Chapter 7

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Hai dhoop sa wo agar, wo chandni raat si hai

Mil payen kabhi ye dono, kya teri isme hai raza?


"She has had a heart attack!"

Startled gasps reverberated in the otherwise silent hospital corridor.

"No need to worry.Due to immediate treatment she has come out well.She will be fine.We need to keep her in observation for a few day.But she is out of danger. So relax all of you."

"Doctor can--we-" Akash cleared his throat."--can we see her?"

"In a few minutes, yes but keep her out of any stress as now she is a heart patient.I will take your leave and yeah whoever this 'Chote' is, call him if he is still not here because patient is calling his name and meeting him will bring positive change in her for sure." Doctor left and all looked at Mamaji knowingly who closed his eyes in defeat.

"Akash. Call Chote. Fast please." Anjali cried out falling back on the chair.

Payal was consoling Manorama while Akash looked at his father pleadingly who nodded grimly at him giving the permission reluctantly.

Akash pulled out his phone and dialed his brother urgently.

Just that his several calls went unanswered from the other side.

"Welcome Mrs.Arnav Singh Raizada!" His husky dominating voice greeted her as soon as she entered his cabin closing the door behind her.

She was feeling really low after he rejected her plea to meet her mother who was sitting downstairs most probably still crying over this same fact and above all the possibility that she could be pregnant added more dullness and apprehension inside her causing her heart to beat slowly in painful thuds.

"Mrs.Raizada, its the message from your doctor. Your reports are ready. I called to ask that whether you will collect them yourself or should I courier them to your home?"

Khushi's eyes widened.

"No. NO! Don't send them to my home. No. I will collect them by the- by the evening."

Tears brimmed in her already swollen eyes.

"Is there a possibility that I-" She felt needles pricking her throat.

"Since you are married and living with your husband, yes. But it could only be confirmed by tests. Should I take your blood sample?" She took her consent kindly.

"Or you can use pregnancy kit?"

She shook her head not wanting to know the results too soon.

"Okay blood test then?"

Khushi's paled whilst nodding which didn't go unnoticed by the doctor either. She sighed understanding it.

"Mrs.Raizada, it seems you're emotionally going through a tough phase.Let me warn you then, now that there can be a possibility of you being pregnant, this stress can risk the baby's health and even yours as well.Why don't you bring your husband along when you'll be here for collecting your reports hmm? It'll be great relief for you as well if he'll accompany you because if it turned out positive, this is the biggest joy for every to-be-father."

If only the doctor knew what sort of trauma she was going through in actual and who was responsible for it then she would have never advised her to bring her husband along. Ever.

"Thinking about me?" His voice so close to her startled her and she realised now she was trapped between the door and him. She registered that he has also shut down all the blinds of his cabin closing the outside world out there somewhere.

Taking deep breath she startled him with a plain affirmative answer.


"Really?" His eyes twinkled with joy but her next words took his breath away.

"I miss you!" Her hoarse whisper slashed his heart.

"Khushi.." His hands came up to her cheeks to cup them softly.

"I miss my Arnavji who couldn't see tears in my eyes and he used to go overboard just to bring a smile on my face and--and now--now he just don't even care if I am crying or hurt. If I want something or not.He just wants his revenge and for that he is even ready to sacrifice the same girl who once was his love."

He blinked his eyes to keep the moisture at bay.

Was this what she thinks of him?

Does she even know how much he himself was hurting while hurting her?

"Is this what you think of me? That it no more hurts me to see tears in your eyes? Is it?" He shook her shoulders demanding answers. Answer which he refused to give her ever, irony wasn't lost on him but he was Arnav Singh Raizada. If he wants something, he gets it. Even if he knew how unfair he has been behaving lately.

"I don't have to think anything. I just had a demo few minutes ago when you didn't even care when I pleaded with you to let me meet my Amma."


She was still thinking about her mother!

She was STILL worried for that woman who was responsible for everything going wrong in their life?

How could she?

How COULD she?

Here he was going nuts due to the battle inside him and there she was still thinking for someone who destroyed their present and most probably future too?

"Chose Khushi..Either your mother or me?"

"My her because she is right and you are wrong!"

With that the night when she chose her mother over him came back to hurt him all over again, cut him as if it happened just a moment ago. As if she did it in real all over again.

Fine then!

He would show her. With that the coldness seeped back into him and the walls started building up around ASR suffocating him in. Just that he decided to suffocate her with himself so that she understands what he was feeling. What he would feel doing this to them.

