Chapter 16B

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As promised I am back with the most awaited chapter of KMT.  

REMEMBER every scene has its own significance so don't skip any part or you won't understand upcoming twists and turns of the story.

Here we go,

(Not Proofread)


It has been a week he has been disguising himself to come here to catch a glimpse of her and it has been the same time he hasn't gone home after his outburst. His mother has been in shock all along for what she has done in her selfishness while his father and siblings were supportive of him like they always were.

They have had even stopped him at that time when he has made that awful decision to throw her out but no, he was too blinded by his mother's love to listen to them. Now, he regret it with all of his being.

He has made the biggest mistake of his life and when the time came to own it he didn't have it in him to even face it let alone correct it. So like a coward he had been he has been hiding behind a wall of shame and guilt ever since.

If he wasn't in AR working then he would be found in Laxmi Nagar at a safe distance from Preetika's house yet close enough to gaze at her if she stepped out. In fact he has been living in a hotel room where he only go to shower and sleep for barely an hour or two since last week.

Today being a holiday he has had all the plans to spend the whole day in Laxmi Nagar neighborhood to catch her glimpse every now and then being hidden from everyone. Whenever she would step out for a moment or two or when she would go to the market with her mother.

But all his plans went down to drain this day when he followed her to the market where Sunita Auntie got busy buying the vegetables to which she failed to notice her daughter standing besides her almost ready to pass out.

He shifted restlessly on his feet hoping her mother to notice but she was busy bargaining with the vendor. Preeto was wiping the sweat off her face with her hand.

"Foolish girl, tell your mother if you are not-" The rest of his words died in his throat when he saw her sway on her steps and he made a run for her without another thought.

He caught her right at the time when Sunita turned. Seeing her daughter passed out Sunita yelled for her ignoring everything else around her.

"Preeto, look at me! Open your eyes! Preetika!" He gritted patting her cheek holding her in his arms now sitting on the ground.

Sunita stilled hearing the familiar voice that she forgot the situation at hand for a moment. If she hasn't heard his voice she wouldn't have recognized him considering the way he has had his face covered with the scarf which he threw off in worry for Preeto.

People has gathered around them. One of whom offered water and another a towel which Sunita took saying a thank you.

"Don't do this to me. I am sorry!" In his blinding concern he kept holding her close in the middle of the street. A teary Sunita sent a silent prayer up to the heavens seeing her son-in-law back. A little late but still, better late than never. Although she doesn't know what would be Preetika's reaction on seeing him after months.

"We need to take her home. She must be exhausted." Sunita said calmly after carefully wiping Preeto's face with her veil and made her drink a few sips of water. The people gathered around her started dispersing seeing the pregnant woman slowly coming back to consciousness.

"Huh?" Ankur said disoriented. His eyes has turned bloodshot by now. Seeing his grown beard and desolate condition she realized that it wasn't only her daughter who has suffered all these months.

"Can you help me take her home?" She asked to which his eyes widened as if he just realized it and bobbed his head.

Carrying the still drowsy Preetika he rushed forward while Sunita followed still reeling from shock of Ankur unexpected, sudden visit.


"W-What are you doing?" She exclaimed shooting up to sit on the bed seeing him leaning so close to her. Her eyes widened and sleep flew out of the window.

"Relax!" He said softly while moving back. "I was just lying you down properly. You were sleeping in an awkward position. It would have hurt your neck and back later on." He explained looking apologetically at her.

"Uh, okay." She didn't look convinced at all. Yet let it go for she didn't want to argue with him.

"Sorry I woke you up." He murmured sitting facing her.

"It's okay. I sleep like a log these days anyways. It's irritating." She made a face. He couldn't help but smile at that.

"Why is it irritating? It's good that you rest properly." He said adjusting the pillow behind her.

"I hate being lazy," She yawned as she said that.

He pursed his lips to stop himself from chuckling. She definitely has no idea how much enticing she looks even in her disheveled, 'just woken up' state with sleep still lingering in her eyes. His monologue interrupted as he saw her getting down the bed.

"Where?" He asked grabbing her wrist and instantly pulled back his hand when she gave him a pointed look pinching his heart with needles.

"To kitchen," She huffed.

"For?" He became super alert.

Going to kitchen means she would be going floors down and considering her pissed off mood he was sure she won't allow him to carry her either. At least not today. Upon that another bigger matter of concern for him was her obsession to exert herself now-a-days.

"Tell me what you want and I'd get it for you." He stopped her at the door.

"Whatever I want I am capable enough to help myself. Get out of my way!" She snapped.

"But you are pregnant." He muttered trying very hard to reason and failing miserably.

"Yeah I AM pregnant but not ill or incapacitated." She gritted irritated.

He sighed.

"Look, I am just worried for you." He said in a low apologetic tone that Khushi who so wanted to lash out at him, couldn't. Not for a minute at least. But what he said next made her explode.

"I will carry you, then."

He was literally babysitting her much to her annoyance. Sometimes she endures and sometimes she couldn't. Right now it was the latter case.

"Stop hovering. All the time. Don't you have any other work to do?" She yelled. "You have an empire Mr. Raizada. Go and run it for heaven's sake."

"I just got back from office." He reasoned. Again!

"Then you might have some important mails to send or read some files or.. or whatever. Please go ahead and work some more. If you don't want to then just .. just .. make sure to stay anywhere but in front of me." She hissed out.

He swallowed hard looking at her angry demeanor.

"I just got back and I want to be with--" He stopped. Moistened his lips and said, "--with my child. I want to be with my 'baby'. And you said you won't interfere between a father and a child." He found an excuse.

"Your child is fine. And right now I want some alone time with my baby so please. Get .. out. Or should I leave not only this room but also your life?"

"No. NO!" He exclaimed stepping in her way.

