couldn't help but engulf her into a tight embrace letting out a sob.

"Amma, don't cry. I am fine. And I am really sorry for leaving without informing you. It won't happen again." Preeto patted her back to console her. Her eyes were dry, empty while he was barely able to keep standing and not to breakdown right there and then seeing what he has done to her. For his mother's temporary whim he has totally, absolutely destroyed the woman he has come to love to bits.

"You are consoling me?" Sunita said in disbelief.

In reply Preeto smiled. Just that it didn't reach her eyes which both Sunita and the man, him eavesdropping on them knew very well.

"I am hungry, Amma. Let's go." She grabbed her hand and stood up while Sunita helped her. Ankur gasped and staggered back as it came in view, her protruded belly.

"I will tell you how Preetika is doing but first you tell me. Are you sure you don't want to meet her? At all?"

He nodded helplessly.

"Then keep your words even after I tell you this."

Ankur gulped.

"Preetika is pregnant. Five and a half months by now!" Arnav pulled the rug off his feet.

"Now go ahead. Live your life like she doesn't exist neither does your baby." Arnav said with a raised eyebrow while Ankur held the chair for support.

Till now he was thinking that maybe ASR lied to him to give him the much needed strength to go meet Preeto but now he knew it wasn't the case. He was really going to be the father and him, the bastard as he was he didn't even know it till now.

"You broke your promise Mr.Ankur. You left your wife in just two months. I should be thankful to you that at least you fulfilled your words for two months at least, right? So thank you!"

"Don't say that Sir." Ankur said desperately."Don't get me wrong ASR. I never wanted to leave her. Never. I love her. I still do. But-"

"But what dammit?" Arnav broke his calm exterior."How can you love her and leave her at the same time?"

He turned his back to her placing his palm over his mouth as sobs racked through him. ASR was so right. If he has had loved her he shouldn't have ever left her. He should have fought for her. He should have. But he turned out to be a big time coward. A fool who couldn't even protect his own woman for more than two months.

"Didn't you try to find out even once how is she coping without you?" Arnav's question made Ankur's eyes prick.

A whimper escaped him and the pain was too much that he couldn't help but whirl around to at least look at her one more time. That might as well make some of the burning lava inside him a consolation. Maybe. But,

While he was busy in self rebuke he saw her trip. He stepped forward terrified but by now Sunita has already caught and saved her from falling. Breathing out he stood there until she didn't disappear from his sight but try as might he couldn't bring himself to take a few more steps or follow her home.

"I guess I am still a bloody coward, Preeto. Despite knowing all my faults, despite treating you like shit, despite being the reason of your present state I don't have it in me to face you and apologize because I don't deserve it. Not after everything I have done." He whispered with tears in his eyes looking at the place she was sitting a few moments ago.

In the same desolate condition he reached home and it jolted his family members, especially his mother.

"Ankur, beta?" His mother ran to him and cupped his cheeks. He slipped off her hands with his eyes full of unshed tears. His face was a picture of misery. He walked past her despite her various calls when he heard.

"Ankur!" His father spoke and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Papa," He turned to him and choked out brokenly.

"What happened? Did you go meet bahu?" He has guessed this much seeing his predicament and it shred his son into pieces. Ankur's lips trembled and heart wrenching emotions on his face undid everyone in his family.

"Bol na beta kya hua hai? (What exactly happened?)" Aaradhya Ahuja, his mother asked concerned. When he didn't answer and kept standing as if earth has just crashed upon his head she herself said,

"Agar aaj nahi maani toh koi baat nahi beta. Dil chota mat kar. Wo bohat dhukhi ho gi. Itne mahine jo usne saha wo bhi toh aasan nahi tha na. Agar tu mujhe jaane deta toh mai uske paid pakad k maafi mangti par,

(It's okay if she didn't agree today. Don't loose hope. She must be so sad after been gone through hell and back for months. If you had had let me I'd have fallen at her feet to ask for forgiveness but,)" She has to stop as he looked straight into her eyes and choked stumping everyone.

"She is pregnant, Maa." As soon as the words were out he couldn't stand on his feet. His knees buckled and he fell on the floor whilst his family looked at him flabbergasted.

"W-What?" Aaradhya staggered back with her eyes turning saucers. Her daughter held her to support her.

"She was pregnant when I kicked her out. When we.. we did it to her." He cried out, his voice only notching higher. Aaradhya placed a hand on her heart dumbstruck.

"She has been pregnant all along and I didn't know. I didn't know anything!" He yelled bending his head in shame splitting into sobs.

His father and siblings were too dumbfounded to speak while his mother rushed to him.

"I will ask forgiveness from her." Aaradhya looked like she was loosing it as the news hit her hard. "Take me to her. I will beg," She was cut rudely.

"I TOLD YOU NO! It is my punishment and as a matter of fact, yours too that I stay without her and my baby and you.. you stay without forgiveness and your grandchild too. It's all of our penance!"

"Now that you have chosen me over our baby." He was cut in the middle.

"Not over my mother, still."

He grunted sitting on his chair royally in his office while his PR team gathered outside his cabin was anxiously waiting for him to go to the conference room where the press conference was held but he seemed to be in no mood of paying heed to it. And none of them dared remind him of it because he was looking dangerously threatening when he barged in AR and practically yelled at everyone not to disturb him for any matter.

Aman barged in right that moment after handling the bursting questions of the reporters who have been waiting for ASR for about two hours now.

"When are you planning to start the press conference may I ask?" Aman usually never talked to him that way but today he has pissed off to his bones. He was fed up of covering up for him when he was sulking here over his personal matters. There was so much a man could take from another. That too from a hot-headed man like him.

"Watch your tone, Aman!" Arnav growled punching his hand over the table.

"Or what?" Aman leaned forward across his desk looking in his eyes. "You'd fire me? Gladly do so." He gritted.

"AMAN!" Arnav yelled. Everyone standing outside and all the employees downstairs who heard it felt chills running down their spines.

"You think you are the only one in this world having problems in his life? Everyone is suffering in one way or the other. But the difference between you and them is that they don't make others suffers because they are. You are going to the very extremes of your limits do you know that? If you are hurt you want the entire world to suffer along with you. That's atrocious!" Aman burst out.

"You are crossing your line, Mathur." Arnav clenched his jaws despite knowing that his every word is true.

"What if I am?" Aman had the audacity to ask.

Arnav glared at him. Surprisingly Aman glared back. Arnav pursed his lips and averted his eyes groaning.

"Are you coming to the press conference or should I call Khushi Mam?" Aman played his other card. The solid one.

Arnav's head shot up to his.

"Aman!" He warned.

"You very well know that if she came she might not let you tell all the lies which you have prepared in order to fool the media. If that happened you'd only be creating more problems in your married life. You want that? Fine. Be my guest."