"What happened now huh? Don't have any answer? That's because you know I am right isn't it?" Khushi swallowed past a lump.

"I don't have to prove anything because I know what I feel for you in my heart." He said through clenched teeth.

"Heart huh? Do you even have one Mr.Raizada?" She gibed.

He closed his eyes as his hands slipped from her cheeks to her shoulders and before she knew it she felt sharp pain in her upper arms as he dug his nails in her skin.

"You're hurting me!" She cried out."Let me go!" She protested only to find herself pinned to the side table as he hit his fist against it causing her to jump.

"For how many times do I have to repeat that I will never, NEVER let you go?" His hands were on either sides of her placed flat on the side table behind.

"I am in no mood to fight with you right now. Just tell me for what you called me here?" To be honest she was scared to see this side of him. The side which she has seen more often. The side which has torn her apart too many a times. She wondered what was left of her anyways to be broken that he was ready to start it all over again?

"You want to know why I called you right? Then hear me out. Hear me out with your ears wide open because I won't repeat!" He leaned too closer to her, too much that he could see his reflection in her eyes too. He could see the pain in her eyes too. He could see the misery written in them clearly as well. The misery bestowed upon her by him. By HIM. The man who loved her once. Who love her still. But just can't be with her but can't give up on her either!

Khushi swallowed past the cry burning her throat.

"Downstairs you already saw your so called mother didn't you? You can go meet her but you will have to say something to her. No- scratch that. You will shout the words on her face at the end of your reunion!"

"W-What.. w-words?"

"Did you call him Akash?"

Akash nodded dejectedly.

"He won't pick up.I even left him a message that it is urgent but.." He looked away as his eyes teared up due to hurt at his Bhai's ignorance.

Anjali placed a hand on his shoulder and cupped the side of his face.

"Akash, relax.If you'll break like this then who will give support to the family and Payal? You do know she needs you right? In fact we all need you and even Chote does. I am scared of his reaction after knowing the whole truth and I am apprehensive as I know he won't believe Garima Aunty in this matter without proofs."

Akash composed himself and nodded.

"Di, you should call him as he won't attend my calls.Inform him about Dadi and I shall go and collect her reports and prescription. I shall be back buying the necessary medicines in case we need them."

Anjali nodded and gave him a tight hug knowing that her brother needed this at this moment.

Akash gave her a thankful kiss on her forehead before leaving the ICU corridor.

Garima was restlessly sitting on the couch close to the reception waiting impatiently to get an opportunity to talk to Arnav but the way he looked angry seeing her and how he shouted when Khushi was about to meet her, she doubted he would ever listen to her let alone believe what she would tell him.

"But I have to talk to him anyways. For my Khushi." She felt her eyes tearing up again as she recalled how devastated she looked when Arnav refused to let her meet her. So she asked the receptionist again to inform ASR that she was here to meet him.

"Mam, it is impossible today to meet him. I mean the woman who went upstairs a few minutes ago was his wife and he strictly told me not to direct any calls to his office until he allows. I think you should leave and come some other time maybe?"

"No. No. I can wait. Its urgent."

"Okay." The receptionist shrugged.

"W-What... w-words?" Her breaths got stuck up in her throat sensing the evilness emanating from him.

"That you trust your husband more than anyone. That Arnav Singh Raizada is right about her. That she is nothing but a cheater. That she don't deserve to be kept any relation with. That this time, you are with your husband, your Arnavji because you love him and you hate her."

With every word he spoke Khushi's face turned more and more red in anger that by the time he finished she was fuming.

"What has gotten into you? Just this morning you were so desperate to make up for all that you had done and now -- now you are back to being -- you!" She mumbled the last word.

He pulled back and catching her elbow gave her a push to the door.

"Go and do as I said." He ordered mercilessly.

She looked at him flabbergasted.

"Do you really think I would do that?" She hissed.

"You will. You will have to!" He was firm.

"What would happen if I didn't?" She challenged him.

"Instead of you I would do it and trust me I would say much more than I told you!" He would get whatever he wants at any cost.

"You won't." She warned.

"Is that a dare?" He raised his eyebrow.

"I can't believe it. You purposely called Amma here so that you could hurt her and me by refusing me to meet her even though she was just few feet away from me?" Her voice shook."And now you want me to humiliate her publicly in your office even though you know all of your employees would be downstairs and the news won't take a moment to spread and eventually it can reach to the media. And that... that can ruin my mother beyond repair!" She couldn't keep her voice down. Just that the glass walls of his cabin were sound proof or else every one downstairs would have heard her outburst.

