Chapter 4

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Faasle meelon k hain dono hain alag disha...

Kabhi ye mil payen gay nahi kisi ko hai pata...


"Payaliya.. Listen to me. Payal?" Garima was calling her daughter crying but she just ran out. Giving her a reassuring glance Akash followed his wife.

While she fell back on the couch with her head in her hands.

Feeling terrible for hurting her daughter when she never intended to do.She was busy cursing herself until the landline rang.

Taking it up another one of the misery awaited her.

Her younger daughter wasn't in peace either.She begged to Arnav, she literally begged him over the phone not to hurt Khushi.Not to do anything to her. Spare her. If he wants to punish her(Garima) he can do so but just don't be hard on her daughter. Khushi wasn't at fault. She herself was.

But all she got in reply were his cutting replies which just added to her guilt and helplessness and not to mention, misery.

"Your daughter is living in a hell as she liked to call it. Do you know she just begged me to let her go because she can't bear it anymore?"

"She is mine do you get that Garima Gupta?! And you ... you are going to live with this guilt of being responsible for the ruined happiness of your daughter every minute , every second of your life."

"Spare your Khushi? How can I when it is only because of her I can't hurt you directly? Be thankful that you are her mother figure otherwise I don't show mercy to my enemies. Not even a bit."

"From now on. You will be filled with every single detail of what your daughter is suffering. I mean what's the fun in just keeping her away from you? I want more than that. I want you to die and live every moment of your life like my mother did because of you until she couldn't bear it anymore and ended her life!"

"Why not start from right this moment?Your Khushi is all alone with me right now in this mansion and do you know what I have in store for her tonight? Actually I don't think I have to spell it out to you now do I? You know its a couple thing huh!"

"Don't be harsh on her please!" Garima pleaded horrified.

"Amma- umm" She heard her daughter followed by a sound she could easily make out why did she make.

Garima's eyes widened.

"Good bye mother-in-law." Then the call was cut despite her pleads.

She felt hysteria building up in her.

The receiver slipped from her trembling hands.

What should she do?


Khushi's safety was nagging her. Arnav was right. Now that Khushi was alone with him, he could do anything and Khushi wasn't that match to his strength to fight him either. He was stronger to her and he could ..

She didn't want to think further.

She gathered her wits to be strong for her daughter. Feeling herself panicking she dialed the person she knew could make Arnav understand.

Anjali bitiya!

She took the diary from the drawer and dialled Anjali's number written on it and waited impatiently for her to pick up.

Except that she didn't.

Humre Chote hain na agar wo kissi se pyar karat hain aur unki khatir kuch naahi kar sakat hai toh wo khudhi ko saza dene lagat hain.Aisan hi hain humre Chote.

(If my Chote loves someone and couldn't do anything for them then he starts to punish his own self.That's how my Chote is.)

The words that Nani had told her that night when she thought Arnav has left her to London without heeding to her pleas came back to her suddenly as she set out to the drawer to get the first aid kit.

His violent behavior today were a proof of that.

She shuddered as the events played back in her mind.

She would never forget the dread which she felt at that moment when he was hurting himself, the effect of which she was feeling in her heart. Still!

A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of something happening to him even though he was at fault.

She just can't bear him hurting himself like that.

He was cruel but she wasn't.

Now one thing was for sure.

She still cared for him no matter what.

She don't know if she should say that she still loved him because hatred was still there in some part of her heart for belittling their relationship and for what he made her Amma decide.

He forced her Amma to leave her and then he has forced her to leave RM and her sister too.And earlier how he humiliated and terrified her mother over phone before getting hysteric to get the confession out of her.

Too shaken by the events she didn't know what to actually think or feel about everything anymore.

Maybe when the shock will subside then she might be able to make a decision with a clear mind as she just don't know how the things would get back to normal because everything was so messed up and entangled with each other that she feared everyone would be hurt beyond repair by the time things will sort out or if they ever would?