"Oh I am sorry I forgot I choose you so I couldn't leave you even if I want to but that doesn't mean that I have to stay in the same room with you and see your face all the time." She chewed each word. "If you can't give me space then I'll go and live with Nani ji and I'll let it up to you how'd you explain that situation to her without spouting lies." She breathed hard letting it all out at once.

He bore it all without losing patience. At least she wasn't giving him silent treatment. But the thought of not seeing her around him, in the same room disturbed him a lot.

"Relax I am going." He rasped. "Go wherever you want in the house whenever you want," He said restlessly. "But just.. Just stay here (with me)." He ran his fingers in his hairs. His forehead started sweating. The thought of her leaving even 'the room' shook everything inside of him.

A lump got stuck in her throat seeing his condition. Hers wasn't any better. Feeling her eyes misting up she averted them and tapped her foot to the ground waiting for him to go and he did, letting out a sigh. Only then she held onto the wall and let out a whimper covering her mouth.

She really has no idea for how long would she be able to carry on this charade where apparently things were getting back on track but on a closer look you'd realize that everything was messing up and falling apart more and more every passing moment.

In frustration he stormed off to the dining area floors down and sat pulling back a chair.

Clenching his jaws he burned himself in the pain and hurt that has been doubling over in him.

Peace, contentment and freedom while expressing his love seemed to be leaving him in moments like this.

Shouting for HP he ordered him to get him his laptop and also ask Khushi if she needs something. HP ran to complete his orders.

"She asked for her favorite snacks," HP informed him to which Arnav looked at him surprised because as far as he knew Khushi's favorite snacks were jalebis which she hasn't touched in months in order to hurt him. Maybe she was trying another tactic to make him pissed off by asking for the things which are nowadays harmful for her health.

"Dare you make jalebis for her." He warned.

"But Bhaiyya, she said she wants jalebis only. I told her doctor has forbidden it considering her health," Hari Prakash said cautiously, sensing his anger.

"Fine." He gritted. "Make it sugar free, then." He said sternly.

"But she," HP was cut rudely.

"If she refuses to eat then come to me." He dismissed him with the wave of his hand and opening up the laptop in front started to do what she ordered him to. WORK!

That's how Anjali found him busy typing in fact punching his fingers on the keyboard opened in front of him on the table.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting? Dinner is still an hour away." She sat on the seat across him.

"She kicked me out of the room." He gritted out without taking his eyes off the screen and his fingers started moving faster on the board indicating his foul mood.

"Oh." She said and he who was already feeling on the edge it pissed him off more.

"Yeah that did help, Di." He mocked. "Thanks for the encouragement."

Anjali smiled to irritate him more. When he glared at her she sobered up and asked what happened.

"She threatened me." He hissed out. "She said If I didn't get out of her sight she would. What was I supposed to do after that?"

"Endure." Anjali said this time seriously. "Like she has had."

His fingers stopped, he closed the laptop and leaned back on the chair looking into her eyes with all the pain he has ever felt with Khushi's ignorance.

"She has had been suffering nonstop for months. It hasn't been a week since you have been trying and you're already loosing it?"

"I am not loosing it. I am just .." He clenched his jaws in sheer helplessness.

"It's just that.." He averted his eyes as they welled up. "I can't do without her. It drives me crazy if she doesn't talk to me." He choked resting his elbows on the table placed his hands over his nose.

Anjali eyes misted up.

"And you know that Di. If I can't think straight I make mistakes. It it continued I am afraid I might do something which may ...take her far... far away from me. To a place where I might not be able to reach her."

"Then don't loose it. Stay calm and composed even if it kills you. Because losing Khushi would be worse than death for you won't it be? So it shouldn't be a bad deal trading your rage if you got to have her for life is it?"

"That's the problem, Di. I can be patient, calm and composed with anyone. I can even stretch my limits too to a dangerous level but with her, I can't. Even a single word from her triggers so powerful emotions and reaction that it often terrifies me. I am not worried about myself but her. I am afraid I might," He breathed pausing as producing another word without breaking down became impossible.

"You might, what?" Anjali probed.

"I might bring her to the point of no return. I am absolutely horrified because I am capable enough to tear her apart. I am capable enough to bring her to the bottom. I know it all. I know everything, yet," He rasped. "Yet I can't let go. I can't, Di." He croaked at the end rubbing his hands over his face agitated.

"Will you let go of your inhibitions now? The girl has married you already. She is even pregnant with your baby. She can't go anywhere even if she wants to. So give it a break!" Anjali reasoned.

Swallowing thickly he looked at her torn.

"What do I do with my heart which is never at a perfect peace? Just when I think I'd get things back on track she does something that scares me to the hilt. I can't shake off the fear of her changing her mind one day and leaving me without looking back."

"You are overdoing it." Anjali said looking at him concerned. All the tension was really showing on his face. He seemed to have aged years in this one week he has been trying to amend what he himself has broken.

"With her I have to go overboard. Otherwise a woman like Khushi would never want to stay with a monster like me who has so much past demons to deal with."

"I think I have something that might relieve your stress a little bit." Anjali said.

Arnav frowned looking at her in question.

She didn't say anything. Just got up, left and came back in five minutes with a file in her hand which he recognized very well.

"Here." She handed him the file. He looked at her surprised taking it from her.

"Gupta house deal." She said. "Now that you are really working hard to get back your life I think you need encouragement to go on. Keep it. That way you'd have one less thing to worry about."

He did relax a bit realizing that apart from Nani, his sister too was supporting him. Otherwise everyone else have one or the other inhibition about leaving Khushi under his care.

"I still don't get it. How did you find it at the first place? I kept it a secret even from Aman."

"Well, can't tell you. Because I might have to use that trick to get to some other secrets of yours some other day who knows." She shrugged looking at him smugly.

"Even if you get to know it all you won't be able to do anything for you love me too much to ruin me." He stated as a matter of fact.

"Don't get fooled by our blood relation. I can ruin you if I thought that's the best thing to do to make you come back on track." She winked.