"How sick of you Mr.Raizada!" She spitted out the words.

He curled his hands into fists. Agreed he has plans and he has done so much but he won't take the responsibility of what he hasn't done.

"Shut up! I didn't call her here but now that she is here I thought why not use this opportunity to the fullest huh? So I called you here.It was fun watching the scene downstairs.Have you seen how much she was sobbing and hurting seeing you after months.That gave me immense joy seeing her like that." He smirked evilly at her for paying her back the accusation she hurled on him.

"You disgust me!" She came up to him and placing her palms flat on his chest gave him a hard push behind that he staggered a step back.

She was breathing heavily due to anger and helplessness.

Arnav saw her about to lose her senses and that's when he intervened like always.

For the last three months, whenever he knew he has gone overboard and she was about to lose her edge and sanity any minute from now he would do something that would stop her mind from thinking any further and right now he did the same. So as she turned to leave he caught her arm and dragging her gave her the push to his leather chair behind the table and leaning to her pressed his lips to hers whilst she punched his chest to get free. She tried to stand up but he was standing in between her legs to hinder any movements.

When her struggles became too much to handle he slipped his arms around her without breaking the lips and pulled her up against him cupping the back of her head and by the time he left her, her lips were swollen and her eyes were bloodshot with anger, too much anger that took away her ability to speak either.

Exhaling she let out a howling scream of frustration and helplessness that made him press his lips hard bleary eyed. She yelled hard until she couldn't produce a sound and Arnav let her because letting it all out would relieve her. If she would've buried it in then that would've been a problem.

Putting pressure on her shoulders he made her sit on the chair behind while she was too exhausted to protest. Then he sat down infront of her on his knees and took the glass full of water placed on his table before bringing it closer to her lips. Placing his one hand at the back of her head he made her drink the whole glass.

In all this he totally missed his cell phone screen lit up and then closing every other minute.

"What are you planning to do to me? You break me into pieces and then gather those pieces back together only to crush them all over again. Why? What is it that you are want to do?" She asked hoarsely after a minute.

He averted his eyes and turned to place the glass back on the table before standing up again.

"Now that you are better, get up and go do as I told you!" He commanded making her gape at him in shock.

"What he must be doing to my daughter?" Garima mumbled whilst shaking with fear.

He has seen her. HER. The woman he loathed with all his heart and he was angry too. He was keeping Khushi with him to hurt her(Garima). And the thought of what he must be doing in anger made her shudder. It was already half an hour Khushi went up there in his office and still there was no sign of her.Neither of her nor of him. She couldn't hear anything either. The blinds were shut. So obviously no one could see from downstairs either.

Feeling perspiration gathering on her forehead she stood up seeing the receptionist busy with a call. Carefully she walked to the stairs making sure not to catch anyone's eyes and then she was standing outside ASR's cabin with her heart hammering with fear in her chest.

Seeing her not making any move he exhaled.

"Fine then." He shrugged."I guess you want me to do the honors don't you? Okay. Well and good." He turned. Khushi stood up and coming around him blocked his way. Abruptly she gave him a push that he found himself falling on the chair she was sitting just a moment ago.

"What is your problem? You are getting what you want by keeping me away from my family then why this? Why do you want to do this?" She growled.

"Because that isn't enough for me anymore!" He stood up angrily punching his fist on the table.

"Because I want to be done with it as soon as possible. I want to destroy that woman once and for all so that I can live with you peacefully."

"I pity you Mr.Raizada. I really do. You need help, badly!"

"Yup I do. I need your help. My wife's to fulfill the task I couldn't. All this is happening because you came in the way. You came in the way of my revenge. Otherwise, as I told you I would've been done with her a long time ago." He gritted. "Now its freaking three months and yet, yet all I did was just say a few words to her. Nothing more than that. Just because of you.I am fed up. Big time."

He brought his face closer to her.

"If I can't hurt your mother, YOU will do that for me." He announced making her heart clench.

"Why do you think would I help you in your evil plans?" She couldn't believe how far he was ready to go.

"Because I know you are hiding something from me. I know something is going on behind my back in your mind. Probably some escape plan or whatever." He gritted.

Khushi's hand involuntarily went to her abdomen as she felt her heartbeat pacing up.

"Just let me tell you a thing very clearly Mrs.Raizada." He removed the distance between them.

"Sooner or later, I will find out whatever you are hiding from me. When I did, you should think of what would I do to you and your family especially your mother for being the reason of that secret between us!"