She turned around and her eyes met his who was staring at her with so much intensity that she couldn't help but squirm under his gaze.He was now sitting at the side of the bed with her duppata tied down on his hands to stop the bleeding.His eyes were still red because of his aggressive act.


The moment she screamed her confession, he smiled widely through moist eyes,rushed to her and bent to her level.

"Say it again?" He almost pleaded.

"I love you!" She whispered hoarsely.

"Again?" He asked desperately, his breathing ragged.

"I love you!" She murmured again shakily looking at the floor.

"Again?" He pleaded this time.

"I.LOVE.YOU!" She gritted out angrily at him.

Her red eyes flashed in anger at him.Furiously she took him through his elbow and dragged him to their bedroom and made him sit on bed.He let her do whatever she wants to because he had got what he wanted.She tied a duppata around his hands tightly and rushed to the cupboard to get the first aid box.

He continued gazing at her unabashedly and she continued avoiding his gaze.She seated herself besides him leaving a gap between them which he didn't like and quickly covered it shifting closer to her till the sides of their bodies were touching.Khushi's eyes widened at this, she glared up at him and tried to move away but he warned her.

"If you want to bandage it then do it sitting like this otherwise forget it."

Huffing with annoyance she complied and unwrapping her duppata had a closer look at his hands and couldn't help but feel her eyes tearing up again.Pieces of glass were pierced in his palms some superficially and some deep while the dripping blood has turned his hands red and sticky.

Closing her eyes she took off the pieces wincing making him swallow hard.

Whimpering she raised her eyes up to him and found him sitting lost in his thoughts with his gaze fastened on her. As she took out all the pieces of glass even though she winced seeing the way they were penetrated into his hands but he didn't made any sound.

Not even when she started applying the medicines in his palms carefully trying not to hurt him because she knew it will stink but he showed no sign of pain.He didn't even twitch let alone cry or even yelp and that made Khushi wonder how could he endure this physical pain without even showing it?

It made her realize how much he always was in control whenever she met him during those early days when she had started knowing him but she couldn't deny another thing that his emotions which he tried to conceal were exposed more often before her and she knew he didn't had control over it even if he tried so hard not to show them.That's what made her hurt more often because he tried to cover those weak moments with his anger and cutting words.

Done with the dressing she sighed in relief and stood up to leave but he didn't let her.

"Khushi, my shirt?" He asked huskily not wanting her to leave yet.

After her confession he was finding it hard to be away from her.He knew what he did was forceful but he don't know any other way neither had he learned.

She wouldn't have screamed her love if she hadn't cared and he knew care was another form of love.But even though she confessed , things still weren't normal between them and he wasn't sure if they ever would be.

Her gaze fell on his shirt which had dried blood stains on it and she knew he won't be able to change with his both hands injured.

Clenching her fists and trying to gather her scattered wits she took out his blue shirt from the cupboard and stood before him who was still seated on the bed looking at her, his gaze never leaving her face.

Downstairs in the living room, Arnav's phone kept buzzing which he has thrown carelessly after the "talk" with Garima.

The screen flashed with Anjali's number which he has saved as ,


Garima was on the verge of losing her sanity as she frantically dialled Anjali but she didn't pick up. Trying one more time she fell on the couch and that's when she saw Akash entering through the doors asking for a bottle of water.

"How is Payal? Is she here still?" Garima asked helplessly.

Akash felt really bad for her seeing her crying bitterly.

"Aunty, just give her some time. It is too much for her right now."

She nodded and went to the kitchen and came back with the bottle of water.Passing it to him a thought struck her hard.

Akash has already walked out. Garima rushed after him.

She stopped seeing Payal and Akash standing against his car while he made Payal drink water who was still crying.

Garima took hesitant steps to them. Then she heard her daughter.

"Lets head back home.I really don't want to stay here anymore."

"Payal.." Akash took her in his embrace whilst she hiccuped as her sobs subsided.

"Payal, atleast say bye to your Amma, babuji and Buaji before leaving?"