Arnav stared at him dumbstruck while Aman pulled out his cellphone to dial her number.

"Are you threatening me?" Arnav reached over and snatched the cell from his hand spitting fire at him.

"Am I?" Aman smirked much to his irritation. "It's ridiculous isn't it, ASR? Just one girl has made you blind to everything around you. And it's even more funny that she is the same woman whom you have hated to the core once. Remember her time here in AR? Karma is a bitch isn't it?" Aman took a dig and Arnav threw his cell across the room causing Aman's jaws to drop.

"After attending this press conference I'd deal with you, Aman Mathur!" Arnav stormed off his cabin with a smug Aman following behind.

Just when he was about to enter the conference room a voice whispered in his ear.

"I choose you."

"I choose you over my baby."

"I am choosing to never leave you!"

And it, it calmed every shooting nerves of his. From now on he would cling to the hope that has bound them together. Her, their baby, their marriage. Her choosing him finally which he desperately wanted. No matter how much hurtful gibes she used from now on he would revel on this ray of hope only and he would slowly, slowly pave way back into her life, her heart and eventually possess every fibre of her being. He would make her fall madly for him all over again.

Aman frowned as ASR who was just sulking a moment ago was now smirking with a glint in his eyes with which he stepped foot in the conference room and the flashes of camera hit them like tsunami. With all his glory ASR walked to the stage and sat behind the various mikes set on the table. On his right Aman stood while behind him his whole PR team was already standing. On either sides of the stage his guards were standing.

"May we ask for what you have called this press conference for?" Reporters asked in chorus.

He moved closer to the mike and half smiled which made everyone turn into silence. That much power his action had on everyone. The clicks of the camera could only be heard.

"I am here to officially announce my marriage with the love of my life."

His one sentence and media went berserk. The commotion notched only higher because after saying it he leaned back on his chair with a smug look on his face as he knew how much desperate and greedy the reporters would become now to get the whole information out of him.

"But the last time we heard that you abandoned your bride at the altar." A reporter asked quite sarcastically.

Arnav's inside churned at that but nothing showed on his face.

He snorted and looking in the reporter's eyes answered,

"The news that reached you is half lie-half truth." He piqued their curiosity.

"It's been a while already that I am married." He said and gasps reverberated in the air.

"That wedding which you all keep talking about was just a secondary measure to make it known to the world. But that didn't work out because I got into an accident that day and the plan didn't work out."

"For how long have you been married?" A disheartened female reporter asked sulking.

"For almost an year." He half smiled followed by another round of gasps and whispers from them.

"Why did you hid your marital status till now?" The question came out as a whine from a young lady causing everyone to chuckle.

"Can't you tell?" He raised his eyebrow. "Three and a half months ago when rumors of me getting married circled around the media you guys have created such a hype. Imagine what would have happened if I had told you all since the very beginning meaning 'no privacy' for me and my newly wedded bride. Can't blame me for being cautious can you?" He said knowingly.

He saw how they all bought it. He felt satisfied whilst reporters scribbled everything in their notepad.

"Who is she? Why isn't she here with you?"

"You all have known my dedication and passion for my work very well haven't you? In my personal life I am really possessive of my loved ones. And she, she is my everything." He had to pause as they all hooted and whistled. He chuckled.

"So you'd hide her from the world? Aren't you releasing any pictures or something? We are really curious to know your woman you know." A female reporter asked wistfully.

He smirked.

"At the end of this press conference the pictures would be released for sure." He announced increasing their anticipation.

The reporters couldn't help but talk enthusiastically with one another at the raise of their TRPs this news would bestow. This was definitely going to be the hot news for the upcoming days and even months.

"Why now?" One of them asked silencing everyone. Arnav's confidence didn't waver.

"Because I want to share my happiness to the world now that I am entering a very beautiful phase of my life." The twinkle in his eyes couldn't be mistaken.

"Are you saying," One of the reporter asked with her eyes widening.

He laughed shortly causing the females to gush over him. Aman smirked shaking his head.

"Yes, you guessed it right." He nodded. "We are expecting."

Squeals in the crowd made Arnav flinch as the loud noise made his head buzz as commotion only notched higher as they wrote his statement and took many pictures and videos of him.

"Who is she? Please tell us?"

"Is she some model or an actress or some daughter of your business acquaintances?"

"How did she manage to make you agree for marriage?"

"Is she beautiful?"

"When did you first meet?"

"Who approached first?"

"Where did you have your honeymoon?"

Various questions reverberated in the air while Arnav couldn't help but feel all satisfied for going through it successfully. His plan worked. Not that he has ever failed in these matters. Today was no different.

"To tell you the truth," His voice silenced them all. "The first time we married we eloped." His announcement earned gasps.

"Her parents weren't ready to marry her off to me and I couldn't wait to have her by my side and neither could she. So we ran away and married in a temple." Though his lips were quirked up while saying that but his eyes shone with sadness which none of them could decipher or catch. Instead they gaped at him.

"Why didn't her parents want to marry her to a tycoon? You are the most eligible bachelor of the country!" A female whined. "I mean, you were." She blabbered.

Arnav snorted.

"Because being ASR made me a great businessman but being a husband it requires a lot more." He replied solemnly.

"You mean to say you, THE ASR, were rejected by the bride's parents at first?" They couldn't believe it.

He smiled before nodding. It was true in a sense.

"What did you mean when you said 'the first time you married her'? How many times did you marry?"

"Like I mentioned her parents weren't ready so we had to elope. We had to try hard to make both our families forgive us for not telling them before taking such a step so when we did there came the part when you all got the news of my wedding almost four months ago. Though I had the accident but I still managed to reach the altar but I was a little too late because all the guests had left by then hence they all thought I abandoned my bride."

"OH!" Was said by reporters in chorus. Aman let out a sigh standing besides him. ASR was master in twisting things to his favor. How well he made up all the story believable that if he hadn't known the truth he would himself had found himself caught in it.

"But that time we married alright. That was our second marriage." He smiled looking at the distance. Even though he was smiling apparently but inside a war of emotions was going on remembering that night. That tragic day when he shattered her and in return their relationship.

"That isn't all." He sighed. "A few days ago my Dadi visited me after so long-" He paused.

Everyone looked at him quite intrigued at ASR's interesting love story. He really hid everything well from the world including the girl who made him fall head over heels in love with her that he wasn't ready to let her go at any cost. He even went to the length to elope to be with her.

"She then met my Khushi-"

He had to stop as gushing commotion started in the hall as Khushi's name slipped from his mouth. Upon that the way he said 'My Khushi' made females sigh in wistfulness.

"So her name is Khushi?"

He swallowed but nodded.

"Yes, her name is Khushi Singh Raizada. Appropriate for her as she is the only woman who have ever made me happy." He said intensely.

"Wohoo!" Was said in unison.