Khushi gulped. Her hands trembled. Her body shook. He sensed her apprehension. He was too keen an observer when it comes to her.So he was right all along. She was hiding something from him and she was afraid what he would do if he found out.

"Worry not sweetheart. I won't leave you if that's what bothering you.Instead I would do far more worse."

"W-What?" She croaked clearing her throat. His cold, red eyes gave her a fright.

"I will finish it. I will finish whatever forced you to lie to me!"

She swayed in her steps sucking off all the emotionlessness from him as he caught her in his arms and rubbed her back worriedly.

"Khushi? Khushi?" He patted her cheek seeing her eyelids drooping.

He quickly made her sit and sprinkled water on her face. Swallowing she opened her eyes and he breathed in relief.

"Tum theek ho?(Are you alright?)" He asked cupping her cheeks.

She scoffed. She couldn't help it.

"What do you think?" She asked him instead."How am I?"

He sighed exasperated.

"What are you hiding from me Khushi?" He asked instead.

Suddenly it clicked her and it just added to her misery.

"Oh now I get it. That offer of breakfast in the morning and then giving me the keys of the mansion. Those were your attempts to soften me up so that I blurt out whatever you think I am hiding from you.Isn't it Mr.Raizada?"

He kept quiet but the way he wasn't meeting her eyes gave her, her answers.

"You are too--selfish!" She pressed her lips together running her fingers in her hairs.

"What if I am? What if huh? Tell me? I want to be with you forever. Forever. What wrong did I want? What is wrong in it if I want to solve our problems and be done with them so that I can breath in peace?"

"Again! You! You! Just You! Did you ever ask me what do I want?"

"I don't have to!"

"Why is that so?"

"Because you belong with me. Just me. I know that. So why would I waste my mind asking it?"

"You are so full of yourself aren't you?"

"I am confident of what I want and what I don't in my life Mrs.Raizada!"

"Monster!" She taunted.

He let out a dry chuckle.

"You loved this monster once. You can't deny that can you?"

"Of course I did. I DID. Means that's in the past now. Past. I loved you. LOVED as you said." She emphasized.

He swallowed the anger and frustration at her denial.

"What are you hiding from me Khushi? Tell me!" He repeated his earlier question.

"There is nothing. Do you hear me. NOTHING. Just leave me alone." She burst out on him standing up to come face to face with him.

"Fine. Okay then." He nodded."But if I found out that you lied to me Khushi then don't blame me for what I would do then!" He patted her cheek. Khushi's heart galloped in fear. She just hoped the reports turn out negative so that it won't remain a lie anymore.

She exhaled when he turned to the door hearing a hesitant knock but her relief was short lived as he opened the door and she found her mother standing right there. Before she know it the door was banged shut on her mother's face by her very husband, Arnav Singh Raizada whilst he turned to her. She saw right there, the flames of revenge has burned up inside him all over again.

"Look at the audacity of that woman, your so called mother. Firstly she has had the audacity to come here in MY office and now she came up to MY office too. Bravo. Such a disgusting creature!"

"MR.RAIZADA!" Khushi growled angrily."Mind your language!" She warned.

She gasped when he stormed to her in a lightening speed, gripped her arms and brought her closer.

"Language huh? Language! Fine Mrs.Raizada. I will mind my language very well. You refused to do the bid. Now I will do it. In front of the whole office. Watch me!" He pushed her away and walked to the door. Khushi ran past him and blocked the door breathing heavily due to fear.

"Don't do it." She shook her head.

"Khushi, step aside." He said firmly.


"If you don't want me to do it then fine. I won't. Just that you will do it instead of me. I am ready to give you a consolation as well. Not in front of the whole office. You will say it all to her just before me in here.In my office! What say?" He placed both his hands on either sides of her before caressing her left cheek with the back of his hand.

"Okay." Not having any other option she agreed.

"Wonderful!" He pecked her lips and as she stepped aside he opened the door.

"Come in. Come in mother-in-law!" He invited her in with a smirk. Khushi gulped past the saliva as her mother walked in closing the door behind her.

Khushi and Garima looked at each other longingly not moving from their place.

"What are you waiting for sasuma? Won't you greet or hug your daughter?"

Garima's head shot to him in surprise due to his extra cheerful stance. She looked at Khushi confused who averted her eyes with knots forming in her stomach.

"Come on. Come on sasuma. Hug her. It has been months already." He ushered.

Not understanding anything, Garima walked to Khushi and threw her arms around her before sobbing.