He chuckled dryly shaking his head.

"As if I'd believe that."

"You don't believe anyone but yourself do you?" She asked suddenly quite seriously. "You don't even trust your own wife. You are so insecure that she'd leave you one day."

He swallowed past a lump.

"The reason of her mistrust in me is me. And the reason of my mistrust in her is also me only. I brought us to this point where neither could she trust me nor could I." He said releasing a sigh.

"You may be able to build your trust back in her someday but would you be able to earn hers? That's an important and difficult question which answer could make or break your life." Di's words struck him hard as he recalled Khushi's words that pinched him in his heart.

"I get it. I know I have broken your trust many a times and it will take time to build it bac-"

"It will never be build back again!" She has said defiantly.

Feeling his insides churning he stood up and paced before looking at his sister sternly. Anjali felt chills running down her spine. Did she just instigate his ASR side?

"Even if everything is broken between us but still there is one thing that would remain as it is. That'd never let Khushi take any step apart from me." He said grimly.

"And what is that?" She asked quite scared getting up to stand facing him.

"Power and connections." He said mysteriously.

"Excuse me?" Anjali frowned. And here she thought he would say 'their baby' is binding them together.

"I told you that I'd do anything to make her decision in my favor and I did." Brokenness became a thing of the past as he let out his secret.

"Chote, what the hell did you do to your pregnant wife?" She exclaimed before notching it lower looking around the living room to make sure no one was around.

"Don't worry I didn't hurt her. You know I can't. I just offered her a fair deal and she accepted."

"What was the deal?"

"That either she stay with me and our child as a family forever without any glitches OR she could leave with our unborn but I'd come in seven years to get him/her back lawfully and then I'd never let her even a mile near my baby."

Anjali stared at him dumbfounded.

"Here I am Di." He spread his arms victoriously. "She choose the former. She choose to stay with me for the first time willingly and I couldn't have asked for more. Now you tell me. When she is going to be there besides me forever , for how long could she stay aloof to me? Sooner or later I'd slowly pave my way back into her heart and eventually her life. One day or another she'd forgive me for everything. I told you she would." He finished tightening his jaws harder.

"Chote, why are you being so.. so dark and.. ruthless.. to her? She would have stayed even if you hadn't threatened her." She said incredulously.

"No." He shook his head. "She wouldn't have. You yourself said that I have lost all my chances to ever take back my place in her life and you were right. Though she married me but she did it for her child,"

"It's your baby, too." She gritted out.

"I know. I know. And I am quite thrilled about that but nothing is more important for me than her. Nothing will ever be. And if I have to blackmail her, threaten or whatever again I would if that's what would keep her with me. Forever."

"Chote," She placed a hand on his chest and rubbed her palm over his heart. "Relax. Will you? Too much thinking and planning isn't good either. Give it a rest. You yourself said that if you think about her leaving you it drives you crazy and in that madness you could do anyting. Now you don't want to loose your chance at a happy life do you? "

"For this whole week only I know how did I cope without seeing a single emotions in her eyes for me. Di, what would I do if she really has stopped loving me?" He asked rubbing his forehead before turning he rubbed his chest as his heart clenched so hard that he nearly screamed out loud in pain.

At that Anjali had no answer so she kept quiet.

"Why won't you answer? You feel that too don't you? You think she has fallen out of love with me?" He didn't ask, he was pleading at her to defy his presumption.

"I-I don't know."

"No, Di. Put yourself in her shoes,"

"NO! I can't. It's heartrending what she has been through. I can't even imagine being there. If Shyamji did the same to me what you did to Khushi then I wouldn't have survived even a day. Months is a long long time. Khushi is too brave to still breathe after having gone through it all. That's a miracle in itself."

"If-" He cleared his throat. "If .. let's suppose, if Shyam did something even worse to you would you be able to love him the same way?"

"I don't know, really." Anjali answered closing her eyes. "If the accusations had turned out really true which you and Khushi had put on Shyam ji after your kidnapping I'd have .. I don't know, maybe I'd have collapsed or might have died of .. heart attack."

He sucked in his breath.

"Take an example of Khushi and try to be brave Di. You shouldn't rely on someone like that. You shouldn't trust someone that blindly."

"I don't trust him blindly. I have my reasons. He has been my husband for years. I know how he is. Who he is."

"I wish you really did." He muttered under his breath.


"Nothing. I will just go.. and see if she has calmed down." Feeling the conversation going in dangerous direction he backed off.

"Chote, be patient even if your heart and mind tells you to be otherwise."

"I am trying. I WILL try. But you know what Di. I have been denying it for days but not anymore. I thought I let Guptas back in Delhi because I am changing. That maybe I am on to the point of forgiving and forgetting but.. but,"

Anjali held her breath as he stopped.

"You were right when you're suspicious of my decision of letting Guptas come back. Yes, it was my devious plan. But not for revenge. Rather it was to earn her faith back. Faith not only in me but also in our relation!" He finished and kissing her head left leaving a flabbergasted Anjali behind.

Just when she thinks he is really being reasonable and sacrificing he proves her totally wrong. Maybe he was right when he told her that he could never be selfless when it comes to Khushi. And today he proved her just that. All over again!

He would always have a backup plan in case things go wrong and he would leave no stones unturned to right that wrong using his trump card which no one has ever had thought of. Which reminds her to be cautious for both Arnav and Khushi for they both are very important for her.


Sunita closed the door behind and walked to the living room where Ankur was pacing. Seeing her he rushed to her worried like hell.

"Why don't you let me call the doctor? What if something is wrong with her?" He exclaimed before sighing as he realized he has used quite a harsh tone.

"I am sorry Amm-Auntie, I am just-"

"She is alright now. You can go." For the first time during their encounter she used the stern stone jolting him back to present. Otherwise he was in a pretty oblivion state ever since he saw Preetika fall unconscious.

"Auntie, I-" He started looking pleadingly at her but she cut him firmly.