Aman shook his head. Arnav rubbed his ear subtly.

"You were telling something about your grandmother." A reporter reminded curiously.

"Yeah. She came to meet me. Found out about my marriage and she had a few objections so in front of her I had to marry my wife again. So technically I married the same woman thrice." He laughed at the end.

"Quite an interesting love story." Someone commented.

"I wouldn't say it just a love story. On the contrary, we had a bittersweet love-hate story. We had a bumpy start. We didn't like each other at first." If it had been any business related announcement he would have kept it short but talking about Khushi made his every worry lessen so he opened up to the world giving them a shocking view of his other side.

"Is there someone in this world who doesn't like you? We can see you smile every time you talk about her. In your various press conferences you had never even twitched a muscle but look here we are seeing a rare sight of ASR. She must be something, ASR."

"She is. It's only her who had the courage to stand up against me whenever I was wrong. Maybe that's what made me fall for her. Her undying spirit. Her liveliness. Her personality completely opposite to mine. She was different from everyone else out there. She was just.. out of this world. Soon I started finding excuses to fight with her because the day I didn't argue with her I couldn't even eat or sleep properly let alone do anything else." He chuckled shaking his head looking down and the commotion has silenced long ago when he expressed his emotions. The intense emotions in his eyes and the aura around him engulfed them all in it.

"You sure do love her a lot." A reporter said with a knowing smile.

"Any doubts?" He smirked. Chuckles followed his remark.

"What about Lavanya Kashyap?" A reporter poked.

"Me and Lavanya mutually broke up long before I married Khushi. In fact unexpectedly Khushi and Lavanya became very close friends thereafter." Arnav answered solemnly and it shut their mouth as it is.

"What is the story behind love-hate tale you said you had with her?" Another question was thrown at him discreetly.

"Like I told you she didn't like me at first and neither did I so we had plenty of arguments, fights, misunderstanding before we eventually fell in love."

"When did you first meet her?" A reporter repeated her earlier question.

"In Lucknow." He said with his eyes shining with the memories. "She accidentally came to my fashion show last year and literally fell in my arms." He smiled wide as he said that.

"Wait," One of them shrieked. "Is that what I am thinking?"

"What?" Arnav pursed his lips.

"The last year a video was released of a girl falling in your arms with some cheap commentary. Is she the one?"

His smile waned a bit before he composed himself.

"Yeah. Told you. We had a bumpy start." He kept his tone poker.Perfect silence followed his confirmation. "I misunderstood her that she was there to ruin my fashion show and in return released that video even though she didn't intentionally did any of it. I have had hurt her so much. I just realized it a bit late." He said guiltily.

"No wonder you had a love-hate relationship. Anyone at her place would have hated the person who became the reason of her defamation."

"You have no idea how many times I had to apologize to her for that video leak. She wasn't ready to give me a chance as she was afraid that I was just ought to destroy her image." He said sighing.

"I can't believe you were the one who approached her first." She said quite impressed.

His Adam's apple bobbed as certain images flashed in his eyes.

"Tumhe mujhse shaadi karni hogi. Abhi. Che mahine k liye. Warna mai tumhari behen ki shaadi apne bhai Akash k saath nahi hone dunga. (You have to marry me. Right now. For six months. Otherwise I won't let your sister marry my brother Akash)"

"Yes. I did. I was helpless and ... desperate." He said solemnly.

"ASR and desperate? That too for a woman?"

He chuckled.

"She made me feel and do things I have never done before. She has become my reason to breath, to live. How and when I don't know. All I know is, if I don't see her everyday I won't be able to go on." He said quite seriously causing everyone to go gaga over the emotions on his face. Women felt envied of his girl.

If only they knew the real whole truth!

This press release is going to create hype in the media as well as on the social websites. And it wasn't going to die anytime soon. They all were thinking on the same line.

"I hope that answers all of your questions. Pictures would be released by my PR team. I'd take your leave now. Don't forget to have the supper before leaving. Have a nice day." Arnav stood up to leave but the reporters weren't ready to let him go just yet.

"ASR, possessiveness is one thing. But till when are you planning to hide her from the world?"

"Would you have another press release once your baby is born?"

"When are you going to come in front of the media together?"

"When is Mrs. Raizada's due date?"

"Would you release the pictures of your baby as soon as he/she is born?"

"Would you-"

They gathered in front of the table down the stage and started asking more and more questions extending their mikes. His guards cleared the area while Arnav buttoned his blazer and came off the stage before leaving amidst the media blocking his way and trying to reach him as his guards made way for him until he was out of the conference room and when he did, he let out a long sigh as his eyes prickled as one of their questions reached his ears and punched him in his gut.

"What about her? How much does she love you?"

The news bulletin on every news channel was flashing pictures after pictures of Arnav and Khushi which AR's PR team has released right after press conference. They mostly contained of the time during Akash-Payal marriage ceremonies where they both were pretty happy with each other minus any conflicts which arose later on.

Also, a picture of every time they married which didn't give away anything was also released. Not only that, media has been showing the video of AR's fashion show in Lucknow where they first met along with his detailed announcement about his relationship, his marriage, everything.

Anjali and Akash looked at each other who has been watching the press conference sitting in the living room along with Devyani and Subhadra while Payal has long ago walked out hearing how he brewed lies to fool the world.

"Eloped, my foot. That man forced my sister to marry him every time he did." Payal was pacing in her room agitated for Khushi. How does her naive, innocent sister put up with such a manipulator? She shuddered to even think of it.

A knock on the door made her turn to it and she rushed to gather her in her arms seeing Khushi entering passing her a smile.

"Jiji, I am fine." Khushi had to say it when Payal kept holding her in her embrace for a while.

"Are you sure?" Payal croaked pulling back cupping her cheeks. Khushi just nodded feeling her eyes prickling.

"Aa beth idher. (Come sit here)" She lead her to the bed and made her sit before sitting besides her. Seeing her expression Payal could tell she hasn't seen the press conference yet. She dreaded her reaction on the lies THE ASR of the fashion world used in order to fool the media.

"Jiji, give me Sheesh Mahal's number. I am going to talk to Amma." Even though she wanted to sound confident and happy but tears filled her eyes at the end.

Payal looked at her keenly as her mind wondered back to what Arnav said the previous night to her.

"She broke the phone. She didn't even let me dial the number. She is so angry that she is doubting my intentions,"

"She doesn't trust me and she won't talk to her mother either just because I said it . So tomorrow you yourself can do the deal. Look she really needed to have a word with her or she will turn more into depression." Arnav explained.

"I know you don't trust me but tomorrow you can yourself find out whether I am lying or not. Okay?"

"Sure," She smiled and picking up her cell she recited the number which Khushi noted in her cell before saving it.

"Thank you, Jiji." Khushi said emotionally hugging her.

