Chapter 3

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Another day was being born. Little Kong sat atop the mountain. His eyes were fixed on the sun as it slowly rose into the sky. Its light made his white fur glow. A gentle breeze came by, blowing past the young Kaiju cat. The youngster shivered. A question kept repeating itself in his head.

Where was his father?

King Kong promised that he would be back, that he would return. But it had been several weeks since Little Kong had seen his father. The Ruler of Skull Island seemed to have vanished into thin air. Strangely enough, the weird object that had docked itself on the coast had disappeared around the same time. A horrible thought crossed Little Kong's mind.

Had his father been kidnapped?

"Father..." Little Kong rasped. His voice was heavy with sadness. Was it true? Had his father, the great King Kong, really been kidnapped? Would he ever be able to return? What if he couldn't? Questions were racing through the young Kaiju cat's head faster than fish could swim and birds could fly. Shaking tremendously, Little Kong sat down and grasped his forehead in his paws.

What was he going to do?

If King Kong was indeed gone, then Skull Island had no ruler. Little Kong knew that he was supposed to be the next king. His father had been preparing him for that his whole life. But that didn't mean he was ready to lose his father or rule Skull Island. For goodness sake, he still had more to learn before he could become king.

There wasn't much to do now. It was no use wishing for time to turn back. It wasn't. Life did not work like that. It never did. Little Kong had to deal with the facts. His father was gone, either kidnapped or, worse, dead. Skull Island was in need of a new king. And it was gonna have to be him.

Sucking in fresh air to compose himself, Little Kong raised his head. The morning sun was still rising. A new day was upon Skull Island. It was waiting for its king. His father King Kong was gone. He was their king now. Standing up, he headed off to take care of his responsibilities as the new Ruler of Skull Island.

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