"Please beta, just now she has become stable after you-" This time he cut her. It was now or never. So he took a daring step bringing himself out of the guilt he blurted out without any caution.

"Amma, I want her back. What should I do?" He rasped out all at once stunning her. She couldn't speak and stared at him dumbfounded.

Agreed she was relieved somewhat seeing him and yes, she hoped he would say something like that but she didn't know that if it happened in actual it would only rile her up not make her feel better. Neither for her daughter nor for her grandchild.

"What can you do?" She asked instead. Despite not wanting to her tone turned rude.

"Anything. Everything." He croaked.

Seeing his broken demeanor she mellowed down a bit and gulped her anger. What was the use of breaking someone who was already in tatters?

"It isn't up to me. Try convincing your wife who you abandoned. Try explaining it to her why are you back after months of torturous separation you bestowed on her. That too when she was pregnant. You have no idea what she has been through. I'd support whatever my Preetika decides."

"Amma, I think there is something seriously wrong with me. I had this dream of going to the market with you, fainting there and I vaguely saw An--" She swallowed stopping right there ruffling her hairs looking disoriented while Sunita and Ankur turned to her stunned.

"And you saw whom?" It was Ankur who said that and they both saw her going stone rigid after her head shot up to him and their eyes met.

"What are you doing here?" It took her moments to compose herself. The defiance in her stance surprised even Sunita.

"To beg you to take me back." He took a step to her. She took two back. His stomach twisted in knots when he saw her eyes tearing up even as she put up a strong front.

"Preeti, please." He pleaded. "Hear me out. For once."

"Are you here because of the baby?" She asked glaring at him while covering her arms around her belly. "Do you want to snatch it too? Is that your mother's new order?" Despite not wanting to she felt herself shaking with sobs.

He was continuously shaking his head in no at her allegations. While Sunita kept silence knowing that her daughter needed to let it all out after months of keeping it inside.

"No. NO. I am here to take care of you and your baby. Just that. Nothing else." He said urgently looking at her earnestly.

"You don't have to show your so called concern. I have learned to live by myself. And all the very thank you for that. As far as my baby is concerned go and tell your mother that I dare her to snatch my baby from me and she would see the side of me she has had never seen!" She finished in one breath and held the wall for support as her tears ran unchecked and so did his.

Wiping his eyes with the back of his hand he sniffled as silence followed for minutes after her outburst.

"I am so sorry." He cried out. "I know I wronged you. I know I choose my mother. I know I am a bastard. But I never would have left you if I hadn't cared for you. If I hadn't loved you," He turned with his fist to his mouth as he saw her slipping to the floor before splitting into sobs as the word 'love' left his lips.

"I know my decision was cruel. I know it hurt you a lot. It tore you apart but I .. I did it more for you than my mother because I couldn't see her looking down on you and insulting you everyday." He said with his back to her.

"Did I ever complain?" She cried.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE!" He turned sharply to her yelling it out.

"I WAS FINE AS LONG AS I HAD YOU. " She hollered looking up at him. "I'd have endured it for life if you had just.. stayed by my side." She choked at the end and cried out loud with her face in between her palms. Sunita sobbed along with her. Ankur fell on his knees before her with his slumped shoulders and red eyes.

"She is guilty, too. She asked me to get you herself." His words put a stop to her cries as she looked at him flabbergasted. "She doesn't have any problem anymore." He said hopefully.

"But I do," She gritted out. "I should have known. I should have. You are your mother's puppet." She growled. "She pulled your strings months ago and you left me. She pulled it again and now you are back to get me. But let me tell you Mr. Ankur Raheja I am no one's puppet. Neither your mother's nor yours!"

"I didn't mean that. I- listen," He reached out for her but she stood up and walking past him went to the door and held it open looking sternly at him as he stood up and looked at her brokenly.

"Leave. Don't think of coming back. Ever. This is my answer to your every question and it isn't going to change."

"Preeti," He croaked.

"LEAVE. GET OUT. GET LOST." She burst out loud breathing harshly with her bloodshot eyes.

Sunita saw that a few neighbors were already gathered outside their home looking curiously inside. Maybe they have heard the shouts coming from the home. Looking at Ankur they started whispering to each other.

Ankur kept looking at Preetika who has her head turned while holding the door open before he swallowed and walked ahead only to stop besides her.

"I am leaving. For now." He said and suddenly placed a hand on the side of her cheek stilling her. Her eyes widened.

"I will be back. I have abandoned you once. I am not going to do the same mistake twice." He whispered and saw her lower lip trembling as she tried to hold back the sobs. Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks as she stood keeping her gaze anywhere but at him.

"Don't cry much. Just relax. I am back. And starting from this moment I will always be here for you. I promise you with my life!" With that he leaned and placed his lips on her forehead feeling his heart aching with pain. He felt her shiver and breathe out before she pushed him away.

Greeting a goodbye to the teary eyed Sunita he left while passing through the gathered neighbors.

One of them was Madhumati Gupta who witnessed it with tears in her eyes hoping that one day Arnav too would realize his mistakes and repent for what he has done to her niece, Khushi. Her Sanka Devi. Though he has been apparently behaving quite differently than his normal self but still, the fear and the dark shadows lurk around because past still lingered on. Still stayed. Still wasn't resolved fully.

"Ah Khushi," She whispered with her hand on her head.

Only remembering her bring tears to her eyes. It has been so long since she last saw her. Heard her. Garima did talk to her but that was only once. After that even though she waited for her calls she never called back. Not even after a week of them coming back to Delhi.

Sending a silent prayer up to the skies she turned to her home. She should tell about Ankur and Preetika to Garima. Maybe that would relieve her of her stress and give her hope of things turning to the right direction someday, maybe. If not today!


Arnav was heading to his room when he got the call from the security head and he rushed to the security room where his team has had a man in their captive.

"What's going on?"