"When did this 'thank you' start coming in between us sisters?" Payal scolded her. "Pagli," She hit the back of her head softly causing Khushi to chuckle sadly before she stood up to leave.

"Wait," Payal called out.

Khushi turned to her in question.

"Don't stress much. You know what the doctor told you right?" She cupped the side of her cheek.

"Hmm," Khushi passed her a weak smile.

"Don't cry much either." Payal narrowed her eyes at her. Khushi chuckled.

"Jiji, I will be alright. More than me you're stressing over it." Khushi feigned confidence.

Payal swallowed before kissing her cheek. Giving her another hug she let her go while Khushi almost ran to her room and as soon as she sat on the bed she clicked on the call button and bringing the phone to her ear waited with her heart in her mouth which dropped to the pit of her stomach as it was picked up.

She swallowed as she got to know that it was some maid who was on the other side.

"Give the phone to Amma," She choked.

"Amma?" Was asked with confusion.

Khushi sniffled.

"The family that's living there. Take the phone to them." Khushi tried to sound as strong as possible.

"Oh, sure."

Khushi waited with her breath stuck in her throat.


Khushi heard the voice and a gasp escaped her.

"Amma," She rasped.

Garima stilled on the other side,

"I am so sorry Amma. I am so sorry for bursting out on you in the office the other day. He forced me Amma. If I hadn't done that he would have done worse to you. Maaf kardo humein Amma. I couldn't stay in peace ever since knowing that I hurt you so much. So much tha you,"

"Khushi," She whimpered cutting her in between. Khushi sniffled with her insides hurting.

"Purani baatein chod. Mujhe toh yaad bhi nahi uss din kya hua ya tune kya kaha. Bas tu humein ye bata bitiya k tu kaisi hai tu? Theek toh hai na? Apna khayal to rakh rahi hai na? Theek se kha pi rahi hai na. Dekh aisi halat mai zyada soch mat. Bas khush reh aur apna dhayan rakh. Aur sun, damad ji se ladna band kar de.

(Forget about it. I don't even remember what happened or what you said that day. Just tell me Khushi, my child, how are you? You are taking care of yourself aren't you? You are eating healthy are you? Listen don't fret much in this condition. Just take care of yourself. And, please stop fighting with son-in-law will you?)" Garima said everything in one breath with a sob erupting her at the end.

Khushi cried clutching the phone. It has been so long since she saw or even heard her Amma's voice and felt her concern.

"He did so much to you and you're still calling him son?" Khushi croaked.

"However he is, he loves you a lot. I know that much. He is angry right now because you are siding with me. Stop doing that and I am sure he would stop hurting you as well. Please for your baby at least. Tu samajh rahi hai mai kya keh rhi hun Khushi? (You are understanding what I am saying right?)"

Khushi exhaled sniffling.

"Amma, I already had stopped arguing back. You don't worry. But that doesn't mean I'd side with him even when he is wrong. I'll make him see the truth. You'll tell me everything and I'd make him believe."

"No, you aren't doing anything. If you broached up the subject it could make him angry. Just don't bring me up in front of him ever again." She said sternly. Khushi cried at that.

"You took me in when I had no one and you think I'd abandon you when he is the reason you had to live far away from home? You had to hide --"

"Khushi," Garima cut her firmly. "Don't go there."

"Amma. I have made a promise to my unborn child that I'd solve this conflict between you and him before he'd be born and I'd. Just tell me everything in detail. Everything."

"Bitiya," She sobbed. "Just now situation has calmed down a bit and you,"

But Khushi didn't let her complete.

"I always wanted to repay the kindness you and Babu ji did to me by protecting me from my paternal family when they treated me like shit when my parents died. Now, I think this is my chance to protect you from the man who is hell bent on wronging you. Let me do it. Not for yourself but for me. I NEED to do it for my sanity." She cried out.

"Bitiya, what are you saying? Me and your Babu ji didn't take you in for you to repay us one day but we-"

"I know. I know, Amma. Just, just let me do it. Please. Tell me."

Garima wiped her tears and sighed in defeat before narrating everything to Khushi which ended up with Garima breaking down while Khushi couldn't control her tears either.

For many moments the silence prevailed as they both tried to gather themselves when Khushi spoke silently.

"Is there anything with which you could prove it all?"

"There is only Payal."She sniffled. "But I told him that already. He didn't believe it."

"Is jiji, really?" Khushi asked silently.

"Hmm." Garima croaked.

"Babu ji," Khushi whispered.

"He knew it. All along. Before our marriage I told him everything. He was my biggest support. If he hadn't held my hand I don't know how would I had survived without him. I loved that man so much." Garima sobbed. "I loved him dearly even though all he ever did was betray me. I didn't know he had a wife and children, Khushi. Believe me. If I had known,"

Khushi cut her in the middle.

"I believe you, Amma. Don't cry. Please. It's hurting me enough for not being there to hug and console you. Just endure a bit more and I promise you'd return home safely and live a carefree life again."

"I don't want a carefree life, bitiya. I just want you to be safe and happy. Be that and I'd be alright."

Khushi could hardly stop herself from crying out loud at that. Holding it in she replied with just an 'hmm'.

"Marriage certificate?" Khushi asked.

"Arvind had it all. The proofs. I was too naive back then to think about anything else but him and my daughter. I used to wait and wait for him only while he would always make the excuse of work to stay out for days and sometimes even months. Later I realized that the 'work' he had was to keep me hidden from his wife and children." She whispered sadly.

"Anyone else from your family who could prove your marriage to Arnav ji's father?" Khushi asked barely hanging onto the hope to gain proofs.

"There were only my parents and sister, your mother and your father who were witnesses to my marriage. Now, they are all dead." She said quietly.

Khushi let out a long resigned sigh.

"And do you really think I would believe all that crap that woman dished out to fool me?" He scoffed.

"No way!" He shook his head. "But good for me that she cleared the fog in my mind. Made me realize that I was doing a favor to her by keeping her daughter with me. Married to me. Keeping Khushi away from her won't suffice anymore. Not all. She would have to pay more. More!"

Khushi swallowed hard feeling really restless. How would she prove her mother's innocence then? Because when it comes to her Amma, Arnav refuse to listen to anyone including her.

"You support your family too much don't you Khushi? Well, they are all a bunch of cheaters. Cheaters who just know how to ruin people's lives and then pose themselves as a victim to gain other's sympathy when everything is destroyed. You belong to a family of cheaters. I wonder what that makes you?" He growled.

"Will you still side with them? With your so called illegitimate sister?"

Khushi flinched.

"Amma, I will talk to you later. Take care and pass my regards to Babu ji and Bua ji. I will call you again." She said urgently and cut the call blinking back the tears.

"These Gupta sisters are charmers. They both have played the perfect role of being the daughters of Garima Gupta. They played well. BRAVO. Bravo girls. Great." He clapped his hands with his red eyes full of unshed tears.