Over her shoulder Khushi raised her pouring eyes to her husband pleading to him to take back what he said but he didn't. He gave her a piercing glare which made her understand everything she had to. She has to do this. To save her mother's reputation.

"Leave me!" Khushi pushed back rudely.

"Bitiya?" Garima rasped startled.

Khushi swallowed as an invisible punch landed in her gut hearing the word bitiya said with so much hurt.

"Bitiya? You call me your daughter and look what you have done to me and my life. You destroyed me!" She yelled.

Garima paled.

"I didn't mean to beta. I never wanted it to happen. I didn't do anything wrong. You know that don't you?" She cried out.

"I thought that I know you. I believed you. But now as I got a lot of time to think about it. I am not sure anymore." She croaked despite herself.

"What do you mean?"

"You heard me. If you were right then you must has had proof that are!"

"Don't say that bitiya." She sniffled."I am here today just to clear things out. To tell Arnav bitwa the whole truth."

"What truth huh? What kind of truth? That he was right all along? That you were responsible for the death of his parents?"

"No. No Khushi. What are you saying?" She croaked wiping her eyes with her saree pallu but the tears just won't stop.

"Your daughter life is ruined and you waited for three months to reveal your so called truth huh Amma?" Khushi cried out."You took three months to come. Where were you when he tortured me days and nights. Emotionally drained me?" Khushi didn't know when her act became real that took even Arnav by surprise while Garima looked ashamed.

"I was gathering the courage to tell him the truth bitiya which isn't something small but very big. I am sorry Khushi."

"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Everyone say sorry after hurting me. Everyone. Everyone! No one comes to save me from him. They all have to say just one word. SORRY. Fuck that sorry word!"

Arnav's eyes widened as Khushi cursed.


"Don't call me that!" She shrieked."If you are forgetting then let me remind you. You yourself broke all the relations with me in that mandap. You could've stood up for me but you didn't. You could've saved me but you didn't. You could've said the truth that day but you didn't." Her face turned red with all the screaming.

Garima could do nothing but gape at her daughter who looked devastated inside out.

"I agree. I agree I took some time but now I am here. I will tell him the truth and then you will be free of misery-"

"I believe him." Khushi cut her rudely.

"I believe him I said. He is right and you are wrong.You turned your back to me even knowing with what intentions he was marrying me."

Her sobs along with Garima's filled the air of his cabin.

"I am withering away with every passing second and none of you care. Not you. Not him. Not anyone else. Because one is busy gathering courage to speak and the other is busy plotting revenge. In amidst all I am being squeezed in this war." She pointed to herself with her both hands shaking. Arnav clenched his hands with his eyes moistening.

"Still no one tells me what is my fault in all this. No one!" Her lower lip trembled whilst her knees were about to buckle up when Arnav rushed to her and leaned her on him.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She pushed him taking many steps away from him. Garima placed her palm on her mouth.

"Khushi!" He warned taking a step to her.

"Leave me alone. You!" She pointed to him."And you too!" She turned to her mother.

"Go. Go and live with this guilt that you are the reason your daughter is suffering. Oh wait. Wait. I don't think it would make a difference to you would it? No. Of course not. Because I am not your REAL daughter anyways."

"KHUSHI!" Garima bellowed.

"Don't shout. It is the truth. You must be happy getting rid of me. Do tell this to Buaji too. She must be happiest of all." She said and stormed out leaving her mother frozen on her steps. Not only her but Arnav was stunned to silence too. Without thinking anything he ran after her and while descending the stairs he saw her walking out of the exit.

The receptionist stopped him extending the cordless to him.

"Later!" He said urgently walking hurriedly ahead.

"It's from Anjali Mam. She said its important." She walked with him.

"Tell her I will talk to her later." He walked ahead.

"Your grandmother is in hospital ASR. She has had a heart attack." She said from behind.

"WHAT?" The earth beneath him slipped.

He stormed out after getting the name of the hospital.

Whilst driving he called Khushi over and over again but she didn't pick up.

"Don't make me mad again Mrs.Raizada."

"Pick up."


"Great huh.Saale sahab is torturing Khushiji to hurt her mother.Interesting." He said smirking.

"Of course damad ji. That girl is paying the price to separate you and my Anjali bitiya." Subhadra Devi smiled satisfied.

"Hmm Dadi ji what should be our next phase of action? We thought knowing Garima's truth he will never marry Khushiji but he married her forcefully again threatening her mother."