"He broke the only CCTV camera in the garden." The security head Harsh reported.

"No. No. It wasn't intentional." He cried out. "I didn't even know what it was until this Sahab told me. I was just cleaning and it happened. I am sorry. Please trust me. Please don't fire me. I'd do better. Please Sahab ji." He folded his hands in front of Arnav.

Arnav gave a look to Harsh who nodded and turning to the monitor showed him the footage of the gardener named Pavan who was as he said was rubbing the piece of clothe around the camera resulting in its break later on.

"ASR it's impossible if anybody says they aren't aware of CCTV these days. If he had worked as a gardener in various houses like his resume said then he should have known." Harsh said firmly.

"It was in the village I usually worked. This is my first time in a city. I have never seen anything like this in my previous owner's house let alone touch. Please believe me I was only cleaning when it broke. Please." He started crying.

Arnav cursed under his breath as his cries irritated him like hell. Already he was going through a tough phase of his life and upon that this security glitch.

"He came in the place of Raju who recommended him didn't he?" Arnav said rubbing his forehead.

Harsh nodded.

"Raju has been loyal to Raizadas for years. He wouldn't sent someone any less. Let this man get back to work after the warning." Arnav said and his orders were followed as it is.

As Pavan left thanking him Arnav turned to Harsh.

"Get the CCTV camera in the garden repaired ASAP. Send someone to Raju's home personally. See to that what he used as an excuse to take the leave was really true or not. And yeah, keep an eye on this Pavan." Arnav ordered sternly to which Harsh nodded as he himself found it suspicious being in the security for years. When it comes to the safety of his family Arnav always had been extra cautious and today wasn't any different.

"Also, repeat the background check on Pavan. Report it to me as soon as possible." Commanding it he left to sit at the poolside instead of leaving to his room as HP informed him that though Khushi Bhabhi ordered to have jalebis but she didn't touch a thing when he took it to her.

Arnav sighed feeling his heart twisting. He seriously has no idea how to get through her. In front of Di he has said some big words that he was sure he'd be able to turn Khushi's heart in a bit of time but inside only he knows how much impossible that would be even if he tried his whole life.

"Isn't it much better that I have her with me. With or sans my love in her heart doesn't matter. Right? It shouldn't." He muttered to himself. Even as he tried to convince himself his stomach churned in pain. Knives twisted his gut.

Rubbing his chest he tried to calm himself but restlessness only piqued. It was the ping of his cellphone which brought him back to his senses somewhat.

Just for the sake of distracting himself he swiped his cell screen and saw that it was an email of an invitation to a party along with his wife.

He huffed.

Ever since his press release he was getting dinner invitations, interview requests, party invites and so on and so forth. Everyone wanted to be the first to capture him alongside his wife. This media hype upon his personal life wasn't new to him but for Khushi, it would be a hell lot of big deal since she doesn't have even a slightest clue how media operates now-a-days. Exposing her to such dark and envious world was a deal which he couldn't afford.

But the problem was he couldn't ignore the invites anymore either because this time it wasn't just any other invitation from those media personnel rather it was from his client of celebrating their recent deal. And they have invited both him and his wife. Of course it goes without saying that media would be present there for sure.

If he were to finally make a public appearance with Khushi there would be hell lots of work to be done first. That too in two days. He has to inform his PR team, manage the security, arrange for their dresses and makeup artist and the list goes on. Most importantly, first of all, he has to convince Khushi to go with him.

He ran his hand over his face in agitation. He has made her so used to stay indoor that he was himself worried now because whenever he has asked her to go out for dinner or outing she would refuse. And this time too he was sure she would do the same.

Then how would he convince her for this was important. Not only for him but also for her. This would be the best excuse to get her out of the suffocation she must be feeling staying inside a mansion for a while now.

"You are doomed, ASR." He gritted. "Totally destroyed."

He was busy in self-rebuke when a thought struck him that had him shooting up to his feet and rushing forward to execute his plan. Reaching outside the room he banged it impatiently,

"Who is-" She stopped seeing her Chote standing outside shuffling on his feet.

"What is it?" She asked crossing her arms on her chest.

"I need your help." He rasped out.

"And why do you think I'd be willing to help you?" She huffed seeing his pleading demeanor.

"Because you promised me you'd be on my side. Remember?"

"When did I-" She was cut sharply by him.

"When I took her to my secret hiding place you remember you called me and we talked about it,"

"If you want me to let you in her life then you'd have to convince her to make the decision in my favor at the end of this week!"

"I want her to choose me by hook or by crook and this time I am going to get it even if I have to manipulate it out of her then so be it. She will chose me and you will convince her to do so, Di won't you?"

"I thought she has already chosen you. Weren't you boosting it to me earlier?" Anjali gritted feeling deeply pissed.

"That was because of me. You didn't have to do anything."

"I didn't do anything?" Anjali exclaimed pulling him inside the room and shutting the door behind with vengeance. "I kept quite about your lies to Khushi ji even though I am feeling pathetic of hiding it from her and you are saying I did nothing?"


"I am still debating whether did I do right thing or messed it more. And you say I did nothing?" She exhaled.

"Listen, I-"

"Don't even say a word." She pointed a finger at him angrily.

"What you confessed to me at the dining hall do you have any idea how much it has scared me? Yet, YET I AM KEEPING QUIET. And you say I did nothing? If today Khushi has chosen to be with you it's because she doesn't know the entire truth. It's because she is scared of your threats. It's only because of those empty threats you dished out to her to make her so conscious for her family and her baby that she has had no choice but to play along being the 'family' with you." She paused to breathe.

"You think she would still want to stay with you if she found out that you never intended to do any harm to neither her nor her family because you are too afraid to lose her?"

Arnav could only stare at her after her outburst.

"Don't be so sure Di." He said after a moment. "I didn't harm her mother yes, partly because I am afraid to lose Khushi but there is another reason too."

"And what is that?"