"You might have had the heart to stay with a girl like Payal, Akash. You can live with your wife happily even knowing everything but I-I-I can't." He whispered. "I..can't." He shook his head.



"Today as its our first anniversary of knowing each other I have a surprise present for you!"

"Here." He raised her palm and placed the papers on it holding it upturned.

"You are not a Raizada anymore." He whispered secretly to her causing three gasps to reverberate in the air.

Just by getting to know about Payal Jiji being his half-sister he has disappeared for two weeks and when he came back he divorced her. She wondered what would he do when he would find out the whole truth?

Because the fault may not be entirely her mother's but yes, maybe her mother still became a triggering factor to lead to his mother's death.

"One thing I forgot to say," He said reaching the door.

"I spared your mother for you. Don't make me regret it." He warned with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Her throat turned dry. She shuddered.

She gulped as well as shuddered in present too.

Knowing it all could she risk telling and proving the truth to him which could turn out catastrophic either way when she herself would confirm it one more time that her Amma was responsible for his Maa's death not intentionally but still, unintentionally?

Conflicted she threw her face in between her palms and breathed harder.

She has to make a decision and that too, soon.

"What about her? How much does she love you?"

The question kept poking him in his chest. Restlessly he leaned back against his seat while sitting at the back seat of the car while the driver drove home after work. Closing his eyes for a moment he exhaled before looking at his cellphone. She was smiling at him at his wallpaper. He caressed her cheeks over the screen swallowing past a lump.

It was the picture taken during their second wedding rituals during their sangeet. He has secretly clicked it while she was busy dancing crazily unmindful of anyone around.

His Adam's apple bobbed. Now, it has become a history, a wistful one. To see her smile, laugh, dance or even talk normally. All thanks to him.

He may have fooled the media, the world that they have been in love for a while now but there was no way he could feign the same with himself knowing all the truth. She may have loved him crazily once but now, that love was fogged with so much hate that he hardly could call it 'love' anymore. It was altogether becoming too toxic like she said. Too toxic and too dangerous. Too cruel. Not only for her but also for him. Nevertheless this toxin has become his addiction now without which he was sure he wouldn't survive no matter how hard he tried.

"We are here." Mohan said holding the door open for him seeing that even after him stopping the car for several moments he seemed to have not noticed that they have reached home and he has even parked the car at the porch.

Without saying anything Arnav walked out and made way into the house having made a decision. That may not wipe out everything he has ever done to her but it would still be something that would make her trust him at least a little bit. He would tread carefully in order to win her back. Wholly.

Everyone were present there in the living room except for Devyani and Khushi and that's the perfect opportunity he has been wanting to have his decision announced.

As he settled on the couch besides his Di he took the coffee HP brought for him and took a swig. Placing the cup on the table he cleared his throat.

"I have decided something." He said dead serious taking everyone's attention. They all looked at him half scared half worried. Now what?

Giving one glance to Dadi, Akash, Payal, Mama and Mami he turned his head to look at his sister who was keenly observing him trying to decode what was he upto now.

"Chote?" She asked frowning.

"You can call Guptas back. I won't pick on them anymore."

For several moments no one spoke. None of them could. They all gaped at him speechless. Dumbstruck.

"Are you-- serious?" Anjali asked with disbelief written all over her face. Subhadra felt smoke coming out of her ears that keeping a poker face became quite a task.

"Yes." Arnav nodded seriously.

"You aren't playing any games are you?" Anjali asked cautiously.

"No." He said simply looking in her eyes.

Anjali gulped.

"Chote, I swear that if it's one of your twisted revenge plan then I-"

"If I wanted to take revenge I had had perfect opportunity since they are living under my roof right there in Lucknow. All I had to do was just give an order to my men there and you'd have known what I am capable of. But I didn't. Doesn't that tell you enough that I am not going to hurt them anymore?" He exclaimed.

"I am .. scared to believe you."

"So am I. It's hard to believe in myself either that I wouldn't go after them but here, if I troubled them more I'd lose this time not only Khushi but also the chance to raise my baby along with her. That's too high the price which I don't think I wanna pay for just my selfishness." He said earnestly that Anjali couldn't help but give him a benefit of doubt.

"Let's say if I call them back then what? Are you going to recon-"

"No. It's better I don't. Just call them back to their home but don't ask me to send Khushi to meet her family right away. I can't do that. Not now at least. It's too early for me to--"

Anjali jumped at the opportunity. A little hope.

"No. I won't." She said urgently.

"Also make sure I don't have to come face to face with that.. that woman or it might become impossible for me to keep my promise."

"I get it." Anjali threw her arms around him. "I get it, Chote. I am so relieved right now. Khushi ji would be so happy."

"Will she be?" He whispered hugging her back looking at a distance wistfully.

Akash, Payal, Manorama and Manohar were pleasantly surprised yet a bit apprehensive because they don't know till when he would keep his words. But still it was a huge step he was going to take which they all knew wasn't easy for him.

"Of course." Anjali smiled through misty eyes.

"Great. Everything I am doing it's for her only." He murmured that only Anjali heard causing her smile to wan.

She closed her eyes in pain and rubbed his back to comfort him before pulling back.

"Fatherhood is changing you. For the better." Anjali cupped the side of his cheek and said emotionally.

"Is it?" He shrugged not quite sure whether it was for the baby or the fear of losing the woman who is carrying his blood. But nevertheless he had to take a step to build her trust in him. This was the best idea which came to his mind to get his place back in her life. Gradually yet absolutely.

"Where is Khushi? Why isn't she sitting with you all?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

When no one spoke he felt his heart sinking. He stood up abruptly when Anjali caught his wrist.

"It's better you leave her alone for now. She was feeling quite low after talking to her mother." She said.

"She didn't skip her meals and medicines because of it did she?" He gritted out clearly offended. "ANSWER ME!" He bellowed when she stayed tight lipped.

"She had her medicines but she ate too little." It was Payal who answered this time who herself was worried for her sister.

Letting out a profanity he made them all flinch before scurrying off to the kitchen. After giving poor HP a good scolding he ordered him to make fresh food considering the diet chart he has already provided him and bring it up to his room. It was when Arnav left did the workers in the kitchen including HP breathed out in relief before getting to work.

Everyone in the living room were able to listen him well because he was practically shouting his lungs out that Devyani who was in her room came out and asked Anjali what was the matter.

"He is taking out someone else's anger on someone else. Old habits die hard." Anjali said sighing.

"He is angry on Khushi bitiya again?" Devyani asked sitting on the single couch besides Subhadra.

"This time he is right though." Subhadra spoke. "That girl is neglecting her health in this condition." Even though her tone was flat yet Payal felt uneasiness seeping in her. There was something about her that always seemed off.