"Yes our plan backfired but in a way we won damadji because that girl is just his wife for the namesake and that Garima is also getting her well deserved punishment." She smirked.

"But didn't you see the hidden pain behind his eyes Dadiji when he married her? He still loves her.What if her tears and hurt melt him some day? What if he decides to forget and forgive what happened in the past.All of our hard work will be wasted then." Shyam shuddered even thinking of this possibility.

His only goal now was to get Khushi out of this relationship and let her know only he can love her unconditionally, no one else.

How much his blood boiled when he came to know that she slept with Saale sahab before their second wedding.But he was still ready to overlook that deception of her and will accept her wholeheartedly.

Only if Saale Sahab will leave her.

What he didn't do to get her?

Lied, cheated and even tried to kill someone.

For her he even kidnapped Saale sahab to get his money so that he could provide her luxurious life but she herself came to save him and confessed her love for Arnav.

How much he wanted to bang her head right there to put some sense in her.

Only if she would have looked at him with love for even a fleeting second he would've done everything for her but she was just so in love with that Arnav that she wasn't even ready to even look at him.

Now that he got a chance then he was going to use it to the fullest and for that he will go to any extent.

He will get her by hook or by crook.He has convinced Dadi of her deceive.She will do his work on his behalf.Arnav's own dadi will handover her daughter-in-law to her damadji and that's me.Shyam Manohar Jha!

Subhadra Devi was still talking.

"I have planned for that as well.Whenever we will see Arnav melting.We will just have to remind him of Garima's deception and he himself will do the rest.I know how much Chote loves his mother.That'll always go in our favour." Subhadra said smiling victoriously.

Shyam's phone rang. Anjali has been calling him a lot lately and he has ignored it sending a message that he was busy. But now in front of Subhadra he couldn't do that so he picked up the call.

"What? Why didn't you tell me before? Okay.I was busy. I am sorry. I will be there as soon as possible Rani Sahiba. Don't worry." Shyam pretended to be worried whilst from inside he was exaperated.

"What happened?"

"Nani ji is in hospital." He revealed.

Khushi walked in the hospital cutting his calls angrily. She don't want to deal with him now that she was here to collect her reports and she was already terrified. When the truth has to come out sooner or later she shouldn't run away from it. So she was here before the evening. She was tried of being hanging in the middle. Heaviness inside her chest was already getting too much.

She didn't want to be that rude to her mother. She was after all her Amma. But she didn't know how everything came out of her harsher than she expected. It was already making her guilty as well as devastated. Remembering her mother shocked stance cut her insides more than ever.

"I am sorry Amma. I am really sorry. I didn't had any choice. I had to save you from him somehow." She mumbled to herself feeling her eyes pricking.

"Come in Mrs.Raizada." Dr. Nidhi said with a smile.

Khushi faked a smile. She couldn't do any better at that time. She was already feeling on the edge.

"My reports?" She asked after sitting across her. She twisted and untwisted her fingers nervously.

"Hmm. Okay." She walked to the cupboard and pulled out a file before sitting back on her chair.

Opening the file she read it and passed it to her after a minute.

"What is it?"

"Come on. Have a look at it yourself." She urged.

With trembling hands Khushi opened it and then sucked in the breaths as her eyes froze on the result at the end.

"I-I am pregnant." She cried out bursting out sobbing.

"Mrs.Raizada?" Nidhi walked around the table to her and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"How can I be pregnant?" She choked burying her face into her hands.

"Calm down. It is not good for you to stress in this condition." She advised kindly. She has seen her anxiety yesterday very clearly as well and now she seemed to have lost it.

"I-I shouldn't be-" Khushi mumbled into her hands.

"You can't do anything about it."

"I could do so much. I could've." She croaked."I shouldn't have trusted him. I shouldn't have loved him.How would I save my baby from him when I can't even save my myself." She looked up at her who was sitting on the edge of the table.

"Why do you think you have to save your baby from him?" Nidhi asked cautiously.

"Because he said he would finish the reason which made me lie to him." Tears rolled down her cheeks unchecked.

"ASR would never do that Khushi no matter what." Nidhi said seriously.

"When he can hurt me even when he loved me then he can do anything doctor. Anything." She said hiccuping. Nidhi placed the tissue box in front of her before giving her water. Taking a sip Khushi breathed making up her mind.

"No. No. I won't let the things go that far. I would do it myself before he even gets to know it."

"What would you do?"

Khushi took a sharp intake of breath.

"Abort it. I would finish it myself before he could." She sobbed out the words making Nidhi stunned.


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