"It would make Khushi feel grateful towards me that I did a favor to her by forgetting my revenge even though her mother deserved no mercy. It would always stay in the back of her mind and whenever she would think of leaving me she would remember it and it would stop her from taking even a step farther from me."

"You are so-" Anjali couldn't find the exact word to describe him.

"I know, right." He let out a resigned sigh. "I am sorry I didn't acknowledge your efforts till date but now I do."

Anjali looked at him incredulously at his oh-so-great way of thanking her.

"Just do me another favor, Di. Convince Khushi to go to a business party with me."

"WHAT?" She yelled frustrated. "She refuses to even go to the nearest park. Forget the park she refuses to even step out of the mansion and you are asking me to convince her to go to a party and that too of a business one where media would hound her with questions? Wouldn't it be your first public appearance after the press conference?"

"Yeah. It would be. But what's the problem, Di. I'd be there with her." He burst out losing it.

"Chote, I-"

"You don't want me to go hard on her do you? You know she would not agree if I asked her myself. And if she didn't relent it would piss me off and then,"

"Stop!" Anjali cut him looking scared. "I'd see what I can do." She said grimly.

"You have two days, Di." He reached over and kissed her on her forehead whilst she shrugged him off looking quite offended.

"You are a jerk!" She almost yelled.

He chuckled dryly and ruffling her hairs left leaving a pissed and an utterly agitated Anjali behind.


"Can I come back in the room? I am tired, Khushi." He called her sitting in the garden looking at a distance aghast.

"When did you become so obedient?" She taunted on the phone.

"I don't want to upset you anymore." He said silently and heard her sigh.

"Do whatever you want. I don't care." She snapped as his behavior like always confused her. Got on her nerves. Rose so many questions in her mind. That whether he was just pretending or was actually trying to be a better person for their child?

"Don't say that." He croaked. "If you don't want me to I will not disturb you." He let out the words with great difficulty. His heart clawed, protested against his chest.

"Oh really?" She scoffed. "As you are heeding to my every wish now then I should ask for more shouldn't I?"

"I am not letting you go, Khushi." His voice turned hard for that moment.

Khushi let out a mocking chuckle.

"I expected that." She said sarcastically. "Arnav Singh Raizada is still there. I got that. You just cover him up in layers, get him out when you want to bind me to yourself by hook or by crook, then .. then you silently make him sleep until or unless things doesn't go your way." She gave a perfect description of his character in a few, sharp words.

He swallowed past a lump.

"I love you, Khushi." He whispered into the phone with such emotions that all of the sarcasm left her and anguish hit her hard. She bit back a sob blinking back the tears.

"Y-You don't." She choked.

"Love doesn't take your life. It makes you live on the contrary. But you, you have only taken my soul bit by bit.. pieces by pieces.. day by day. Your so-called love is draining me off myself, Mr. Raizada. Can you do something about it?" She chuckled painfully.

"Wait, you can." She chewed each word at the end. "But you won't."

"I am not apologizing because I know a mere word of 'sorry' won't take away the suffering I bestowed upon you." His tone sounded misty.

"I don't want to talk about it." She suddenly shouted into the phone. "Come back in your room if you want or don't if you don't want to. I least care about these things anymore." She snapped before cutting the call vengefully.

He looked at his cell feeling his eyes prickling whilst his heart clenched into a fist. Going against his heart he stood up and went to the guest room. Lying flat on his back on the bed he looked up at the ceiling as tears burned his eyes.

Can you possibly miss the person who is just at a minute distance from you, around you 24/7?

Well, he does. All the time. Even when she is standing in front of him or as close to his as his breaths he miss and long for her like crazy. To the extremes. To infinity.

"How will I win you back? Or will I ever?" He muttered to himself. His heart breaking at his own question because it knew the answer. It knew the uncertainty of their relationship. Because one thing was for sure,

After all he did he doesn't deserve forgiveness even if he beg for it all his life. And that, even Khushi knows which was cutting him every passing moment. Just like he does not have the right to be forgiven he did not deserve to be with them either. Them, Khushi and his unborn baby.

But when has he given a damn to what he fairly deserves or what does not when it comes to Khushi? Never!

Yes, he was selfish and he would forever be so if the matter is of her. World can call him names, be against him, say that he wasn't doing it right but .. but no one can take her away from. No one. He won't let it happen.

After wallowing in self-pity for half of the night not being able to sleep he got up from the bed whilst deadly silence surrounded the mansion.

Reaching outside their room he silently turned the door knob before creaking it open a bit. Peeping in his gaze first went to the empty recliner but what made him push open the door with a bang was the empty bed, too.

"Khushi!" He exclaimed entering the room horrified. Sweat beads formed on his forehead as he started panicking breathing hard. In dark. Only the moonlight coming from the poolside was illuminating the room.

He whirled around thinking to storm off and look for her in every corner of Shantivan when his gaze landed on something suddenly making him rasp out in relief.

"Oh God. Oh God." These words left an atheist like him.

"Thank you." He choked to no one in particular running his fingers in his hairs blinking back the tears in his eyes.

Anguish hit him hard as he stepped into the poolside and fell on his knees in front of the chaise lounge she was sleeping on in an uncomfortable position. Her one arm was as usual wrapped around her midriff.

Raising himself up a bit he sat besides her before leaning on her resting his head on her shoulder with his nose buried in her neck. Closing his eyes he let out a tear or two of relief inhaling her scent to calm himself down. The raging emotions in him were let loose again due to his blinding fear of loosing her.

She was about to turn in her sleep when she felt a heavy weight on her shoulder before she felt a warm breath against her neck. Her eyes shot open in alarm. And she saw what she was expecting.

Even in her oblivion she could never mistake him with anyone else. He was the one and only. He was the only one who could dare to come this close to her, hurt her and still get away with it every time.

But this time, she doesn't know how would she ever forgive him for what he put her through. How? She can't. She won't. She would never. Period.