"She has been through much. She can't pretend that the last months didn't happen right away. She needs time to get back to normal, Dadi." Anjali sided with Khushi.

"Anjali bitiya is right. Chote has been too harsh on her since the time they married. Now that he is trying to make amends I hope he could bring our old Khushi back." Devyani said wistfully.

"I hope so." Payal whispered to herself which Akash heard sitting besides her. He placed a hand over hers in comfort. She swallowed raising her eyes to his. He blinked his eyes at her in assurance to give it time. She nodded in response.

He entered the room silently and stopped short seeing her standing in front of the dressing table combing her hairs lost in her own thoughts all of his rage melted there and then. He took cautious steps to her after closing the door without making a noise and upon reaching her hugged her from behind jerking her out of her oblivion.

With a short gasp she shot her eyes to the mirror and saw him looking back at her resting his chin on her shoulder. She swallowed but stayed still.

"I handled it." He nudged his head to hers.

"W-What?" She croaked despite herself.

Tightening his hold around her he made her heart constrict inside her chest. Standing on her feet became difficult for her. She was about to slip his hands off when he gathered her back in his arms more firmly this time with his one arm around her shoulder and other around her midriff.

"The press conference. The whole world knows now that you--" He turned his head to bury his nose in her hairs and whispered in her ear. "---are mine."

"Oh," Left her mouth. He couldn't help but tilt his head to look at her in the mirror because the tone she used gave him goosebumps.

"You must be happy. You got what you wanted. Like always!"

He didn't miss the sarcasm in her tone. Swallowing thickly he didn't react on it even though it cut him deep.

"I am at ease actually. Now no one would ever see you in bad light."

"I should be grateful to you then." She turned in his arms and gripping his lapels lightly looked him in the eye. "So, thank you." She raised herself on her tiptoes and pressed her lips on his chin. He rasped closing his eyes. His grip loosened on her and she very easily slipped out of his arms to walk back to the bed leaving him standing there dumbfounded.

"Don't make me see the press conference if you have had used nonsense lies to cover the truth." She said shuffling through the drawers of the bedside table.

He whirled around feeling hollow without her in his arms.

"Why would you say that?" He asked with his eyes prickling.

"Because the real truth is too bitter. If it came out it would wipe out all that you have ever built in your life. And I am pretty sure you won't gamble with it." She took out a book and opening the marked page leaned back against the headboard spreading the legs comfortably on the bed.

He wanted to argue on that but then his gaze fell on her feet.

"Why are your feet swollen?" He sat close to her and touched them lightly.

"It's normal." She brushed it off. He ignored her nonchalance and rushed to the closet, took out a fluffy cushion and placed it under her feet.

All this while she kept her focus on the book as if he was invisible.

"Does it hurt?"

"What if I say yes?" She snapped shutting the book. Before he could say something a knock on the door cut the tension in the air.

"Yes?" Arnav said.

"Arnav bhaiyya, everything is ready as per your say." Came HP's voice from the other side.

Arnav walked to the door while Khushi frowned confused.

Now what was it he pestered the poor HP for?

She huffed seeing him bringing the tray in before closing the door behind. Coming to her he placed it on her lap and took the book out of her hands despite her protest.

"Eat up." He ordered.


"I know you want to argue but can't you drop it for a while?" He sat on the bed facing her with his one leg bend while the other hanging down. Ignoring her gasp he placed her one foot over his thigh and opened the cap of the oil he brought from the cupboard along with the cushion.

"I don't want it. I told you it's normal." She hissed.

He shook his head with his attention only on rubbing soothing circles on her feet which though soothed her but all the more hurt her emotionally.

"It's the matter of our baby. I can interfere as much as I want." He looked up at her in defiance and gripped her feet when she tried to evade him.

"The same baby you used to threaten me with?" She said sarcastically. He closed his eyes in pain and turned his attention back to massaging her feet.

When even after many moments she didn't make any move to eat he swallowed before clearing his throat.

"Do you like it when I turn into a beast?" He asked helplessly raising his head to her with his hands moving on her feet smoothly.

She averted her eyes.

"Just eat, Khushi. Unless you want me to go back to my old ways and this time I'd make sure I take you somewhere where you'd not be able to contact anyone let alone see." He gritted at the end.

It only riled her up more.

"I am not hungry. Can't you tell?" She spat.

"EAT EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT!" He hollered losing it. At the same time unintentionally his fingers dug to her feet making her wince. He clenched his jaws seeing her face contorting in pain before loosing his grip.

"You yourself are going to regret it if something happened to our baby because of you. Didn't you hear the doctor when she said you're weak and you need to take extra care of yourself to gain energy for the child birth?"

She remained silent but her eyes by now were full of tears.

"I know you are disappointed and angry at me. Fine. Take that anger out on me but for that too you'd need strength won't you?" He tried again.

"I will eat." She said but there was something in her tone that made goosebumps erupt on his skin. Again.

"And you want me to do something in return, right?" He caught it well.

She nodded rubbing her eyes off the moisture.

"If you really meant what you said about forgetting the past and moving on then," She breathed. "Let them come back to Delhi. Let them live their however they want. In their home." She pleaded.

He sighed. And here he was afraid she would ask him to 'forgive' her mother. If she has had he didn't know what he would've done.

"That's it?" He cleared his throat.

She nodded gulping down the saliva. He could see how scared she was.

"What would I get in return?" He inquired calculatively.

She swallowed.

"What do you want?" She asked nervously.

In reply he chuckled which raised goosebumps on her skin.

"Are you seriously asking me what do I want, Khushi?" His tone suddenly turned intense and meaningful.

She rubbed her hand on her forehead in agitation.

"Yes, tell me." She said somewhat burying her fears inside of her.

He opened his mouth to say something before closing it as his expressions turned thoughtful. It sent chills down her spine. She felt her insides shaking.

Did she do right by bringing up her family again especially where it involves her mother? Did she just lit up the almost doused fire?

"I-" She cleared her throat while he kept staring at her intimidating her successfully. "I have already chosen you like you wanted me to. I have stopped asking you to let me go as well. I have chosen to stay with you forever. What else do you want?"

"How about this," He smirked smugly. "I agree to what you are asking for and in return I earn a favor from you which I could ask you to pay back any time I choose to. What say?"

Her heart galloped in her chest of what might he ask of her but for her family's sake she uttered a hesitant,

"F-Fine by me." She said with knots forming in her stomach.

"Great then. I agree, too." He said smiling wide.

"Really?" She exclaimed not sure she heard him right and his smile vanished realizing that she doesn't trust him anymore. He glanced at her with his eyes prickling.

If only she knew he had already announced it even before she asked. But she needn't know that as long as she listens to him and don't neglect her health.

He nodded seriously. She gazed at him keenly trying to find any hint of lie. Finding none she rasped in surprise.