"Please Akash, I want to be alone.Lets go from here.I will go insane otherwise."

"Okay! Okay! Just relax.We are going home.Just don't exert much.You already look drained."

She nodded weakly and he made her have a few more sips of water.

They were about to move towards their car when Garima couldn't stay quiet anymore.

"Payaliya don't go like this.I know you are angry with me but please bitiya try to understand my situation. At that time.."

"Kaisi situation Amma?(Which situation?) Do you even know what is going on inside me? I considered Shashi Gupta my father for years since my childhood but one fine day I found out that he isn't my biological father but rather some other man is whom I haven't even known or met ever.A man who destroyed Arnavji mother's life , who destroyed my Amma's life , who now even after his death is destroying my sister's, my Amma's and my life without even being present here.Do you even know what am feeling right now being the daughter of the man who did nothing but ruined lives after lives?" She sobbed out aloud.

"Payaliya, I never wanted to tell you. I-"

"But now you did Amma and I need time to digest all this..Please let me be for sometime till then. Chalo Akash (Let's go Akash)"

Giving a sympathetic look to Garima Akash placed a hand around Payal's shoulders.

"Okay fine bitiya. Take your time but just listen to me. It's about Khushi. Arnav bitwa called and... he is torturing her. Do something. Save her from him. Talk to Anjali bitiya, Nani ji whoever could convince Arnav but just go there wherever he lives now and save Khushi from him." Garima started crying again while Akash and Payal stared at her too shocked as she narrated all the details about Arnav's unexpected sudden call.

Khushi sat besides him and started unbuttoning his shirt, her hands shaking and her heartbeat faster as if she was running a marathon.

Locking her gaze at his collars she somehow managed to unclasp all the buttons.

The most difficult task now was to untug his shirt out of his pants.Taking a deep breath to cool her shooting nerves she managed to place her fumbling hands on his belt.Her breathing laboured as she saw that the shirt wasn't moving out with her nervous tugs.Chanting her favourite goddess name in her mind unknowingly she put a bit of her fingers into side of his pants and as quickly as possible tugged the shirt out.By now she was hyperventilating.

Just minutes ago she wasn't feeling anything upon his touch, his rough kisses and now.. now she was back to being affected by him?

How could she?

She reprimanded herself and breathed to bury her emotions.

Arnav was watching her every move with hawk eyes.His conditiong wasn't any better.He saw how his proximity was unnerving her.His eyes filled up as he saw the glimpses of old Khushi in her after so many days.The khushi who fumbled and blushed prettily whenever he went closer to her.

He was missing their old relationship so much.He also knew things weren't like before neither was their relationship.He can't love her freely and she can't forgive him so easily.

Still he badly wanted to hold her and love her madly.The need was so painful and desperate that he almost cried.But he knew she would never allow him because she could confess her love forcefully but she would never tolerate him being near after what he did with her and her family.

Khushi discarded the stained shirt and very carefully made him wear the other one making sure that she don't hurt his hands.

Her hands did came in contact with his bare skin a few times accidentally that made her shiver.

It took her back to that night at farmhouse when she had caressed him to her heart's content.

Tears pricked her eyes and a lone tear did escape as she started buttoning up his shirt.

She locked the buttons hurriedly because it was hurting her to be this close to him.

It made her heart ache that he destroyed their beautiful relationship just because he couldn't forget the past.Her vision was completely blur as she clasped the last button in its hole.

Once done she immediately stood up , turned and ran out of the room without even looking back.

He watched her run out and clenched his jaws.

He knew what was going on in her mind.He was remembering the same night when they became one.When he showed her how much love her.That was the most beautiful night of his life.He felt disgusted at himself at how he used the same night as an excuse to make her his.

Wiping a tear that rolled down his cheek he stood up with a determined stance and followed her.

There was only one way out of this mess.

If only she would agree.

She has to because he would not sit until she would become his all over again.

His eyes took a calculative look taking long strides to the terrace she has ran off to.