No amount of repentance could ever make up for all the lonely, hard, painful days she has lived the last months. Ever since their second marriage. She can list them all with precise detail but she wasn't sure whether he was strong enough to face what all he has done to her, to their relationship in one go?

"What are you doing, Mr. Raizada?" She asked plainly not making any move to push him off. She just laid still. So did he even when he has felt her stiffen beneath him he knew she was awake but he was still reeling from the shock of what he experienced moments ago.

"I thought you left." He whispered against her skin.

She shuddered as his lips moved over her neck while speaking. Closing her eyes she reigned in her emotions.

"I did," She said bluntly. He raised his head up just enough to look at her face looking sternly at him. Something punched in his gut seeing that she meant what she said.

"Your Khushi left you long ago, Mr. Raizada. Right now the woman with you here is only a mother of a child. Not someone's wife or whatever."

Swallowing past a lump he didn't react much like his inside yelled at him to but he dropped his head on hers and breathed. She rasped out in sheer angst.

"You chose me," He murmured against her mouth. His nose touching hers and so did their foreheads.

"I choose to just 'stay' with you. There is a difference." She said in a shaky voice. Her insides shivered as she felt some unknown yet known sensations rising up to the fore. Upon that her pregnancy hormones were on alert these days. Little bit of his closeness and they go on overdrive.

She knew why was it so. Her baby wanted to be close to his/her father. More so there was most probably some of her own emotions playing part in it as well, that would be the part of her heart which could never possibly hate him no matter what.

"Nevertheless, you are with me. You both are." He spoke intensely. She barely held the urge to wrap her arms around him whilst he continued to create havoc in both her mind and heart.

"Get off me. I can't breathe!" She shrieked shoving him off and sitting up. He held the end of the lounge at the last moment to prevent his fall.

His face contorted in pain seeing her predicament. It was clearly visible on her face how much restrain she herself was putting up.

"Please, Khushi." He gritted out in sheer torture.

She could see that ASR was struggling tooth and nail behind his eyes to make a comeback but his hard chain on his emotions wasn't letting him. He looked down to hide it all from her but too late she has already caught it.

"Give me at least a minute to be close to you. Or I'd go insane." He looked up at her with his bloodshot eyes.

"What the hell do you want?" She exclaimed before closing her mouth with her palm. She wasn't supposed to use harsh language while her baby could listen and feel what she would. She cursed herself in her mind taking deep breaths to calm herself.

"Yeah. It is impossible not to curse at me." He chuckled dryly knowing what was bothering her.

"Arnav ji, leave!" She warned him removing her hand from her mouth.

"I will. Just let me hug you for a minute. Sixty seconds, Khushi. Please."

The way he pleaded made tears prickle her eyes. A sudden cramp in her midriff made her close her eyes in pain. Looks like her baby didn't like his father pleading as well. She swallowed hard.

"O-Okay-" Before she could even say something else she felt herself being taken into a bone crushing hug. So tightly yet so passionately and protectively that the moment her head touched his chest the dam of tears broke loose.

Clenching her hands at her sides she silently cried.. along with him.

"I love you. Know that I love you so much," He murmured hoarsely with his nose buried in her hairs whilst he nuzzled his face with hers.

That made her cry more.

"Know that it will never be enough," She sobbed out brokenly shattering herself.. along with him.

"You ruined us both. Your definition of 'love' is scary and unhealthy." She croaked in a misty voice.

He shut his eyes in anguish.

"However scary it might gets know this too." He leaned back to look in misty eyes before cupping the side of her face. She sniffled. His Adam's apple bobbed.

"It is hurting me as much. It has cut me as deep as it broke you. Know this I am not immune to it all. I am suffering, too. Believe me. Please, trust me." He choked caressing her cheek with his thumb.

She whimpered as suddenly it all became too much for her. Pushing him away she stood up angrily facing him with wrath written on her face. He knew what she would say next would stun him to silence. And he wasn't wrong. She burst out breathing heavily.

"It was you who put a wall in between us at first right after forcing my family to cut ties with me without letting anyone say or explain anything. You weren't ready to believe that there are two sides of a coin. Because you had already made up your mind." She paused to glare at him to stay put when he tried to move closer. He nodded gritting his teeth in hurt.

"You tortured me with your hate for the next two months after forcefully marrying me again. If that wasn't enough you compelled me to leave RM too leaving behind my sister as well and the people with whom I could breath for a moment or two under your tyranny." She cried out. His eyes turned bloodshot in regret as he looked at her both pleadingly and guiltily.

"I could not forget those days and night I lived alone in that big, golden mansion of yours where you didn't let anyone enter. FOR A WHOLE MONTH. You didn't even let your sister meet me let alone mine." Her shoulders shook as she sobbed out the words.

That was when his patience snapped. And so did the reign on his emotions. The result? He removed the distance between them and hugged her close despite her protests.

"Shh. Shh." He ran his palm up and down her hairs at her back whilst she struggled hitting his arms to let her go. "I know I am horrible. I did all that. Don't torture yourself by remembering it all. It has passed. It has passed. It won't happen again. It won't." He kept holding her despite her continuous fight against him.

At last when she realized she wasn't going to get free off of his clutches she let her hands fall at her sides and cried with her head pressed against his chest right under his chin.

"You kidnapped me when the family tried to save me from your anger. You almost forced yourself on me. When you listened to the other side of the coin, when you found out about Jiji you didn't believe it too. You left me for whole 14 days without a word, in an abyss while I yearned for you despite all you did. When you came back.. you divorced me. Upon that you wanted a live-in relationship with me." She cried hard at that. His hold tightened around her as she mumbled his every sin one by one.

"You made my family run away from their own home. Just when I thought that you are changing after getting the news of my pregnancy you forced me to marry you again threatening me with my child. You used your child to make me promise to never leave you." Her voice turned small at the end with the exhaustion as all the emotions.. hate, anger, love, anguish, hurt and heartbreak all washed upon her at a time.