"You mean it?" She couldn't help but ask. Still.

"Yeah. I do." He replied gesturing towards the food to which she picked up the spoon to eat while he capped the bottle of oil after thoroughly massaging her feet.

Once she finished eating he picked the tray and placed it on the bedside table.

"I am going to permit them to come back but that doesn't mean you'd,"

She cut him in the middle.

"I won't. I won't pester you to allow me to meet ... anyone. I will be fine as long as they are." She said urgently lest he change his mind.

"Hmm," He stood up and headed to the bathroom leaving a conflicted Khushi behind.

Did she do right by asking him to bring her family back to Delhi?

In his reach?

Were they more save there or would be in more danger here?

His suddenly calm demeanor has terrified her instead of soothing her.

Was he really changing or was it just the calm before the storm?

The next week after Arnav's approval of letting Guptas back in Delhi passed smoothly much to everyone's relief. The same period of time passed since Khushi conceded and choose Arnav over her child to save the future of her baby where both of his/her parents would be present.

Similarly, the whole week Arnav's announcement of his marriage with Khushi has made headlines on every news channel and the hype still hasn't died down as many reporters kept gathering outside RM everyday hoping to get a statement or at least a glimpse of Mrs. ASR. Or maybe both.

Arnav has tightened the security around the mansion and due to this situation it has become quite difficult for the Raizadas to step out of the house. Arnav, Manohar and Akash used the backdoor to leave and come back from office. And so did anyone if they had to step out but only when necessary.

Ever since the press release Arnav have softened so much towards Khushi that Raizadas even Khushi wondered most of the time.

Was he really the same ASR who was hell bent on destroying her to devastate her mother?

It all looked too good to be true.

If Khushi shouted at him due to her mood swings he took it all without losing his calm. Even better he did everything to build up her mood. He took care of her every need especially her medicines which doctor prescribed to keep her healthy during this phase.

Also, he strictly followed her diet chart. In fact he even made it a habit to feed her meals three times a day himself or whenever she felt like eating anything despite her protests that she could eat herself.

Ignoring his family's teasing and appreciative smiles he never let her climb up or down the stairs. Instead he carefully carried her whenever she had to use the stairs.

Raizada family sighed in relief at his changed demeanor. This baby has brought their Arnav back even before he or she was born. He was coming out of his past and that was what kept everyone content. The atmosphere of the RM has slowly been turning back to normal. Almost.

During this time, Akash and Payal barely had a face off with Arnav. It was either on the dining table during meals or in the evening when everyone gathered did they meet even being in the same house during which they hardly exchange any word except for the usual greeting and that turned out pretty awkward too.

Even at the office Akash made sure he doesn't have to encounter ASR much but sometimes he couldn't just avoid. Though Arnav noticed it all but didn't say anything as it was him who started all this.

While Akash, he didn't have it in himself to forgive Arnav for what he has done to Khushi and for that matter, his wife Payal too even being her his(Arnav's) own sister. Even though it was his brother who broke his ties with him but due to Arnav's constant ruthless attitude Akash didn't approach to reconcile with him properly neither does he had the heart to. Unusual and the first between them because in the past every time Arnav stopped talking to him Akash couldn't stay in peace for even an hour and won't sit until he won't pacify his brother.

This time though it was different from any other time because for the first time his Bhai was wrong and he himself was right. So asking forgiveness or working to build their relationship back was out of question. He may try some time later but not now at least. It may take a while to look at his brother with the same respect he once used to have for him.

But still, seeing the progress Arnav has had with his behavior towards Khushi, Akash was feeling like he could get his old, though taciturn but reasonable brother back someday. Hopefully.

So for the last week he was just observing him silently and so was Payal. He knew it was kind of strange and awkward for Payal to look at his Bhai like her 'brother' of sorts and he couldn't blame her either. Anyone at her place would have been dumbfounded and conflicted as to what to do in this situation. The truth does catch up at you most of the times and the same was happening with her. She would definitely take time to accept it all without feeling uneasy and burdened. Upon that the reason which has become a misery for her sister Khushi was none other than Arnav himself so accepting the reality was far more difficult.

Now-a-days Payal's main focus was to take care of Khushi by any means possible. And to everyone's surprise Arnav didn't stop her from doing so. Another positive change in Arnav Singh Raizada. He has stopped avoiding Payal Singh Raizada.

Anjali was the most content of all now a days seeing her Chote slowly coming out of his past and dark thoughts. Not only did he agree to let Guptas be back home, which they were, but also he was trying hard to be the better husband and a father. She couldn't ask for more. She kept her Shyam ji informed of every progress in RM while like always he was working out of town but he kept in touch with her every now and then.

Devyani Singh Raizada was reeling in the serenity of the Shantivan she so wanted to have all these months and finally it looks like they were close to finding happiness back in RM once again. All over again.

On the contrary,


That's what Khushi was feeling now-a-days as she saw Arnav emerge out from behind the mask of ASR. He was behaving like her prince charming these days. She couldn't fathom or digest his changed attitude towards her.

Was it that easy for him to let go of his hatred for which he has had so much poison since the beginning? Can 'normalcy' come this easily? It never had when it comes to her. To them!

ASR has really given up his revenge for her and their baby?

Why now?

Why not before?

If he could let go of the hatred for her than why didn't he do it before?

Why he put her through hell for months? WHY?

She couldn't trust his changed demeanor. She just couldn't. And she won't. Because it wasn't in her power anymore to love and trust him madly, blindly like before. She couldn't go through the same heart wrenching pain and hurt all over again if she choose to believe him this time around, too and he in return threw it back at her face. Seriously, she didn't have the strength to let herself be shattered by him for the umpteenth time.

Even though she has almost accepted her fate of inevitability of his presence in her life just because of her baby. As a father of her child. But accepting him back as a husband was still a big no. Because she was done. Done with having being treated like a punching bag for his one or the other ulterior motives. And if he went back to his old attitude after showing her hopes and dreams she will surely die this time without any doubt because all of her strength has been reduced to tatters by now that she was only living and breathing for her unborn only.

Upon that she was still reeling on whether or not to prove her mother's innocence in front of him? If she decided on that she didn't know from where to start? But every time she comes to a decision to talk to him about it she gets so terrified remembering old horrific days when he has had her encaged in that lonely mansion and it makes her retreat back despite herself.

What she has endured she wouldn't want that for her child. Somewhat she could understand her Amma's predicament now being put in a conflicted situation herself. She now realized why her mother broke her ties with her on her wedding day and forced her to marry Arnav. It was for her. All of it.

On the other hand, the man in question has completely different perspective regarding the last week.




That was what he was feeling after months of apprehensions, restlessness, depression and tears. Hell it felt heavenly. It felt out of this world to be able to show your feelings towards the one you love without the fear of ever having to lose her.