"Its too late now. Why aren't they here yet." Anjali looked at the watch waiting worriedly for Akash and Payal who has gone to Gupta house to get Garima Gupta's side of story. There are two sides of a coin. She has known and understood but her Chote he won't understand without proofs. She hoped Akash and Payal could find something useful. She was scared for Khushi too more than ever. The way Chote has her all caged up with him. Alone.

She shuddered to even think of what the poor girl must be going through. She tried hard to make him agree to let her and the family meet Khushi but her Chote has turned an emotionless heartless being that he don't pay heed to anyone.

She didn't realize when her eyes closed lost in disturbing thoughts.

Akash and Payal when reached home it was about to dawn.No one knew how the night passed because the storm in their lifes didn't let them acknowledge or register anything else.

As they entered the living room they saw Anjali sleeping uncomfortably on the couch.

"Di.." Akash whispered.

His eyes teared up realising she must be waiting for them.

Payal and Akash shared a knowing glance and walked to her and sat on either side of Anjali.

"Akash she must be tired.I know but we have to wake her up. Khushi needs us right now." Akash gave her a nod reassuringly and was about to wake Anjali up when she stirred and woke up with a jerk shrieking "Chote.."

"Akash.." Anjali sighed registering her surroundings.Payal and Akash knew she was missing Arnav and was worried for him and Khushi.Also she waited for them the whole night because they had told her why and where they were going.

Now how would she take the news of Arnav actually torturing Khushi to hurt Garima?

She saw the grim looking Akash and a distraught looking Payal staring at her.

Anjali frowned.

"Tell me, what happened? What did she say?" Asked anjali to which they both stiffened.

"We will tell you but first you have to do anything but get in that mansion of Bhai. Khushi ji needs us." Akash stated with panic written all over his face.

"Or if you can call him. Do anything but stop him from hurting Khushi. We can't do this because he won't listen to us. Please do something. Get my sister out of his clutches?" Payal started sobbing.

Blinking back the tears Anjali nodded feeling bile rising up her throat.

"My phone?" Anjali looked around and realized she has forgotten it in her room.

Akash ran up and fetched it for her and Anjali frantically dialled Arnav's number. He didn't pick up even after many attempts.

Khushi's cell was switched off.

"Akash take out the car. We are going there now!" Anjali said worriedly not feeling good about all this at all.

Why she has a feeling that something terrible is about to happen?

"Khushi?" He called her

.She was standing with her back to him staring into the night sky.

"Leave me alone Mr.Raizada." She said without turning around.

"I just.." He started.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!! ATLEAST FOR A MINUTE MR.RAIZADA!!!" She shouted now facing him.

"Fine! I will leave but just listen to me once and then I'll. Please."

Khushi was surprised because she felt he would pounce on her for shouting at him.

But he didn't.

She looked away not answering anything.Tentatively he covered the distance between them till he was standing an arm length away from her when she slowly turned to him.

"I know things aren't good between us." He started.

"You think?" She said sarcastically.

"I know they aren't."

"That's so very grateful of you." Another taunt was thrown his way.

He gritted his teeth to control his anger because she wasn't making it easy.

"Please Khushi let me say as its very difficult for me."

"More difficult than mocking our love huh?"

His nostrils flared and this time he didn't had control over his anger as he pinned her between him and the railings.His bandaged hands on the cold fence caging her within.

"Dammit Khushi, let me speak.I know I did wrong.I know I belittled our relationship.I know I hurt you so much.I know that I am bloody responsible for every fucking wrong thing in our life, for every pain and hurt.I know and I am sorry."

Was he serious?

Humiliate someone to the point of destruction, force them, insult them and break them and then come and say a simple sorry as if it would repair all the broken pieces back together like nothing happened?

"Can your sorry change anything? Can it give me back my innocence which I gave you thinking that you loved me and would never break my trust that you would never leave me? Can it make the pain any less which I felt when you mocked our love and forced me to leave my family?" She asked tearfully looking at him accusingly.