"I let your family come back," This was all he could say with guilty conscience.

She leaned back a bit to look up at his face with a frown. He cupped her cheeks firmly. Wiping her tears he caressed her face with the back of his fingers causing her to whimper.

"I am trying not to be demanding with you. I am trying to control my possessiveness for you. I am trying not to be over-protective. I am trying, Khushi. I can't change the past. But I will try to be a better husband and a father from now on. I will work hard. Just give me one last chance. Aik akhri mauqa, Khushi (The very last one, Khushi)." He whispered with the tip of their noses touching. His misty caramel brown orbs looked at hers with all the love and guilt in his eyes.

She averted her eyes briskly.

"You should have asked for it before taking every decision for both of us all by yourself. All the time. My say is nowhere important for you. No don't say empty words to deny it. Don't. If you had given some, at least a bit of thought to my feelings .. I might have had believed your words and trusted you. Or maybe would've forgiven you." She gritted out sternly. 

Taking advantage of his loosened hold she moved two steps back wiping her cheeks hurriedly. Sniffling she saw him trying to compose himself from the blatant truth she told him on his face.

"What if I tell you something," He cleared his throat before starting. At that moment she realized he has something up his sleeves. Something which might break the walls around her heart. Even if it didn't break it fully it was sure to put a hole or a crack in there.

"Don't." She warned scared of what he might say.

"You spoke the truth about everything I made you go through. Now it is my turn to lay a truth in front of you which had been hidden from you till now."

"I don't want to hear," She shrieked suddenly walking past him to leave.

He caught her elbow and cupped her shoulders firmly holding her at her place.

"You have to. As I listened everything you said silently as well. Time has come that you know why I did what I did."

"You did it because you hate my mother!" She wriggled. "You ruined us all because of a past which can never be changed!" She spitted fire at him.

"Yes. That's another truth. But--" Fire rose in his eyes too. "---what I said that night I didn't mean it," He shook his head and she stilled.

"What did you NOT mean?" She asked narrowing her eyes dreading his answer. Will she be able to handle the 'truth' which he so wanted her to know? Will she?

"I lied to you that day." His voice dropped as her eyes widened a bit before she chuckled wryly.

"When did you never?" She mocked realizing that it was nothing new. His games will always be twisted. He achieved his goals with lies but what he said next made her face blanched and heart to drop into the pit of her stomach.

"There wasn't any pictures of our private moments. Neither then when I threatened your mother to leave you nor at that time when I blackmailed you to choose me and forget Garima ever existed during our stay in the other mansion. Even if I had had them I wouldn't have published them publicly. NEVER." He shook his head touching his head to hers rubbing her arms as if to give her strength to bear this truth. He continued with his lips close to her ears.

"I knew you had had made up your mind that night only to give up on me when I asked you to choose me or your mother in the altar. I knew nothing could change your mind then except for another heartbreak from the woman whom you consider as a mother, a family. So I threatened her. Made her leave you so that you'd have no other option but to turn to me. That was all my ploy to make you MINE so that you couldn't leave me ever. Either."

He took a sharp intake of breath,

"And that is just one fact out of many I have hidden from you. I will reveal it all one by one until you start trusting me again like before!"



She was smiling through her tears looking at someone on her right who was still unaware of her presence. She was about to go in the same direction when something on the left caught her attention causing her nerves to freeze and feet to be glued to the ground.

"No," Left her lips as a strangled sob before she made a run to the right frantically as words eluded her.

Just as she reached the person a thundering noise of gunshot reverberated in the air and a splitting pain in her whole body made her fall on her knees with a whimper. 

Before losing consciousness she heard a familiar concerned voice full of horror screaming out her name,



(From the previous three chapters)


"Have you ever heard of something called self respect and ego? If not then let me tell you they are two siblings who live in our mind and our heart to tell us what's right or wrong for us. They tell us when should we speak or not and just give up when they both r crushed."





"I understand he is trying bahu but not let your guards down just like that or else you'd regret it. After all Arnav has Arvind Malik's blood running in his veins. Bewafai virasit mai mili hai usse (Infidelity is in his blood)" Subhadra said and saw with victorious smirk on her face as Khushi's face lost all colors and became dead pale.

"Don't get me wrong. I just don't want you to get hurt all over again. Because this time if you fell you won't be able to get up."



"Hello," She said holding the receiver to her ear.

"Mai Arnav Singh Raizada bol raha hoon (Arnav Singh Raizada here)" He arrogantly announced.

"Arnav bitwa--you," Garima couldn't believe it.

"Save your pleasantries to yourself Ms.Gupta. I called to invite you to my reception party. I am doing this only for Khushi and I hope you will cooperate in this will you?"

He could hear her happy cries on the other end.

"Zaroor bitwa.Hum zaroor ayen gay (Sure. I will definitely come.)" She replied enthusiastically. It was a miracle in itself that he called and invited her himself.

"Hmm. Don't tell anyone about this right now. I want it to be a surprise for Khushi and everyone. I hope you are getting what I mean?"

"Of course. Of course. I understand." She couldn't contain her happiness as she sobbed out the words.


Next chapter is going to be MEGA-UPDATE. It will be as long as Dillagi chapters ;)


1. How was the chapter?

2. Your favorite scene of the update?

3. Favorite dialogue?

4. What do you think about Arnav's conversation with Anjali?

5. What about Arnav and Khushi's convo?

6. Will Khushi react the same way Arnav is expecting after his revelation in the end of the chapter?

7. What about the PRECAP/TEASERS? Any guesses?

8. The songs fitting KMT's track?

Waiting eagerly for your feedback guys. Kindly don't forget to leave your precious  VOTES and COMMENTS. It will hardly take a minute or two for you but it would make my whole day :)

SILENT READERS: At least VOTE so I know who is following my story. 



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