Showering Khushi and his unborn baby with undivided attention and love gave him surreal feeling which he just couldn't describe in words.

There was a gaping hole in his heart since long but ever since he had let go of his hatred for his wife and child his heart was at least at peace with his decision. With himself.

But still many questions rose in his mind every now and then which he carelessly ignored being at peace after ages.

The main question was,

Since when could he keep his resolve to forget the past?

Can he forget the pain his mother went through so easily?

Can he?

The answer was what he buried in the far end of his mind because if he choose to accept that and act on it then it may destruct everything around him. And he may loose Khushi and now his baby as well which he couldn't afford. Not at all.

While he who has made a compromise to his past, there on the other side was his wife. The mother of his child. His Khushi.

Though she has mellowed down quite a bit and has conceded like she said she would but,

It wasn't that she wasn't his center of attention before. Hell, she was pretty much his whole universe all these months but after the fog of revenge has cleared a bit he was seeing her in a completely new light. It was like he was noticing her clearly after months. He could read her breaths and tell what she is feeling even if she is having a blank look on her face.

The problem wasn't that she wasn't her usual self. The real cause of his anxiety was her behavior towards herself.

He could see she felt unimportant, unwanted and useless for anything and from where she got that notion he could comprehend easily. His zeal for revenge has made her like this.

She thinks he won't understand what is going on in her head if she would stay aloof but she didn't know he was keeping a close eye on her ever since he agreed to not disturb her family and let them come back.

Not that he has ever let her out of sight before but now a days as he has made a very hard compromise his heart and conflicted mind looked to his only solace to get his nerves to settle and who better than her fits in that category?

Nothing and he meant it, nothing escaped his eyes.

As if it has ever left his eyes before when it comes to her. His mind reminded him sarcastically.

He always stayed close by to keep her near and most importantly safe and sound.

She walks around eating and drinking only for the baby not for herself and worked mechanically like she was the servant of the house. That has enraged him and he had forbidden her to even step into the kitchen until its necessary. At that she has glared at him so hard that he almost took his words back. Almost is the key word!

His Di and Payal gave her mundane tasks to keep her busy so that she don't whine to do household chores. For heaven's sake, can't she understand she is his wife and for whom has he kept servants? For bloody neighbors?

In a way he knew it was her own way to get back at him, to rebel because there was nothing else she could do to defy him as she has promised she wouldn't.

What still eluded his peace was her silence, absence of smile on her face and most importantly her resolve to never have a conversation with him. She was shutting him out and that was what kept him on his toes to get her to react to him all the time because he knew he needed to earn her forgiveness to get their life back on track and he knew the path ahead wasn't going to be easy and he won't be ASR if he didn't change her behavior towards himself.

A while ago he had made her scream out her love for him. Not only that he has made her choose him as well. Finally. At least she prefers him over their baby. Soon, she would prioritize him over anything or anyone else in this world. He has done it once. He could do it again,

But the major problem was her health. He can't stress her out in this condition. Not that he would have forced her to talk to him but he would have done something to break her silence. There was only one solution which he could think of right now which could give them a new , fresh start.

Talk things out and find a way to resolve the issues between them and come to a compromise because he really couldn't live like this. Like this, where she seems to have been regarding him as a stranger. Where he couldn't feel the warmth of her emotions. Where he couldn't even recognize the woman before him at all.

The woman who once has had loved him so crazily that she had forgiven him for all the injustice he has ever done to her. The woman who once was so cheerful and enthusiastic about anything or everything around her for no reason whatsoever that he who has had such a dark past and personality, even he forgot his worries for that particular moment she would appear before him. And he would stay in peace for as long as she stayed.

She was like his own medicine. His cure. Just that he himself ruined the essence of it all. Instead of taking the medicine and healing himself he has done the opposite. Crushed his cure with his own hands into tiny little pieces. And putting it back together now seems far way off. Close to impossible. For she was now as much broken and shattered as much as he was.

So having a serious talk was necessary between them. More than anything. And talk, he would.

He needed her back, he wanted his love back, his Khushi back, his .. their happiness back. Even if they couldn't go back to once they were but still he wants to have at least their own version of 'normalcy'. And he would. At any cost!

But the problem was that she kept him at a distance even if he is sitting right next to her. Even if he tried to start a conversation she would find a way to evade him in a way that tear him apart without a doubt. On one side he was at peace but on the other he was living on egg shells at the same time.

So, for him to have a talk with her he has to break her rigidness first, then her resolve to keep him at bay and soon he would have the much needed conversation about their relationship which has been a little 'too' late.

About three months, three weeks late!

And exactly two days later he found a perfect opportunity to use his manipulative ways to get her to open up and being the shrewd man that he was he grabbed onto his only chance of reconciliation with both hands.

On one hand Arnav Singh Raizada was trying to get his life back together but on the other someone was busy planning to ruin it for eternity. In fact they were pretty much there already.

"First step of our plan is successfully complete. Without any suspicion ASR has hired Pavan in replacement of Raju." He informed Avinash who laughed smugly.

"After all he does have some loopholes in his mansion's security." Avinash smirked. "What about Raju?"

"He is too scared for his family's safety to utter a word. We don't have to worry about him anymore."

"Perfect." Avinash chuckled evilly. "What about the rest of the plan?"

"In a week Pavan would complete every task assigned to him without being noticed and before anyone could suspect he would vanish with Khushi Singh Raizada a week later. Soon she would be in your hands and ASR would be left empty handed and shattered."

"I can't wait for that day!" He rubbed his hands gleefully. 

"He thinks he could save her from the world if he announced their marriage in public? Well, well, you foolish ASR you have put her in more danger and made our work a lot more easier."



"Hello," She said holding the receiver to her ear.

"Mai Arnav Singh Raizada bol raha hoon (Arnav Singh Raizada here)" He arrogantly announced.

"Arnav bitwa--you," Garima couldn't believe it.

"Save your pleasantries to yourself Ms.Gupta. I called to invite you to my reception party. I am doing this only for Khushi and I hope you will cooperate in this will you?"

He could hear her happy cries on the other end.

"Zaroor bitwa.Hum zaroor ayen gay (Sure. I will definitely come.)" She replied enthusiastically. It was a miracle in itself that he called and invited her himself.

"Hmm. Don't tell anyone about this right now. I want it to be a surprise for Khushi and everyone. I hope you are getting what I mean?"

"Of course. Of course. I understand." She couldn't contain her happiness as she sobbed out the words.


Phew! Finally I was able to complete this part and publish it. I hope it was worth the wait.

Next chapter will be up in a few days hopefully if I got the good response ;)

Please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT as it is the only encouragement that is forcing me to write now a days. Keep supporting me guys and I'd keep writing for you all :)

Stay blessed,


(P.S. Quotes/Pics from google)

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