His eyes pricked.Covering the remaining distance between them he rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.

He has to make her understand. He has to. After her confession, it will be impossible for him to stay away.

"I am sorry. So sorry." He murmured against her face.

Khushi closed her eyes as his breath was fanning over hers which was creating havoc in her senses.

His affect was back with just three words out of her mouth?

She didn't know that forced confession would make her vulnerable before him all over again.

He breathed against her face.

They both stood like that not caring of anything.Just savouring the feel of being this close.It was hurting them as well as giving them peace.

He opened his eyes and trailed his nose along her cheek making her breathless.

"Please forgive me."

She turned her face away and sobbed.

"I can't. It's just too much. This time I can't even trust you.I gave you so many chances but you always broke my trust one way or the other.This time you have taken away all our chances. You shredded our relationship to the point of no return. We would never be the same again. Never. Because there won't be us ever again."

"Khushi. Listen.." He tried to cup her cheeks but she pushed him away.

"I am still the daughter of Garima Gupta. Can you forget that? Can you forgive her?"

"NO! I will never forgive her for killing my Maa." He shouted. His dark side resurfacing.

"Then what's the need to say sorry to me when you won't even forget your past.One way or the other this past will come in between us every other day then what will you do? Will you again punish me for that? Will you again hurt me with your words huh? Or encage me in your mansion all over again.Forcibly impose your rights on me? Make me do everything as per your likes.Or will you again force me to confess my love and then come back and say sorry? Thats it? In all this, the pain the hurt I will go through what about that Mr.Raizada?" She didn't realize but the tears were flowing down her cheeks as the hurt and pain was too much.

"I have made a decision about that." He declared taking her in his arms again wiping her tears.

"Decision? What?" She asked trying to break free from his grip but he tightened his hold on her.

"I will never ever hurt you or punish you for your mother's mistake only if you'll forget you know a person named Garima Gupta.Think that woman never existed. Think that that woman is dead!"

A bewildered Khushi just stared at him stunned.

Before she could reply the doorbell rang making Arnav frown at the interruption while Khushi was too preoccupied to notice anything else.

Impatiently he waited for her answer but she just stood shocked as if he took away her ability to speak.

Now someone was ringing the bell continuously.

"What the hell?" Muttering under his breath he gave a glance to his wife before stepping back.

"I will be back in a minute." He said but she didn't even hear it.

He leaned against the terrace to look down and found Akash car's parked outside his mansion and right besides it was standing his Di, Akash and Payal one of whom had her finger pressed to the bell.

His jaws clenched.

Now what were they doing here at this time of the night?

Didn't he tell clearly that no one was allowed to come here?

No. He would never allow them to intrude between him and Khushi.


Their intrusion mean they would try to distance Khushi from him.

Not only that it would give Khushi hope to rely on someone else other than him.

No way!

He could never allow that.


Not when he was on the mission to make Khushi take his side by forgetting everything. Forgetting that her family ever existed.

It was him. Only and only him in her life now.

Just him!

He tilted his head to give a glance to his wife who was still standing like a statue before walking to her and taking her wrist dragged her with him.

Maybe it has pulled her out of the stupor as she wriggled.

"Leave me. Let go Mr.Raizada!"

He didn't until he shoved her in the nearest room and slammed the door shut on her face before locking it from outside.Not realizing that the lights of that room weren't working

She banged the door as she registered the dark pitched room. Her heart hammered against her chest as she tried to search for the switchboard in darkness.

"Arnavji. Open the door? What are you doing? And- why?" She frantically thumped her palms causing his heart to clench but he stood his ground.

The doorbell was still ringing.

Taking a deep breath he walked downstairs hurriedly completely missing what she said next.

"It's dark here Arnavji.I can't breathe. Let me out. Please.Please." She cried out hysterically.

While Arnav opened the door to their porch and locked it behind him too before proceeding to the main gate with a determined look on his face.


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